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Stronghold looks great, with a suggestion to help smaller guilds

darwinsradiodarwinsradio Member Posts: 61 Arc User
edited August 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
I like the concept behind strongholds and I think it has a lot of potential to be great fun, but...

My guild is very small it is made of a group of friends that have played together on various games back to the original Neverwinter Nights on the Australian Mystara Server.

With only 3 or 4 guild members on at any given time that eliminates the 15+ Heroic Encounters, we have managed fine with the 10+ one if we get the full time for them.

Resources, well unfortunately at our current rate of gathering it should take us just under 4 months to get the mill built. So that unfortunately relegates the content to time sink with little chance of ever getting to the pay off.

Im really bummed by this as It is a great concept, and since we will probably not invite in a crowd of random players to our guild it will likely end up abandoned.

I would suggest to the developers that perhaps the resources needed to build should be in proportion to the size of the guild so smaller guilds can take part.

Make resource gathering proportionate to the size of the guild so if you have 200 members you need 20,000 of a thing but if you only have 5 you need 2,000 (Im dyslexic and bad at math so don't expect my example to be perfect).

Just a suggestion


  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    It is my suspicion that they're just going to let large guilds have a major advantage over smaller guilds, until all of the large guilds have all their boons, and have nothing left to do.

    At that point, it would be prudent for them to unbind shards of power (and possibly even some other resources), so that the large guilds-which no longer need such things-can sell those shards to the smaller guilds, giving those smaller guilds time to catch up.

    That would be the smart thing to do. But I suppose if they just made them sellable on the AH now, then the large guilds-which also have more AD-would just have even MORE of an advantage.
  • vordaynvordayn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,283 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Make resource gathering proportionate to the size of the guild so if you have 200 members you need 20,000 of a thing but if you only have 5 you need 2,000 (Im dyslexic and bad at math so don't expect my example to be perfect).

    This would be good for smaller guilds. A scaling method will keep the smaller guilds competitive.

    It would make sense logically, why does one stronghold for 50 members have to be as large or consume as many resources as a stronghold for 150 members?

    Instead of it scaling per person, however, perhaps there could be categories of guild sizes (I'm pretty certain this has been suggested before). There could be a small guild (no more than 50 players), medium (100 players) and larger guild (150 players, which is the current cap). This will still encourage smaller guilds to recruit members up to their guild size limit, but not make it so that individual people can have their own stronghold, which would defeat the purpose of the expansion.

    Each tier of guild size would have different resource requirements. I'm not necessarily advocating for a reduction in difficulty of mobs, however, as if a small guild is active enough, then it could field enough players to defeat a number of dragons in the Dragonflight Heroics.

    Fielding different sized guilds could also fill in gaps in the MOBA like matchmaking, where it would sometimes require smaller groups of people to fill in the 20vs20 player quota.
    Vordon CW        Vordayn DC        Axel Wolfric GWF        Logain SW        Gawyn GF        Galad OP        Aspen Darkfire HR        Min TR
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I can tell you that, as a small guild, SH is putting us behind the 8-ball to some extent. We're under pressure to build to keep up with the larger guilds so our players can get their boons, but we don't have the resources to do so. Attrition has become a real issue. We've penciled in a guild meeting time to talk about SH and what we might be able to accomplish (and any other issues that crop up), but the story of SH so far is "size matters". Tonight there were only 2 of us on most of the time -- we can't really get anywhere with the resource bar set so high.

    Our few longtime members are starting to feel intense pressure to "carry the load" so to speak, even over my objections ("just enjoy playing the game!"). Nevertheless, players are beginning to be faced with a choice: stay in a SH that progresses at a snail's pace, or leave and get their boons?

    As a side note, on the topic of guild meetings: now that we have a logical location for meetings, it would be super-duper-helpful if the game mechanics supported a periodic meeting. For example, for one hour per week, maybe some picnic tables could spawn, with a vendor, and maybe a pinata once every 10 minutes. And maybe the meeting could show up on the minimap event list? For tiny guilds like mine, we need all the help we can get.
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  • ianelianel Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Our guild is small as well for same reasons as stated (friends and now kids). The Adventure shards are a nightmare. My son plays with me in the guild and was so excited and when he saw that and immediatly understood, for example the Adventure shards and how long it would take, he bailed out.
    Scale would be great.
    But agree that after a while, big guilds start to float away with nothing to do, then maybe smallers can build due to ability for bigs to sell shards or something.
    Although I know you can buy them for zen. Altough that would get expensive very fast. That might be the point.
    After all, you were eventually able to buy 100% completion with zen for module zones.
  • starrlight9starrlight9 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    A am having a major issue with strong hold right now. I have a quest to complete "temple of the spider" yet temple of the spider is not avilable for que. Our guild is VERY small, bugged quests like these only hinder us instead of helping.
    twitch: Lady_Starrlight
  • sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    The problem with scaling resource requirements to number of accounts/characters is that it will encourage kicking and/or not inviting poorly geared/skilled players. Why? because ineffective players will increase the grind for hard-working,effective players. You don't login for one week? bye bye.

