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Update on the Trade Bar Store (Xbox One)



  • zak3056zak3056 Member Posts: 138 Arc User

    To speak to this further, one of our guidelines for putting items into in-game stores is to never allow that exact item to also exist in the Zen Market. Doing so can create confusion, as well as introduce perceived equivalencies that aren’t actually true.

    So when are you going to break it to the PC guys that they're losing their wards, too? Can't have them in both stores, after all...
  • glad2bhuman#4574 glad2bhuman Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Why is everyone so negative? By the way, did you all read the patch notes word for word? Here is something that shows Arc isn't all to blame.

    "Trade Bar Store Update - Dev Blog (As this is a PC blog, things may differ in the actual Trade Bar Store on Xbox)" (Quoted directly from the patch notes post on Feb. 8th)

    Yes, it was posted late, but they told us it could be different. It was a day before the actual update. I feel, as gamers and human beings should understand that Arc is run by humans. And humans make mistakes. Are you human? Are you perfect? "Stone me if you have no sins and yoi are perfect". That's my two cents. I know people aren't going to appreciate this post. I apologize. It's a fact and it is true. Have a great weekend!
  • chaossweetcornchaossweetcorn Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    i spent about 50 coal wards before underdark making r12s and recived a ban for it so not once but twice you f****d me thanks guys you broke the back off nwxbox with them stunts you will get what you deserve when everyone leaves due to never trusting you again, sad realy it was great 1 week ago
  • randomdigits#2166 randomdigits Member Posts: 700 Arc User

    On Tuesday, February 10, the Coalescent Wards, Preservations Wards and Blood Rubies were removed from the Trade Bar Store in the Xbox One version of Neverwinter. We wanted to go over why the decision was made and the process of communicating this change to the community.

    Well, thank you Alexander.
    The game was fun while it lasted...

    Ana Taletreader (CW) / Friend of Casual Gamers
  • zixxer636zixxer636 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    Thanks for responding even though I find the reasoning behind it hog wash. Im looking foward to free C wards but why base it on the old price instead of the new?
    And if its confusing to have the same items in game and in zen market then why choose the zen market for the location? Why did you bring low selling items from the zen market to the trade bar house? If we can handle all the different currenies of the game I think we will be able to find what we want to buy.
    I know nothing about Neverwinter economics but what I do know is that these decissions were made for profit.
  • glad2bhuman#4574 glad2bhuman Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I think I had at least one character with 200 trade bars. Maybe 2 characters. ☺Hey Arc team, you'll verify the system, right? I transferred all my trade bars to personal shared bank after the update so it would be easier for me to see how much I had. Hope you do.
  • snoborder101snoborder101 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    Why is everyone so negative? By the way, did you all read the patch notes word for word? Here is something that shows Arc isn't all to blame.

    "Trade Bar Store Update - Dev Blog (As this is a PC blog, things may differ in the actual Trade Bar Store on Xbox)" (Quoted directly from the patch notes post on Feb. 8th)

    Yes, it was posted late, but they told us it could be different. It was a day before the actual update. I feel, as gamers and human beings should understand that Arc is run by humans. And humans make mistakes. Are you human? Are you perfect? "Stone me if you have no sins and yoi are perfect". That's my two cents. I know people aren't going to appreciate this post. I apologize. It's a fact and it is true. Have a great weekend!

    That was added in AFTER the original post. I have a screen shot of the original if you'd like to see it. This was prior to them adding their little disclaimer AFTER the key sale.

    Ankou - CW
    Xerxes - GWF
    Eazy - DC
    Tyrian - TR
  • mastertokkenmastertokken Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Can I ask how was there a negative effect on the economy, because it comes from a closed economy. There is only Zen/AD, which is infinite in digital terms. The exchange rate is the only variable factor that "changes" the economy, and you control that no matter what (140AD to 1zen to175AD to 1zen in a week). So how is there a negative effect within your game.

    C-wards is a prime example of the control you have over a free game. A player can roll through the entire thing without spending a dime and that is awesome, but to excel at the game one has to have the rank 11 or 12 items in those slots to boost that IL to be able to get into higher dungeons (without being kicked for low IL by A-0s). Every C-ward I ever BOUGHT was bound to me, so how come there are C-wards on the AH. Where do those wards come from that are not bound.

