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[PvP]New Artifact Stealth Rings



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    daniloslvdaniloslv Member Posts: 99 Arc User


    Weren't Devs those dome-top conical robot aliens ???

    ...i'm pretty sure it's been something with D...

    Oh, well, looking forward to the rage fest...

    I think you mean the Daleks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalek
    Leliana - Healer DC
    Leliana C.W. - Opressor CW
    Lelian O.P. - Bulwark Paladin
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    oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    lwedar said:

    oliboyph said:

    The hatred of TRs in this game and on this forum is worthy of a psyc thesis.


    It's a simple sum of hatred due to bad experience being killed by one - and envy.

    Maybe the stealth ring will quench the latter a wee. But that ofc won't stop the bad experience thing...
    I wouldn't say envy, otherwise everyone will just play TR. It's the experience of having an encounter with one, and being stuck on what to do. You can't do anything unless you have skill that doesn't require target, and only gwf has pvp skill that doesn't need targeting. Good players know and will admit that certain skills their class has need to be nerfed, i.e. some fine OP players in this game. TR's players seem to have an aversion to any change in their class, even though there is an almost uniform consensus that their class is broken in pvp, and require no skill to play. I won't say anything of the sort, I have never played TR so I don't have the right.
    not really, every class in the game now have builds that are good for pvp. This includes vs TRs.

    Only mid to low tier players still get dumb by stealth.

    However for the players that are skilled and know how to fight all classes, this ring will allow them to easily dispatch TR, that is the problem. This isn't balancing or fixing or anything of the sort. It is one item that any class can use to mitigate TRs tab ability. The reason everyone wants TRs visible is because a visible tr=dead tr. TRs don't choose to go in stealth, it is the only option. Without it we are dead.

    Anyway, I am sure devs haven't tested enough and will soon realize what they did. Interested to see how it is handled

    C'mon man, even in GG where everyone is above 3k, a group of 5 players still get stumped by TR's. How are you supposed to hit TR if you can't target them, and most PVP skills do not execute without a target, are we supposed to change powers if we see a TR coming? Aoe skills for pvp anyone?

    I've seen some TR's our there that don't use stealth that often, they instead use dodge well. They are still extremely effective. Remember when you could block point nodes in domination by just standing on it. I think it was TR's fault that they decided to change how it worked.

    There may be some things that plan on doing for PVP but perma TR will make it impossible to be playable. Be more objective on this, have you ever had a game where you there is a class that is permanently invisible? I'm up for them being able to one-shot people who aren't paying attention, i'm totally up for them being able to use invisibility to roam corner undetected, but for a class to be able to hold a position simply by being invisible doesn't seem like a mechanic you can make a decent pvp event with.

    Might I also add, that perma invi TR's are the reason why HR's and SW's are so rare in PVP, they are basically food for TR's. So please be more objective, think outside the box, and give the devs some credit.
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
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    hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    lwedar said:

    zeusom said:

    Well there is no word from devs on pulling the stealth reveal rings and mod launches in 2 days. So I would guess that their plan is to watch and "see how it goes" to assess how much these rings really compromise TRs.

    its pretty bad. The devs will have no choice then to buff damage back. Which might not be a bad thing due to the difference in striker damage (GWF vs TR)

    Yeah the TR can certainly use a damage buff that is for sure. I don't think comparing with the gwf is appropriate because I am pretty sure they are not meant to be dealing the kinds of damage they are dealing. If they fixed the interaction issues it might make it more readily apparent what should be done. Simply comparing with the GWF, though, you are talking about needing a 100% to 300% buff to even out again.
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    fangredwaterfangredwater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Range Combatants like CW, HR

    Are supposed to be weak against close combat - they are supposed to die 90% of the time. CWs are not tanks.

    CWs & range classes aren't supposed to go into stealth & kill from range. With stealth rings they will do exactly that.
    As for stealth - the target can SEE the rogue once they are near anyway so what was the point of giving every other class the specialties of TR like stealth, agility, deflection, critical chance etc ???
    In Pvp - if you see Damage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - this is just plain sad & undeniable a stupid game. If I continue to play it so, I would also be stupid. If I pay to win, I will never be able to say it is my skill - rather it is my wallet. Many player rely on papa to finance their wins. I really don't want to have this kind of reputation.

