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Known Issues with Underdark



  • obsiddiaobsiddia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,025 Arc User
    Could you add the Stronghold Cleric not being able to accept the
    Throne of the Dwarven Gods skirmish completion?

    We could really use the Adventure points, if that was fixed.
    Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
  • kurtb88kurtb88 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 597 Arc User
    The game crashes now very frequently on my characters. It never did this prior to Mod8. I feel it must be caused by the game and not my PC since I never changed my PC at all and the day Mod8 launched this game began crashing. Apparently it's happening to MANY players.
  • noqualificationnoqualification Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I played epic demogorgon twice with good parties, we got the silver score twice and nobody (I asked) got the Twisted Ichor in the chest. The tool-tip of the Greater Demonic Key says that we should had.

    Please fix this, not getting the rewards that we should really spoils the fun :(
  • tantrumusmaximustantrumusmaximus Member Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited November 2015

    The following is a list of known major issues with Underdark:

    • Accepting multiple Elemental Artifact Weapon quests prevents the player from gaining progress in those quests. To work around the issue, a player may drop all of those Artifact quests, then accept only one. This will be addressed in an upcoming patch.
    • Certain gear given by Masterwork Professions currently has no required level. This will be addressed in an upcoming patch.
    • Players currently cannot preview gear of other classes than their own. This will be addressed in an upcoming patch.
    • Overflow transfer button only sends items to the first bag.
    • Coupons don't properly appear on the drop down menu when purchasing an item from the Zen Market. Please choose the coupon you wish to use.
    • At this time it is not possible to accept any masterwork quests from “The Artisan” in your guild stronghold if you currently have the quest “Weapons of Air,” “Weapons of Earth,” “Weapons of Fire,” or “Weapons of Water” in your journal. We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused and are working on a fix. In the meantime, dropping the elemental weapon quests will allow you to accept a masterwork quest from “The Artisan,” should you meet the other requirements, and have completed the hand-off quest “Don’t Say His Name” from “The Master of Coin.” As long as you retain the unawakened heart of the element corresponding to the weapon you are pursuing, you will continue to be able to earn motes from completing heroic encounters in the corresponding zone. In addition, your progress can be tracked in the heart’s tooltip.
    • An issue wherein examining chests in "Prophecy of Madness," "Throne of the Dwarven Gods," "Demogorgon" or "Epic Demogorgon" will cause the weekly cap on demonic ichor to behave as if you had obtained the ichor contained therein, regardless of whether or not you used a key and obtained the ichor. Until this issue is resolved, it is recommended that unless you intend to use a key to open the chest, or have already reached your weekly cap that you do not examine the contents of the chest. We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused and will have news once the issue has been resolved.
    What about the GAMECLIENT not responding crash that has happened since the 11/24 patch that has been plaguing quite a number of gamers.... Would love to see some comment that the problem is being addressed. Not only does the client crash but on many occasions you can no longer even login afterwards.

  • mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    The game crashes is happening to almost everyone. Its like getting a bad diagnosis and thinking "I never thought this would happen to me". Yes, its happening to me too! The game freezes and then I have to restart it. It seems to really be bad and start when I do the Demonic Heroic Encounters in Well Of Dragons.
  • vallan3evallan3e Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    If you dropped the quest as instructed, then finished collecting your motes, got an awakened heart but cant turn it in add any relevant info to the existing bug report

    The following is a list of known major issues with Underdark:

    • At this time it is not possible to accept any masterwork quests from “The Artisan” in your guild stronghold if you currently have the quest “Weapons of Air,” “Weapons of Earth,” “Weapons of Fire,” or “Weapons of Water” in your journal. We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused and are working on a fix. In the meantime, dropping the elemental weapon quests will allow you to accept a masterwork quest from “The Artisan,” should you meet the other requirements, and have completed the hand-off quest “Don’t Say His Name” from “The Master of Coin.” As long as you retain the unawakened heart of the element corresponding to the weapon you are pursuing, you will continue to be able to earn motes from completing heroic encounters in the corresponding zone.
  • gorbad13gorbad13 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I take it that Epic Demo currently not dropping Twisted Ichor at all (the chest seems to be permanently stuck in Bronze mode) and the bug that can cause stage two to just auto fail are major issues that we can expect to see patched very shortly?
  • metalsabrwolfmetalsabrwolf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 59 Arc User
    It also seems that when you are working on the artisan quests some of the items you need to craft come up different example, I was working on the Jewelcrafting and the ring I needed to make came up on a rare time but when I crafted the ring it did not count towards the quest since the end result of the selection of the task did not match. Superior Adamant Ring of Piercing = Gemmed Adamant Ring of Piercing
  • mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    metal, im having the same issue with Jewelcrafting. Its so confusing.
  • psistarprimepsistarprime Member Posts: 86 Arc User

