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Let us refine rings.

rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
edited December 2015 in Player Feedback (PC)
ok , we got you arent going to change that ridicolous legendary rings drop rate.

today by the way i saw a guy dropping one after A FAILED RUN.

so the thing of getting gold or whatever for a better drop is clearly a BS proven in multiple occasions.

now you want money, i want rings. Let us refine them at least.
People will still farm the content to get the desired +4 version, which is something reasonable to get after 50-60 runs


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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    By everything you consider holy.. no. No more refinement. We have enough of that nonsense already.

    Honestly at this point I'd rather go through refining rings than run PoM anymore.
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    ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    urabask said:

    By everything you consider holy.. no. No more refinement. We have enough of that nonsense already.

    Honestly at this point I'd rather go through refining rings than run PoM anymore.
    I second this emotion. If people don't want to refine, they can keep trying to farm. For those that'd rather take the slow, but surefire route of refining to Legendary, why not?
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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    ultradd#1718 ultradd Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    The collection pages show what ranks affect what rewards. For pom I think it only affects the amount of ichor\faerzees\alliance seals.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User

    urabask said:

    By everything you consider holy.. no. No more refinement. We have enough of that nonsense already.

    Honestly at this point I'd rather go through refining rings than run PoM anymore.
    I second this emotion. If people don't want to refine, they can keep trying to farm. For those that'd rather take the slow, but surefire route of refining to Legendary, why not?
    thats the point, im not asking for the removal of your chance of finding the ring directly at legendary levels
    just introduce an alternative way to get there
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    The collection pages show what ranks affect what rewards. For pom I think it only affects the amount of ichor\faerzees\alliance seals.

    PoM is the only place that drops the +5 crit ring though. It's also a mindless time gated grind because there's no way to really rush through it. So you're looking at hundreds of runs where it doesn't matter how well you do. The only reason anyone tries to get gold is because it guarantees a +1 ring drop and you get through the skirmish a little faster if you get the phases that actually end when you get gold (someone of them just run through the whole timer regardless as to what you do).

    edit: Actually the way it's worded doesn't imply that the ring drop rate isn't affected.
    Post edited by urabask on
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    santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User

    urabask said:

    By everything you consider holy.. no. No more refinement. We have enough of that nonsense already.

    Honestly at this point I'd rather go through refining rings than run PoM anymore.
    I second this emotion. If people don't want to refine, they can keep trying to farm. For those that'd rather take the slow, but surefire route of refining to Legendary, why not?
    I want them to fix the drop rate.

    I DON'T want EVERY character to have Legendary rings to match their legendary Lostmauth set. Soon there will only be one or two rings worth having, and only at legendary....

    Why, o why, couldn't they create a Lostmauth ring set that adds a second crit for every crit??? Why, o why????
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User

    urabask said:

    By everything you consider holy.. no. No more refinement. We have enough of that nonsense already.

    Honestly at this point I'd rather go through refining rings than run PoM anymore.
    I second this emotion. If people don't want to refine, they can keep trying to farm. For those that'd rather take the slow, but surefire route of refining to Legendary, why not?
    I want them to fix the drop rate.

    I DON'T want EVERY character to have Legendary rings to match their legendary Lostmauth set. Soon there will only be one or two rings worth having, and only at legendary....
    Amen. Refining is not the solution. Taking control of the game and providing us with reasonable rewards for our efforts is.
    Too bad the devs haven't show even the most remote interest in addressing the drop rate.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    urabask said:

    urabask said:

    By everything you consider holy.. no. No more refinement. We have enough of that nonsense already.

    Honestly at this point I'd rather go through refining rings than run PoM anymore.
    I second this emotion. If people don't want to refine, they can keep trying to farm. For those that'd rather take the slow, but surefire route of refining to Legendary, why not?
    I want them to fix the drop rate.

    I DON'T want EVERY character to have Legendary rings to match their legendary Lostmauth set. Soon there will only be one or two rings worth having, and only at legendary....
    Amen. Refining is not the solution. Taking control of the game and providing us with reasonable rewards for our efforts is.
    Too bad the devs haven't show even the most remote interest in addressing the drop rate.
    fixing the drop rate would still be good enough until i think to the hundreds times i ran elol without a single artifact drops.
    regardless chances, the rng in this game doesnt work.
    Refining is the ultimate solution for everyone.
    A greater drop rate + possibility to refine would be ideal
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User

    You want to refine a +5 ring for what? There is no content in the game that requires the investment.

    I think it's pretty obvious people are asking to refine lower ranked rings to +5.
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    urabask said:

    You want to refine a +5 ring for what? There is no content in the game that requires the investment.

