OP creates a thread about one rotating tanks.Posts 6k Bull Charge and 60k crescendo.
The DPS equal to 5 secs SW phaser beams att wills or 2 GWfs att will or just one Disintegrate (with 5 secs coldown).
Forum Thread evaluation:0/10.
The days of the old ,killing tanks in 5 secs are over(are not 2 vs 1 ) ,start takes your measures against Gfs. use your dodges stay out of range.
We are fighters ,one of our trees is a DPS one.
Pffff....people...they see a fat awkward slow GF in pve doing minimal damage and they have the perception that the same thing will be in pvp.It is a theme of evaluation and confidense.You treat us like powries.You believe since Gf using buff encounters in pve and doing minimal damage-the same must(?) will be in pvp.
You just have zero understanding of Gf class.
Some posted the since Gf ignores DRE must be bugged.The primary feature of Gf class.Lol.That thing is equal to someone questions what is unstoppable. Veteran forumers from pvp guilds crying about Gfs claiming huge numbers ,and not one time bring one freakin' log or video. New Gfs bragging their 25k ( ) Bulls against no tenacisty standing SPS CWs. (SPS=Sharandar Powrie Syndrome) Lol.
We have GWrath,Lunging,Anvil,Flourish,Knee breaker,Bull Charge .Treat as as equals and you might win.treat us like Sharandar powries and then you come to the forums and cry like whining crabs in Drowned Shore epic Hes.
And who complain?CWs ,the most brone class ever.Trs nothing to said.Sws another broken mess.Actually more bigged/glitched than another notoriously glitched class. But SWs cry all day "We suffer!!" .You suffer at 1600IL.At 3k+ you are gods. And this SW crying thing telling lies all day in the forums has gone long enough. We know CWs ,the scourge of NW community ,never ever crying and complaining about everything.Now we have their brothers-SWs _ doing the same. They all want to be uber tanky,huge dps,control,control resist,dodges/sprint ,buffs healing. Ah and the champion Whining class _CWs_ still ignores 66% of tenacity.cause .."we are squishy."
Squishy with 85% of GFs HPs and base DR (with shield) higher.Lol
Where double standards? CWs has multiple prones in 1 encounter, not used in a while but its there. Hrs got 1, sw got 1, gfs got 1. GWFs dont and i thing take down shoud be prone but stacking dmg should be toned down as ITF for gf when flaged for pvp. Bull should stay prone, or it should be deleted becouse no1 would use it wout prone... Who would like to push oponents away as melee. Stun on melee distance with low cooldown is okish.
But you guys cry about 1 class in dom when i see that at bis its preaty hard to kill any1. Only low ilvl pug cry but for most part its kinda ballanced...
I got a question for cws here. Did you even try to take dont Kalinas cw shield before combo as gf? He can kite indefenitly any gf any time. I feal bad for GFs without EB. L2P for u all esecialy from him.
Ps. After bull charge my anvil where deflected many times so or as i thouth it was changed waaaaay back or when i run int to range for anvil window for non deflects ends.... With cresendo its another story.
Main : GF - Lord Kruk Steel and Magic
ryoshinetteMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 488Arc User
Such a ss gives no info. I can non crit any nabzor who is shouting here so loud with 400k+. Prolly author of this topic would be killed using my gond apparatus, so what? It doesn't means, it happens in equalized pvp. Nothing to say more.
Such a ss gives no info. I can non crit any nabzor who is shouting here so loud with 400k+. Prolly author of this topic would be killed using my gond apparatus, so what? It doesn't means, it happens in equalized pvp. Nothing to say more.
?? we already had enough statments from BIS player? do we have to start with a thread like this again to give the same ppl a platform to deny again and again what is obvious- with endless posts nooone want´s to read from hypervol (who obviously plays a poor GF) to name one do you really think these discussion will help PVP, I nearly can´t stop laughing to hear these comments about squishy helpless GF or the arguments -->GF is the helping hand in PVP having the option to onecycle every class, otherwise noone dies....this is by sure not the task for a tank
these guy run full lionsmane, T negation and got up to 150k HP...