    Instead of scaling resource requirements to build the stronghold, here's an alternative idea.
    Divide heroic encounter rewards depending on how many players are involved.
    Zerging HE's would give reduced rewards (per person) compared to soloing HE's.
    Of course, this tends to encourage soloing/duoing.
    However, it should not encourage guild kicking.

    Soloing/duoing an epic HE is a lot of work, and it seems somewhat fair to scale rewards based on number of players.
    Or are the rewards already scaled?
    Post edited by sangrine on
  • tassedethe13tassedethe13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    By scaling the resources with the number of players, some will exploit the following:

    1) Make a guild with 5 players:
    2) All 5 players spend all the resources they have
    3) Switch the 5 first players to another 5
    4) Repeat

    That's how you break this system easily.
  • darkaria1darkaria1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 6 Arc User
    You could change the dailies into a form of hourly depending on the guild size. The smaller the guild, the fewer hours a quest's refresh time is. The smallest reduction would be for a guild of 25 active members, say around 5 hour refresh time. A 35 active member guild would have a 5 hour and 30 minute refresh time.
  • rhoriangelusrhoriangelus Member Posts: 703 Arc User
    Maybe in a couple of modules you'll be able to just pay for your full stronghold for 10,000 zen :P
  • adralin23367adralin23367 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I am Guild Leader of a really small guild, we started as real life friends who live in a smallish town who all play, some of us more than others. it was a way for us to share resources, help each other out, etc in an environment we find comfortable..

    We all came back after a long break for EE (Pally class brought me back), working our way through all the campaigns, etc, I have been happy with where I am, and how fast I have been moving forward. I now feel trapped, I either abandon my friends, and join another guild so I dont fall behind the curve due to not being able to get gear or boons, or stay and know I will never again be able to do top level content, as any tuning for future dungeons etc will have to account for SH boons, which I wont have, meaning my Tank will be stuffed. If they are not tuned with those boons in mind than those that have them will cake walk things while the rest of us struggle, again leaving us behind the curve, as GS and Guild Rank will become the required things to do Dungeons.

    I already struggle to get in a party as I dont have ubber gear yet, that seems to be need to the dungeons, that give you the same uber gear need to the dungeon.

    We have not even got our farm up, as we will struggle to make the resource requirements, as all of us are still progressing throughy the campaigns, for those boons, so do I spen resources on SH or my boons from campaigns.

    The future looks bleak, I really want to play, and play the next mod, as my big attraction to this is from the PnP game. I am seriously considering is this worth the effort?

    In most ways I love the game, enjoy the combat mechanics they feel great and are fun, enjoy most of the quest zones, and am looking forward to the changes for 60-70, so that does not seem such a grind and I might level a couple of my other toons. I feel like I am being pushed out of the game by unachievable goals.

    I dont usually QQ about things, but something has to change.

    (We are all currently looking at other games to see if we can find one where we can all have fun even the more casual players..)

    A few of us also have other disabilities in real life, that make it a challenge to group up with people we don't know, so seeking out a Guild that might be casualy and frienly enough with out people putting preasure on you to perform at a certain commitment level must login daily, must log in every fortnight or such make it hard. I for one sometimes require Hospital, where I can be for anytime from a couple of weeks, to a few months, often with out any real notice, so these guilds may not be as tollerant.

    I know I will never be BiS player, but I am trying to get as close as I can, which now seems impossible.
  • mynaammynaam Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 937 Arc User
    Eventhough I am in a small guild our members seem loyal but, as a senior member, I feel obliged to carry more of the load and I would really appreciate if there is some way to do this.

    It is also nearly impossible for a guild with a limited number of players online at any given time to fight the dragons. I would like a scaling on that. have the dragons' hp and damage scale to the amount of online players(from guild) at any given time. This will not help exploiters or larger guilds but would be very helpfull to guilds that normally have 10 or less players online.
    There are more than BIS players in this game
    RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
    FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
    Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)

  • firebreath86firebreath86 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Don't know about the scaling, it seems weird to me that a 5 members guild can make a Stronghold in better shape. It's not a god game. You actually need a legion to free an entire country. To me it's good as it is, and anyway you can't hope in a 150 members guild to have all uberactive members, so things level out naturally.

    Mate, 4 months for the mill isn't a good thing. Its hardly freeing an entire country by making the lv1 buildings. 4 months is a bit to long considering my guild (4 persons) is currently trying to get the 2nd building which with the current rate should come in 1 month or so. Regardless if its 1 or 4 months this is still a bad thing.

