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Update on the Trade Bar Store (Xbox One)



  • hey#7807 hey Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I am requesting a refund from Xbox and asking your game be removed from xbox and that we get a different mmo because ARC is a bunch of lying thieves. You did this because you want us to spend more money on your outragously priced zen. so everyway we are able to earn anything ARC takes it away and says nothing like they did now. Coal wards rubies suspensions, they act like a criminal organization. Thieves liars and cheats scoundrels hooligans bunch of frikkin jerks i hope to god you are removed from xbox u frikkin crooks this is solely about you guys forcing us to buy zen. If you put half that focus into your game and not ripping off your customers your game would work and you'd be making money like you want to and your customers would be happy. <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> pour customer service mixed with poor work ethic and terrible management team = NVWXBOX. THANKS FOR RUINING YOUR GAME
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    You call my guild a top PvE Guild in your twitch stream the other night hmmmmm well i could hardly fill a 5 man group to run your content last night. So many of us have been buzzing the new Mod with all the possibilities and ya go and bottleneck everyone of us. These stupid decisions have ill affects on the entire player base. I've said this almost a dozen time from your shenanigans here Crytic and PWE QUIT BITING THE HANDS THAT LITERALLY FEED YOU! Bandages only help if you clean the dressed wound not pound dirt into it put a bandage on it and let it fester. SMMFH...
    Post edited by zman81420 on
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
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    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
  • gilesdpgilesdp Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I'm done.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    So the Stall and Wait it out strategy failed, and it appears that "lets give them the minimum we can get away with" strategy is not faring much better mmm
    Consults the Oracle of Neverwinter for likely outcomes: sees more darkness and more spirit beings departing for pastures new :)
  • masterogamasteroga Member Posts: 474 Arc User
    I imagine a high up Executive sent out an email resembling something like this:

    "Hey guys, we need to maximize our income. I have a 3 step plan to do so, it goes like this:

    Step 1: Tell people buying keys to open boxes will be sexy and rewarding with the new tradebar store! Watch them spend lots of Ad/Zen and make themselves poor.

    Step 2: Remove the Double AD event that has been posted on the calendar for 3-4 weeks. Ensuring these newly poor people have no way to dig themselves out of the hole they just found themselves in.

    Step 3: Put Zen on sale. Lets see how many people are going to spend actual $ to dig themselves out!


    Something like that
  • obliquity811obliquity811 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    So to continue with my "truck" analogy...

    Now we get the tires to the truck, but they're only good for 100 miles...

    After that you're on your own...

    Neat :/
  • legendxkillalegendxkilla Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    This goes way beyond money or Rubies or wards. What annoys me and many other people who play this game, is the fact that you fail to appreciate the most important thing we give to this game, which is our time.

    Money you can always replace. Our time is gone forever. Your acknowledgement of capped wards is a complete smack in the teeth. I would have respected you guys more if you had come out and said "we f****d up" and left it at that. Instead you come out with all these business terms that mean nothing to gamers, but in the next sentence you claim to be "gamers just like us".

    The reason so many people are complaining is they love your game.
  • ragnarokfpsragnarokfps Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    A message to the developers, and anyone else who partook in this entire debacle surrounding the removal of Coalescent Wards from the Tarmalune Trade Bar Merchant:

    I immediately feel better about the developers and playing the game when I read that they will give us Coal Wards based on the amount of Trade Bars we had at Underdark launch. I had bought many keys with Zen, and ended up with several thousand Trade Bars. I did that in anticipation of the Coal Ward price drop. I wanted to finally get a P Vorpal, and make a few extra Diamonds.

    So at least the misstep on the developer's part has been addressed to at least a somewhat reasonable degree. I am peeved that they have not said that Coal Wards will go back to the Trade Bar Merchant though. This screw up and bad decision to remove the Coal Ward from the Trade Bar store will significantly increase the price of high end enchantments, which are already obscenely expensive.

    One thing that is especially repugnant is the fact that all players get hit by attacks from the Developers that are aimed at the exploiters and botters, cheaters etc. Making all players suffer in an attempt to eliminate cheaters is a massive failure. I'm assuming here that the removal of the Coal Wards is an attempt to hinder the cheaters/exploiters. Why make us suffer because of the actions of a few bad players? The removal is an incorrect moral judgement, in my opinion. They should be back on the Trade Bar Merchant for sale at 75, or at least 200.

    The Original Post by an Administrator said that they had made a mistake by having Wards on both the Zen Market and the Trade Bar Store. How long had these Wards been available on both of these stores? Why was this alleged problem not addressed YEARS ago? Why is it even a problem at all? What other solutions can be found to this supposed issue that do not negatively impact the entire gaming community?