" GF damage is ridonk. ie I got hit for 361,520 base dmg with Anvil and CANNOT dodge just eat it?" BIS warlock (zeusom)
"I'm still getting hit for 167k by one GUARDIAN FIGHTER's ability (wish we could do this) by Guardian fighters through Shadowslip, 152k by Rogues, desperately trying to get my Shards up to survive 90% of the classes in this game's hits (Another garbage Warlock defensive dynamic by the way)." gomok BIS warlock
ionvnegativoMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 119Arc User
When the fat guy of the party runs faster than Usain Bolt, there's obviously something wrong (GFs deal higher encounter power damage that any other DPS class in the same amount of time prone+anvil=130k at least, in what..? 5seconds..??).
Assume you dont get chained by the bull/crescendo+anvil combo, you are attacking, your hits succkk cuz even the DPS tank, can ignore 80% of your damage, since they can have the shield at least 90% of the time up and their DR base is high (also one of the highest HP pool to resist if you manage to CC the GF), even when attacking, they have their DR buffed(Bull-Ch).
The DPS tree must be fixed, same as the DPS tree from GWFs was, by reducing the amount of damage or time they can block.
If anvil is a "finisher" it should finish a guy with lets say 5-10% HP remaining, NOT 40%. If Bull C is a prone that allow to CC the target to land your finisher, it shouldnt be a finisher itself (40k-60k non crit Bull is a finisher -.-).
Like clonkyo1 said the prone must be removed cuz the anvil is unavoidable (dodges/unstoppable/ITC/shadow slip etc, cannot be activated while prone), anvil itself has a very quick animation.
Conqueror GFs are running and trolling here and there, 2 shotting ppl.
Also someone explain how to dodge/get distance, etc the bull charge from a +4 ring of ambush GF.
the ability of GWF to break CC from is not quite on command,GWf needs to be damaged so that he can build determination poping unstoppable so that he break the cc and he is immune to sometypes of cc not all (for example disrupt it goes through unstoppable) for a timelimit of 4 to 8 seconds, while a GF do have more alternatives to fight than a GWF has against him , since a GWF is pressed by a certain time and he has to rush up and continuasly attackin the enemy to not loose the stacks, while a GF has most of the stuff on a button creating a synergy of a great defensive and offensive, i do not recall GWF being able to oneshot anyone with a takedown or frontline surge, like the GFs do right now with only a bullcharge, while i agree GF needs to have highest CC and best prone, i dont agree the absurd damage that it has, GF right now, looks exactly like a GWF using intimidation if it didn't got the change to weapon damage and togheter with that nerfed to the ground. While you say GFs aren't capable of a lotof at-wills attacks =/ burst damage will always silence your opponent in front of you: ex: shockign execution. Regarding the base damage of a GF , yes it should be high, with less buffs from feats/powers/encounters... while the same change should apply to the GWF, higher base damage similar to a GF , with low damage bonus on stacks, this thing will also solve the issue of a GWF dealing to much damage in PVE , also increase the importance of him in PVP , opening other paths to play more than 1 paragon, and not ruining the damage in pve, but makin it lower overall.
U r comparing bazooka to glock here, and u r doing it consciously, i guess its nice to jump on another nerf train than gwfs huh? compare anvil to IBS, and takedown to lunging. frontline to frontline, flourish to flourish, crescendo to crescendo, and IS/SA to IS.
Also its funny how u r acctualy buffing ur class by saing that base dmg must be higher and stacks lower, which will allow u to get much quicker to be rdy to smash with 200k IBS on pugs, and dont tell me your gwf dont does that, coz mine does. Also higher base dmg means u will be closer to cws as dd, since u will be able to hit harder out of the bat, and geting all needed buff stacks wont be so meaningfull. Which basicly means that in shorter fights u will have even bigger adventage on other dd.
Gwf has certain window to atk thats correct, but if gf messes his rotation, big, angry and strong gwf will just run away like an stright arrow. Its not liek we dont have "window", our window is the time from start of the fight to wake up of gwf's inner chiken.
