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Would you like to have a tool in your Stronghold to monitor member's activity/donation?



  • cbrowne0329cbrowne0329 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 293 Arc User
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    I don't get why you wouldn't want to see it. I thought the whole purpose of joining a guild was to join with people of likes? If you are just in a guild for kicks, I can see this being an issue. If your guild is laid back, GL is probably laid back, if it's hardcore so likely are the rules.

    This complaining that some people are hogging the coffer, this would also help you guys. GL can tell the person hold off donating for a few days while people catch up, etc.

    Heh... but then again I'm a one man guild because... well 3... but they never seem to play. lolz.
  • zbkoldezbkolde Member Posts: 689 Arc User
    I would like to be able to see who contributes, but not to "see who does nothing." It is a sad reminder of the world we live in that everyone automatically jumps to abuse and negativity.

    Maybe i'm not your average guild leader, but i sometimes go to bed. While i'm in bed, guild members from around the world are in-game, and may be donating. Then, sometimes i have to work, and again guild members from around the world may be in-game, and may be donating. My guild officers and i have discussed the idea of rewarding members who are helping us reach our building goals, but have no intention of punishing those who aren't. But, we do not have the luxury of standing next to the coffer 24/7 to monitor donations.
  • babbsibabbsi Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    magenubbie wrote: »
    You don't need anything to see who's contributing. If you don't contribute, you don't get the gear. There's nothing to leech in the respect. And before you start about boons... if a new member joins after you have the boons that new player hasn't worked for them either and he still gets them. So what's the problem here? I don't see it.

    That point of view can be OK for a small guilds but im a member of a big one, with all lvl 70ies and were running out of space. In our position having someone who is "too old to do dailies and HEs for influence" means putting him on same lvl of who is active and sticking in (on his possibilities obviously) contribuitons. We need a tool that will give us possibility, even just in guild rankings, to reward active players against the "im too old for this" members. Or even to get rid of them since we will get gear and weapons anyway and at that point they will not deserve them at all.

    It's not fair that we can't reward active members.

    IMHO who is scared to be kicked out of his guild becouse of low contributions is in a wrong guild anyway and they will get rid of him soon or later.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    babbsi wrote: »
    magenubbie wrote: »
    You don't need anything to see who's contributing. If you don't contribute, you don't get the gear. There's nothing to leech in the respect. And before you start about boons... if a new member joins after you have the boons that new player hasn't worked for them either and he still gets them. So what's the problem here? I don't see it.

    That point of view can be OK for a small guilds but im a member of a big one, with all lvl 70ies and were running out of space. In our position having someone who is "too old to do dailies and HEs for influence" means putting him on same lvl of who is active and sticking in (on his possibilities obviously) contribuitons. We need a tool that will give us possibility, even just in guild rankings, to reward active players against the "im too old for this" members. Or even to get rid of them since we will get gear and weapons anyway and at that point they will not deserve them at all.

    It's not fair that we can't reward active members.

    IMHO who is scared to be kicked out of his guild becouse of low contributions is in a wrong guild anyway and they will get rid of him soon or later.

    And this is why guilds should never have been made more than a roster and chat channel. The attitude is disgusting.
  • babbsibabbsi Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    charononus wrote: »

    And this is why guilds should never have been made more than a roster and chat channel. The attitude is disgusting.

    Yep, lets get rid of Strongholds and go back to a dead game as it was 2 weeks ago, you're right. Or delete your toon after u hit lvl 70 or don't lvl it at all. At the end of the day you don't need a lvl 70 toon for a Roster and G chat anyway right? Yep, yep, you're absolutely right! Why should I try to evolve my toon? it's not needed at all!!!! But wait... neither a game is needed... Now I'm confused... Help!

    BTW: People have right to a different point of view than yours, no need to be rude.
  • cloudius1978cloudius1978 Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    I voted YES purely from my guild's perspective as I'd like to reward and acknowledge the active contributors. I'm a firm believer of "Give credit when credit is due".

    However, I fully understand the many concerns folks have here about the abuse that'll follow once such info is "in the wrong hands".

    Like many said, this is a double-edged sword.

    Right now, I believe guild leaders are relying on gut feel to assess the contribution levels and to reward/acknowledge those active contributors.

    Guess there's no one perfect system and either ways have their pros and cons...
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    babbsi wrote: »

    BTW: People have right to a different point of view than yours, no need to be rude.
    Considering the history such things have, of destroying game communities and decreasing their populations to dead levels, there is no other response I can make. The idea is that bad. If you asked me if I wanted to punch myself in the balls I would weight that idea with more positives than the ideas in this thread. The supporters of this have nothing redeemable to their opinions.
  • MiseryMisery Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    To me this sound like a leecher speech.
    You're sick. You have a problem with solo-players, big one. Your pride over zero makes me cringe.