    Why aren't we getting Coalescent Wards at the price (75 Bars) that they had been advertised as since October last year? Why at 200 still? Doesn't it make sense to deliver on your promises? We bought our Zen with the intent of getting Coal Wards at 75 bars each, not at 200 each. We wouldn't have bought Zen just to get Coal Wards at 200, its the price drop that spurred us to spend money on your game again. You should make good on what you said you guys were going to do. Now I'm sitting here with a bunch of extra Trade Bars, FAR less Coalescent Wards than what I had intended to buy (have several thousand Bars). What am I supposed to do with these Trade Bars? I don't need or want ANY of that new stuff on the Trade Bar Merchant, I only wanted the Coal Wards in order to make my enchantments. I couldn't care less about anything else that isn't a Coalescent Ward from that Merchant. So I've still spent a LOT or Zen on getting Trade Bars, and I'm going to wind up with significantly less Coalescent Wards than what I would have been able to get had they actually been for sale at 75 Bars like you guys told us they were going to be for MONTHS?
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    I see some arguments that we won't be able to afford to upgrade stuff without wards in the trade bar merchant. I don't understand why people think the wards from the trade bar merchant even at a reduced price are a good deal. From what I have seen, the average drop rate of the trade bars is about 4-5 per lockbox, and opening boxes costs zen in the form of keys, if you have to open about 15 boxes (give or take) to get 75 trade bars the cost is actually more zen than buying the ward from the zen market.
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • ragnarokfpsragnarokfps Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    This massive failure by the developers will forever haunt this entire expansion, and to a lesser degree, this game. Great job guys. You need to do a better job of repairing the situation. I recall the release of Diablo 3, and boy, the developers royally fkd that launch and game up. I can't even look at that game anymore without getting intensely angry, and I once had a deep love and respect for Diablo 2. I will never buy another Diablo title. You guys need to do a better job of repairing the mistakes you've made, otherwise, truly, you WILL lose some portion of your playerbase. That's not a threat, that's a projection of the future.
  • ragnarokfpsragnarokfps Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Wards becoming even more scarce causes the price of enchantments to go up. Greater Vorpals have increased in price from 600k to 1.3 million Astral Diamonds, in just a single say. Perfect Vorpals are multimillion AD and up.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

    A message to the developers, and anyone else who partook in this entire debacle surrounding the removal of Coalescent Wards from the Tarmalune Trade Bar Merchant:

    I immediately feel better about the developers and playing the game when I read that they will give us Coal Wards based on the amount of Trade Bars we had at Underdark launch. I had bought many keys with Zen, and ended up with several thousand Trade Bars. I did that in anticipation of the Coal Ward price drop. I wanted to finally get a P Vorpal, and make a few extra Diamonds.

    So at least the misstep on the developer's part has been addressed to at least a somewhat reasonable degree. I am peeved that they have not said that Coal Wards will go back to the Trade Bar Merchant though. This screw up and bad decision to remove the Coal Ward from the Trade Bar store will significantly increase the price of high end enchantments, which are already obscenely expensive.

    One thing that is especially repugnant is the fact that all players get hit by attacks from the Developers that are aimed at the exploiters and botters, cheaters etc. Making all players suffer in an attempt to eliminate cheaters is a massive failure. I'm assuming here that the removal of the Coal Wards is an attempt to hinder the cheaters/exploiters. Why make us suffer because of the actions of a few bad players? The removal is an incorrect moral judgement, in my opinion. They should be back on the Trade Bar Merchant for sale at 75, or at least 200.

    The Original Post by an Administrator said that they had made a mistake by having Wards on both the Zen Market and the Trade Bar Store. How long had these Wards been available on both of these stores? Why was this alleged problem not addressed YEARS ago? Why is it even a problem at all? What other solutions can be found to this supposed issue that do not negatively impact the entire gaming community?

    Why aren't we getting Coalescent Wards at the price (75 Bars) that they had been advertised as since October last year? Why at 200 still? Doesn't it make sense to deliver on your promises? We bought our Zen with the intent of getting Coal Wards at 75 bars each, not at 200 each. We wouldn't have bought Zen just to get Coal Wards at 200, its the price drop that spurred us to spend money on your game again. You should make good on what you said you guys were going to do. Now I'm sitting here with a bunch of extra Trade Bars, FAR less Coalescent Wards than what I had intended to buy (have several thousand Bars). What am I supposed to do with these Trade Bars? I don't need or want ANY of that new stuff on the Trade Bar Merchant, I only wanted the Coal Wards in order to make my enchantments. I couldn't care less about anything else that isn't a Coalescent Ward from that Merchant. So I've still spent a LOT or Zen on getting Trade Bars, and I'm going to wind up with significantly less Coalescent Wards than what I would have been able to get had they actually been for sale at 75 Bars like you guys told us they were going to be for MONTHS?

