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[PC/XBOX] Bug Report: Stuck On Map / Unable to Interact with Anything



  • respawnsuk#2597 respawnsuk Member Posts: 10 New User
    The really frustrating thing is people are still doing the shadowfalls mission in Vellosk and becoming trapped!

    The devs are aware but no mention of a fix.
  • Still same. Yesterday my first char. today my second. Can't interact anything and leave area :/
  • sonji#4352 sonji Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    Temp fix for y'all. Log out, press Xbox home button, press start(menu button) select manage game, delete the reserved space, log back in.

    Temp fix 2. Switch characters over and over again.

    These two techniques have been working well for most people. Wish I could help more.
  • badmrfrostyxxxbadmrfrostyxxx Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    The way to guarantee it to fix is if you load into a different instance. When you log out or change characters you load back into the old instance unless its full so the fixes above would work if you are lucky enough to load into a different instance. The best way to get yourself out of the bug is to log out, ask guildies or friends to go to the instance you were in, filling it up and then log back in.
  • muckingfuppetmuckingfuppet Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    I'm stuck in pirates skyhold for over 24 hours now and have submitted a ticket
  • keilur#8354 keilur Member Posts: 2 New User
    My scourge warlock is stuck in mount hotenow its been like this well over 24 hours my trickster rogue I can do everything but I can not press a on my warlock at all. I've tried deleting reserved space uninstalling hard reset changing characters and still nothing :\
  • muckingfuppetmuckingfuppet Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    this isn't a problem player sided this is your problem cryptic, it's your servers and poor upkeep of your game that is making this happen, instead of trying to blame the players for this take a look at yourself as this is the only way this is going to be fixed, iv spent hundreds of pounds on a character i can't use, if it's not fixed in the next 24 hours i will be getting a refund for all zen bought through the uk sales of goods act
    Post edited by muckingfuppet on
  • shivra#6890 shivra Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I'm so freaking sick of this HAMSTER. Neverwinter's Twitter page told me to submit a ticket for my problem but all that did was have my character reset to Protector's Enclave. The problem isn't solved. Now my level 70 character is stuck in the Whispering Caverns. I'm not able to interact with others, accept quests. There's no button prompts and I can't travel out from this map. Are they even going to attempt to fix this or are we going to sit around for months before anything happens? submitting tickets does nothing because the problem is still there. Gawd I just bought a Dragonborn pack and now I can't even play as a Dragonborn SMH! All these fricken problems ever since Tuesday for me.
  • keilur#8354 keilur Member Posts: 2 New User
    I'm still stuck and my friend got stuck as well! I bought a teleport scroll and it didn't freaking work. So there goes some diamonds that I won't get back.
  • flash#7027 flash Member Posts: 1 New User
    3 days stuck in vellosk this is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
  • degu5degu5 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Stuck in black dagger ruins since yesterday.
  • hypnoassassin#5116 hypnoassassin Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited January 2016
    im aso having this problem but its after i get kicked from the game when trying to access the temple for the shadow falls quest?
  • nessixnessix Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I'm doing a quest which requires me to go into this tomb. I can't even get into the entrance. I'm still in Neverdeath. I clicked (a) on the door, and immediately it says "can't transfer container" and logged me out. I went back into the game and now the door is sparkly still, though I can't get any prompt 'press (a) to enter'

    I contacted arc support yesterday, and they said they'd fix it. I returned today and it's still broken :( Anyone else having this problem?

    I've tried changing instance and it fails
  • daddy3dman81#7514 daddy3dman81 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    my L48 HR in Neverdeath Graveyard, trying to do the mission for bag #3, Clockwork Guild Tower. This same thing has already happened to me once, but Perfect World Support help reset my character back to PE, problem solved. So, I'm hoping I can return to Quest, get my bag? Right? Wrong!

    I return to NDG, collect Quest, also collected another Q I hadn't done, Mercenary Nature. Everything seems fine. I kill me 4 Mercenaries, but close to the Clockwork tower door, I figure I'll do that if it works, get my 5th Mercenary after. I approach the transition door for the Quest Clockwork Guild Tower, de ja vue sense I've been here unthteen times, and when able I select (A) to enter. Upon loading screen I get error message "Unable to Transfer Character Container". AGAIN! Out of loading screen, I'm back in NDG, at that door, new bad guys in their spawns. Wanting to test if all the problems are the same... I kill badguys, can NOT pick up loot by (A). I can not use kits with (A) (Arcane kit, Religious Kit, etc). I can not talk to any NPC, including merchant at Doomguides Village. Attempting to change Instances, "Map Transfer Failed." I can NOT activate the main door into/exiting NDG! I'm stuck in NDG, as I have been before.

    I'm going to have to seek Perfect World Gaming support again, as I suggest all of you do! Like I said in first paragraph, the middle paragraph has mostly been a repeat 2-3x and each time, I'm only able to get out with back scene support! In recept attempt for ticket for help, they replied and mentioned they are aware of problem, working on solution! They also directed me here, to this blog, for further ideas!

    All I see is a bunch of people with similar problems, no solutions. I thought instead I would share mine, and the only solution that has worked for me... Perfect World Support!