    To be honest my whole group of friends didn't know of this "issue" with the trade bar store till yesterday, and it will probably not effect their game play at all(sorry community). In the end though it doesn't matter because those same friends will be playing the division come March because Xbox.

    I don't know I played at launch on Xbox, left, come back, and there are only 3 epics my gear score went from 7000 something to 1000 something and after you hit the level cap (again) your gear had to matter (so like destiny or is destiny like NW). Either way I cant put that much $ to make my character awesome so I lose the will to play.

    This is why I stay off forums...................ignorance is bliss.
  • fatalsocietyfatalsociety Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    i hope you guys never sell another enchanted key again. I will NEVER drop the random 20 bucks on keys again. i don't care about your stupid mounts, dyes, or fashion sets .Only the c-wards where a plus about opening lockbox's. This is stupid. i will NEVER SPEND a cent again on this game. i will keep playing it until Division comes out on March 8.

    This game could be amazing, but the people that are running it is a joke.
  • cwithefirstcwithefirst Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Although we cannot return the removed items from our Trade Bar store
    Why? If you can take the time to remove them, you can take the time to put them back. Once these "gifts" are gone, they're gone. This is a short term solution for a long term problem.
  • king#6769 king Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Well thats a joke. Arc you can stick your game where the sun don't shine.
  • kclowekclowe Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    This is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Yes we want something from you for lying to us but honestly 11 coalscent wards going out to 100's of people is not going to make the market better. As you say you want to and care fixing the market. I guarantee it will tank the weapon and armor enchantments. Which is the only thing other than mounts thats worth a damm. Just admit the truth. Your company is greedy and once you started loosing money to 3rd party sites, thats when your started to grasp at straws to make every dime you could by changing a perfectly good game. And manipulating the players and market the whole time. And we both know the privacy agreement that all the players signed before the beginning of November, the 1st wave of suspensions, stated it was not against your policy to buy AD from 3rd party sites. It only said you was not responsible for any problems that may occur if we did. And we could not give them our paswords. It was after you lost control that you put in revisions. I put in a ticket stating this in detail and you responded saying look at section 21. You can suspend or delete accounts for any or no reason. I ramble, yes, sorry. But whos running this show, a group of college freshman taking economics 101.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    destrowod said:

    1000 Zen for just one CW is way too much. I think the bigger problem is people do not want to pay zen(or AD converted to Zen) in huge sum for only this.

    And that's the issue, really. People don't want to pay.
    destrowod said:

    Zen Market should be for cosmetics and unnessary items, like Mounts/Companions and so on. Rubies at least its possible to refine without them, i mean we get all sorts of stones. But the wards, there only way, more or less, will be that.

    I'd suggest just changing the success rate to 5% to offset. That's just me though.
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  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    john6522 said:

    LOL? You assume I'm rich and don't work @destrowod 100$ here n there adds up.

    Yeah 100$ can add up, but even 100$ a month since release wouldn't even get to half the price of your 3000$. No actually i think you work, you have a very good job and 3000$ is probably like 300$ for me. Or even less. I promised myself i would never go over 100$ on NW, the price of a game + DLC, and yes that old format where DLC was 30$, not 50 or 60 like these days wich is DLC i don't buy ! lol. Why? Because its still just a game in the end. Its not worth more than 100$, either in a month or a year of play. But thats me... In any case when you dropped that money you knew what to expect and the model those games are made after. No refund possible, i am sure Xbox Customer Support will say the same.

    In any case, personally ill continue playing, but i won't put any more money at all. I only dropped 20$ on the game, and like i said was planning to drop a 10 here and there to max it at 100$. But not unless they get back on there decision and allow something as fundamental as an upgrade tool to be bough with in-game currency, and at a reasonable price.

  • fluffy6977fluffy6977 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    While this may not be the hoped for resolution thank you for at least kicking back in a serious way. I hope you can build up enough goodwill for me to want to drop more money on the game in the future.
  • splazer2794splazer2794 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    So this is why you are making the announcement to PC players right due to not supposed to be in both stores right... I'm sorry..wait no i am not. I will be saying goodbye to this game when division comes out. Hopefully you can stay afloat with mostly PC players who dont spend money.

    But from an xbox gamer. This is nothing but a cash grab. Like seriously wheres the update on the calendar events???
  • aunslautaunslaut Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Bye, Felicia. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
  • lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    The real problem all along was someone finally did the Math.. Let me explain.