    It also seems that when you are working on the artisan quests some of the items you need to craft come up different example, I was working on the Jewelcrafting and the ring I needed to make came up on a rare time but when I crafted the ring it did not count towards the quest since the end result of the selection of the task did not match. Superior Adamant Ring of Piercing = Gemmed Adamant Ring of Piercing

    you have to achieve the tier 3 result utilizing purple assets for a maximum 60% success ration in order to craft the Gemmed variant, otherwise you will receive the Superior Ring
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    It sounds like *sometimes*, the masterwork quest wants a tier 2 result item and not a tier 3.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • psistarprimepsistarprime Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    no, I have worked the first Mastercraft mission set with every profession. It wants the tier 3 item from a level 25 task that creates blue items, not purple, in almost every case (excluding Alchemy which actually uses a nontiered common task). You can easily find the tasks you need by reading the Wiki pages on professions. "Gemmed" is always a denotion for a tier 3 result. Tier 1 is the base item, tier 2 has slightly better stats, tier 3 adds the enchantment slots.

    The biggest bugs with Mastercrafting is that the Mastercraft assets do not grant an actual % chance to create the Mastercraft recipes (thus a max 20% success chance to make a simple component) and at least 1 of the Explorer Chart missions grants an improper resource (Vellosk mission grants the third stage item Cashmere rather than the intended Cashmere Wool, blocking progression in the second set of tailoring missions)
  • eregerogeregerog Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 47 Arc User
    Here are a couple more issues:
    1. PoM - Protecting the Wards - Phase 1 & 2: Enemies still spawn after gold has been reached and the phase only advnaces once all monsters are dead. Because of that, sometimes the team still fights monsters for another 30s, even though they reached gold.
    Expectation: Just like in the other versions and skirmish, all monsters to die once gold has been reached and thus an advancement to the next phase:
    2. Demo - Phase 1: This phase can't end early, even though gold has been reached. Additionally, monsters may still be killed and tears continue to spawn.
    Expectation: As in (1), once gold has been reached all monsters (except demogorgon) die and the next phase begins.
    3. PoM & TotDG: The timer ticks slower than real time. I've already written a forum post about that: arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1208385/the-length-of-a-second-time-spent-in-pom-totdg
    Expectation: Phase 1 & 2 of both skrimishes take 5 REAL minutes
  • sonofrobsonofrob Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    I have completed 100's of demonic HE's and have not gotten Drow Hunter's Tips to drop. I am almost at the 4th boon but cannot get the 3rd. How many do I need to run? I have a friend who dot his in his 1st HE.
  • wolfe0rainwolfe0rain Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    This one apparently has been around for a while, and has been "officially" recognized since release 5 came out... though has been known by a good many players to be around from the time it went from beta to gold/full release.

    Texture corruption/unloaded textures:

    Unofficial fix: turn the world/character detail settings down. I normally keep mine at 100 as any higher seems to cause this, though others seems to need less.

    Commonalities between people with the issue: SSDs and Higher end graphics cards (I have the 780ti)

    This tells me it is most likely, in a slightly educated manor, that it is something to do with the loading of textures, the speed at which it happens, and where it loads to in the video cards and how that all interacts via video card driver.

    Would be nice if they not only recognized this as an official bug with the game again here in this thread, but also did more than said they were looking into it as well... to be honest it's been looked into several times (if we are to believe them, and I do believe them) and hasn't been fully fixed... just made less of an issue here and there, but broken upon subsequent releases. Back to 100% for me until this is resolved... would be nice to see everything in the detail it was meant to be in...
  • viperwitch23viperwitch23 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    Skirmish Throne of the Dwarven Gods Quest for guild SH not completable. I did 2 times today gold GOLD at the end but it is not completed. Shores of Tuern skirmish counts for completion of Throne of the Dwarven Gods.
    What is it?
    FIX IT!
  • aenuanaenuan Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
    Leaderboard is broken again. Loosing or gaining postion is not equivalent to the match results. e.g. Person with 0 wins and 4 losses got on the first page.
    https://youtube.com/channel/UCsHy_ly0HtwhAT2T3OEiowg - yt channel with some records from PVP 5v5
  • blinxonblinxon Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    Biggest issue:
    Im still skillless. Fix that plz.
  • revdeadcorpserevdeadcorpse Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 21 Arc User
    Running without dynamic shadows and reduced resolution, my crashes seem to have lessened to a point where I can play this again.

    However, that free 4 pack of Black dyes? I stuck all 4 on my GWF (Main Armor, Greaves, Cloak, and Shirt), but my Control Wizard and my Hunter Rangers got it on the same items I dyed on my GWF. My Scourge Warlock didn't get the dye like the other two did.
  • zefirootzefiroot Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 50 Arc User
    „Today's feature“ from underdark campaign is not awarding me +40 ichor (ichor cache) even though I do the listed quest and even though I didn't reach the weekly limit. I has been like that for 2 weeks.
  • zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    zefiroot said:

    „Today's feature“ from underdark campaign is not awarding me +40 ichor (ichor cache) even though I do the listed quest and even though I didn't reach the weekly limit. I has been like that for 2 weeks.

