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Trade Bar Store Changes on Xbox One



  • luigipr31luigipr31 Member Posts: 55 Arc User

    Hi All,

    First off, I want to say that we appreciate the continued feedback and are listening to absolutely everything that is being said right now. Our team is having discussions about the situation regarding the Trade Bar store item removals and the adjustment to the scheduled events, and are looking at what we can do. I know this isn't the answer that everyone wants right now and that swift action is requested. We aren't ready for that just yet, but are discussing options.

    A full formal response will be coming (hopefully tomorrow as we continue our investigation), but we want to make sure that our community knows that we do hear everything that you are saying.

    First Thanks for your reply and the update of the matter.
    Second Please be advised that you said "hopefully tomorrow" that means that if there is no formal response please tell us or we will think that your avoiding the problem.
    Again Thanks for your response.
  • thelastdon#8609 thelastdon Member Posts: 16 Arc User

    Hi All,

    First off, I want to say that we appreciate the continued feedback and are listening to absolutely everything that is being said right now. Our team is having discussions about the situation regarding the Trade Bar store item removals and the adjustment to the scheduled events, and are looking at what we can do. I know this isn't the answer that everyone wants right now and that swift action is requested. We aren't ready for that just yet, but are discussing options.

    A full formal response will be coming (hopefully tomorrow as we continue our investigation), but we want to make sure that our community knows that we do hear everything that you are saying.

    Just be honest! One huge problem I have is that you just straight up lied and said Coalescent Wards would show up as 85 trade bars instead of 200 in the trade bar vendor. Now you don't even have them? What is that?! Look, if you guys are running out of money just tell us and we are likely to support you because a lot of us love the game. Lying to us is a sure fire way to get less money. I will promise you that.
  • tgwolftgwolf Member Posts: 501 Arc User

    mvigil said:

    I am just going to leave this here...

    Neverwinter ‏@NeverwinterGame 5 minutes ago

    Our team is currently discussing the changes and feedback from the community regarding the Trade Bar Store change. We will keep you updated.
    Translation: "Huh, they seem really angry about it this time. Maybe we were wrong to try sca.... OH, MY GOD, I'M ON FIRE. Auuugh!"

    Oftentimes PW can handwave this stuff away with a sale, or double AD. Doubt it will work this time - people are piiiiiissed

    Heh heh, nope this time they took away the 2x AD xD
  • obliquity811obliquity811 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    What is there to investigate? Did a Tricktser Rogue steal the Coal Wards?


    We are not "requesting" change we are DEMANDING change!

    Your Product advertised these changes and lured us in with reduced price keys and then pulled a switcheroo at the 11th hour.

    Investigate how you are able to sleep at night knowing you're a Snake Oil Salesman
  • misanthropyxmisanthropyx Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I thought Gazilion was a bad company on how shady they are with Marvel Heroes but these guys holy hell
  • snoborder101snoborder101 Member Posts: 145 Arc User

    What is there to investigate? Did a Tricktser Rogue steal the Coal Wards?


    We are not "requesting" change we are DEMANDING change!

    Your Product advertised these changes and lured us in with reduced price keys and then pulled a switcheroo at the 11th hour.

    Investigate how you are able to sleep at night knowing you're a Snake Oil Salesman

    What there is to investigate, is what legal steps can be taken if they don't follow through with what they originally posted when people started saving trade bars. I'm sorry, I know these guys are just the messengers, but if they don't follow through, I don't doubt someone will file a class action, or at minimum, they'll be looking at a lot of charge backs thanks to XBL.

    Ankou - CW
    Xerxes - GWF
    Eazy - DC
    Tyrian - TR
  • gator3950gator3950 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    I am as disappointed as all others in this thread. I find these business practices repugnant and highly suspect. I am not one to sit a read threads all day but with the changes made by Neverwinter I had little else to do since I refuse to play until this is fixed. I would like to remind everyone that we in the Xbox Live community have an outlet with Xbox itself. I have taken the time to read the agreement we all agreed to as users and would assume that Neverwinter companies would have a similar agreement to deal with. For that reason I have lodged a complaint on the Xbox Neverwinter Forum and would encourage all players to read the thread and post useful (not hate) posts as well. I would hope that if Neverwinter does not take action that Xbox Live will. We are their customer base and they will need to deal with this as well. As a rule, Xbox Live has always been fair and I would suspect this will be no different. PC users have not had this safeguard, but we do. Flood Xbox Live with posts and complaints and they will have to take action.

