It is really dissapointing that the quest from the Traveling Wizard to receive 1 Fang of the Dragonflight is not a daily.
Small to medium guilds cannot get so much people online to kill 2 or more dragons at the same time. Which means killing only one dragon, resulting into 0 fangs, unless we open that box with a zen key which none likes in the first place. How is that even a prize? We won something, but first we need to give you our money? That is no prize... We already get lockboxes for free
Search @Longshire for 12 Foundry Quests, all are story driven adventures
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The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
You have all week to kill 5 dragons. The idea is to give guilds who can only kill one dragon at a time another route to earning Dragon Fangs.
Suggesting a weekly quest to kill all four dragons at once sort of defeats the meaning...any guild that can do that isn't going to have any problem earing Fangs
Since the difficulty of the dragons varies a lot, guilds that would be most helped by a weekly wouldn't be able to complete your version.
You gotta kill a dragon, c'mon man!
As it is, smaller guilds are more or less shut out from fangs, causing the most active and ambitions players to leave them.
A quest to just simply kill 5 dragons seems boring. Making it so you have to kill one type of dragon with a deadline of an entire week seems possible. Mind you, you do not have to kill all 4 dragons in one try. You focus on iteration towards one dragon. They come up every 2 hrs, so you have many tries per week.
A weekly quest to just kill 5 of any Dragons total would be great. Also for those who have killed the Dragons, does everyone get a fang or is it like a 1 time drop thing.
Search @Longshire for 12 Foundry Quests, all are story driven adventures
Story -- Medium/Heavy, Combat -- Light/Medium, Lore -- Medium/Heavy
Everyone got one fang (if you killed 2 dragons) along with vouchers and elemental seals. It is a contest like those mushroom contest and you get the reward (with a big contest windows pops up) when the contest is finished.
Elemental seals are great to give T1 gear to the alts. You get elemental seals even if you kill one dragon only.