And lets dont lie to ourselfs, if insta wont get 20 sec on stack and some buffs and sent his intimidation, or full rebuild on most of its feats, back there is no other option for paths to be "balanced" without destroying destroyer.
the ability of GWF to break CC from is not quite on command,GWf needs to be damaged so that he can build determination poping unstoppable so that he break the cc and he is immune to sometypes of cc not all (for example disrupt it goes through unstoppable) for a timelimit of 4 to 8 seconds, while a GF do have more alternatives to fight than a GWF has against him , since a GWF is pressed by a certain time and he has to rush up and continuasly attackin the enemy to not loose the stacks, while a GF has most of the stuff on a button creating a synergy of a great defensive and offensive, i do not recall GWF being able to oneshot anyone with a takedown or frontline surge, like the GFs do right now with only a bullcharge, while i agree GF needs to have highest CC and best prone, i dont agree the absurd damage that it has, GF right now, looks exactly like a GWF using intimidation if it didn't got the change to weapon damage and togheter with that nerfed to the ground. While you say GFs aren't capable of a lotof at-wills attacks =/ burst damage will always silence your opponent in front of you: ex: shockign execution. Regarding the base damage of a GF , yes it should be high, with less buffs from feats/powers/encounters... while the same change should apply to the GWF, higher base damage similar to a GF , with low damage bonus on stacks, this thing will also solve the issue of a GWF dealing to much damage in PVE , also increase the importance of him in PVP , opening other paths to play more than 1 paragon, and not ruining the damage in pve, but makin it lower overall.
U r comparing bazooka to glock here, and u r doing it consciously, i guess its nice to jump on another nerf train than gwfs huh? compare anvil to IBS, and takedown to lunging. frontline to frontline, flourish to flourish, crescendo to crescendo, and IS/SA to IS.
Also its funny how u r acctualy buffing ur class by saing that base dmg must be higher and stacks lower, which will allow u to get much quicker to be rdy to smash with 200k IBS on pugs, and dont tell me your gwf dont does that, coz mine does. Also higher base dmg means u will be closer to cws as dd, since u will be able to hit harder out of the bat, and geting all needed buff stacks wont be so meaningfull. Which basicly means that in shorter fights u will have even bigger adventage on other dd.
Gwf has certain window to atk thats correct, but if gf messes his rotation, big, angry and strong gwf will just run away like an stright arrow. Its not liek we dont have "window", our window is the time from start of the fight to wake up of gwf's inner chiken.
And lets dont lie to ourselfs, if insta wont get 20 sec on stack and some buffs and sent his intimidation, or full rebuild on most of its feats, back there is no other option for paths to be "balanced" without destroying destroyer.
Well played... well acctualy not.
(Sin)cerely Kain
AS warlock against a GF i can stand...very short, in case he lands his CC+AoD=dead 27k power +fire buff (wheel) 30% + ITF-->100% of your DR added as damage, how much is that in case the GF has 10k DR, 25%? + ring of brutality 4k power --> 35k+ power is obviuosly no problem in combat, pure selfbuff I saw a GF oneshoting a 4k TR few minutes ago "about 115k to zero", never saw a GWF doing so against 4k GWF I can kite and withstand lots of burst and evade, I even can selfheal vs GF... not much selfheal and getting into range its hard to stay alive long enough GWF vs GF on 4k level is a short fight --GWF get`s twoshotted more or less I do see and feel a difference A "cought" GF also can not withstand very long when facing a good cc class like CW or TR and some burst on top, but it needs some effort and coordination I really think the selfbuff from ITF is a bit overdone and the combination from hard hitting prone (my class doesn´t have anthing like that) + AoD is redicules high
2 - What Lancer said is, basically, what all GWF players are asking since... um... MOD 3/4: Our "base" damage must be increased a 20% (minimun) while removing the fact that we need to stack a lot of stacks plus a lot of "empowerments" (battle fury + Relentless, Daring Shout and, since mod6, Hidden daggers) to deal serious damage. Not even a CW need that insane amount of stacks and empowerments to deal serious damage. Intimidation build was just a bad-tasted joke but the only HAMSTER viable build on both PvE and PvP... was pretty SAD, TBH.
Also its funny how u r acctualy buffing ur class by saing that base dmg must be higher and stacks lower, which will allow u to get much quicker to be rdy to smash with 200k IBS on pugs, and dont tell me your gwf dont does that, coz mine does. Also higher base dmg means u will be closer to cws as dd, since u will be able to hit harder out of the bat, and geting all needed buff stacks wont be so meaningfull. Which basicly means that in shorter fights u will have even bigger adventage on other dd.
What clonkyo said above. Overall it would be a damage NERF to the class but it would be more fun to play.
For example: 1) Remove hidden daggers +40% damage buff. ADD BACK 2% damage on each point of STR. - Overall impact? ~ -25% damage. NO stacking or forced encounter.
