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Update on the Trade Bar Store (Xbox One)

yetweallfalldownyetweallfalldown Member Posts: 134 Arc User
On Tuesday, February 10, the Coalescent Wards, Preservations Wards and Blood Rubies were removed from the Trade Bar Store in the Xbox One version of Neverwinter. We wanted to go over why the decision was made and the process of communicating this change to the community.

First off, let’s discuss the communication. We as a company failed to distribute this information before we made the change. For that, we apologize. It has always been our desire to be transparent with the community in an effort to ensure that you have the necessary information for our game. However, this change wasn’t something that was planned and withheld. Both the PC and Xbox version operate in different ways especially in regards to their economies. Similar to real-world economies, there are highs and lows mixed with hundreds of variables. In this particular situation, we made the decision to remove the wards and rubies late in the cycle of our communication and after we already communicated the previous changes that were available in the PC version of Underdark. This last minute change did not give us the opportunity to distribute that message to the players before the launch of our expansion. In the future, we will work towards giving a larger timeframe to properly communicate this message to you.

Similar to the adjustments that we made with the AD economy, our team is in the process of doing a holistic review of how players are interacting with our economy as a whole. Our investigation is focused on reviewing every variable to look for areas of abuse through either exploitation or fraud, whether through paid currency or achievable in-game currency. The removal of these items was due to a large influx in habits that we have been following from exploiters, who have been obtaining these items and redistributing them as currency for other purposes. To be very clear though, we do not want to discuss our economy in absolutes. There could always be adjustments or exceptions based on how players are interacting with the changes to our in-game systems. This is why Coalescent and Preservation Wards are still available through systems like Invocation.

To speak to this further, one of our guidelines for putting items into in-game stores is to never allow that exact item to also exist in the Zen Market. Doing so can create confusion, as well as introduce perceived equivalencies that aren’t actually true. We made a mistake when allowing these items to exist in both the Trade Bar store and the Zen Market. Though Coalescent Wards and Preservation Wards did exist (at a higher price) in the Trade Bar store before, our attempt to make them more prominent and significantly cheaper had a large negative impact on the in-game economy. We really thought this would be a positive change, but we were wrong and we apologize for taking them away now.

Through this process, and since the launch of our game, community feedback has been paramount to how we perceive our game. We understand that several of you were upset with the changes and want to reiterate that we do not intend to hinder your play experience. We’re gamers too and we review our decisions through the lens of our own gaming habits. We will continue to review our system, but in the meantime we would like to make good on communication. Although we cannot return the removed items from our Trade Bar store, we would like to offer each of our players the following:
  • We are going to look into our player data for those who had 200+ Trade Bars total in their account at the time of our Underdark launch. That means if one character had 197 Trade Bars and another had 3, the account would be treated as though it had 200. For those accounts, we will give out one Coalescent Ward for every 200 Trade Bars that you had in your inventory at the time of launch. The reason we need to use the old pricing is that we are still reviewing the in-game economy as a whole. For this reason, we are also going to cap the maximum amount of wards at 10 Coalescent Wards per eligible individual. You will NOT be charged Trade Bars for this transaction. This is a gift.
  • We will also be delivering a free pack to ALL existing accounts that includes: one Coalescent Ward, one Blood Ruby and five Preservation Wards.
  • Finally, we are going to consider our community goals for Neverwinter on Xbox One accomplished.
In regards to when we will deliver these items, we are in the process of making them available for accounts as described above. Based on our current estimations, we expect to have all of these gifts go out within the next week. We will be updating everyone on the status of the update as we get closer to release.

We hope you continue to deliver feedback for our team. We are listening to you every time that you post on the forums, Reddit, Twitter and Facebook. You are a critical part of our game and your feedback is important to us.
Communications Manager - Perfect World Entertainment


  • boondoc0boondoc0 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    well ain't that a kick in the teeth.
  • raymond00713raymond00713 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    Completely worthless response. Of course
  • hisakobestgurlhisakobestgurl Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    and BOOM I'm done thanks for the memories nw
  • hydrakill1hydrakill1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    That is not at all a solution just damage control trying to backpedal and cover up how badly you screwed up also if community feedback is such a big deal to you guys 1. this wouldn't have happened in the first place and 2. things that are broken wouldn't still be broken this many expansions into the game
  • lethalacezxxlethalacezxx Member Posts: 9 Arc User
  • grreeeenmachinegrreeeenmachine Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    I'm quitting because i will never get my artifact stuff to legendary now. gg nw gg. I and most of the community can not afford to refine our stuff.
  • shawnm2627shawnm2627 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    So what about the calendar changes???
  • zachmeisterzachmeister Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Thank you Arc
  • xakayaxakaya Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Are we at least going to get that anytime soon? Double refinement just got destroyed anyway as you moved double enchants to enother point of time, at least we should get the wards before double rp hit so we can get anything...
  • zachmeisterzachmeister Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    At least you are trying
  • raymond00713raymond00713 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    Just put the wards back in the vendor. No long winded excuse is going to make anyone feel any better.
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    I think this is fair and it is appreciated.
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    Here take your tiny stipend and go pound sand right? Thanks but I find the offer offensive in a whole. Here take this freebie, and suck it up buttercup. You played us. Never again will you get a penny of my money should I return to the game.
    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
  • jakobyj22jakobyj22 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    This is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> so all the rich people are gonna be op and the poor are gonna be so far behind.
  • snoborder101snoborder101 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    Yep, done. Not even close to satisfied with this response. You guys lured people in with trade bars and the trade bar store changes. The biggest of which were the blood rubies and coal wards. This game is going to crash and burn, and you deserve every bit of it.
    Ankou - CW
    Xerxes - GWF
    Eazy - DC
    Tyrian - TR
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Let them eat cake.