    Whether this solution works for a player is a matter of scale, the offer is paltry compared to the losses many of the ranked players have suffered especially if they have been playing for a year or more. If you have only a few bars or a couple of thousand its likely you would not have used them all for refining anyway, others however have a radically different perspective.

    They have hit the guys who cover the lionshare of their operational costs to get a few bad eggs. That imho is as close to suicidal as a business model can get.
    I understand their issues I really do but to hit the innocent to impact the guilty few is beyond the pale.
    To the player base I would say sitting by mute as you watched folk in your dungeon runs or people in your guild (or your party) exploiting the system day in day out is what has largely brought us to this point.
    We share a good portion of the blame for this situation however we are having to pay the lions share of the costs.
    Maybe in the next incarnation you will hit that report button when you see this stuff go down.
  • l2agingbeastl2agingbeast Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    First it started with Xbox and pc becoming parity with ad changes. Now they completely contradict themselves by saying parity shouldn't be expected. Then when everyone is worried about losing the coal wards from the t bar they tell us no we won't lose them. Now months later after everyone has been waiting for the change by buying zen and stocking up. They completely screw us and I mean all of us. 10 free wards? Are you kidding that's a one time deal after those 10 guess what you have to buy them for 10 dollars. The whole we don't want zen items in both places is bs pc has it, the dyes, the stones of health. This is the biggest let down from what used to be my favorite game
  • shamrok#5900 shamrok Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    You know if they left the wards and rubies in unchanged people would be way less pissed about the change than they are about them being removed entirely, there is another company that pulled something similar called outspark that is now out of business
  • axemthegreataxemthegreat Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    I'm in the minority, but I get why this is being done. Can't say I'm thrilled about it, but I understand it.

    However, $10 per coal ward going forward is way too far out of wack. We should be able to get something like a 5-pack for $10 at least, considering how necessary they are to ranking up anything. Either that or that 1% chance of success needs to change to 25%-30%. Or failing that, scale up the enchantments already on sale in the trade bar house from rank 7's up to 10 or so (even with scaling trade bar prices). I also like the idea someone mentioned earlier about adding wards to tradeskills (even if it's a slow, once a week process). Hey, use this opportunity to make leadership worth something again.

    Every new artifact or new piece of artifact equipment we get going forward starts out at green (unless you're lucky and pull something out of a lockbox). That's $30 just to get each artifact item to Legendary ($40 to mythic for artifacts themselves) multiplied by two weapons, a neck, belt, and 4 artifacts. And that's before you even start talking about enchantments or runestones (at 12 ranks multiplied by however many slots you have on your character/companion). This completely kills the free to play concept because you NEED coal wards to refine anything worthwhile, and the only real way to access them in game is at $10 a pop (or a large chunk of AD that the Xbox economy doesn't have).

    You've got to see that the current price structure is way too much. Maybe they were going to be too easy for us to get with the new trade bar store, but this has swung the pendulum way too far in the other direction. It's essentially cutting off everyone except for the biggest spenders, because no one is going to attempt a rank up without any kind of security on a 1% chance to succeed for minimal stat gain, and no one is going to pay $10 a pop to rank up one enchantment one time.

    Unless you find some way to fix the lack of AD in the Xbox economy, no one will be converting to zen, and no one will be able to afford any enchantments over rank 7 (which you can buy in the trade bar house now). This isn't going to work.
  • axemthegreataxemthegreat Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Also, why is the cap set at 10 coal wards based on your number of trade bars? Give people what they would have gotten otherwise at the reduced price, and be done with it if this is the direction you're going to go. A one time drop, since we had zero notice. "Here's xx number of wards (bound) @ the promised 75 bar price. Going forward this won't be an option in the future, so we're giving you a one time stock up before the changes are implemented permanently."

    That would have gone a long way to making this right. Even take their bars for them if need be. There's not anything else in the trade house I want to spend my 5,000 bars on now, so I have no use for them. A max of 10 CW @ 200 each is a nice gesture, but it's not what we were looking for.
  • jonsimmons1978jonsimmons1978 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    They didnt make enough effort to get word to all their customers about the changes and not enough notice given fir customers to find the info once posted. They should of posted something on FB and Twitter about this and been direct and at least 1 wk in advance. No fair notice was given to customers on the changes. When i sold insurance if we had of changed one of our policys and only given 24hrs notice by editing an older post we had made we would of been shut down for misselling and missleading our customers and not giving fair notice and making enough effort to inform our customers of the changes.
  • boondoc0boondoc0 Member Posts: 19 Arc User