    You can ofc say that we should just join a larger guild but thats beside the point. I don't expect nor do I whish small guilds to godmode their way through strongholds. It however needs to be smoother. It doesn't make sense to have to grind so much for lv1 buildings.

    Scaling might not work that much because of exploiting it but a reduction in costs could be a thing. Mainly the surplus equipment is hard to get with only 20 points per blue identified item.

    Some ideas:
    - reduce the costst of the lower tiers
    - make surplus equipment take in un identified items or increase coffer gain of blues and greens
    - Increase droprate tokens
    - Increase purple companion items

    As a side note, I heard rumors that the test shard had 10x lower costs? Or was that only so guilds could more easely test it in shorter span of time?
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    The days of the game being tilted to the solo or casual gamer are over. ANY, and I mean ANY means you can think of to give a smaller guild an easier time leveling a stronghold will be massively and immediately exploited. People will find the sweet spot for least resources with the most people, and abuse it in ways you can't even fathom.

    One person above said it - people will stay at the lowest number to get the easiest time to level. Thats just one way I could see them abuse it.

    You can either scale it to larger guilds and have smaller guilds suffer, or you can scale it to smaller guilds and have larger guilds (who, lets be honest, are the people paying them the most money and involve more people), just breeze through content in a week.

    I disagree with the way they went about the boons and gear...those should not be attached to guild content really or at least an alternative in a non-guild scenario that allows people to access it.

    Anyways, scaling won't happen unless they decide to allow large guilds to basically blow through the content.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,377 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    The days of the game being tilted to the solo or casual gamer are over. ANY, and I mean ANY means you can think of to give a smaller guild an easier time leveling a stronghold will be massively and immediately exploited. People will find the sweet spot for least resources with the most people, and abuse it in ways you can't even fathom.

    One person above said it - people will stay at the lowest number to get the easiest time to level. Thats just one way I could see them abuse it.

    You can either scale it to larger guilds and have smaller guilds suffer, or you can scale it to smaller guilds and have larger guilds (who, lets be honest, are the people paying them the most money and involve more people), just breeze through content in a week.

    I disagree with the way they went about the boons and gear...those should not be attached to guild content really or at least an alternative in a non-guild scenario that allows people to access it.

    Anyways, scaling won't happen unless they decide to allow large guilds to basically blow through the content.

    Sadly, I agree with the possible abuse. The obvious possible abuse: keep the number of guild member low, cycle in and out "members". Everybody join back when the stronghold is fully built.

    Sure, there are ways to prevent the abuses but somebody needs to fully think about that and spend time to implement them. Otherwise, this can make it worse instead of better.
    Post edited by plasticbat on
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
  • rexfire91rexfire91 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 56 Arc User
    I'm also the leader of a small 4-man guild of family members (so no desire to let strangers in) and have been wondering about this exact issue. I completely appreciate the fact that such a small guild should not be able to achieve everything a large guild can, or even most for that manner. That just wouldn't be fair. But it would be nice if we could at least achieve something with our stronghold.

    As for the aforementioned abuse I think I may have an idea for that. Rather than scaling the requirements based on guild size, what if they instead only lowered the requirements for building the first few ranks of structures while keeping the building requirements for the upper ranks high. Sure, larger guilds will blow through the first handful of ranks on their structures much easier but to a large guild those lower ranks are going to be small sauce rewards and they'll be gunning for the higher tier stuff so all their time, effort, and resources can be spent on those. As a small guild leader if all my guild managed to make after several months was a T2 market and a few ranks of a boon structure (or two) I would be completely satisfied. Unfortunately, as it currently stands, it's going to take several months just to make the first farm.

    That's just my opinion and maybe other small guilds wouldn't agree, but I'm just throwing the idea out there.
  • firebreath86firebreath86 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Who said that smaller guilds need to get the same as larger guilds? There is something possible inbetween. I personally don't care about reaching max lv with strongholds. Just asking for the basic stuff to be reacheable without spending months.

    To set it in perspective. The farm is costing 27.000 surplus equipment. Over the last few days we were able to deposit around 120 points per person per day. With 4 people it will take us 56 days in order to reach the target for a lv1 farm.

    EDIT: Indeed rex, thats what I meant
    Post edited by firebreath86 on
  • darwinsradiodarwinsradio Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    The surplus equipment will take forever, especially when your feeding 3 pieces of artifact equipment.

    I also don't expect to be able to get a maxed out Stronghold with only 3 active and 2 partially active guild members. I would like some progress to at least be possible before the rest of my guild decides that the stronghold isn't worth the time put into it.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,377 Arc User
    The surplus equipment will take forever, especially when your feeding 3 pieces of artifact equipment.