    Class buffs like ITC should be removed by an equipment. If they are - the recharge time must be shortened to within 2 sec.
    If you hate the Rogue so much, just remove the class once & for all. The Rogue community can move to a better game.

    Please don't make a mockery of the Rogue class. It will show case you as lacking & deficient while the Rogue community simply moves to another game.

    Once trust is lost, in real life - it will NOT come back.

    If you google, there are a 100 f2p games that come up & neverwinter isn't even on the list.

    This game can not grow like this.

    For many this might be the final nail in the coffin.
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    hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,183 Arc User
    edited November 2015

    Range Combatants like CW, HR

    Are supposed to be weak against close combat - they are supposed to die 90% of the time. CWs are not tanks.

    CWs & range classes aren't supposed to go into stealth & kill from range. With stealth rings they will do exactly that.
    As for stealth - the target can SEE the rogue once they are near anyway so what was the point of giving every other class the specialties of TR like stealth, agility, deflection, critical chance etc ???
    In Pvp - if you see Damage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - this is just plain sad & undeniable a stupid game. If I continue to play it so, I would also be stupid. If I pay to win, I will never be able to say it is my skill - rather it is my wallet. Many player rely on papa to finance their wins. I really don't want to have this kind of reputation.

    Class buffs like ITC should be removed by an equipment. If they are - the recharge time must be shortened to within 2 sec.
    If you hate the Rogue so much, just remove the class once & for all. The Rogue community can move to a better game.

    Please don't make a mockery of the Rogue class. It will show case you as lacking & deficient while the Rogue community simply moves to another game.

    Once trust is lost, in real life - it will NOT come back.

    If you google, there are a 100 f2p games that come up & neverwinter isn't even on the list.

    This game can not grow like this.

    For many this might be the final nail in the coffin.

    U complain because TR will not be Freaky overpowered and have easy winnings?? And its like, if TR not wining = game is doomed..? >>>Welcome to warlocks world<< Where u don't have anything to do in pvp, exept die die die die die die die die and keep doing it again and again. Because Tr hiting from perma stealth....

    Next yes, Long ranged classes, HR and sw and mid range CW are not tanks.. But all advantige they have is when they hit from range.. Downside is tolerance to incoming hits in close range.. Now TR have perma stealh = u can't hit from long, mid and even close range.. U can hit only when he revieal himself.
    So what HR<>CW<>SW just have to die because TR should be OWNER? U suggest gameplay like, U go to pvp, lay on the ground, take flowers in your arms, close eye and die? Just because TR have to win 90% of all time..
    Dude, its not balance.. Also this ring which u think is TR killer is nothing special.. And its work only when u hit player who have it. Its not like neverending effect area arround player..

    I have see, and talked with TR who don't even bother to use Hide, they say its too easy. So these TR are real tough ones.
    As for stealh capability for other classes due ring.. Its work only when u walk/run. U stop u lose stealh.
    And its no big deal./. Simply use same way as u fight TR who use permastealh 999999% of pvp time..

    p.s some time ago I suggested give stealth to SW.. it was epic NOOOOOO from TR guys...
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

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    oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User

    Range Combatants like CW, HR

    Are supposed to be weak against close combat - they are supposed to die 90% of the time. CWs are not tanks.

    CWs & range classes aren't supposed to go into stealth & kill from range. With stealth rings they will do exactly that.
    As for stealth - the target can SEE the rogue once they are near anyway so what was the point of giving every other class the specialties of TR like stealth, agility, deflection, critical chance etc ???
    In Pvp - if you see Damage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - this is just plain sad & undeniable a stupid game. If I continue to play it so, I would also be stupid. If I pay to win, I will never be able to say it is my skill - rather it is my wallet. Many player rely on papa to finance their wins. I really don't want to have this kind of reputation.

    Class buffs like ITC should be removed by an equipment. If they are - the recharge time must be shortened to within 2 sec.
    If you hate the Rogue so much, just remove the class once & for all. The Rogue community can move to a better game.