    They didnt make enough effort to get word to all their customers about the changes

    they didn't make ANY effort

  • zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    Highly appropriate response
  • lazyjacko72lazyjacko72 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    This doesn't in any way help those who have paid out for VIP, what about the 5 months of VIP keys I have yet to get and all the bars I would of got from the lock boxes these open they are frankly completely worthless now given the chance of actually getting anything decent out of the lockboxes is practically nil. the trade bars were a consolation that could be saved up to buy a coalescent ward to upgrade an artefact or artefact weapon.
    Weapon and armor enchancement will be impossible to upgrade now due to the ludicrous 1% chance.
  • left4mushleft4mush Member Posts: 1 New User
    You nerf leadership talking about PC and Xbox needing to be the same, now you pull wards and rubies talking about PC & Xbox need to be diff. Babble on about exploits like you didn't knowingly copy and paiste them. Now try to use all this bs as a reason for your blatent cash grab. Talk bs how the zen market and trade bar vender can't have the same items but half of what was added is on both. All fashion a bunch of mounts artifacts and companions its a joke. Then there's the sad attempt of a bandaid that is free wards that no1 wants. Anything short of there being blood rubies for 60 trade bars BY DOUBLE REFINEMENT 2\18. Is a joke. Make it happen or my guild goes to smite
  • jonsimmons1978jonsimmons1978 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Cant complain to MS to get money back as allready got it refunded 6 months ago from MS due to false advertising and copying and pasting pc patch notes and treating us fairly. Alrhough i will still be logging a complaint to them as still unfair practice.
    If they had of done what was stated they would of got me spending again in order to support them but now for some steange reason i have seen the light and wont be spending a single penny. And i doubt they will win me back again due to lies and lack of communication.
  • quazakaharet#6375 quazakaharet Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    well. for me since i have only ever had 3 coalesent wards ....this will be kinda helpful. i dont think ill ever bother starting another character to try to lvl now thou. too much time/money invested in the one and no way to make it competitive at lvl 70.
    thanks for the wards, maybe ill get a vorpal upgraded a bit and be a little more competitive with my guild mates now.

    and maybe the trade bar gods will grace me so i can get enough for the thayan book of the dead and maybe a psuedodragon for fun.
    there is sadly nothing else in the new tradebar store that interests me, or that i need now...

    (and why no weekend event at all now???? the zen sale is ok and all...but ive never seen that run on its own before...)
    Post edited by quazakaharet#6375 on
  • klivingstonhessklivingstonhess Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    It is a complete joke that you are punishing legitimate players because they sell something on the Auction House and someone who has purchased 3rd party buys it. What exactly are you saying to your customers that the AH is completely unsafe to use? Then I see other players getting unbanned while others are still banned. What makes them special? Why not look into every case to see who is actually guilty and to see who is not. It is not okay to punish a innocent person just bc someone else bought 3rd party. No where in your terms of service does it say if you sell a legitimate item on the AH for a reasonable price that you can be banned if someone who has purchased 3rd party buys your item.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Lol this whole issue is getting so out of hand. The only thing the devs could do at the moment is really say

    1) Ok guys the tradebars will be put next maintenance at 75 bars
    2) We messed up, here is the free gift as part of our excuses
    3) Double AD will be put back along double refinement next week
    4) Please accept our sincere apologies for such a bad business decision, we promise it won't happen again

    This is the only outcome that will satisfy every player on the game and forgive the people in charge.

    Also somebody posted this on a NW facebook group

    They should just add a reward cw to one of the weekly quests that's bound so we all can get one a week

    That would be a great solution, CW should NOT be an item you need to put money on, its a nessessary item in the process of leveling up your character.
  • mosshopper69mosshopper69 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Lol for months we are told C wards will be 75 bars. People buy keys to open boxes to get the bars. Now they tell us its not happening and that they goofed. BS. They knew what they we were doing this isnt the first time PW has screwed over the player base or completely destroyed a games economy (its coming) just to make more money. I officially quit if i dont see the CW for 75. My.money will go elsewhere. DIVISION is almost here thank you very much.
  • mrwupazzmrwupazz Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    If having wards are so detrimental to the economy (which I have a hard time believing) them make them available for a limited time. Since everybody was given the expectation from you guys make them and rubies available for a week at the stated discount rate and bound to account then inform everyone they will be removed at the end of the week. It would be a limited effect on the economy and everyone wins....is that so hard
  • burguk#3130 burguk Member Posts: 1 New User
    Well thanks for making char improvement nearly impossible all in one foul swoop. Looking for something new to play now . Impossible is not fun also I don't see how you would have the time to write the code to change but not the time to write a small post about it sounds like a load to me
  • lethalacezxxlethalacezxx Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Shut up your clueless
  • I'm at a loss. We're supposed to be satisfied with a short term solution instead of making this right? The wards need to go back in the store. Otherwise, be up front and charge for the game.
    At this point our options are limited other than to not play/support NW which also affects friendships forged through this game. But corporations are in the business of bottom line. That's sad but not unexpected.
This discussion has been closed.