    I also don't expect to be able to get a maxed out Stronghold with only 3 active and 2 partially active guild members. I would like some progress to at least be possible before the rest of my guild decides that the stronghold isn't worth the time put into it.

    It is most likely it does not worth the time to put into it for a tiny/inactive guild.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
  • firebreath86firebreath86 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    What ..... huge armies in real life are there to help us conquer our strongholds? .... Let me ring Putin than for some love from Russia.

    Anyways. Good for you that you're having fun. We have fun too with it. The only non fun part is where you need to take months and months before you can unlock the basics of the basics. There you definetly shouldn't need a huge army for.

    Regarding your ... 'meh shut and merge already' there is a reason why there are smaller guilds. Let it be either family or close friends. Like explained above we only ask for the bare basics. There is no reason why a group of 2-7 people shouldn't be able to get the basics within a decent timeframe.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,377 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    More people will get more tax dollar. More tax dollar can build longer road. That is normal in real life. On the other hand, smaller country can ask UN and IMF for help .... if they have oil. :)
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,047 Arc User
    It could be really that easy...
    + the basic structures, with small benefits for every small guild, reachable within a few days
    + reasonable upgraded structures, with medium benefits for medium guilds, reachable within a few weeks
    + extremly upgraded structures, with big benefits for big guilds, reachable within a few months
    problem solved.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • sofa01sofa01 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    this is the same stuff that they did in STO with the small fleets small guild are looser
  • mynaammynaam Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 937 Arc User
    I think if they make the essential structures easier to build that would help smaller guilds.

    My guild(max 10 online any given moment) is working nicely and we should be at a state where we will be able to upgrade to level 2 castle very soon. The problem is that some of the guilds might loose their members to bigger guilds if they don't get that essential buildings up fast, like the market.
    There are more than BIS players in this game
    RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
    FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
    Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)

  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,047 Arc User
    Well, have to wait and see, when the guild recruiting messages change from looking for players to selling membership slots with access to the market...
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    The devs just need to look at the numbers and see how small guilds can make it to rank 2 Marketplace (level for lower tier guild gear) in 3 months or less.

    Reasonable donation rate per person in a casual guild:
    100 Inf (I'm rounding: 105 influence for 3 HEs, if you are lucky enough to get it)
    20 adventurer's shards
    10 heroic shards
    100 surplus equipment (that's 20 greens, and greens are the only equipment that drops while questing)
    50 gems (10 rank 3 or 4s: non-BiS players need the gems for their artifacts and enchantments, so you're asking them to sacrifice personal development for the guild)

    Farm costs 27k surplus equipment, 18k gems, 1500 adventurer's shards.

    Assuming 10 players in the guild, all contributing above amounts daily:
    7.5 days for shards
    27 days for surplus equipment
    36 days for gems

    So about a month before small guilds can build the second structure in the Stronghold.

    Getting to rank 2 Marketplace is much, much worse.

  • cjh1983cjh1983 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 229 Arc User
    Really. The whole thing should be based on guild Size with "barracks" allowing more members
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,047 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    metalldjt wrote: »
    i did not read the entire thread,
    bla bla bla
    , because this is a mmorpg.

    Small Strongholds for small guilds, with small benefits.
    Medium Strongholds for medium guilds, with medium benefits.
    Big Strongholds for big guilds, with big benefits.

    No point in sizing down a guild.
    But everyone would at least get some benefits (and of course equipment) out of Strongholds.

    A "MMORPG" with less dungeons to play through.
    A "MMORPG" with a lot of boring and repetitive grind in it.
    A "MMORPG" that is kicking solo and casual players out of the door.
    A "MMORPG" with huge login and game crashing issues since Strongholds.
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • darwinsradiodarwinsradio Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    "Que Funeral Durge"

    My guild has officially given up on Strongholds. For a small guild its simply absorbing too many assetsneeded to feed gems and Artifact equipment.

    "For Sale, crappy pile of stones with lumber mill nearby. Slight orc infestation, but plenty of deer to eat. Pleasant staff with the exception of a rather shifty ranger."
  • revan06100revan06100 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    Maybe in a couple of modules you'll be able to just pay for your full stronghold for 10,000 zen :P

    You mean 100 000 right ? lol
  • gwynny2gwynny2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 93 Arc User
    You know when they first announced Strongholds, I was excited. More guild content (something I felt was sorely missing in the last mod). And having played STO a bit, I imagined it would go a little like their Fleets. I was spot on.

    Recently STO has implemented something called Armadas, which many of you smaller guilds may very well be interested in. You might want to check it out over here and here.

    I imagine if something like this is implemented, it will be a little while before we see it in game, but my point is... there is still hope for smaller guilds.
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