    I have also done other research during the day for any other actions that we as a community can take to respond to what I view as shady and possibly fraudulent business practices. I am hesitant to take in any further then Xbox Live at this time as I am hopeful that it can be resolved within the next day. I have a been reading through some prior cases involving similar practices and believe actions can be taken. At this point I recommend everyone save all posts from Neverwinter, all posts from forums addressing this issue. A paper trail will be needed if necessary. DO NOT delete the game from your consoles as it offers proof that you not only played the game but agreed to terms. Keep copies of any emails regarding this issue with Neverwinter. Save any and all receipts for money spent on this game.

    I for one, as a player who has spent some money on this game and a lot of money on Xbox Live over the years ask both Neverwinter and Xbox Live to fix this game and give us what we were lead to believe we would be given. It is only fair that you live up to your advertising. We played and spent money in good faith and it is only reasonable that we should expect that same good faith in return.
  • mrwilsonvamrwilsonva Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    I am just curious how someone on the PWE side did not know that this would be a big problem, or that we would not notice. It seems to me that alot of discussion and thought should/would go into removal of items from the store prior to the action and not after. With so many other games to play, why should I put any more money into this one. GTA 5 is looking like they understand how to treat the customer.
    Larua TR | Thomas GWF | Lizard Wizard CW
  • lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    Allow me to translate from corporate communications calm the crowd speak to english.

    Hi All,
    First off, I want to say that we appreciate the continued feedback and are listening to absolutely everything that is being said right now.

    Tell them this it calms them. They think their voice matters. Other possible power phrases are "we are taking this seriously" or "this matter is of the utmost importance to us"

    Our team is having discussions about the situation regarding the Trade Bar store item removals and the adjustment to the scheduled events, and are looking at what we can do. I know this isn't the answer that everyone wants right now and that swift action is requested. We aren't ready for that just yet, but are discussing options.

    We hear you complaining but we haven't figured out what the bare minimum is we can do to in order to get the majority of you to shut up yet. We aren't impressed with your current tantrum level as we see some money paying customers are still playing despite the slap to the face we gave you today. We will capitulate something, but, brace for it, we aren't likely to give you everything you think you should be getting, otherwise we wouldn't be dragging our feet. We also aren't ready for that to happen yet because its Miller time and frankly you can wait.

    A full formal response will be coming (hopefully tomorrow as we continue our investigation), but we want to make sure that our community knows that we do hear everything that you are saying.

    Tomorrow we will give you our take it or leave it answer. You will then be free to scream or leave we don't give a flip.

    Blah blah blah. End corporate translation.

    In the end you have pretty much shown us the door, your finger, and how you feel about us, we are nothing more than numbers and our happiness matters only insomuch as it relates to your bottom line. We get it. Just suck it up and be honest and quit dancing around it. Own it. Own up to it. Get on with it. So we can all move on.
    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
  • cap10planhatcap10planhat Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    So, what exactly needs to be "investigated"?

    How about...

    "We have not yet come to a consensus as to how we're going move forward in resolving and/or amending the issues raised by a majority of our dedicated and enthusiastic consumers stemming from the latest major expansion.

    It has been alleged we intentionally mislead and deceived our player base as to the changed stocklist of purchasable items would be in the Tarmalune Merchant shop, including Blood Rubies, Preservation Wards, and Coalescent Wards.

    We take full resonsibility for our misrepresentation of how the stocklist on PC and the Xbox One would be the same and different over the last few months since Underdark for the Xbox One was announced.

    Because of that corporate blunder, we will make haste in employing a reasonable solution that will more than compensate all of your loyalty. Without all of you, there would be none of us."

