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Does it pay to come back and play this game?



  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    When the game first launched, T2 set gear only dropped (sparingly) from bosses, or if you were lucky, from the Dungeon Delve chest, only accessible during that one specific hour. And even then, you have to hope that you got lucky with the right set piece dropping.

    And buying it from the AH was incredibly expensive, especially for the BiS pieces...so expensive it didn't make it practical for a new player to even think about affording it without spending real money to get the AD.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • novakk1novakk1 Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    Sorry but the game became 100% grind. They took out half the dungeons and almost every possible way to earn AD. Stay far away from this train wreck.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User

    When the game first launched, T2 set gear only dropped (sparingly) from bosses, or if you were lucky, from the Dungeon Delve chest, only accessible during that one specific hour. And even then, you have to hope that you got lucky with the right set piece dropping.

    And buying it from the AH was incredibly expensive, especially for the BiS pieces...so expensive it didn't make it practical for a new player to even think about affording it without spending real money to get the AD.

    Did that stop people from finding their own gear to sell on the AH...? I was poor back then and bought a large chunk of my gear.
  • rollingonitrollingonit Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    "It's actually easier now that it was when Neverwinter first launched"

    This is a complete lie. I had no issues getting T2 gear when the game started. I didnt have to pug, be grouped, guilded, or even run the dungeons. I had choices, I could grind for it or just buy it from other players.

    That is all gone now. The ONLY option is to endlessly grind for it. You are all but forced to submit to a guild to have a chance. I wont grovel for help just to gear up, I dont have to, I can simply go elsewhere.

    What Socks says.

    When the game first launched, T2 set gear only dropped (sparingly) from bosses, or if you were lucky, from the Dungeon Delve chest, only accessible during that one specific hour. And even then, you have to hope that you got lucky with the right set piece dropping.

    This was true Iron. But everything was BoE. So say I didnt get my AoW, but got a diff classes piece. All I had to do was AH it, and bam my AoW piece. Plus like Socks says, there were many different options. I used to do GG PVP and PVE everyday, multiple times a day, from that alone; I could acquire what I liked. Then that was removed, the guild I was in died. And rest is history.

    On topic OP.

    Its F2P game. You can try it without any cost, just time. Then determine if its worth your time and money.

    It's almost better if you are new, and just avoid the forums. You would know very little of the past and the changes.
    We can pretend.
    Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
    Oh Wonder - Without You

    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    - Dylan Thomas
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User

    I will agree to that much, there should be more value add to the items they offer, the cost of Zen items has always been a little high for most of their products, with little in return.

    Go look at mounts, why spend 30 dollars on a mount thats not even BiS in game? Makes no sense. Its nice to have one unlocked,but if I was only to focus on 1-2 players.. no way would I spend that money anymore.

    When things seem to have account wide value, I usually will drop the coin on them (last time that happened to me was the SW pack, as the pet was a really great one)

    I will also agree they seem to focus entirely on the wrong motive to produce capital. No one I know in their right mind buys blood rubies (other then to buy with 50% of coupon and sell them ) .. as the value return is so low in actual cash, its not worth bothering over.

    In other games I spent a few hundreds dollars over time, unlocking account wide bags, account wide stables, account wide wardrobes and other account wide products.

    hence the lesson.. account wide reasonable micro transactions.. good.. charging 50 dollars to unlock one campaign.. lol.

    But here is the kicker.. they have shown purchases of it (now that could very well be people who bought zen from created AD in the end.. but it still shows as a purchase on cryptics side.

    Im sure the total % is rather low.. but its there and now someone , somewhere will argue that its a great whale sale item.. so it will probably stay.

  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    I have been in a long time... and never gotten out.

    All I can say is

    Yes come back. Mod 6 was rough but we are past I.

    I really enjoy the game and all it needs is some Intermediate DDs to make it perfect

  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    i m sure the pricing would be different if zax was deleted.
    i think zen market should be cash only with everything resellable in AH.
    you want preservation wards, coalescent and other services tho (like race reroll - campaign unlock - respec ) so it would be fair to add those and only those in the bazaar.

    mounts? buy from ah with ads.
    companions? same.

    but at that point im sure a purple companion wouldnt cost 30 euros but 7-8
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Ive suggest closing the zax many times.. in fact for all the anti leadership haters we have, the real issue isnt the way we created AD.. it was that we have a exchange at all.

    I would gladly opt out of zax, if it meant I could have leadership back. I want to play the game, not play to generate AD.