2) Change Destroyer (feat). Make it work like Weapon Master in that it applies off each consecutive attack, rather than when attacking 3+ targets (or only a 25% chance when feated in destroyer for it). Currently adds about 46% damage. INSTEAD. Nerf it to say 5% per stack, stacks 5x, lasts 5-6 seconds JUST like Weapon Master. Feating in Destroyer TREE can add 1% damage per stack (5% total) and add an extra .4/.8/1.2/1.6/2 seconds to the duration of the stacks. So a TOTAL of 30% damage, lasting maybe 6-7 seconds ish. - Overall impact? Assuming its feated. ~-16% damage. But easier to get up and keep up.
Overall a pretty big damage hit to GWFs (-41%ish) but now requires virtually no damage stacking or atleast very little. There would still be some "build up" but nowhere NEAR what is required right now, this may even hurt the class TOO much TBH.... But this would open the door to make things more fun again. Thats just ME though.
The other thing I would LOVE to see changed would be the Destroyer capstone, having it pegged to Unstoppable is really really lame (especially when 1v1ing a DC or when it bugs). So I would just propose to change this so it no longer requires unstoppable however the "duration" is now more than halved @ ~10-12 seconds. So if you stop attacking for 10 seconds, youll have to rebuild that back up. Or if you stop attacking for about 7 seconds you would lose destroyer feat.
OP creates a thread about one rotating tanks.Posts 6k Bull Charge and 60k crescendo.
The DPS equal to 5 secs SW phaser beams att wills or 2 GWfs att will or just one Disintegrate (with 5 secs coldown).
Forum Thread evaluation:0/10.
The days of the old ,killing tanks in 5 secs are over(are not 2 vs 1 ) ,start takes your measures against Gfs. use your dodges stay out of range.
We are fighters ,one of our trees is a DPS one.
Pffff....people...they see a fat awkward slow GF in pve doing minimal damage and they have the perception that the same thing will be in pvp.It is a theme of evaluation and confidense.You treat us like powries.You believe since Gf using buff encounters in pve and doing minimal damage-the same must(?) will be in pvp.
You just have zero understanding of Gf class.
Some posted the since Gf ignores DRE must be bugged.The primary feature of Gf class.Lol.That thing is equal to someone questions what is unstoppable. Veteran forumers from pvp guilds crying about Gfs claiming huge numbers ,and not one time bring one freakin' log or video. New Gfs bragging their 25k ( ) Bulls against no tenacisty standing SPS CWs. (SPS=Sharandar Powrie Syndrome) Lol.
We have GWrath,Lunging,Anvil,Flourish,Knee breaker,Bull Charge .Treat as as equals and you might win.treat us like Sharandar powries and then you come to the forums and cry like whining crabs in Drowned Shore epic Hes.
And who complain?CWs ,the most brone class ever.Trs nothing to said.Sws another broken mess.Actually more bigged/glitched than another notoriously glitched class. But SWs cry all day "We suffer!!" .You suffer at 1600IL.At 3k+ you are gods. And this SW crying thing telling lies all day in the forums has gone long enough. We know CWs ,the scourge of NW community ,never ever crying and complaining about everything.Now we have their brothers-SWs _ doing the same. They all want to be uber tanky,huge dps,control,control resist,dodges/sprint ,buffs healing. Ah and the champion Whining class _CWs_ still ignores 66% of tenacity.cause .."we are squishy."
Squishy with 85% of GFs HPs and base DR (with shield) higher.Lol
I'm all for you guys having damage, but not the survivability you have, I wish I had the burst of a non BIS GF as a Warlock player with the survivability "You know how many tears would be flowing?". When SW could global people with Harrowstorm and killing flames it was nerfed under the ground, along with our creeping death (40% damage reduction on Creeping and a change on Killing flame's damage modifier).
Not saying that a lot of classes are in need of a look at/tone down, "It's coming" but a few are over performing with HAMSTER gear and GF is one of them (I also have a GF I'm leveling up that I am clubbing people with like a baby seal).
I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.
this thing that balance changings are coming is something not true at all. they said they have currently no idea of what to do with sw. they said paladins are too strong, but its ok to leave them as they are. they said gwfs are currently way overperforming in raw damage, but they are currently ok as they are. they said nothing on other classes. I had hopes for Hr...which means nothing will be done to the remaining classes for a while. i dont know what you guys hope but its definitely not going live in mod 9.
architect40Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 20Arc User
edited January 2016
As a close to BIS HR when I fight a GF or GWF of within 1000 ilevel I have to play a perfect game to beat them and it will take several minutes to widdle them down. Where as all they need to do catch me once and I'm dead. Not much balance in that.
