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Does it pay to come back and play this game?

house90tohouse90to Member Posts: 2 Arc User
Does it pay to come back after a year plus of not playing this game? I ask cause it's it seems this game is pay to play (kind of like some other PWE games) and then there's the `$450 of DLC which screams pay to win and RUN! So is it even worth the time to play this game or not?


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    kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    It's free to play. They did make a LOT of changes in the past year. They raised the level cap 10 levels, closed most of the dungeons for reworking, made it a lot harder to earn AD.

    Of that $450 of DLC, none of it is needed to be able to play and enjoy the game. You will never have to pay to get to level cap. The DLC stuff is extras. That's all.

    It's free, so just try it, see if you enjoy it. Try to get 1 character to level cap. Then make a decision.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
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    tomiotartomiotar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 227 Arc User
    The fact is that you can LOG and particapte of all the content or free, but another fact is that you will never be able to progress far without paying. You will never be able to be anything close to competitve vs paying players, but you can hope the paying players are with you on same party and you can watch them kill everything.
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    kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    metalldjt said:
    BiS isn't needed though. Geeze, having BiS just makes everything easy mode. My GWF doesn't even have 3k ilevel yet but I still find most stuff is simple, and I out damage anyone with a similar item level than me.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
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    suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    kreatyve said:

    It's free to play. They did make a LOT of changes in the past year. They raised the level cap 10 levels, closed most of the dungeons for reworking good, apparently, because they're down since April, made it a lot harder to earn AD.

    Of that $450 of DLC, none of it is needed to be able to play and enjoy the game. You will never have to pay to get to level cap. The DLC stuff is extras. That's all.

    It's free, so just try it, see if you enjoy it. Try to get 1 character to level cap. Then make a decision.


    To the OP:

    P2W is handled differently, here: You're free to play for free. Just...

    ...to skip ca. half of the excessive amounts of infiniGrind after reaching Lvl 70, we'd appreciate the donation of 150$ for three teensy-weensy Campaign Completion tokens.

    Oh, and in order to carry around all that stuff you get for free, you'll want some bags. Lo! Behold! Here they are - for the teensy-weensy donation of 32$ per char.

    What? You want good gear? Go to the dungeons and Grind it for the basic stuff, else find it (ca. 0.5% chance per run) or buy it off the AH.

    No AD? Weeeellll, you can ofc buy it from players that have some, for ZEN, which we'll give you in exchange for a teeensy-weensy $cent per ZEN...

    Char growth goes:

    - Lvl 1-60: F2P fun.
    - 60-70: Meet your new friend: infiniGrind (TM).
    - Lvl 70 Campaign Boons: Look, infiniGrind has some brothers and sisters, and they're all here to greet you.
    - Guild Stronghold: Wow, and for organized groups of players, infiniGrinds whole extended family gets here - on an exponential price progression scheme.
    - Need AD? Oh, there's our browser based infiniGrind which is sooooo much less load on our game servers. Or play the selfsame linear maps over and over again, at diminishing revenue rates during each day...

    ...or pay.

    ...oh, and stay out of PvP - that is distilled P2W unless you like playing target practice. Also, still the same ole same ole two maps since 2 years. Open world PvP and a big SH battle for the extra gang-[censor will eat this anyway]-experience.

    TL;DR: Well, if you're not ambitious, and can live with designed-in crippling - you can F2P here. But from your few sentences I doubt you'll be happy for long...
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    xgrandz02xgrandz02 Member Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    dont worry about p2W there's alot of ppls paying (alot) but they still Losing löl,

    If it will be really like that easy, i would be happy about
    Cuz i just have to pay and winning sounds good for me lol,
    but the true is this doesn't work/ doesn't happend on neverwinter.

    this is what the most ppls do not understand and they mostly use the word " p2w to fast" ,
    just because they Need an answer or Reason, why they cant or grow like others.

    Member Since:

    after that time playing that game i can say this game is definitely not p2w,
    if ppl say "it is" or use this words (p2w), "it's simply because they have no clue how the game works!
    <::::::[]==0 GwF 0==[]::::::> ● Still waiting for the promised Improvement ●
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    si1verwfsi1verwf Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    house90to said:

    Does it pay to come back after a year plus of not playing this game?

