Should Tiamat follow the same format as The Shores And Lol? 10k with lesser rewards and 13.5k for Premium rewards
Should Tiamat have a GS based Queue's? 10k and 13.5k 54 votes
Yes - Seperate Queu's would alleviate all the GS related debates and allow content to be accessable for all
No - I like it the way it is
If you can't get 2 heads to ~20% in the first round you are NOT going to win and there is no point to continue the encounter.
I dont think its people who leave if theybdont get twp heads down, its the people who leave if you dont get 3 down first run. 3 to go on the second run is actually easier since all your dps get there faster, but i still see 3-10 players leave every time that happens.
If you can't commit to the 25 minutes the raid takes, win or lose (you still get rewarded for a loss) then you shouldnt join in the first place. Players that leave or dont contribute to the score over a set amount of time ought to be banned from rejoining the raid for 24 hours as a penalty. I guarantee you that the amount of successful runs would skyrocket of that were implemented.
Imagine 2 DC with the same GS. One has 2400 ArPen and the other has 0 ArPen. The one with 0 would probably heal better than the other. Take 2 DPS toons. One has stacked power and no crit while the other has 24% crit and the rest in power. The 2nd is going to do so much better so much so they they probably could have a lower GS due to defense and other minor stats and still do better than the higher GS toon.
So even if they did split it into 10k and 13.5k, it won't really change much. There's 13.5k GS people that perform way worse than the 10k group. 3.5k GS might matter to some classes but not others.
You could probably get a better sieve by tossing in a 5-man encounter before getting to Tiamat. Like down a miniboss within 2 minutes. If you fail, then you get tossed out, if you win, then you get to do tiamat.
Edit: From what I've read before, killing the 5 heralds is the DPS check. If you are able to do that you should have enough DPS to do Tiamat. Assuming that is true, then the problem lies in coordination and not gear. Better gear might compensate for poor play to some extent but some people are just useless no matter what their GS is.
There are two quick and easy fixes.
1. Raise the gear score requirement to 13k-15k.
2. Make it so you have to complete the mod 4 campaign and get all the boons before you can attempt tiamat.
although I don't really care about tiamat anymore once I get my last boon tomorrow so this is all irrelevant to me.
Stop with this believing GS means anything by itself, it does not.
I have personally finished multiple T2 dungeons with people in 10k and 9.5 gear and no DC.
Having a great GS and a horrid weapon... guess what? Some of the worse weapons have BETTER GS... yet a lot less damage. Learn what you are talking about. 160 more damage per shot is a LOT better than 200 more power and AP, yet the superior weapon is 500Gs less.
You'd rather have a brand new player that doesn't know what they are doing with BOUGHT of 13K GS from the AH, than someone working on an alt with 10k... that is absurd.
Seriously, stop with this GS nonsense.
Many smart players go with LESS GS because it's fare more effective in a lot of instances...
You also missed the point where the higher GS does not mean better gear. Certainly that comes into play with set bonuses, weapon damage, etc... You seem to now know or understand that.
Also, the GS doesn't play itself. I've seen many lower geared people school other people in PVP and far outplay them in PVE.
You assuming things about people based on "looks" AKA a GS number is absurd.
You thinking GS matters again, shows your own lack of ability. You are indicating you aren't good enough to carry. Carry = a gaming term where a good player with better gear carries a team.
Back to this game. The people that made it say X gear score is needed to pass a dungeon or whatever. They are assuming a medium amount of player skill when they make these recommendations. They are assuming a medium amount of player communication and team work as well. All of those things add up to a more effective group.
GS does not make someone a good teamate, GS doesn't make you a good group or team player, in fact it has nothing to do with that. It gives you a possible slight DPS or soaking damage advantage over someone else. Assuming both players use the exact same abilities in the exact same manor at the exact same time. That never happens...
So, you have one person 5% faster than another, or using their abilities 5% more efficiently... guess what juts happend to your higher GS score... uh huh...