A long while back they nerfed one of the Pally's dailies because it was hitting for 100k damage, but yet it's ok for GFs, GWFs, and TRs to hit that hard? Not much balance in that.
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
If anyone needs proof that Ambusher Tank can One Rotate people... then they clearly have not PvP enough....
Where double standards? CWs has multiple prones in 1 encounter, not used in a while but its there. Hrs got 1, sw got 1, gfs got 1. GWFs dont and i thing take down shoud be prone but stacking dmg should be toned down as ITF for gf when flaged for pvp. Bull should stay prone, or it should be deleted becouse no1 would use it wout prone... Who would like to push oponents away as melee. Stun on melee distance with low cooldown is okish.
But you guys cry about 1 class in dom when i see that at bis its preaty hard to kill any1. Only low ilvl pug cry but for most part its kinda ballanced...
I got a question for cws here. Did you even try to take dont Kalinas cw shield before combo as gf? He can kite indefenitly any gf any time. I feal bad for GFs without EB. L2P for u all esecialy from him.
Ps. After bull charge my anvil where deflected many times so or as i thouth it was changed waaaaay back or when i run int to range for anvil window for non deflects ends.... With cresendo its another story.
Multiple prones in one encounter? What are you talking about? The CW has ONE prone, and it's from a relatively weak daily(ice knife). Sure, ice knife is great when you're playing against someone who isn't paying attention, but a gwf just sprints through it, and any other class just dodges. There's plenty of noise and animation there for people to get out of the way. To the guy talking about 60k+ disintegrates, that doesn't happen without some chill stacks and people not having any tenacity. Most disintegrates hit for 10-20k MAX, and I have 125% resistance ignored in pvp.
The elven battle makes the cw extremely weak in pvp. Not only does it negate every cc minus repel and ice knife, but it wipes off chill stacks and makes people immune to being frozen unless they're oppressor. People complaining about CWs really don't have a leg to stand on.
the problem isn't any specific class, its ANY class at 4k IL. After module 6 the IL gap became overpowered.
My main is a Conqueror GF "duelist Build" using knight challenge. And i don't think the problem is beig capable of one rotating people. the problem is that bullscharge makes way too easy to one rotate people.
So if you ask me, there are 2 things really overpowered in GF being one encounter and one class feature.
Bullscharge makes way to easy to land a full rotation killing most not 4k players.
Steel defense makes GF (Or GWF using it) imune to damage way to long.
My personal build relies mostly on Knight challenge linking to crescendo and a fulll rotation doing double damage while imune to damage. But even so, what makes it really OP is the Bullscharge that make it easy to land such a rotation.
If i change bullscharge for flourish for instance the game sudenly become suer hard mode.
And you guys always forget to tell, that not just bullscharge is a sure KO as it also gives 3 seconds of half received damage, making it even more broken.
But most classes have something almost as broken.
thank for that open minded post sure other classes do have similar broken c.rap DC...unkillable in the sum + bugs, boring af facing them in PVP imho OP... bug+ bugs+ unkillable, also boring GWF ... too much burst, challenging TR...SE, but they are way more in line than other classes imo and do have weaknesses CW...? more balanced than any other class imo Hunter..? weakest class atm Warlock...? balanced more or less except lack in mitigating burst
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
The DPS equal to 5 secs SW phaser beams att wills or 2 GWfs att will or just one Disintegrate (with 5 secs coldown).
Forum Thread evaluation:0/10.
The days of the old ,killing tanks in 5 secs are over(are not 2 vs 1
use your dodges stay out of range.
We are fighters ,one of our trees is a DPS one.
Pffff....people...they see a fat awkward slow GF in pve doing minimal damage and they have the perception that the same thing will be in pvp.It is a theme of evaluation and confidense.You treat us like powries.You believe since Gf using buff encounters in pve and doing minimal damage-the same must(?) will be in pvp.
You just have zero understanding of Gf class.
Some posted the since Gf ignores DRE must be bugged.The primary feature of Gf class.Lol.That thing is equal to someone questions what is unstoppable.
