So, even thought the grind to get to level 70 was long and boring i still managed it thru a few 2xp and a lot of azures. but here i am level 70. so que up for my 1st dungeon que for 3 different 1600il dungeons. takes literally 20 minutes to find one then when i find one its always with just 1 or 2 people cause everyone else quit. this went on for about 3 hours 20 minutes to find a dungeon and then just to get n it with no one in it OR i finally find a dungeon and the 5 of us just give up after a while like everyone else did. just ran valindras and 1 guy left after about 20 minutes so 4 of us sat there and were just talking for about 20 minutes til it finally got us a 5th. in that time we all were saying how CRAZY hard the dungeons are now. mind you before mod 6 i was a 19.4k gs player now i sit at 2400il and i think that is pretty high already. every single person that was in there with me in every dungeon i played was HIGHER then 2200il which is like 20k+ gear score on old terms and we were getting absolutely destroyed. we all couldnt figure out why the dungeons are so hard. i have yet to complete one out of 8 tries now due to evey thing i just mentioned. every single person i have played with so far at least 100 has said the same its just too crazy right now. how can we get better gear if we cant even beat the dungeon to get it??? plus there are a TON OF THINGS broke in the game right now that make it even harder!
Lets start by taking a look at all the broken or crazy stat number things i have seen that make no sense so far.....
1. healing potions. how do you give is like 40k more hp but only make superior healing potions heal for 2k more??? and on top of that there is a bug with the potions and the stones of health that id say 25% of the time i use them in battle they act like they been used start the cooldown timer and never heal me!!
2. the power stat!! in mod 5 i had about 9800 power and sat close to 60% damage increase. now i have over 14k power and i have 35% damage increase???? this cant be right , right?? 3500 critical strike gives me a 8% crit chance??? no way, right? why are thse numbers so screwed up!! this has got to be a bug correct???
3. life steal. you pretty much destroyed it and regen. regen i didnt care for too much anyway but i have 4440 life steal yes 4400 and that is only 9.8% chance!! i mean come on. give us a small break!
4. the tyranny of dragons 2nd & 3rd boons in thr last set are STILL broke and on top of that the 4th boon in the dreadring campaign the shadow touch one that is "suppose" to give me a chance to do 20000 damage dosnt work. or at least i have NEVER seen it proc and i even tried sitting hitting the training dummies for 10 minutes straight..... never proced so i beleive this is broke as well or the chance is .000000001% literally! a tr and i was well aware of the broken sod and never abused that in mod 5 i ran vorpal most of the time. i understand you fixed it and im all for that but why do our at wills no longer proc sod!!! this was never m,entioned anywhere and is not in the tool tip!! it says all damage but yet the at wills dont proc it and now it can only hit 1 target in an aoe power and the tooltip states none of that. please tell me this at will sod not procing is a bug??? cause duelist fury sod is our main source of damage. on top of that you even killed the cw class with the spell storm nerf as well as other things.
6. how are the ensorcelled mulhorand weapons better then artifact weapons!!!!!!
i know you guys love to have us feed rp in to artifact equipment so tell me how a purple level 70 weapon has THE SAME weapon damage as a level 70 artifact weapon??? better stats as well! the artifact weapons need a HUGE buff!
why would i spend tens of millions of rp and marks to upgrade a artifact main hand or off hand to level 70 when it is not as good or just about the same as the mulhorand weapons??? on top mof that what did you do to the bonus on the main hand!! it use to be like 10% more damage for most of my at wills now it is 2%??? 2% is not even noticeable AT ALL. if i did a 20k hit that would be 400 more damage on an enemy with 300k!
7. the quest in dread ring that allows you to choose which greater mark you want is broken!!! already! or maybe i did something wrong?? it told me i had a choice between a greater mark of union, power or stability and told me to choose the area i wanted to go to that provided that mark. so i wanted power so i choose dread spire so thats what it said to do. that was my reward. but, when i finished it i never got a greater mark of power!! i got a blue resonance stone! i know im not the only one with that issue cause a bunch of people were chatting in zone about it asking if anyone else got ripped off.
the numbers in this game just seem completely out of whack right now! 14k power only 35% dameage increase, 3500 crit strike only 8% crit chance??? but yet you make the enemies hit 10x harder with like triple the hp but lower ALL of our damage output!!
so far being level 70 has just made me frustrated and not want to even play. talkes forever to find a dungeon then when you do you cant even beat it. i know it has been done but its just too hard. something is wrong and i dont know what it is.
like i said from talking to every player so far in game in dungeon we all feel this way.
i know how to play, im very good and very well geared. 2400il right now i thing is very strong especially when you have a team of 5 players with all 2200+il in a 1600il dungeon that it takes us an hour to get to the boss and not beat it with 20 downs each.
im all for making the game more of a challenge but this is just a nightmare! if 5 well geared high il players can barely beat a 1600il dungeon then what are we suppose to do?? i mean its kinda hard to even get any better at this point even with better gear. i already have all rank 9s+ , 4 artifact 2 of them legendary, 5 purple companions, e.t.c. it should not be THIS hard!
i love this game, have 4 characters all level 60 now 1 lvl 70 and i cant stand to see it like this. this cant be what you guys had planned cause if it is the future dont look bright.
there is way more stuff bugged/glitched right now that i didnt mention in this thread cause im too tired and cant think of it all, sitting in valindras tower waiting for 2 more players for 45 mins just fried my brain....'