    why not make them bind to account or bind to character and bobs your uncle. no problems. you're buying them because you have an enchant to upgrade. Punishing your entire player base because of a few bad eggs isn't exactly going to spread good will and warm fuzzies.

    what about our double enchants and double xp. (we just had a 2x ad so not as worried about that)

  • jonsimmons1978jonsimmons1978 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    So will wards be returning to the trade bar store or not and if so when?
  • lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User

    Let them eat cake.

    Yep. Thats exactly what they said. I'm done wasting time talking to them now its on to MS.
    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
  • jewpac#5085 jewpac Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    This does absolutely nothing for the people who spent money JUST prior to the update with a goal in mind in line with the announcement you made on upcoming changes. A lot of us didn't spend the En we purchased as we were waiting on an answer from you so we don't have as many trade bars as we could.

    Your mistakes and utter disregard for your players is becoming very evident after seeing how badly you've handled an issue this large. Your 'apology' comes nowhere close to what it's cost your players financially because of your poor and borderline illegal business decision.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I like this.... Honestly, communication was always the biggest issue here and 10 free wards is going to be a appreciated.

    One thing though - I'd love more honest, open talk and less business speak. This is how you talk to shareholders, not gamers. What I got out of this was:
    • We decided not to give these to Xbox after it was rolled out to PCs, hence the old info

    • The biggest worry we had was that AD farmers would use wards as new currency for transferring wealth.

    • Also the wards are the only thing ya'll actually buy for cash

    • PC need it because their AH sells them for heaps, whereas yours are often under 100k

    • We were, like, REAL bad with the communication though.

    • And now, we will buy your love.
    I'm down with that. Just say what you mean, and mean what you say. The haters will hate - but as you can see above, they were never going to be happy given what you felt you needed to do to maintain the Xbox economy. So don't even try to please them - just lay it out, tell us the hard truth... and in the name of all that is holy, don't promote something until you know it's 100% doable.

    I'm off to enjoy more Underdark.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • bigdaddy1469bigdaddy1469 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    If that's the case then I'm owed a minimum of 33 coal wards!
  • bigdaddy1469bigdaddy1469 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Forget the cap
  • captnspicypantscaptnspicypants Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    You single handedly killed a large portion of your community and paychecks . Good Job
  • arsenalatxarsenalatx Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    The proper reply was so simple: "We're sorry we goofed. Wards and blood rubies are going back in the store ASAP. Here's a free blood ruby on us." What a waste man. Anything less than putting them back in is going to be completely disappointing.
  • assassintunkoassassintunko Member Posts: 7 Arc User

    On Tuesday, February 10, the Coalescent Wards, Preservations Wards and Blood Rubies were removed from the Trade Bar Store in the Xbox One version of Neverwinter. We wanted to go over why the decision was made and the process of communicating this change to the community.

    First off, let’s discuss the communication. We as a company failed to distribute this information before we made the change. For that, we apologize. It has always been our desire to be transparent with the community in an effort to ensure that you have the necessary information for our game. However, this change wasn’t something that was planned and withheld. Both the PC and Xbox version operate in different ways especially in regards to their economies. Similar to real-world economies, there are highs and lows mixed with hundreds of variables. In this particular situation, we made the decision to remove the wards and rubies late in the cycle of our communication and after we already communicated the previous changes that were available in the PC version of Underdark. This last minute change did not give us the opportunity to distribute that message to the players before the launch of our expansion. In the future, we will work towards giving a larger timeframe to properly communicate this message to you.

    Similar to the adjustments that we made with the AD economy, our team is in the process of doing a holistic review of how players are interacting with our economy as a whole. Our investigation is focused on reviewing every variable to look for areas of abuse through either exploitation or fraud, whether through paid currency or achievable in-game currency. The removal of these items was due to a large influx in habits that we have been following from exploiters, who have been obtaining these items and redistributing them as currency for other purposes. To be very clear though, we do not want to discuss our economy in absolutes. There could always be adjustments or exceptions based on how players are interacting with the changes to our in-game systems. This is why Coalescent and Preservation Wards are still available through systems like Invocation.