  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    Sure there are guilds that take poor geared player, and they can support the guild doing HE's in SH , participate in dragon runs, run dungeons as they wish, being supportet by experienced player ...but not every guild is like the guild I actually am a part of I guess
    BiS gear is never needed in this game
    Most gear above 2.5k is over geared
    Getting 2.5k IL by playing this game is reachable in a accaptable time
    The bigger problems imo are bugs, imbalanced classes and missing content
  • lorddemonragelorddemonrage Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    I quit actively playing after the leadership changes. Honestly i do want to come back, i just can't bring myself to it. Some of the reasons others have already posted. Was easier to gear back when dungeons dropped t2 gear you can sell, etc. Infact right now my account is sitting on a nest egg of diamonds, possibly enough to bring one new character to BiS. But thats still not worth it to me. I log into the game to claim my key, got 12 days left, and i log on here to see if things are better.

    When i saw the post about "new sources to earn AD" I laughed.... seriously i did! and that i thought "man the forums are gonna have a field day with that one", which there were several topics made in the following hours mocking the very suggestions.

    Aside from Gmops and a slight altering of their "variable GMOP flavors" in regards to upgrades, no other changes to AD costs: boons, bazaar goods, professions....

    Usually when i get burned out on a game i never come back. My wife still plays rift, tempts me with new mounts, but still i don't budge. I did get burned once on this game during the release of tiamat. I was foolish enough to come back and spend more money. Not this time.

    I'll say it again: I want to come back, I just can't bring myself to actually do it.
  • pricetagcloudpricetagcloud Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    To: @silverkelt

    We are also another guild that is more than happy to help new players out! We're always looking for players of any level of any play style!

    If people don't want to put in the effort to try to join a guild after partying with them in random dungeons/skirmishes, then that person should rethink their strategy. There's a guild for everybody if they so choose to find their ideal guild.
    SW: Callisto Shedevil. Soul Binder Temptation 16.1k GS
    GUILD: ~Myrmidons~

    Would Love to party up with people for pretty much anything!
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    omg.. stop the guild stuff.

    IT was a small part of the overall issue.


    There is a advertising forum for your guilds.. post them there.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    kalindra said:

    kreatyve said:

    metalldjt said:
    BiS isn't needed though. Geeze, having BiS just makes everything easy mode. My GWF doesn't even have 3k ilevel yet but I still find most stuff is simple, and I out damage anyone with a similar item level than me.
    under 3k you get to do many things at all, the zerg groups tend to keep freeloads out, so not tiamat or herolds for you - except with blind luck - and so no usable loot.

    Simple is relativ - never fond a party, even 3.5k+, who even tried to do CC legit.
    May of us fight additional agains server lags, net latency, connection loss, visibility issues with voids, or simple powers/talents induce FPS drops to silde show levels.

    Not to mention the dumbing down to now choice at all, there always one on set of equip, only one path, only one skillset which rules all others.

    I'm just curious if they will again introduce PLOT, STORY an LORE, like they tried to make believe with Mr. Salvatore's involvement .
    Ill try not to take that as an insult, I only do eCC legit and I do it often and there are plenty of others as well.
  • pricetagcloudpricetagcloud Member Posts: 130 Arc User

    omg.. stop the guild stuff.

    IT was a small part of the overall issue.


    There is a advertising forum for your guilds.. post them there.

    Shameless plug isn't going to end the world, but also the plug was on topic with what you were talking about with zerg and my comment that directly followed, so it still stands.

    ~Myrmidons~ 4 Life!

    SW: Callisto Shedevil. Soul Binder Temptation 16.1k GS
    GUILD: ~Myrmidons~

    Would Love to party up with people for pretty much anything!
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User

    And buying it from the AH was incredibly expensive, especially for the BiS pieces...so expensive it didn't make it practical for a new player to even think about affording it without spending real money to get the AD.

    My experiences were completely different. I bought ALL my T2 gear, and not just for one character, but for all 4 I was playing at the time. I didn't run a single dungeon, T1 or T2, until I already had all my T2 gear. I did this without a leadership farm (Only 4 characters, after all), and without income from dungeons. I am the very definition of a casual player and had no issues gearing up. It was perfect, I could do what I wanted, play how I wanted, and still have a means to earn gear. So If I choose to do group content, I wouldn't be a burden. I would rather carry a group, or be so highly geared that the group no longer matters, then beg for pity from other players so that I can earn my keep. There is no fun in that for me. I have no desire to set foot in ANY group content until I am already well over geared for it.

    Fast forward to today and I simply can not gear up or progress at all. I either have to change how I have played for 2 years now, quietly on my own, or give up trying to progress at all. I find nothing at all better about the current situation. My style of play has been destroyed.
  • mok33mok33 Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    house90to said:

    Does it pay to come back after a year plus of not playing this game?

    Oh it pays alright..

  • fenirasfeniras Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    No don't bother coming back. Your account will get hacked and there is NO support to get it back. The so called support is worse then the Runescape support 10 years ago. Stay away, far far away.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Hey OP, asking if the game is worth coming back on the forums is a lost cause bud...