    Good luck guys!!
  • vapidstormvapidstorm Member Posts: 1 New User
    now i am stuck with my both players in different location xb1 this is my second day this bs happens haha
  • xavkas#8223 xavkas Member Posts: 2 New User
    Also stuck in Vellosk. My friend is in the exact same instance as me, and is able to do everything normally. Mine won't even let me loot or leave the zone. Very, very frustrating. Is there any way to overload the dev's with tickets so they're FORCED to do something?
  • gusman74#3412 gusman74 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Got to say things go wrong it happens but the lack of information and advice is very disappointing. I'm a free to play but I feel for those who have paid. I've played for a month and was enjoying but if this is how things are dealt with when they go wrong then I think its not the game for me, ill spend my money elsewhere. For those Tha need I've been stuck in numerous instances its not just one or two. Good luck and I hope you all get to play
  • xavkas#8223 xavkas Member Posts: 2 New User
    Same issue, character is stuck in Vellosk and I can't use any function that would require me to hit A. (Looting, talking to NPCs, going into dungeons/leaving the zone) So, I'm basically stuck until a fix comes along. I can't even change instance either, so hopefully we have a fix soon. Of course my one day off this week is when the game completely bugs out. *rolls eyes*
  • saracin4504saracin4504 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    While there isn't much advice from Cryptic there is advice on page 3 from players on how to at least to regain the ability to travel. Just know that this won't fix the error and you will get it again if you try to reenter the instance that bugged you again. I even get bugged just entering Ebon Downs with the character who was trapped there. Since this bug came in with the server maintenance I'm hoping it also goes out with it too. Heck if they could reset their servers during the week it might actually remove the issue.

    These are the places that ended up bugging me, not sure if they are the same for others.

    Ebon Downs - Gnarled Man Barrow
    Vellosk - Shadowkeeper's Temple
    Pirate's Skyhold - Skull Fortress
  • enodnarb#7363 enodnarb Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    NevrWinter has gone down hill and i for one will not stand for it i play on the xbox one and have had many issues since i have started playing and feel the development of NeverWinter will not be relieable considering how between the lag, servers not responding, and now the jail cells that people call instances. Everyone need's NeverWinter and the developers can't care enopugh to help the comunity out by reseting all of the neverwinter servers and/or make completly new servers to fix all the ddos'ed servers and remove all the infected servers. it would fix the problem and would only take a day or so to do along with keep the community happy. And something the developers could do to lighten the mood is give every character a gift in-game that would contain some epic gear.
  • slagbottomslagbottom Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    Xbox. My healadin is stuck in Caer-Konig #1, has been since yesterday. Have tried all suggested solutions with no luck. I did not buy a runic bag, just mentioning that since someone thought there might be a connection. I was just getting ready to renew VIP and buy a expensive mount with Zen. No way I am doing that now. Not at least until this is permanently fixed. Not worth spending the money when I can't even play my favorite character.
  • metronp3metronp3 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    It seems that if you can get out of the zone, don't go back in until this is fixed. Just going back in instantly made me stuck again. For me the dungeon que is bugged as well. Just did the Wolves Den. The 2 other players were in the game but not showing in my group on the left hand side of the screen. Got zero loot other than coins and 2 seals per boss. Final chest would not open and no AD either. (1st Dungeon of the day) Unable to que again as the "Return to instance" icon won't go away. I am not one to complain, but this stuff is game breaking, and the only response for the last 2 days is that they are aware of the problem.
  • comfuzed#0886 comfuzed Member Posts: 1 New User
    I'm new to the game -XB1. For myself, and a friend, we *think* the inability to interact happened after we were removed from the game world due to inactivity. Upon re-entering the world we were bit with the bug. I created a second character and ran through the tutorial stuff - no inactivity this time - but got hit with the same bug on exactly the same mission (different character). So I don't think it's down to a particular mission. Anyone else "timing out" and then seeing this error?
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    The way to guarantee it to fix is if you load into a different instance. When you log out or change characters you load back into the old instance unless its full so the fixes above would work if you are lucky enough to load into a different instance. The best way to get yourself out of the bug is to log out, ask guildies or friends to go to the instance you were in, filling it up and then log back in.

    this doesn't work. at least not for me. I was in a bunch of different instances yesterday from logging out and back in again waiting an hour logging back in.. still broken.
  • ceris#6993 ceris Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I have now been stuck 3 times. Each time was a different instance and a different zone; Helms Hold, Ebon Down and now Vellosk. I did notice that several other people have said they got stuck During on the Shadow Temple Quest. I too was on that quest. In fact, each time I was attempting to get into a similar quest instance.

    At least it wasn't my main. Please ARC fix this!
  • nikkix92nikkix92 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Yesterday I got stuck with 4 other friends in sharandar. We were trying to enter the arcane reservoir, but it kicked us back to log in screen. When we loaded back in we couldn't interact with anything or teleport to moonstone mask/signpost etc. We fixed it by asking online guild members to go to Sharandar instance 5 where we were stuck. We logged out and then when instance 5 got full (40 people) they told us it was full so we logged back in and it put us in sharandar instance 1 and we could interact and everything again :) So if you get stuck and cannot get out of an instance, get that instance full while you're logged out and when you log in it will have to put you in a different instance and you'll be fixed.
  • spiritwa#8293 spiritwa Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Im stuck in neverdeath cant leave or talk with Any npc
    Tried relog
    And waited 30 min before i logged in again
    Still trapped
    Tried useing a teleport didn't work
    Tried anything
  • darks#3491 darks Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    i stuck 2 days in spinward my off hand artifact weapon missing nimbu tower ia bug all chars stuck forever please fix :neutral:
  • spiritwa#8293 spiritwa Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Fix fix it
  • angie#7581 angie Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Xbox 1 <Only One of my characters has been stuck in Pirates Skyhold #2 they have moved me to the enclave but this isn't a fix , they told me to go to another zone for my lvl, not wanting to do that at all...want to finish there before I move on. this bug really needs to get fixed not move us to the enclave.
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