    3.8k PvP SW.
  • arcticblitzarcticblitz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 126 Arc User
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    I'm going with Yes, In our guild as with others contribution forms part of gaining guild rank in which guild bank deposit records were a helpful thing (Contribution in our guild is not solely limited to items or gold , but also behaviors and helping others).
    Blitzy : PVE only Barbarian
    Martin ConDion PVE only Ranger

    Guild Founder: -HunterS-
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    Misery wrote: »
    To me this sound like a leecher speech.
    You're sick. You have a problem with solo-players, big one. Your pride over zero makes me cringe.

    No, to solo players their own. I respect their willing to play alone surrounded by other ghosts or to get into temporary parties, it's not a problem to me at all (how would it affect me?).
    Here we are talking about giving a tool to let guild masters reward committing people (if I know who do I can give out rewards). In all civil societies there are such systems, in mine country for example we give 'privileges' (like the title of 'knighthood') to important people (scientists, entrepreneurs, etc.).
    Every system will be abused that's obvious, people kicked because they do nothing isn't different by people kicked because not logged in for x days or because don't comply to guild's rules or don't answer to an help call, etc.
    If you live in the fear of being abused you will not do anything, anywhere. Be strong. (pull out of your misery)

    When 99 times out of 100 it will be used for abuse it's a horrible idea. You've even tried to defend abuse earlier after saying you'd engage in it. You are someone that many wouldn't want to play with.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    Yes, not to punish, but to reward, see who is contributing and to concentrate efforts.

    We need influence, like most other guilds. In the first days of strongholds I saw ppl running T2 dungeons with ill equiped toons, to get the reward, neglecting HEs. We released a guild massage, to tell ppl, that they should concentrate on HEs, influence drops inceased.

    With a tool to monitor donations, you could see who is commited and reward them and you might find one or two players who did not understand the system fully, talk to them and bundle efforts. Furthermore vouchers are spamming our inventory, so we told ppl to just spent vouchers, stronghold currency etc and no gold, enchants etc. If someone, for example, caps gold, to get easy marks, resulting in all the other guld members to be unable to get rid of vouchers, it is a bad move and it should be adressed.

    BTW, the argument 'who does not contribute cant buy anything' is BS. I could have capped all my chars with glory donations on day 1. I play since beta and I could donate 8k+ gold for easy marks. I capped some campain currencies and donate them, instead I do HEs with 5 chars, to get influence. Less marks, more time, but better for the guild.

    On a side note, the problem with 'no influence from HEs' can be adressed, by doing small HEs and not spamming collect. Everyone in my guild knows this. If someone starts by farming epic HEs and and complains about no inflence reward, he either did not listen or he does not care and pretends, to do HEs for the guild and not just for his personal gain.

    Last but not least, the questions are biased, implying, that the possibility to see contributions results in discrimination. This is called a 'leading question' practiced by marketers all over the world, as the OP already said himself.
    Post edited by asterotg on
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • torontodavetorontodave Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 992 Arc User
    just add a column to the guild roster showing total accumulated(earned) guild marks. (incl ones already spent)
    NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments
    NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
    Thanks for all the fish.
  • henry404henry404 Member Posts: 690 Arc User
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    asterotg wrote: »
    We released a guild massage, ...

    I like the idea of a guild massage. Do you offer, um, "extras"?
  • MiseryMisery Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    to play alone surrounded by other ghosts
    Hahaha, yet another comment
    3.8k PvP SW.
  • klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    I voted yes because discrimination happens regardless if the guild leader or officers are intent on discriminating anyway, but for those who are not, this would be a cool way to track, express gratitude and reward active members.

    There could be an option to disable it for the guilds that don't want to display it or set it via privilege for the various ranks, of course.
  • azaris#6648 azaris Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I keep seeing people saying they would reward members for their contributions. So I am curious, how would you reward them? What would you give them in return for countless hours of grinding and donating?
  • klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    azaris1 wrote: »
    I keep seeing people saying they would reward members for their contributions. So I am curious, how would you reward them? What would you give them in return for countless hours of grinding and donating?

    Yesterday I gave a green level 60 artifact (Lethander's, I had it in my bank for so long and couldn't decide what to do with it) belt to my only other guild mate (yes, there's only 2 of us) for a couple of hours of doing Heroic Encounters together.
    That's just an example, and of course, and I wouldn't be able to keep up with this kind of rewards in the long run, but it's still all open to guild master, as they say it's the thought that counts.
  • azaris#6648 azaris Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    klangeddin wrote: »
    azaris1 wrote: »
    I keep seeing people saying they would reward members for their contributions. So I am curious, how would you reward them? What would you give them in return for countless hours of grinding and donating?