    Go ahead! Copy and paste THAT as your official response!
  • lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    gator3950 said:

    DO NOT delete the game from your consoles as it offers proof that you not only played the game but agreed to terms. Keep copies of any emails regarding this issue with Neverwinter. Save any and all receipts for money spent on this game.

    Also probably a good idea if you were offered the go calm down code over twitter that you dont use it yet. IMHO.

    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
  • sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    j35t3r199 said:

    Also I thought we were supposed to get 2x refinement for artifact equipment? I put in some stones today, and ....no 2x for the stones. Was that not on the table or am I missing something here?

    Its only artifact weapons and when you refine an artifact weapon into another piece of artifact gear. Normal reso stones and the like are not double refinement.
  • arkantosdrakonarkantosdrakon Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    This is pretty crappy, cash grab for sure,
    1. get rid of coal wards, blood, rubys and wards so we have to buy them from the zen market.

    2. Change the planned 2xAD, 2xEnchant so people are more in need of AD and refinement points

    3. Instead of 2xAD put 2xRP since we now have new artifact equipment to level up.

    All this is to force all of us to be in a situation where we in short supply of and NEED coalacent wards, refinement points and astral diamonds effectively crippling what we can actually do unless we buy these items from the Zen market...less AD means less we can exchange for zen so pretty much have to spend more actual cash to buy Zen.

    Idk...it all seems pretty planned out to me and an obvious effort to squeeze us out of some cash.
  • Why does everyone keep using words like "borderline illegal" "near fraudulent" and "almost immoral"? This is literally false advertising. That covers all the bases.

    I'd just like to know the numbers on the board. How many people voted for this? Is this one guy with a curly mustache cackling to himself? Or did they actually discuss with a group of "sentient" creatures and finally settle on "they'll buy keys if we promise trade bar improvements. Then we won't give them, and they will calmly accept that, then buy C wards from the zen market, because no one will be upset in anyway shape or forum. "

    Maybe what they are investigating is who to fire.

    No, I'm just joking. With morals like theirs I can tell you what their investigation is: they are seeing how it plays out. That's why their "discussion" will take 24-48 hours. They are watching the zen market, and seeing who is buying, who isn't. Then they are going to crunch the numbers and see if they care enough to fix it. If no one buys, it'll be fixed. Won't even take the stereotypical 24 hours they promise (which we all know is somewhere between 3 and 5,939 days or never.)

    But, in fairness, neverwinter has dais they are looking into it, so we can trust them. After all, it's not like they would lie to their playerbase.
  • satniteeduardosatniteeduardo Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    Absolute disgrace. I was going to run 2 toons and needed the C Wards to makes use of the 32 feytouched shards I am currently sitting on. I could just run one toon but don't even feel like that at the moment. To make a good MMO you need people to continue playing. Decisions like this are just so wrong and actually will result in the opposite impact on your greedy pockets than what you expect.
  • xalorusxalorus Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Folks just report it to Xbox. Send links from patches and what took place.
  • tgwolftgwolf Member Posts: 501 Arc User

    as a PC player, this makes me feel a whole lot better. normally it's our fan that the HAMSTER hits. as a gamer though,

    I'm not unsympathetic. welcome to the world of being shafted 6 ways from sunday by the unscrupulous actions of those in charge.

    take solace in the knowledge that us PC players have been screwed over many more times than you have, and for a lot longer.

    I know, I'm one of them.

    I also know that it is very possible to have close to 100 mill AD per character x50 characters on PC just by buying and selling stuff on the AH.

    X1 economy is fragile by comparison.
  • voodoo2386voodoo2386 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Shameless cash grab one after another...this combined with removing double enchants and ad is just disgusting. This is WHY people buy ad from 3rd party sellers, because no matter how much money is spent on the game, customers get a slap in the face. This game doesn't stand a chance if this is the way it continues to treat players.
  • mrwilsonvamrwilsonva Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    How come twitter users get free codes and official forum users get nothing?
    Larua TR | Thomas GWF | Lizard Wizard CW
  • adelelilyadelelily Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Funny below is a link to the article that you all put out to us at Xbox. In it was the price list and what was to be included in the trade bar market. I guess you can't stand by what you put out. Many of us have been saving just for this list. You keep <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> us for PC's economy. Stop. Plus all the horrible bans where you are not following your own EULA by sending any notification to the people who get banned. Most of whom are innocent. We are paying for PC's bots stop punishing us for them.