    Only if you like korean style mindless grindy pay-to-win games.
    Russian Server
    Lchr - SW, Str - GWF, Def - GF
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    The game got a lot more korean but its doable to obtain everything without paying. To reach the highest levels by the way its a slow process and requires aggressive trading in market which not everyone is able to.
    Paying is not required but simplifies a lot the process.
    A good guild is a must, solo players are bound to be casual
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    Always about paying, the only thing i cant live without it its the vip status..10 euros for month worth at least the triple
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    romotheoneromotheone Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 729 Arc User
    rayrdan said:

    Always about paying, the only thing i cant live without it its the vip status..10 euros for month worth at least the triple

    But getting 10€ from person who would not pay a dime otherwise is still worth giving 3 times as much value to, since you just made someone pay who absolutely had no intention to.
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    sm0ld3rsm0ld3r Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    Sorry but the game became 100% grind. They took out half the dungeons and almost every possible way to earn AD. Stay far away from this train wreck.
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    There is some costing and grinding issues atm, those who have been around awhile , dont have it as bad as those who dont. New players in particular are hit hard with progression pathing, a serious issue honestly and its all due to cost gating certain things.

    The game is sort of stuck until they figure it out.. Im sorry but that particular mod, is super positive about the company at all times, probably the worst of the lot.

    They need to have more balance for costing to make the game really playable again.

    A brand new player would really just leave after a bit due to it.
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    skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    PTW only really matters in pvp. PVE is fine , and can easily be enjoyed without ever paying a dime. I would recommend buying at least 1 level of premium, for the daily key, but you by no means need to.
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    I challenge people right here, right now.

    I have done this, so I know the actual context of what I speak.

    Go create a brand new toon and you cannot twink , not one little bit and try to get to 2k i level.

    You must act like a brand new player until you are around that I level. You may not join a off channel run, you may not use guild runs to gear up.

    You may not transfer AD or anything else.

    This is the results Ive found on my own test on my new paladin.

    The progression is really slow, much slower then the old days, to get boons, you have to constantly stop solo grinding them and spam run skirms, (you cant really do t1s yet)

    In addition, after I finally ran around 150 krs or whatever.. with a set of purchased blues, some r5/6s , I started pug queuing for t1 runs (again no other way to join in reality) the stark and terrible pug on over 80% of the runs with people who couldnt play their class, didnt speak English (so communication problems) and generally couldnt finish even the most simple t1 (elol) was astounding. I cannot tell you how many times I would get to scorps and ask for someone to kite one of them, and most people couldnt , or didnt even know what I was talking about.

    I finally got to 1.9k and said screw it.. starting running in guild and legit again.. I cant take the pain. I do have a plague fire enchant finally. I will now stop the experement on him, but I got all of dread ring and sharandar boons with it. Im now working on IWD, its much harder really.

    This game is extremely painful to the new player.. WAY too harsh in progression.

    I limited myself to around 20 hours a week to do this, eating up half my time (the rest of my time was for mains to do dragon flight, influence, and t1s for salvage gearing)

    Im telling you right now, there is a problem with progression balance in this game, new players will find it really dishearting. Sure the ones who find the forums will be given solid advice, but thats only 10% or so of the player population.

    This is what I would do right off the bat, REMOVE boon costing, REMOVE it. It has to be done.

    There is a vast costing problem in game atm, but that at least would solve the new players issue. Its too harsh, players need that AD to gear out to be able to run t1s.
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    thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    I challenge people right here, right now.

    I have done this, so I know the actual context of what I speak.

    Go create a brand new toon and you cannot twink , not one little bit and try to get to 2k i level.

    You must act like a brand new player until you are around that I level. You may not join a off channel run, you may not use guild runs to gear up.

    You may not transfer AD or anything else.

    This is the results Ive found on my own test on my new paladin.

    The progression is really slow, much slower then the old days, to get boons, you have to constantly stop solo grinding them and spam run skirms, (you cant really do t1s yet)

    In addition, after I finally ran around 150 krs or whatever.. with a set of purchased blues, some r5/6s , I started pug queuing for t1 runs (again no other way to join in reality) the stark and terrible pug on over 80% of the runs with people who couldnt play their class, didnt speak English (so communication problems) and generally couldnt finish even the most simple t1 (elol) was astounding. I cannot tell you how many times I would get to scorps and ask for someone to kite one of them, and most people couldnt , or didnt even know what I was talking about.

    I finally got to 1.9k and said screw it.. starting running in guild and legit again.. I cant take the pain. I do have a plague fire enchant finally. I will now stop the experement on him, but I got all of dread ring and sharandar boons with it. Im now working on IWD, its much harder really.