    Please don't make a mockery of the Rogue class. It will show case you as lacking & deficient while the Rogue community simply moves to another game.

    Once trust is lost, in real life - it will NOT come back.

    If you google, there are a 100 f2p games that come up & neverwinter isn't even on the list.

    This game can not grow like this.

    For many this might be the final nail in the coffin.

    U complain because TR will not be Freaky overpowered and have easy winnings?? And its like, if TR not wining = game is doomed..? >>>Welcome to warlocks world<< Where u don't have anything to do in pvp, exept die die die die die die die die and keep doing it again and again. Because Tr hiting from perma stealth....

    Next yes, Long ranged classes, HR and sw and mid range CW are not tanks.. But all advantige they have is when they hit from range.. Downside is tolerance to incoming hits in close range.. Now TR have perma stealh = u can't hit from long, mid and even close range.. U can hit only when he revieal himself.
    So what HR<>CW<>SW just have to die because TR should be OWNER? U suggest gameplay like, U go to pvp, lay on the ground, take flowers in your arms, close eye and die? Just because TR have to win 90% of all time..
    Dude, its not balance.. Also this ring which u think is TR killer is nothing special.. And its work only when u hit player who have it. Its not like neverending effect area arround player..

    I have see, and talked with TR who don't even bother to use Hide, they say its too easy. So these TR are real tough ones.
    As for stealh capability for other classes due ring.. Its work only when u walk/run. U stop u lose stealh.
    And its no big deal./. Simply use same way as u fight TR who use permastealh 999999% of pvp time..

    p.s some time ago I suggested give stealth to SW.. it was epic NOOOOOO from TR guys...
    Actually TR's are still doing well in pvp, just not depending on stealth anymore. In the end if you were too dependent on stealth then you suck! lol. TR's are still great for pvp, as they should be, just not at the same way anymore. Now the real skilled TR's are being separated from the kids.
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
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    hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,183 Arc User
    oliboyph said:

    Actually TR's are still doing well in pvp, just not depending on stealth anymore. In the end if you were too dependent on stealth then you suck! lol. TR's are still great for pvp, as they should be, just not at the same way anymore. Now the real skilled TR's are being separated from the kids.

    Good luck to try convince remaing TR's here. who like to say,, No perma stealh = TR HAMSTER, imposible to play and so one :)
    P.s respect to ones who can go without perma stealh 999999% of pvp time.. :)
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

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    schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    its a needed cut imo
    but I also have to admit that seeing a GWF running , being near allways in stealth looks redicules...
    huge guy with a big sword on his shoulder , perma stealth by running+ another ring not sure, all in all its no real option for that class because you lose too much i think
    for a caster a stealth ring when moving is more powerfull, did not see that ring until now
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    hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,183 Arc User

    its a needed cut imo
    but I also have to admit that seeing a GWF running , being near allways in stealth looks redicules...
    huge guy with a big sword on his shoulder , perma stealth by running+ another ring not sure, all in all its no real option for that class because you lose too much i think
    for a caster a stealth ring when moving is more powerfull, did not see that ring until now

    Indeed, GWF will be danger as never before, same goes for Paladins, CW also will be insane danger. Imagine DC Healer running around in pvp, cast Life bastion >run>go to stealth.
    Or like in domination u capturing zone/flag while u running in stealth.. And in same time enemy team members also runs around your with stealth.

    In most aspect I don't like new rings,, but if it boost chance to SW get back to pvp then I am for it.

    Mod 6 karate kick to warlocks balls. And make sure SW quit Pvp.
    Current mod kung fu kick to balls to make sure SW quit pve.
    I wonder what kind finishing slap SW get in future mod :neutral:
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

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    oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User

    its a needed cut imo
    but I also have to admit that seeing a GWF running , being near allways in stealth looks redicules...
    huge guy with a big sword on his shoulder , perma stealth by running+ another ring not sure, all in all its no real option for that class because you lose too much i think
    for a caster a stealth ring when moving is more powerfull, did not see that ring until now

    I know. In pvp I see gwf's come in, score point, then run away. It's the funniest thing I've seen in this game. Might be players just testing things out.
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
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