    I think it's pretty obvious people are asking to refine lower ranked rings to +5.
    Ya, I know. But there is no reason to waste a ton of RP to get a ring to +5, when you can beat all the content with the personalized ones.
    Pretty much any RP past epic is a waste anyways if you look at it that way.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User

    You want to refine a +5 ring for what? There is no content in the game that requires the investment.

    let me decide if i need a rank 5 ring or not please
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    urabask said:

    urabask said:

    By everything you consider holy.. no. No more refinement. We have enough of that nonsense already.

    Honestly at this point I'd rather go through refining rings than run PoM anymore.
    I second this emotion. If people don't want to refine, they can keep trying to farm. For those that'd rather take the slow, but surefire route of refining to Legendary, why not?
    I want them to fix the drop rate.

    I DON'T want EVERY character to have Legendary rings to match their legendary Lostmauth set. Soon there will only be one or two rings worth having, and only at legendary....
    Amen. Refining is not the solution. Taking control of the game and providing us with reasonable rewards for our efforts is.
    Too bad the devs haven't show even the most remote interest in addressing the drop rate.
    True. And they have also shown no incline to make artifact rings yet Let's not give them that idea, shall we?
    I think you could infer that the low drop rate means that any change they make to the drop rate would be pretty minor.

    IMO having them drop so rarely was a missed opportunity to make strongholds more accessible but that might have been the reason they left it as low as it is.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    urabask said:

    urabask said:

    urabask said:

    By everything you consider holy.. no. No more refinement. We have enough of that nonsense already.

    Honestly at this point I'd rather go through refining rings than run PoM anymore.
    I second this emotion. If people don't want to refine, they can keep trying to farm. For those that'd rather take the slow, but surefire route of refining to Legendary, why not?
    I want them to fix the drop rate.

    I DON'T want EVERY character to have Legendary rings to match their legendary Lostmauth set. Soon there will only be one or two rings worth having, and only at legendary....
    Amen. Refining is not the solution. Taking control of the game and providing us with reasonable rewards for our efforts is.
    Too bad the devs haven't show even the most remote interest in addressing the drop rate.
    True. And they have also shown no incline to make artifact rings yet Let's not give them that idea, shall we?
    I think you could infer that the low drop rate means that any change they make to the drop rate would be pretty minor.

    IMO having them drop so rarely was a missed opportunity to make strongholds more accessible.
    or at least drop rate should have some consistency.
    gold ranks should always drop +3 +4 +5 and not +1 +2 with higher chances.
    silver should have +1 +2 +3
    bronze occasionally +1 +2 (like silver now)

    and the additional chest should have sense too!
    right now like i wrote you can be afk the whole demogorgon which fails and you still get a +5.
    or fight like the last jedi, get 3 golds and drop a +1 more often than not.

    i start to understand people afking there, i mean why should they play? enter the encounter and go watch netflix
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    santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    You want to refine a +5 ring for what? There is no content in the game that requires the investment.

    For PVP, of course. I like PVP, but the gear expenditure and demand is getting hilariously astronomical. If PVP is given unlimited legendary rings, it will be just that much more you *have* to spend on it, leaving nobody improved. And another outrageous bar for newbies.

    Newbies have become quite few. I see very few toons under 3K ilevel anymore.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User

    You want to refine a +5 ring for what? There is no content in the game that requires the investment.

    For PVP, of course. I like PVP, but the gear expenditure and demand is getting hilariously astronomical. If PVP is given unlimited legendary rings, it will be just that much more you *have* to spend on it, leaving nobody improved. And another outrageous bar for newbies.

    Newbies have become quite few. I see very few toons under 3K ilevel anymore.
    they will eventually put them in lockboxes like they always did so rest assured it will happen anyways in a couple of months.
    what im asking is more generic than just "let us refine them".
    Is give us a way not be totally in the hand of a known buggy RNG with already low drop rates.
    refining is what i consider the win-win situation.
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    You want to refine a +5 ring for what? There is no content in the game that requires the investment.

    For PVP, of course. I like PVP, but the gear expenditure and demand is getting hilariously astronomical. If PVP is given unlimited legendary rings, it will be just that much more you *have* to spend on it, leaving nobody improved. And another outrageous bar for newbies.

    Newbies have become quite few. I see very few toons under 3K ilevel anymore.
    lol the rosegold rings going for 8+ million AD make refining a ring look cheap.
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    cl1mh4224rdcl1mh4224rd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 70 Arc User
    I don't think this game needs more ways of reminding people like me how "inefficiently" we play it (7 characters, 33 days of play time on my main, not a single legendary item). It's nice to have something to shoot for, but for people like me it's a lot less like "shooting" and far more like "crawling". It's already kind of depressing.
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    bitt3rnightmar3bitt3rnightmar3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 788 Arc User

    I don't think this game needs more ways of reminding people like me how "inefficiently" we play it (7 characters, 33 days of play time on my main, not a single legendary item). It's nice to have something to shoot for, but for people like me it's a lot less like "shooting" and far more like "crawling". It's already kind of depressing.