    This game is extremely painful to the new player.. WAY too harsh in progression.

    I limited myself to around 20 hours a week to do this, eating up half my time (the rest of my time was for mains to do dragon flight, influence, and t1s for salvage gearing)

    Im telling you right now, there is a problem with progression balance in this game, new players will find it really dishearting. Sure the ones who find the forums will be given solid advice, but thats only 10% or so of the player population.

    This is what I would do right off the bat, REMOVE boon costing, REMOVE it. It has to be done.

    There is a vast costing problem in game atm, but that at least would solve the new players issue. Its too harsh, players need that AD to gear out to be able to run t1s.

    I have done your challenge, even going so far as to only random queue with the char I did it with and not using class artifacts from my other chars and I can tell you now, it depends entirely on which class you do it with. Do it with a dps class like CW/GWF and its a horrible experience, do it with a support class like OP/DC/GF and nobody will dare kick you from groups. I did it on OP, had no problems at all, was able to cruise through dungeons. However, even then, you have to bear in mind its still an unrealistic situation since I know the OP class very well, which a new player won't and there is no guarantee a new player even reads the forums or knows how to properly build a toon. Assuming that the new player does somehow have that instinctual experience with the class though, or that they are somehow able to correctly play a dc or a gf for their first toon, they will have no issues gearing up their characters. Random groups don't dare kick support characters and a well played support character can carry them through. What I can recommend to new players though who don't have access to channels like legit etc is lie brazenly about your ilvl in lfg if you a decent player, lfg has unrealistic ilvl requirements and they never ever bother to actually check if you meet them, they never inspect your char etc, so you will get away with the lie.

    The real issue is gearing up a char that is not a support char as a new player, because those are the chars that players are less forgiving of.

    When I worked towards 2k ilvl, I ignored the boons because they don't count towards ilvl, instead I farmed skirmishes while levelling to purchase draconic enchantments rank 7+ and stuff for refining.
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I actually think its worse then I described, I already knew all instances and have played all classes to certain extent, so know more or less what Im dealing with and dont have to learn the dds at all.

    Imagine if you didnt have that?

    I will agree, support can get away with less I level. dps is much harsher gated, no one really wants a 1.7 sw, cw or so, with .3 of that i level made up of utility chants =P.

    The can lie and yes if they get into a solid group no one would notice, but if its not a solid group.. they will be singled out and kicked.

    Perma bubble has destroyed game play.. like literally people expect perma bubble on ALL paladins , even new ones, its ridiculous actually. People have literally forgotten how to play half the time.. omg people move 1 game meter out of a red once in awhile! Even if your in bubble...
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    ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    For the record, ANY mmo is tough to get gear and finish endgame content without a guild. If you get in guild or find a group of people to play with (and plenty are constantly advertised and easy to find in Neverwinter if you ask), things are much easier.

    As they should be.

    It's an MMO. A game that, by it's very nature, is meant to be played with people. So saying you can't get help from a guild, or in another channel is a bit silly and puts people at an inherent DISADVANTAGE, one that doesn't necessarily need to exists, even for a new player.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Im sorry, tell me a guild that really wants a sub 70 under geared individual ?

    They provide no resources to the stronghold really.

    even if that wasn't part of my context.. there is still a issue with costing.

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    ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User

    Im sorry, tell me a guild that really wants a sub 70 under geared individual ?

    They provide no resources to the stronghold really.

    even if that wasn't part of my context.. there is still a issue with costing.

    Check my signature.

    People shouldn't be judge on their Item Level.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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    house90tohouse90to Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Thank you for replying.

    From what I'm gathering is it's a p2w/p2p (almost like) type of game which is sad cause the game was fun before. Before anyone get's all bent out of shape over p2w you best understand what p2w means. It means paying for an advantage with real money for something the is not obtainable or is not reasonably obtainable in game or in reasonable x amount of time. As for why I say it's almost like p2p is as silverkelt said and a few others mentioned you basically need x,y,z in order to have fun and if u don't, then have 2 options leave or pay.

    You's can say I'm full of HAMSTER and that I don't know what I'm talking about that's fine. However I've seen the same stuff in other games and guess what there a shell of what they use to be and that's if there still running yet.