  • deadanarchy692deadanarchy692 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Yep, Bait and Switch, false advertising, bent over, milked many ways to describe what has happened here, but we've been had and taken for fools, I have taken this personally as a grab at my wallet and a personal insult.

    I have taken time to report bugs to see no action taken ever, I have been screwed in game currency to find that i will not be reimbursed or any recompense, I have seen this game ban its user base and cripple itself rather than fixing exploits maybe its time to start firing people over at perfect world for not doing there jobs fixing the game instead of taking it out on the players who are forced to play this broken HAMSTER.

    This company will not see another dime from me.

    If anyone gets any sort of refund let us know so we can all follow through and stick it to the game that sticks it to us.
  • ajax0101ajax0101 Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    What is there to investigate? It did what you intended and covered up until the 11th hour.
  • mrwilsonvamrwilsonva Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    Think of how much money they could make if they published this as a case study on how to deal with customer backlash. The sad part is we will never know the true story of how this brilliant idea came to fruition.
    Larua TR | Thomas GWF | Lizard Wizard CW
  • analogmanfmanalogmanfm Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Anyone remember this PSA on reddit? https://www.reddit.com/r/Neverwinter/comments/3mzo34/regarding_tarmalune_tradebar_store_rework/

    HAHAHAHAHA we fell for it!
  • zixxer636zixxer636 Member Posts: 47 Arc User

    Hi All,

    First off, I want to say that we appreciate the continued feedback and are listening to absolutely everything that is being said right now. Our team is having discussions about the situation regarding the Trade Bar store item removals and the adjustment to the scheduled events, and are looking at what we can do. I know this isn't the answer that everyone wants right now and that swift action is requested. We aren't ready for that just yet, but are discussing options.

    A full formal response will be coming (hopefully tomorrow as we continue our investigation), but we want to make sure that our community knows that we do hear everything that you are saying.

    You're looking at what you can do? If that requires investigation you obviously arent listening to the feedback. If there isnt a quick fix I hope all of us giving feedback plus the ones only reading do take this to Microsoft to show how dishonest and fraudulent PW is. Someone needs to expose this to the rest of the gamming community. These kinds of practices are totaly unacceptable.
  • breggaeq#0616 breggaeq Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I will not spend any more money! I try to support you guys by buying 50 bucks Zen a month between mine and my wife's account but never again unless this is fixed by the weekend I will play but never spend another dime on this game
  • mrwilsonvamrwilsonva Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    Maybe they just ported the wrong build from PC. And that is what they are investigating. May also explain why the calendar changed as well.
    Larua TR | Thomas GWF | Lizard Wizard CW
  • Update from xbox live: due to it being 3rd party currency, if any zen has been spent, you must get refunds through cryptic. A whole back someone posted their phone number, but I can't seem to find it. I'll keep digging.

    As a note, xbox live can tell you exactly how much you have spent. $2635.42. Holy cow that got away from me. Maybe it's good they screwed us and made me realized how much I was spending. Never notice when it's ten bucks here, ten bucks there. Just enjoying a game and always feeling broke. Now I know why.
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    All I have to say is #<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>% off PWE. I've promoted and defended your #$%& enough. Pull this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> is sickening and honestly if we all banded together could easily have legit legal repercussions. Quit biting the hand that feeds you...
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
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    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
  • lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User

    As a note, xbox live can tell you exactly how much you have spent. $2635.42. Holy cow that got away from me. Maybe it's good they screwed us and made me realized how much I was spending. Never notice when it's ten bucks here, ten bucks there. Just enjoying a game and always feeling broke. Now I know why.

    Do you have to manually tally or is there a way to see the grand total?

    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
This discussion has been closed.