    Typical blood ruby price on xbox nw is 80,000 AD on the auction house, they sell for 800 Zen too. That means that 100AD would be equal to one Zen (80000/800), not exactly the amounts reflected in the exchange. Take it a step further and you can see if the rubies had hit the t-bar store at 60 bars that would mean that 13.33333zen would be equal to 1 bar value(800/60).

    Now that we have established 1 bar equals 13.333333 zen. If we take the proposed price of 75 bars for Coal wards and multiply that by 13.333333 we get 1000 zen. Hmmm So yeah they were just aligning the price of Zen and Bars but that means that as I pointed out before AD would be 100 AD/ 1 Zen.
    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
  • ludicrum#5684 ludicrum Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Wow. I can't believe I'm saying this, because in similar situations I'm usually the guy saying that the angry customers are overreacting and need to calm down. Now, though, I'm done. I'm just ... done.

    Your customers are clearly unhappy with your decision. Whether intentional or not, your actions have misled them and they rightfully feel betrayed. Your response to this is to offer them a BRIBE? Really? If you were truly sorry you would have addressed the actual problem and not jingle your proverbial keys in front of your customers and hope they get distracted.

    A few wards is nice for now, sure, but you've done NOTHING to address the actual issue, which is that you've turned wards into a premium item that, for the most part, is only accessible by purchasing them for real money. Given the crucial role wards play in character advancement, you are essentially demanding that xbox players buy power in order to advance.

    You have literally made Neverwinter a pay-to-win game, and that is unacceptable.

    I cannot, in good conscience, continue to support a company that thinks so little of its community.
  • gfrederick#6115 gfrederick Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    >>To speak to this further, one of our guidelines for putting items into in-game stores is to never allow that exact item to also exist in the Zen Market.

    Then why are scrolls of mass life, stone of health, and pretty much all of the dye packs still in both?
  • walzy23walzy23 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Lol @ all these people saying they are going to quit playing , your not going to quit and you know it lol
  • king#6769 king Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Well thats a joke. Arc you can stick your game where the sun don't shine.
  • Not a dime until they are in the trade bar shop. After all, if I were to buy zen now, how could I be sure that the items I buy are still going to have value in your eyes, thus protecting them from random removal?

    I also noticed that you mentioned you read our feedback. I seem to notice a specific lack of the aforementioned keyword established so that we would know, without a doubt, that you do in fact hear us.

    We'll I'll take that as proof you don't give a rat's rear about your players. However, if one of you super go getting employees stumbles across this and by some miracle can read, take the following to your boss, you can even claim it as your own idea.

    Step 1. Do all the stuff you said above. This will, in technical terms, make some on-the-fencers feel nice-nice.*

    Step 2. Remove c wards and p wards from the zen market. This removes the conflict of an item existing in different stores, restoring the balance you guys risked your income for. Furthermore, it peaks the curiosity of people, and let's them read step 3 and 4, where first players, and the you guys, get to be overjoyed.

    Step 3. Trade bar shop rennovation, add c wards and p wards. We all know that some people were all talk about never spending a dime on this game again until this happens. Some were not. This makes peace with those players, and when coupled with the apology gift (bribe) above, most, if not all, will be back to their old spending habits.


    Step 4. Add an item or two to the zen market in regards to the refining process. Instead of blood rubies, available in the trade bar store, have brilliant diamonds, which will have people lining up to hand you money. Instead of p wards, preservation charms. Bound to character, doubles the chances you have of successful enchantments. 1% becomes 2%, 40% becomes 80%, you could even put a cap on the amount of bonus "luck", such as 20%, or even just give it a set +10% on all of them (making 1% into 11% and 90% into 100%) make this item 1000 zen They will sell in either for you implement them. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, a bound to account coalesced charm. Yours for only 7500 zen (prices are obviously up to you, the point is this one should be expensive. ) much like a c.ward, a coalesced charm guarantees success. The difference is, the charm is reuseable! But wait, weevil, wont people will only buy it once? Sure, if it were permanent. But (AND THIS SHOULD BE VERY OBVIOUSLY ADVERTISED TO PREVENT COAL-GATE 2: THE QUEST FOR MORE LIES) it isn't permanent, it is "semi-permanent". Functioning like wands in 5th edition D&D, a coalesced charm risks breaking when using its last charge. The number of charges has a hard cap, and can't be stored over that number. Each (increment of time, week suggested) a charge filters back into the ward, pulled from the weave itself.