Yeah, new people, not people playing a new toon, may have a poorly built character. All the more reason to help em out, every xbox 1 came with a headset. Clue em in, on the changes they should make. People rarely ever do that.
I'll say you are in the minority that actually looks at the build, most look at GS and base it off of that. Which is why having a new GS barrier is not right. The makers know things can be won with the minimum gear required. They thought ahead of time and limit people. A team full of poor players with max gear will still wipe in the harder T2 dungeons etc... Then they will cry about needed a cleric. I'm getting off track... haha Some build their character not needing a DC and other build them as "pure" DPS with ZERO damage mitigation and need a cleric. That gets into the "proper" build stuff which has many variable as you know.
Summary. A good player can get it done with the minimum GS, with proper teamwork etc... A poor player cannot get it done with near max gear.
A new GS barrier is bad.
Unless those in the higher GS bracket are fine with the lower GS bracket getting the EXACT same gear as rewards. Which I know is not the case. This is really just another attempt at wanna be elitists, which is a major problem with this game, trying to get away from those they could help. These are the same people that kick kick and kick some more, because they want a speed run or to horde epics for AD etc...
This is supposed to be an MMO, this is supposed to be team oriented, group oriented, where people come together to HELP each other finish a goal. This "new" GS nonsense is opposed to all of that.
FYI the PC version already got rid of the GS nonsense. TIL replaced it, Total Item Level. This puts an end to this garbage GS belief stuff. That is on it's way and it cannot get here soon enough. GS lovers are in for a nice little surprise. TIL is far more accurate but still flawed. At least epics will not be rated WORSE than rares in the TIL system.
Ya but if i took your advice i would spend all day helping ppl amd not playin and advancing my guy. Higj gs ppl should not be stuck carrying and babysitting and helping the low lvls all day. Ya its nice and all but most of us have jobs and when we play we wanna play with ppl who have skill and the abilitiy to complete a dungeon or skirmish without taking all day. Gs is normally a good factor for determining this. Not always but most of the time its accurate
Find me on XBL to get an interview to join the guild.
In 90% of my Tiamat runs no says a word to any possible new people on how to do it. They all remain quiet, or pre-complain about GS. Yes they will take the time to write out complaints BEFORE they happen.
In most of them most of the people don't group. In most of them people do not discuss teams. In most of them it's a bunch of solo players refusing to be social.
Yet, here you people are trying to blame GS... wow.
The player base is the problem, refusing to play the game correctly and communicate with each other, refusing to group up, refusing to discuss strategy, etc... Why? Because IF you try to do that, someone will insult you most of the time. This community is utterly toxic and this thread is just more proof of it.
You want everyone to have a high enough GS or skill level, so you can succeed without strategy, without communication, and without talking to each other.
Most people are sitting in zone 10+ minutes before Tia starts, there is plenty of time to sit there and teach and talk and plan before the match, and only a few do that.
Yes, it's hard to to that with the constant spam nonsense being sent to zone, but it's not an excuse not to do it.
You do that more, then you might see more than half a team actually wearing dragon souls etc...
A raid channel would be nice, and I hope it is implemented in the future.
Which leads to the other problem caused by the player base. What is common practice now is for the so called higher GS people to go into the Raid late at specific times. Thus getting in there and have ZERO time to communicate or group up or talk about strategy etc... More refusal to do the things that make the Raid go smoother, all in an attempt to get away from people that may be new... It's absurdly counter productive.
Teach more and more people and you remove more and more weak links, and reduce the risk of fails, but no... keep up these current silly tactics... yeesh.
All of you can say that we NEED to communicate to do anything in this game. That is simply NOT true, this is not PC, this is Xbox. And whatever your feelings are towards the Xbox player base doesn't really matter. The fact is you DON'T NEED to talk to someone to say, "hey go kill black head. or go kill summoner. or go to green next." You don't need to communicate that.
The reason why Tiamat runs fail IS NOT because of lack of communication, like so many try to point out. It is the fact that you don't have enough DPS to beat Tiamat in the time given. Which stems from the lower GS people who have horrible builds, or just not enough DPS to really help out.