Veteran forumers from pvp guilds crying about Gfs claiming huge numbers ,and not one time bring one freakin' log or video.
New Gfs bragging their 25k (
We have GWrath,Lunging,Anvil,Flourish,Knee breaker,Bull Charge .Treat as as equals and you might win.treat us like Sharandar powries and then you come to the forums and cry like whining crabs in Drowned Shore epic Hes.
And who complain?CWs ,the most brone class ever.Trs nothing to said.Sws another broken mess.Actually more bigged/glitched than another notoriously glitched class.
But SWs cry all day "We suffer!!" .You suffer at 1600IL.At 3k+ you are gods.
And this SW crying thing telling lies all day in the forums has gone long enough.
We know CWs ,the scourge of NW community ,never ever crying and complaining about everything.Now we have their brothers-SWs _ doing the same.
They all want to be uber tanky,huge dps,control,control resist,dodges/sprint ,buffs healing.
Ah and the champion Whining class _CWs_ still ignores 66% of tenacity.cause .."we are squishy."
Squishy with 85% of GFs HPs and base DR (with shield) higher.Lol
But you guys cry about 1 class in dom when i see that at bis its preaty hard to kill any1. Only low ilvl pug cry but for most part its kinda ballanced...
I got a question for cws here. Did you even try to take dont Kalinas cw shield before combo as gf? He can kite indefenitly any gf any time. I feal bad for GFs without EB. L2P for u all esecialy from him.
Ps. After bull charge my anvil where deflected many times so or as i thouth it was changed waaaaay back or when i run int to range for anvil window for non deflects ends.... With cresendo its another story.
Steel and Magic
Nothing to say more.
.Suicide Squad.
do you really think these discussion will help PVP, I nearly can´t stop laughing to hear these comments about squishy helpless GF or the arguments -->GF is the helping hand in PVP having the option to onecycle every class, otherwise noone dies....this is by sure not the task for a tank
these guy run full lionsmane, T negation and got up to 150k HP...
" GF damage is ridonk. ie I got hit for 361,520 base dmg with Anvil and CANNOT dodge just eat it?" BIS warlock (zeusom)
"I'm still getting hit for 167k by one GUARDIAN FIGHTER's ability (wish we could do this) by Guardian fighters through Shadowslip, 152k by Rogues, desperately trying to get my Shards up to survive 90% of the classes in this game's hits (Another garbage Warlock defensive dynamic by the way)." gomok BIS warlock
Assume you dont get chained by the bull/crescendo+anvil combo, you are attacking, your hits succkk cuz even the DPS tank, can ignore 80% of your damage, since they can have the shield at least 90% of the time up and their DR base is high (also one of the highest HP pool to resist if you manage to CC the GF), even when attacking, they have their DR buffed(Bull-Ch).
The DPS tree must be fixed, same as the DPS tree from GWFs was, by reducing the amount of damage or time they can block.
If anvil is a "finisher" it should finish a guy with lets say 5-10% HP remaining, NOT 40%.
If Bull C is a prone that allow to CC the target to land your finisher, it shouldnt be a finisher itself (40k-60k non crit Bull is a finisher -.-).
Like clonkyo1 said the prone must be removed cuz the anvil is unavoidable (dodges/unstoppable/ITC/shadow slip etc, cannot be activated while prone), anvil itself has a very quick animation.
Conqueror GFs are running and trolling here and there, 2 shotting ppl.
Also someone explain how to dodge/get distance, etc the bull charge from a +4 ring of ambush GF.
U r comparing bazooka to glock here, and u r doing it consciously, i guess its nice to jump on another nerf train than gwfs huh? compare anvil to IBS, and takedown to lunging. frontline to frontline, flourish to flourish, crescendo to crescendo, and IS/SA to IS.
Also its funny how u r acctualy buffing ur class by saing that base dmg must be higher and stacks lower, which will allow u to get much quicker to be rdy to smash with 200k IBS on pugs, and dont tell me your gwf dont does that, coz mine does. Also higher base dmg means u will be closer to cws as dd, since u will be able to hit harder out of the bat, and geting all needed buff stacks wont be so meaningfull. Which basicly means that in shorter fights u will have even bigger adventage on other dd.
Gwf has certain window to atk thats correct, but if gf messes his rotation, big, angry and strong gwf will just run away like an stright arrow. Its not liek we dont have "window", our window is the time from start of the fight to wake up of gwf's inner chiken.