    Do you currently have another cache in your inventory or bank? You can only have one at a time.
  • zefirootzefiroot Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 50 Arc User
    No it is not that. But I have noticed - if I do today's feature - after I did it, the quest changes to another quest. So last time after I did the second quest I got the cache.
  • asthazarfasthazarf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    IWD - Ice Wind Pass: Frost Giant Moot quest - giant is present only when Demonic Escape or Demonic Slaughter (or one of the Overload Demonic HEs in these 2 locations) are active.

    Demonic Encounters in general:
    - sometimes mobs have no trajectory; they simply spawn and remain at the portal. (noticed on SH map, Demonic Closure HE)
    - sometimes Bruenor does not de-spawn, and remains on the map somehow attracting aggro from the next Demonic HE which spawns. This sends adds halfway around the map, and is rather irking particularly when you have to deal with imps which are invisible if you're not close to them.
    - The above also appears to happen with players: after a HE ends, sometimes mobs spawn for 1 or 2 seconds and disappear. At the other end of the map, in a HE which only just began, mobs spawn with aggro on the player who picked the last aggro in the previous HE, and begin their journey away from the current one. (best noticed on SH map: finish Demonic Closure and have Demonic Slaughter come up next... when going through citadel to reach Slaughter, you'll meet imps halfway there coming towards you, generally around the bridge area right next to Slaughter)
    - Demonic Closure, multiple clerics: when 1-3 extra clerics spawn, the fill meter seems to go up at a much slower rate. Generally, these instances are lost causes from what I've seen so far.

    - PoM: SH daily regarding finishing Prophecy of Madness is only completed if you finish Epic Lair of Lostmauth.
    - Having 1200 Ichor on your character and opening an Ichor Cache while weekly limit is below 400 will add to your weekly limit without actually giving you any Ichor, since the 1200 threshold can't be breached.
  • lionmaruu0lionmaruu0 Member Posts: 327 Arc User
    - Having 1200 Ichor on your character and opening an Ichor Cache while weekly limit is below 400 will add to your weekly limit without actually giving you any Ichor, since the 1200 threshold can't be breached.

    if you keep on clicking the ichor it will drain all your limit and you wont be able to get a single ichor point on that week,if the limit is 1000+ then you should at least avoid the cache of draining from your weekly limit this is very unfair, even more because the 400 ichor a week is absurd and ridiculous
  • myleafsmyleafs Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    "if you keep on clicking the ichor it will drain all your limit and you wont be able to get a single ichor point on that week,if the limit is 1000+ then you should at least avoid the cache of draining from your weekly limit this is very unfair, even more because the 400 ichor a week is absurd and ridiculous"

    That just happened to me unfortunately, I thought that bug was fixed. So now I'm capped for the week, and it just reset less than 2 hours ago. And I wanted to get that off-hand for double refinement week end. . . bummer
  • mordane44mordane44 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    I know you are aware of the network issues and the frequent lags and forced log offs that have been prevalent for MONTHS now and are looking into it, but some kind of an ETA or assessment would be nice. The game is becoming almost unplayable in its current state. Thanks in advance!
  • fatgunsfatguns Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    *GWF unstopable bug* We had this since ever, fix it..
  • fey#9320 fey Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Arc will not update. Others have reported the same problem. So ... no game.

    Edit: problem resolved. As per troubleshooting guide, ran Repair Arc.exe found here:

    Perfect World Entertainment/Arc/Repair Arc.exe
    Post edited by fey#9320 on
  • kurtferro79kurtferro79 Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited March 2016
    This game run very bad with AMD cards, i think is physx cause, i don't see cpu library for physx for run with AMD, and we can't disable it, i run at 25/30fps with my R9 390 in PE, i tryed with old drivers and all game setting, i play fine all others game than are most heavy like, Fallout4, TESO, BF3, BF4, Skyrim full mods, Insurgency, XCOM2, and more.. so is just a bad game code....

    When i played in mod6 with my old AMD HD7870 the game run smooth 50/60fps and more without limiter..
    i play with Windows 10, i5 2500k @ 4,4GHZ, 16GB RAM 1866MHZ, SSD..

    Please fix this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> because i stop to play with this performance, and i don't think i'm the only with this problems..
    Post edited by kurtferro79 on
  • barkingsandsbarkingsands Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Hi all, I don't know where to post this. So I am posting it here. I am playing on xbox one, my char just did the Menzoberranzan first intro quest. I got to Jarlaxle and he gave me two quest options, I excepted just the first quest which took me to the latest zone, I don't recall the name of the city. Now I can not get back into Menzoberranzan to complete this campaign. The cities are still locked. Any help is much appreciated.
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