    Yesterday I gave a green level 60 artifact (Lethander's) belt to my only other guild mate (yes, there's only 2 of us) for a couple of hours of doing Heroic Encounters together.
    That's just an example, and of course, and I wouldn't be able to keep up with this kind of rewards in the long run, but it's still all open to guild master, as they say it's the thought that counts.

    A whole 6k value artifact. Yeah, it's clear you don't really want it for "rewards," as I am sure everyone trying to use that excuse doesn't. This would only be used to kick people.

  • klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    azaris1 wrote: »
    klangeddin wrote: »
    azaris1 wrote: »
    I keep seeing people saying they would reward members for their contributions. So I am curious, how would you reward them? What would you give them in return for countless hours of grinding and donating?

    Yesterday I gave a green level 60 artifact (Lethander's) belt to my only other guild mate (yes, there's only 2 of us) for a couple of hours of doing Heroic Encounters together.
    That's just an example, and of course, and I wouldn't be able to keep up with this kind of rewards in the long run, but it's still all open to guild master, as they say it's the thought that counts.

    A whole 6k value artifact. Yeah, it's clear you don't really want it for "rewards," as I am sure everyone trying to use that excuse doesn't. This would only be used to kick people.

    It's an incentive and I had nothing better to give to him anyway. I can't print stuff out of nothing if I don't have it.
    Besides, we ran a couple of hours of HEs and he contributed 25 building supplies (for what I could see) for Lumberyard, what did you expect me to give him? A million AD? I don't even have them.
    Ah, I also promoted him.
    And finally, don't make assumption about people you don't know because you only end up looking both arrogant and silly at the same time.

  • azaris#6648 azaris Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    A title (through rank), what else. Pride is precious for more people that you can think at. :)

    A freaking title? LMAO. What a great reward. Just be honest with it. You only want this so you can kick people who you feel are not contributing enough to your epeen building.
  • sharonious_rebelsharonious_rebel Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    I'm for it, though I'd mostly care about my GM being able to track influence donations, as that's the real bottleneck to guild improvement. I know the current influence bug would make it a little rough - but that's where having a guild that communicates well would help (I know I complain loudly whenever I get bugged).

    I'd kind of like to see how much I've donated over time, but I'm weird like that. :P

    It'd be nice if donations were recorded via account and not character though, so your net contributions would be easier to track.
  • xatriuxatriu Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    I voted no. Reason being quite simple, I wouldn't wish upon anyone to end up feeling guilty about putting character progression before guild progression. Being able to see who donates what WILL whether you like it or not put pressure on players. And I personally want every member in a guild to be under as little pressure as possible.

    I believe that in this matter the saying "what you don't know wont hurt you" couldn't be more fitting.
  • sharonious_rebelsharonious_rebel Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    azaris1 wrote: »
    I keep seeing people saying they would reward members for their contributions. So I am curious, how would you reward them? What would you give them in return for countless hours of grinding and donating?

    I vote a GMOP :D
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,374 Arc User
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    If the purpose is to reward, I am okay with that. If the purpose is to punish, I don't agree with that.

    If the guild leader is rich and set up a contest such as anyone who can max out their contribution 30000 before a date, he will receive a GMoP from the guild leader. In THEORY, this can be a positive spin for this monitor.

    However, should this monitor be per account based? Or, per character based?
    e.g. One account with one char scores 20000. One account with 3 characters scored 10000 each.
    Who did better?
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
  • MiseryMisery Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    There should be something the players would tear away from the guild they got kicked from, currency or something valuable for the guilds and recyclable. Talking of those that contributed a lot.
    3.8k PvP SW.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,374 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    magenubbie wrote: »
    plasticbat wrote: »
    If the purpose is to reward, I am okay with that. If the purpose is to punish, I don't agree with that.

    If the guild leader is rich and set up a contest such as anyone who can max out their contribution 30000 before a date, he will receive a GMoP from the guild leader. In THEORY, this can be a positive spin for this monitor.

    However, should this monitor be per account based? Or, per character based?
    e.g. One account with one char scores 20000. One account with 3 characters scored 10000 each.
    Who did better?
    The whole purpose of rewarding is pointless. Everyone in any given guild knows who the people are that spend the most money on this game. Obviously they have more than enough to contribute because of that. I don't consider rewarding people for spending money on the game is a productive development.

    Sorry, I don't understand about the money part. Certain thing you can't get using money such as influence. I did not spend any money in this game. I am not a guild leader but I have enough to give out reward if I want to.