    You're going to get too many extreme viewpoints, both ways.

    Bottom line is, it is free to sign in and play and a lot of content has been added since you left. So check it out yourself.

    If you like it continue playing and if not happy trails to you! :)

    PS - I hope you do enjoy it, as I sure do!
  • foreskinfernyforeskinferny Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    OP you're making the right choice to not come back. This game is an endless grind; always has been. It's gotten worse as it's aged, most people that are still playing were either here from the beginning or close to. Those that are still here have invested so much time/money that they refuse to give up in hopes that the game gets better. Newer players are oblivious to the problems and continue on. Here's my view on the matter OP: If you change your mind and want to play, fine, come back with your character, join a guild , do a dragon run, or dungeon here or there; but don't get invested. You'll only find disappointment when the problems of the game start to settle in. When you read people's posts about how this game is HAMSTER, etc. etc., you have to understand that those individuals are passionate about the game and want to see it succeed; however hopeless it may be.

    I'm level 70 on two alts with decent gear 2.5k il+ (70 on 3 other characters that just collect dust), mind you I was able to achieve decent gear via leadership on the gateway before it was nerfed. The game is as follows for me: I log in, see if anyone needs help with a dungeon or my guild is doing dragons, if not I sign out. That's how stale this game is for me, and why I understand so many people have left the game. There's too many problems that have never and will never be addressed. And instead of making a step in the right direction it's always been 1 step forward, and 2 steps back. Some examples of the problems would be there's no way to generate enough AD to pay for the ludicrous prices on the AH, your companions, alt's,your guild, and the wondrous bazaar. You can grind end game content, but mind you there's 3 T2 dungeons, 3 T1 dungeons and 2 skirmishes, now that seems decent right? Wrong, you'll endlessly grind the T1's and skirmishes for what little rough AD you can achieve. Assuming you can get through them with out some form of lag as the server is horrid. If you don't have good gear for T2's you'll need to either get carried by pugs or guild-mates. There's a cap of 24k rough astral diamonds per character that you can refine to pure astral diamonds a day. Pvp is a broken mess, don't waste your time there. A lot of the classes are severely unbalanced (Paladin for example). An endless amount of refining for artifact gear that you'll never max out nor find a way to refine with out paying or cheating. As well as a plethora of dungeons and skirmishes that have been out of the game for far too long. And there's so much more that I could list. The one saving grace for this game is its combat system, it's always been enjoyable; unfortunately that can't be said for the majority of this game.
  • mattsacremattsacre Member Posts: 330 Arc User
    People keep calling it either p2w or f2p and argue their view, some say it's great jump in, other say don't you will regret it. Here is my take:
    It's not p2w except in pvp, it's p2s, pay to skip. You can skip a lot of grind if you are willing to drop boat loads of money in to game. If you don't want to drop a bundle in you can go the poor man's route and pay for comfort, that is with VIP and other services you can cut the grind a tad by being able to teleport from zone to zone without a run to gate, or have a bank on call, or teleport to PE on call etc.

    With VIP you can get a lootbox key a day for a chance at great stuff for yourself or to sell to get a slightly better caliber of equipment to help you along. Once you get to the 60-70 range you are going to really need superior enchants and stuff if you hope to get into dungeon runs etc. So that's were the grind starts hard core. You either got to drop another boat load of cash in to get to do that content or grind it out...that's were most of the complains come in, the 60-70 range grind and content variety lack.

    So, if you are the type that don't mind running quests and exploring on your own, sort of "slow boating" it and not worried about ever getting to the end content, this game should be good for you. If you are the type that wants to get in the gritty game of it, you are going to have a high pay wall to do so with any rapidity.

    Guilds can help you a small amount if you are a "slow boater" , but with the recent Strong Holds content, despite it being intended to get guilds more social, it has actually made the guild types even more starkly contrasted. Those that are trying to advance through the SH content don't want a "noob" in their guild, they want a producer. Those that don't give a fig about SH won't mind a noobie, but realize that then makes them not contending to advance the SH stuff and you also aren't going to do so much of it.

    So, if you just want to fiddle about and not worry about any advancement, if you have no time table and aren't a person that greatly desires skirmishs or dungeons and don't even give 2 farts about pvp, this game could be for you. If you however desire any of that, pvp/competitive skirmishs/dungeons or hard core guilding, unless you have deep pockets to skip forward, you probably will be disappointed with this game or grow resentful that you spent on it. (I know I would like a refund myself :/)

    Which ever you do choose, good luck, and if you choose to stay, maybe we will all see you around *unless we ourselves have quit by then out of frustration :(*
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