    If they closed dungeons and made it harder to get gears and what not then what's the point? Hell the dungeons are the funest part of the game. It's almost sounds like there no need to run a dungeon for gears and if you do run a dungeon for gears you'll only get sub par junk basically.

    I honestly don't remember or know what AD and boons and all that stuff is but it sounds like without it your SOL and to get it takes ages which means your could say your SOL too.

    If soloing is out (except for dungeons) and a "good guild is a must" as someone said then hell this games not for me.

    You's have told me a lot and sad to say this game is worse then what I remember it as. Again thank you for the replies and sad to say I won't be playing this game.
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    ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    It's actually easier now that it was when Neverwinter first launched to get gear and finish all the PvE content... :s And there's nothing inherently locked behind a paywall to get there.

    Sorry you jumping ship without even getting back in game to try it out yourself. Good luck finding another MMO to call home.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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    suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User

    For the record, ANY mmo is tough to get gear and finish endgame content without a guild. [...]

    I call bull on this.

    E.g. Elder Scrolls Online, where I currently spend my time: Yes to time demand, in the < 1 month bracket if you're dilligent. Meaningful gear can well be crafted. And, vice versa, crafted gear is meaningful. Drops can be better and quite a boost, but you can, even in endgame, live perfectly well off your own hand's labour...

    Nice touch on the aside there: Crafted gear is unbound, worn gear too, unless you dye it, then it is BoA (dyes are achievement unlocks).
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    yawulfyawulf Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    lol elder scroll tried it regretted it (combat mechanic sucked bad), moved back to nw at least the combat here keeps me on ma toes and its really fun.

    For the record, ANY mmo is tough to get gear and finish endgame content without a guild. [...]

    I call bull on this.

    E.g. Elder Scrolls Online, where I currently spend my time: Yes to time demand, in the < 1 month bracket if you're dilligent. Meaningful gear can well be crafted. And, vice versa, crafted gear is meaningful. Drops can be better and quite a boost, but you can, even in endgame, live perfectly well off your own hand's labour...

    Nice touch on the aside there: Crafted gear is unbound, worn gear too, unless you dye it, then it is BoA (dyes are achievement unlocks).

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    ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    @suicidalgodot Kudos to ESO. That's also why I'm vehemently opposed to Mastercraft gear being locked behind Strongholds. Crafting can be an excellent alternative to gear progression for those players who abhor grouping. But having it locked behind Strongholds, even though it can be sold on the AH, probably raises the cost beyond what your solo player is willing to pay or afford. Maybe.

    But even if it's "affordable", there's a certain lack of excitement behind the feeling of "purchased top gear from the AH" versus having completed the long quest lines, gathered the exotic materials and crafted it yourself feeling.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    @ironzerg79 have you actual done the challenge? Go try, most guilds wont help at all and frankly I dont expect them to. Most mmos guilds are really focused on end game content, not the solo build up to it.

    I mean no disrespect for the passion of your guild, but most people who claim the game is fine, have not tried to re-roll and do it again and see the issues in game.

    Hence why playerbase #s continue to go down, its not "just fine with super peachy keen sunshine and unicorns with rainbows" out there.

    Until costing is brought back into line, this simply will not work.

    What Ive seen is this current trend, is most people have not really tried to re-roll and this is why we are not getting the correct feedback.

    Im not asking for BiS stuff, Im not asking for free top end mounts and all r12s, its ludicrous to keep bring that up, im asking for proper costing adjustments, so people can engage the game at different levels and experience it without spending months getting a few lesser enchants. Im not even asking for pricing on enchants to be touched.. its fine! Its the other stuff you need to spend money on thats gating the game too harshly.. namely things like boons, comp pricing, profession and stronghold.

    All of this needs to be re balanced to current AD generation.

    Again.. this is even bigger then the RP gating.

    Every week more player leave and yet they sit with thier hands, reviewing "data's" poor data's.

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    ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    @silverkelt It doesn't matter if "most guilds" won't help, when there's a number of guilds that will. Unrepentant, Team Fencebane, Tyrs Paladium, and Win or Lose We Booze are all great guilds that would happily take a new player under their wings. And if you ask around in Legit, you'll find even more friends. These guilds have the foresight to understand that level 70 players capable of helping your guild start out at level 1. If you can't foster growth TO level 70, they may not make it. It's only the shortsighted that proclaim people need to be X level with Y iLevel before they're "good enough" to join a guild.