And lets dont lie to ourselfs, if insta wont get 20 sec on stack and some buffs and sent his intimidation, or full rebuild on most of its feats, back there is no other option for paths to be "balanced" without destroying destroyer.
Well played... well acctualy not.
AS warlock against a GF i can stand...very short, in case he lands his CC+AoD=dead
27k power
+fire buff (wheel) 30%
+ ITF-->100% of your DR added as damage, how much is that in case the GF has 10k DR, 25%?
+ ring of brutality 4k power
--> 35k+ power is obviuosly no problem in combat, pure selfbuff
I saw a GF oneshoting a 4k TR few minutes ago "about 115k to zero", never saw a GWF doing so
against 4k GWF I can kite and withstand lots of burst and evade, I even can selfheal
vs GF... not much selfheal and getting into range its hard to stay alive long enough
GWF vs GF on 4k level is a short fight --GWF get`s twoshotted more or less
I do see and feel a difference
A "cought" GF also can not withstand very long when facing a good cc class like CW or TR and some burst on top, but it needs some effort and coordination
I really think the selfbuff from ITF is a bit overdone and the combination from hard hitting prone (my class doesn´t have anthing like that) + AoD is redicules high
What clonkyo said above. Overall it would be a damage NERF to the class but it would be more fun to play.
For example:
1) Remove hidden daggers +40% damage buff. ADD BACK 2% damage on each point of STR.
- Overall impact? ~ -25% damage. NO stacking or forced encounter.
2) Change Destroyer (feat). Make it work like Weapon Master in that it applies off each consecutive attack, rather than when attacking 3+ targets (or only a 25% chance when feated in destroyer for it). Currently adds about 46% damage. INSTEAD. Nerf it to say 5% per stack, stacks 5x, lasts 5-6 seconds JUST like Weapon Master. Feating in Destroyer TREE can add 1% damage per stack (5% total) and add an extra .4/.8/1.2/1.6/2 seconds to the duration of the stacks. So a TOTAL of 30% damage, lasting maybe 6-7 seconds ish.
- Overall impact? Assuming its feated. ~-16% damage. But easier to get up and keep up.
Overall a pretty big damage hit to GWFs (-41%ish) but now requires virtually no damage stacking or atleast very little. There would still be some "build up" but nowhere NEAR what is required right now, this may even hurt the class TOO much TBH.... But this would open the door to make things more fun again. Thats just ME though.
The other thing I would LOVE to see changed would be the Destroyer capstone, having it pegged to Unstoppable is really really lame (especially when 1v1ing a DC or when it bugs). So I would just propose to change this so it no longer requires unstoppable however the "duration" is now more than halved @ ~10-12 seconds. So if you stop attacking for 10 seconds, youll have to rebuild that back up. Or if you stop attacking for about 7 seconds you would lose destroyer feat.
Not saying that a lot of classes are in need of a look at/tone down, "It's coming" but a few are over performing with HAMSTER gear and GF is one of them (I also have a GF I'm leveling up that I am clubbing people with like a baby seal).
they said they have currently no idea of what to do with sw.
they said paladins are too strong, but its ok to leave them as they are.
they said gwfs are currently way overperforming in raw damage, but they are currently ok as they are.
they said nothing on other classes. I had hopes for Hr...which means nothing will be done to the remaining classes for a while.
i dont know what you guys hope but its definitely not going live in mod 9.
A long while back they nerfed one of the Pally's dailies because it was hitting for 100k damage, but yet it's ok for GFs, GWFs, and TRs to hit that hard? Not much balance in that.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
The elven battle makes the cw extremely weak in pvp. Not only does it negate every cc minus repel and ice knife, but it wipes off chill stacks and makes people immune to being frozen unless they're oppressor. People complaining about CWs really don't have a leg to stand on.
Xerxes - GWF
Eazy - DC
Tyrian - TR
Xerxes - GWF
Eazy - DC
Tyrian - TR
sure other classes do have similar broken c.rap
DC...unkillable in the sum + bugs, boring af facing them in PVP imho
OP... bug+ bugs+ unkillable, also boring
GWF ... too much burst, challenging
TR...SE, but they are way more in line than other classes imo and do have weaknesses
CW...? more balanced than any other class imo
Hunter..? weakest class atm
Warlock...? balanced more or less except lack in mitigating burst