    The reward can be for those who contributed the most influence. The reward is just a token of appreciation. It can be a GMoP or an Artifact or a mount or ...
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,374 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    plasticbat wrote: »
    magenubbie wrote: »
    plasticbat wrote: »
    If the purpose is to reward, I am okay with that. If the purpose is to punish, I don't agree with that.

    If the guild leader is rich and set up a contest such as anyone who can max out their contribution 30000 before a date, he will receive a GMoP from the guild leader. In THEORY, this can be a positive spin for this monitor.

    However, should this monitor be per account based? Or, per character based?
    e.g. One account with one char scores 20000. One account with 3 characters scored 10000 each.
    Who did better?
    The whole purpose of rewarding is pointless. Everyone in any given guild knows who the people are that spend the most money on this game. Obviously they have more than enough to contribute because of that. I don't consider rewarding people for spending money on the game is a productive development.

    Sorry, I don't understand about the money part. Certain thing you can't get using money such as influence. I did not spend any money in this game. I am not a guild leader but I have enough to give out reward if I want to.

    The reward can be for those who contributed the most influence. The reward is just a token of appreciation. It can be a GMoP or an Artifact or a mount or ...

    Hire a mercenary then... never heard of a templar that faired good in a battle and got a '+2 horse'.
    We are not mercenaries but it's a behaviour I can comprehend. Anyway: Bxxxxxx! :D

    Mercenary tends to take the money and then run away for the next "project". They won't stick around. The reward is to hope to make people to stick around. It is more like to compare to be the champion who may get a princess.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    azaris1 wrote: »
    A title (through rank), what else. Pride is precious for more people that you can think at. :)

    A freaking title? LMAO. What a great reward. Just be honest with it. You only want this so you can kick people who you feel are not contributing enough to your epeen building.

    Again... I kick people when they do not log for 30 days or play with a behaviour that put shame to the guild's reputation. And yes, doing absolutely nothing can be a cause for getting kicked (and it is without the tool too). Doing 'little' it's not.

    ^^^ This.

    We've been doing "collections" and "donations" from the get-go... stupid things, usually, like like 6SP treasures... but you get enough of them together and they sell for THOUSANDS at the AH. About once a week, I'll empty out the guild bank, auction off the stuff and stick the AD in "escrow" (okay, so I write down how much).

    Oh, sorry.. I guess that I could exploit that and keep all the AD to myself.

    But I don't.

    Ask any one of my guildmembers and they'll all tell you the same thing.. this guild is "home" to them. And I will fiercely protect the sanctity of our "home... inactives get booted, bad behavior (twattery, exploits, whatever) gets booted. I've booted people for pissing me off. I guess that falls under "twattery".

    So while my guildmembers are all busting their hump to collect Influence and Surplus equipment so that we can continue forward progress on our SH, those who aren't contributing are "deadweight". And I will have the backing of every hard-working member of my guild when I do start kicking the deadweight.

    In the meanwhile, am I going to abuse the system, or "discriminate"? No. I'm a realist and understand that RL and family and work and other sort of obligations come first. I remind my guildmembers on a regular basis to NOT donate at the expense of their own advancement (although, getting to the SH armor has been VERY good motivation for us all).

    Not every guild out there wants to have the best of the best of the best, SIR! Not every guild leader out there is out to screw over the guild members. So yes, the system will be abused. But not by me. I can think of a number of other similar guilds who feel the same as I do... and they won't "discriminate" either.

    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • unfated99unfated99 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    Yes, I would like to see (or let the GM see) who does nothing.. and could incentivate me to commit even more
    I vote yes.

    1. I pick up stuff I don't use all the time. Might as well contribute it to the guild - it's not as if I just give it away either.
    2. How can I expect guild benefits if I'm not willing to contribute to the guild?
    3. I trust my Guild Leaders to be fair in their expectations. If I don't, I'm probably in the wrong guild.
    4. Nobody ever put a gun to my head to join my guild. It's quite possible to solo along and PUG dungeons (and just skip this whole mod.)

    It's a simple matter of give something to get something - just like RL.
  • coliercolier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    No, I don't want to be discriminated in any way
    klangeddin wrote: »
    azaris1 wrote: »
    I keep seeing people saying they would reward members for their contributions. So I am curious, how would you reward them? What would you give them in return for countless hours of grinding and donating?

    Yesterday I gave a green level 60 artifact (Lethander's, I had it in my bank for so long and couldn't decide what to do with it) belt to my only other guild mate (yes, there's only 2 of us) for a couple of hours of doing Heroic Encounters together.
    That's just an example, and of course, and I wouldn't be able to keep up with this kind of rewards in the long run, but it's still all open to guild master, as they say it's the thought that counts.

    Only 2 of you and you want to monitor him...lol
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