    I've played since right after beta. I don't have ANY legendary items nor have I ever. I haven't really focused on outgearing content either. I have taken 2-3 month breaks in between mods when I got bored of content until recently I have come back after quitting after Mod 6 for Strongholds. I consider myself a casual player and I don't intend to spend large amounts of money on a game that doesn't reward me just to make it 'easier'. I might actually get my main toons DC Sigil to Legendary after this Double RP! ( It's only at level 91). I play the game just fine at 2.5gs right now on my toons. I never exploited AD. I have toon of each class and I'm just now getting one Leadership to level 25. My alts are heathens (I don't really care to pray a zillion times. It's boring.) Maybe I'm horribly inefficient- or maybe I just don't care and I play this game to have fun. I agree the constant race for gear takes the wind out of my sails sometimes-- but if you lose the fun in the game it's not really a game and it's more like a job. If people want to spend the time and effort to refine rings I say let them- but try to not make this another RP currency I have to track. I have avoided edemo for the most part because it's just not fun for me. I am not really playing high DPS and as much as I hear people complain about dying when there is no healer/tank in edemo when I am there I don't really thing I make much difference like I do when I'm in a dungeon. It's just MADNESS- running around- most of the time people don't listen and you get random blue rings most of the time even if you get gold. I'd rather them let us buy the ring we want to try out with this demonic ichor because I have nothing to do with all this ichor i keep getting. I'm not replacing my elemental Dragonflight armor or my already elemental elven with Tiamat gear 2.0.

    Relmyna - AC/DC Righteous + Haste| Nadine - CW MoF (working on it)|Buffy - GF SM Tact| Hrist - Justice Tankadin|Healadin (Wannabe Tank)| Lena -MI Sabo TR (Farmer) | Jeska - GWF SM Destroyer (Farmer) | Maggie - HR PF Trapper (Wannabe DPS)
    I'll never retrace my steps.

    Some of my best friends are Imaginary.

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    zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    You shut your face you evil person!
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
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    zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User

    I've played since right after beta. I don't have ANY legendary items nor have I ever. I haven't really focused on outgearing content either. I have taken 2-3 month breaks in between mods when I got bored of content until recently I have come back after quitting after Mod 6 for Strongholds. I consider myself a casual player and I don't intend to spend large amounts of money on a game that doesn't reward me just to make it 'easier'. I might actually get my main toons DC Sigil to Legendary after this Double RP! ( It's only at level 91). I play the game just fine at 2.5gs right now on my toons. I never exploited AD. I have toon of each class and I'm just now getting one Leadership to level 25. My alts are heathens (I don't really care to pray a zillion times. It's boring.) Maybe I'm horribly inefficient- or maybe I just don't care and I play this game to have fun. I agree the constant race for gear takes the wind out of my sails sometimes-- but if you lose the fun in the game it's not really a game and it's more like a job. If people want to spend the time and effort to refine rings I say let them- but try to not make this another RP currency I have to track. I have avoided edemo for the most part because it's just not fun for me. I am not really playing high DPS and as much as I hear people complain about dying when there is no healer/tank in edemo when I am there I don't really thing I make much difference like I do when I'm in a dungeon. It's just MADNESS- running around- most of the time people don't listen and you get random blue rings most of the time even if you get gold. I'd rather them let us buy the ring we want to try out with this demonic ichor because I have nothing to do with all this ichor i keep getting. I'm not replacing my elemental Dragonflight armor or my already elemental elven with Tiamat gear 2.0.

    Step 1: Buy pants.
    Step 2: Sell pants.
    Step 3: Profit.
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    You honestly went with refining as your "go to" solution to this? Really? Lets just put this in the bad ideas bin and pretend it didn't happen.

    Because there are honestly MUCH better ways to fix this without having to deal with more refining.

    I mean just off the top of my head I can think of...

    Adjust the drop rate
    Allow rings to be purchased with campaign currency
    Change the rings to Bind on Equip rather then pickup.
    Allow rings to be exchanged by salvaging unwanted rings.

    There are better ideas. Please, no more refining.

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    bitt3rnightmar3bitt3rnightmar3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 788 Arc User
    zibadawa said:

    Step 1: Buy pants.
    Step 2: Sell pants.
    Step 3: Profit.

    Haha! <3

    Relmyna - AC/DC Righteous + Haste| Nadine - CW MoF (working on it)|Buffy - GF SM Tact| Hrist - Justice Tankadin|Healadin (Wannabe Tank)| Lena -MI Sabo TR (Farmer) | Jeska - GWF SM Destroyer (Farmer) | Maggie - HR PF Trapper (Wannabe DPS)
    I'll never retrace my steps.

    Some of my best friends are Imaginary.

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    santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User

    True. And they have also shown no incline to make artifact rings yet Let's not give them that idea, shall we?

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