But, if you guys have encountered any issues i haven't listed here please feel free to list them.
maybe its just me, maybe i just suck...... but always contribute with the most damage to my team even now over higher level gwfs.
maybe its just the players i played with the over 100 of them..., maybe they all just suck. but for as high as il as they had i dont know.
ive played thjis game long enough to know they knew how to play their classes and i know how to play mine.
but maybe we all just suck now..... but at 2400+ il i find that hard to believe since thats a pretty high number and had no issues at 19k+ gs in mod 5 destroying dungeons.
maybe im the only one with theses issues but from all the players i talked to i know thats not the case.
but hey this is MY opinion as a player and fan of the game with over 3000 hours played!
Check me out on YouTube or by googling or searing The Assist Man on YouTube. 0
so many bugs for so long that take for ever to correct and i think we have all had a lot of patience with this game so if these are bugs which i have to think they are please dont takes weeks and months to fix them, PLEASE.
with so many other big title games being released in the next 2 months fix this game so we can retain a lot of the player base. i want this so the game stays alive and well as well as you do cause i enjoy it like you enjoy making it for us and earning money from us.
on a bright side the game looks and feels 10x better! the lad has been decreased alot. the new zones have great graphics and look much better and every thing runs smoother so props to you guys for that looks amazing.
i know this was a long read but i think alot of you guys share the same feelings as me and i just decided to speak up like i always do cause that is what i do, if you disagree thats fine im just sharing my thoughts maybe 2400il is just not good enough but then what is???
I'm waiting for more of my guild to level up to 70 so we can try and figure out how to beat the new dungeons , I'm still in the 61 gear from WoD so be nice to get some better gear and as I don't pvp the glory sets are out of my reach.
Love the game and enjoy the challenge.... need a double refine day soon.
Low amount of 70s, everyones "gs" is equivilant to like 9k old terms vs new content. And most importantly no dbl RP yet, so many unleveled equipments.
And of course ppl donr know dungeons enough to exspect success without mics atm
I have managed to finish a few dungeons now but wow are they hard. If anything goes wrong it will almost always spell disaster as everyone needs to be firing on all cylinders for things to work at our current levels.
Lifesteal is rather painful now when you get unlucky for sure. I haven't noticed my control wizard being that much weaker but some of the enemy control resists are ridiculous. What is the point of having control powers when they last 1/4 second or so??
Yeah the dread ring quests are a total joke now. Pay to get access for likely a garbage reward ... this is terrible. I went through 30 of the star metal gauntlets and did not receive a single greater mark
I'm also at a bit of a loss as to how to continue to progress on my CW
It takes a very long time just to find one. i actually got a level 68 cw as well and love it but my good spellstorm is much weaker now easily a 30% decrease in overall damage. reneagade is still the best though
the point where i see people come on and just quit out in a few minutes after it takes so long to find a game if you dont have a full team. yes the control powers are almost useless now. the lifesteal number is just crazy. just to get 20% life steal chance you have to stack 8000 life steal! how are we suppose to do that?? i have rank 8 and 9 darks in all my slots including in 3 of my stone slots and i still dont have even half that lol. i started leveling up my cw 1st got it to 68 and gave up its still good just not no where near anymore. its more of a buffing unit for team play now with chaotic magic and debuffs. i went through 60 star metal gauntlets just to get the eye of lathander artifact got it and its bound to me cant even sell it! and no i got no greater marks as well. but i did finish the dread ring campaign and even got all the boons from it and yeah still dont help especially with the one i mentioned being broken.
Basically the path to follow is beat the first few bosses (if you cant beat end boss) collect your seals, rinse and repeat. I ran a ton of 2/3 boss runs when mod 6 first dropped on PC. It was a nightmare, but as time rolled on I bought the next tier seal gear. Get your T1 blues, beat the first two bosses, hope for some purples, save your seals, buy the T2 purples, rinse and repeat.
I think that the potion and health stone glitch is awful. Getting a cool down on a potion that I didn't get to use is very insulting. The dread ring quest glitch sucked. My item score is 2100 on the CW and I was around 17k GS in mod 5. I know it's mediocre compared to others however it completed the content fine as I stockpiled zen and RP. Anyhow it's concerning to me if the high GS ppl can't clear content. I hope that changes are made soon. I really enjoy this game but I'm frustrated with all the new changes.
I question your sanity since you think the t1 are perfect as is
double xp is irrevalant now that my mulhorand weapons are better then artifact weapons like i stated in the post. actually, i have all 8 boons in tyranny of dragons, 100% completion of dread ring already and all the boons and half of sharandar done already in 1 day. but carry on you keep making yourself look more awesome