    The costing stuff is a separate issue, because it affects everyone..but even then, a lot of these "costs" for new players can be eased or mitigated with the help of a guild. And again, any of those guilds I mentioned above are strong, capable guilds, busy ranking up their Strongholds AND able and willing to help new players learn the game, get to 70 and get geared up.

    Look, I'm not saying things are perfect. There's still a lot of costing and some grind issues that need to be addressed. But those issues are far from making the game unplayable or worth coming back to. Ultimately, there's still a lot of fun game play to be had in Neverwinter without having to be BiS or even coming close.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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    thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    I actually think its worse then I described, I already knew all instances and have played all classes to certain extent, so know more or less what Im dealing with and dont have to learn the dds at all.

    Imagine if you didnt have that?

    I will agree, support can get away with less I level. dps is much harsher gated, no one really wants a 1.7 sw, cw or so, with .3 of that i level made up of utility chants =P.

    The can lie and yes if they get into a solid group no one would notice, but if its not a solid group.. they will be singled out and kicked.

    Perma bubble has destroyed game play.. like literally people expect perma bubble on ALL paladins , even new ones, its ridiculous actually. People have literally forgotten how to play half the time.. omg people move 1 game meter out of a red once in awhile! Even if your in bubble...

    Agreed about perma bubble destroying the game.

    For the record, ANY mmo is tough to get gear and finish endgame content without a guild. If you get in guild or find a group of people to play with (and plenty are constantly advertised and easy to find in Neverwinter if you ask), things are much easier.

    As they should be.

    It's an MMO. A game that, by it's very nature, is meant to be played with people. So saying you can't get help from a guild, or in another channel is a bit silly and puts people at an inherent DISADVANTAGE, one that doesn't necessarily need to exists, even for a new player.


    Not every MMO, there is one MMO I have played where it is really easy to get any character to BiS, but the game isn't designed around getting 1 character to BiS, its alt focused and has no classes, instead it has a very complex skill system and the game is designed around the idea of levelling up 100's of characters, to BiS, not just 1. Due to this, it isn't particularly difficult to get to BiS for any given character, but it doesn't really matter that it isn't because the game is very engaging and challenging, even at BiS level the mechanics of the game can still reliably kill off your character, there is no point in the game where all content becomes a faceroll. However, the current systems in neverwinter do not promote a game that is alt focused, firstly, the game would have to become much easier to get a BiS character ,secondly, the game would have to become much more complex and thirdly, PVE content would have to be uber challenging at all levels, including BiS, for such a system to be acceptable here.

    They are 2 different systems, honestly, I think it would really cool if neverwinter could move more towards the second system and away from the current one, because I feel the manner in which such a system stimulates players to experiment and try out new things keeps their experience fresh and is good for player retention, but I understand that the devs probably don't have the resources to do such a major overhaul.
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    mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    This is the most expensive free-to-play game I have ever encountered. The problem is that its the only MMO, despite all its problems, that I love. So, I dont mind. Trying to solo with no money or help, all the way to T2 is next to impossible.
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    suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    yawulf said:

    lol elder scroll tried it regretted it (combat mechanic sucked bad), moved back to nw at least the combat here keeps me on ma toes and its really fun.

    For the record, ANY mmo is tough to get gear and finish endgame content without a guild. [...]

    I call bull on this.

    E.g. Elder Scrolls Online, where I currently spend my time: Yes to time demand, in the < 1 month bracket if you're dilligent. Meaningful gear can well be crafted. And, vice versa, crafted gear is meaningful. Drops can be better and quite a boost, but you can, even in endgame, live perfectly well off your own hand's labour...

    Nice touch on the aside there: Crafted gear is unbound, worn gear too, unless you dye it, then it is BoA (dyes are achievement unlocks).
    I agree. Not on the "suck bad", exactly, but the combat system definitely is NW's strongest point.
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    ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    @thefabricant Agree on those points, too. I think MMOs should place the focus on the player behind the toons, not just the toons. With that, I think Cryptic should continue to improve the Quality of Life at the account level, not just the toon level.

    Ultimately you want to reward the human being for spending time in your game, not the individual toon. A toon has no money. The player does. If you want that player to spend more money on the game, the rewards need to be aimed at the player.

    I don't necessarily think it needs to be easy to get BiS, nor do I think Cryptic does (or should) design encounters around BiS. However, for things like campaign boons, Zen companions, and other currencies, Accountwide unlocks make much more sense, and would probably encourage more people to spend money on the game.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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