    End result: people continue to buy keys, get bars, buy wards. People also buy new zen items. People buy.

    *disclaimer regarding the feeling of nice-nice: I understand that log checking can take a while. I also understand that double refinement is coming up in less then a week. I also understand that almost everyone thinks that this was done so that people who want to refine their items must buy C wards from the zen market. Prove them wrong. Even if it is just the backpack one that everyone gets that shows up before the event, it will put enough c wards out there that people will see there are other options (as long as you don't bind them) of course, this is moot if this guide is followed, and they are in the trade bar shop by double rp.

    There you have it, the image of the maniacally laughing mustache twirling super villain cryptic is erased. I'm not saying people will sing your praises as the best game in the world (though some might) but you will go down in history as the game that decided to take the advice of a (insert title of whatever errand-boy brings this to you) and awe your playerbase with the ability to make everyone happy, while making money for yourself.

    Oh, and make it double enchants/runestones/xp/whatever else was scheduled. That alone has left a lot of players salty.
  • king#6769 king Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Arc continues to screw the xbox community whether through trade bar scams removing events and hoping players are to stupid to notice. I hope the community keeps there money in there pockets and hurts arc the only place they cate about. There wallets
  • crowinblack2008crowinblack2008 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I will say that I like this game. Mind you I think the bean counters running this game suck backside but I like the game. Now with that being said I will also say that starting from this day foreword if I can't get an item in the game it's self, then I see no need to drop real world money to have it. This would include VIP ranking. In a nut shell I will treat this "free to play" scamming game like any other "free to play" scamming game. In short, you are not getting one more thin dime from me... But I am happy to go on playing the game. :)
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    I will gladly take any equipment anyone who is leaving the game would like to donate to a father of 2 and works 50 hr weeks :smiley:
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

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    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

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  • l2agingbeastl2agingbeast Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    this is just wrong nothing more to say than see ya
  • xalorusxalorus Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    No offense to California people but these folks put things in perspective as to why that state charges for breathing and yet is the most in debt. I told a fellow guildie that sounds like a Cali company....I laughed after my research. They left that trade bar post out for a week out and you're going to tell me they overlooked it. This is the only business that allows this Bernie Madoff type of cash grab without the repercussions. Call the better business bureau and explain to them while it may only be a game it's a million dollar industry and this particular company needs to at least be looked into.

    No business with a moral code and civilty would ever mistreat it's customers in this type of manner. Imagine a pharmaceutical company say they have a cure for a virus and will release at a minimal cost. They then pull said cure only allowing the elitist to gain favor.

    I myself have dropped about 90$ and that upsets me. I could not imagine what someone who has spent much more than that feels. To do your little hobby and have the people running it turn their back on you do to "climate change" or what may effect your climate. Keep your wards and rubies I don't need your welfare.

    Tc, call BBB, and have fun.
  • thelastdon#8609 thelastdon Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    zman81420 said:

    I will gladly take any equipment anyone who is leaving the game would like to donate to a father of 2 and works 50 hr weeks :smiley:

    I'll sell you my free C wards for 5 bucks each. Half off!
  • thelastdon#8609 thelastdon Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    xalorus said:

    No offense to California people but these folks put things in perspective as to why that state charges for breathing and yet is the most in debt. I told a fellow guildie that sounds like a Cali company....I laughed after my research. They left that trade bar post out for a week out and you're going to tell me they overlooked it. This is the only business that allows this Bernie Madoff type of cash grab without the repercussions. Call the better business bureau and explain to them while it may only be a game it's a million dollar industry and this particular company needs to at least be looked into.

    No business with a moral code and civilty would ever mistreat it's customers in this type of manner. Imagine a pharmaceutical company say they have a cure for a virus and will release at a minimal cost. They then pull said cure only allowing the elitist to gain favor.

    I myself have dropped about 90$ and that upsets me. I could not imagine what someone who has spent much more than that feels. To do your little hobby and have the people running it turn their back on you do to "climate change" or what may effect your climate. Keep your wards and rubies I don't need your welfare.

    Tc, call BBB, and have fun.

    Here is the link to file a complaint. I just filed one. https://www.bbb.org/consumer-complaints/file-a-complaint/get-started
This discussion has been closed.