    To speak to this further, one of our guidelines for putting items into in-game stores is to never allow that exact item to also exist in the Zen Market. Doing so can create confusion, as well as introduce perceived equivalencies that aren’t actually true. We made a mistake when allowing these items to exist in both the Trade Bar store and the Zen Market. Though Coalescent Wards and Preservation Wards did exist (at a higher price) in the Trade Bar store before, our attempt to make them more prominent and significantly cheaper had a large negative impact on the in-game economy. We really thought this would be a positive change, but we were wrong and we apologize for taking them away now.

    Through this process, and since the launch of our game, community feedback has been paramount to how we perceive our game. We understand that several of you were upset with the changes and want to reiterate that we do not intend to hinder your play experience. We’re gamers too and we review our decisions through the lens of our own gaming habits. We will continue to review our system, but in the meantime we would like to make good on communication. Although we cannot return the removed items from our Trade Bar store, we would like to offer each of our players the following:

    • We are going to look into our player data for those who had 200+ Trade Bars total in their account at the time of our Underdark launch. That means if one character had 197 Trade Bars and another had 3, the account would be treated as though it had 200. For those accounts, we will give out one Coalescent Ward for every 200 Trade Bars that you had in your inventory at the time of launch. The reason we need to use the old pricing is that we are still reviewing the in-game economy as a whole. For this reason, we are also going to cap the maximum amount of wards at 10 Coalescent Wards per eligible individual. You will NOT be charged Trade Bars for this transaction. This is a gift.
    • We will also be delivering a free pack to ALL existing accounts that includes: one Coalescent Ward, one Blood Ruby and five Preservation Wards.
    • Finally, we are going to consider our community goals for Neverwinter on Xbox One accomplished.
    In regards to when we will deliver these items, we are in the process of making them available for accounts as described above. Based on our current estimations, we expect to have all of these gifts go out within the next week. We will be updating everyone on the status of the update as we get closer to release.

    We hope you continue to deliver feedback for our team. We are listening to you every time that you post on the forums, Reddit, Twitter and Facebook. You are a critical part of our game and your feedback is important to us.

    Well Good Job and Goodbye but before i leave i will be filing a complaint with xbox for fraud and false advertising this is not a solution its an attempt to bribe your players and anyone who accepts this is a fool i urge you fellow xbox players to follow in my example and file a complaint with xbox support they already have an investigation going and will more then likely force theem to give us what we were promised not some HAMSTER excuse and a handshake what you did is fraud and is punishable by law in many countries have fun with xbox's lawyers
  • mrwupazzmrwupazz Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Well I hope you guys are ready and have some cash lying arround for the charge back bonanza coming your way
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    I may be one of the few moderated but here we go.

    On one hand, at least it gives us a couple CW on short term... wich is better than nothing. I think i had like 1200 something trade bars before Underdark so i guess i will get 6. So yes FOR NOW its not bad.

    But what about the long term? What if i want several enchantements lev 12. Those 6(or 7 with the free one) will only get me one enchantement that high... Just one. 1000 Zen for just one CW is way too much. I think the bigger problem is people do not want to pay zen(or AD converted to Zen) in huge sum for only this. At least with the lockboxes, you had a chance at getting a rare mount or some other cool items, that was the whole point. Even if you would lower the CW to lets say 500 Zen... it would still be an issue.

    Zen Market should be for cosmetics and unnessary items, like Mounts/Companions and so on. Rubies at least its possible to refine without them, i mean we get all sorts of stones. But the wards, there only way, more or less, will be that.

    And yes... invocations... it can give some, but honestly i must have get like 2 or 3 since i play this way... and i invoke everyday til the last one (or almost)

    More or less you may calm down some people on very short term, but in the long run, its not enough. Its just a game, stop talking like the economy is wall street. All we want is up our characters and play some dungeons and have fun among friends. Its not work, its not wall street, its not our lives.

    This is my opinion
  • thelastdon#8609 thelastdon Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    And there you have it folks. They are putting a bandaid on the underlying problem instead of fixing the problem. So you give us a Ward now. However, what happens in a few weeks when I need another one? And then another few weeks when I need 5 to get an even higher upgrade. You expect me to just shell out 10 bucks for additional Coalescent Wards? No thanks. It isn't worth it to me. Bye bye!
  • oscar#9996 oscar Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    What about with the people that keep the keys to open the new lockbox?
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    john6522 said:

    Definitely getting my 3000$ refunded tommorow.

    Sorry man but if you have put 3000$ in a single game, you do not deserve any refund... :/ This mean you are rich and you do not need this money anyway. Not a single sane person that is not rich would pay that much for one game. Hell im not even sure my whole Xbox 360 Generation budget make up the 3000$ mark... and i got it shortly after release...
This discussion has been closed.