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Reward your "Bread & Butter" player base. The ones who fund your game

First and foremost, this post is NOT motivated by a sense of self entitlement what so ever. Just to be clear. As I'm sure anyone who supports this post will be met with with "wallet warrior" or worse responses. Although everyone is open to their own opinion, I ask everyone e be respectful.

To get right to the point, myself and my fellow guildies spend on this game. We spend on this game because we are able to do so. People spend money on their respective hobbies and there is nothing at all wrong with that. Does that make that player base better than others who do not spend on this game? Simply put, of course not.

Without the "bread and butter" player base as I'll loosely put it, the ones who fund this free to play game. It's safe to say this game would not last very long. That's just simple math and logic. This logic cannot be argued as this game is not run via charity. This game runs backed by $$$ that players put into it. End of story.

In saying that, it's logical and only fair that those types of players are rewarded as such. There should be a sense of separation of those who spend and those who do not. With the release of Tiamat and the mechanics that came along with it, it has neutralized any of that. All the hard work and money spent is all for nothing simply due to the fact that a 10k player can waltz into Tiamat at any given time, contribute next to nothing, yet reap the rewards from ring the coattails of other players that actually make the difference and deliver the win, handing a Linus Favor to them on a silver platter. Meaning now they can easily obtain the best "Stat armor set" in the game in a matter of weeks. Sorry, but that's wrong on so so so many levels. They can now essentially bypass all T2 dungeons because they are not needed anymore. Tiamat has rendered them useless. The economy is now ruined with the massive influx of T2 gear that you get for a reward via a Tiamat win. And artifacts are at a all time low due to the ridiculous drop rate.

Please apply a prerequisite Gear Score to enter Tiamat. Reduce the drop rate, this will bring the economy back up. Reward your hard core player base. Please do not take this as a threat or anything of that sort, but myself and my fellow guildies who are a very large guild have all agreed not to spend another penny on this game simply due to what's transpired. It's easy to see we are not alone. You simply have to just take a look at the in game chat or here on the forums to see a very large part of your community is very displeased. We are more than happy to spend on this game. We want to, it's a great hobby.

Reward the player base that fuels and funds this game. Is that not fair?


  • spacemountain40spacemountain40 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I forgot to mention thete is now zero incentive. Zero
  • b0redgamerb0redgamer Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    I will agree that the economy has taken a hit with the drop rates from Tiamat. I am sure that will be addressed.

    That being said, there is a prerequisite GS of 10k to enter Tiamat, I am guessing you are another person who wants it to be higher. Not even going to get into that debate again, that horse has been beaten to a pulp.

    As far as there needing to be a "sense of separation of those who spend and those who do not". There already is, if you spend zen you can buy your way to the highest GS possible without having to touch a dungeon or encounter. No grinding, no farming, just purchasing. The game has had the same free to play model for 2 years. It is not going to change anytime soon and there certainly is no reason to "reward the player base that fuels and funds this game" as they are already rewarded by getting items without having to put in the time to grind.
    Signature under construction, stay tuned.
    GT: b0red gamer
  • blindmonkeyzblindmonkeyz Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    seriously, how many threads are you gonna make about Tiamat and the gs when its not the issue. What would you do if you ran with 25 16k gs players and still failed? Granted there is an issue, but its not the gs. Its people who dont know how to play the game correctly. Like i stated earlier, people can buy their gs easy. Even with the high economy. The economy isnt an issue. I think your just upset cause now you cant make your millions of AD. But you seriously need to stop making hundreds of different threads based on this.
    XB One
    LGPG Alliance
    Reagents of Death - Leader
    CW - Phoenix lvl 70 4034 (Main)
    GF - Spectre lvl 70 4012 (Main)
    GWF - Ice lvl 70 4010 (Main)
    SW - Zor lvl 70 3230 (Main)
    OP - Box lvl 70 3002 (Retired)

    Look Good Play Good
    GWF - Ice lvl 70 3875 (Main)
    GF - Spectre lvl 70 2669 (Alt)

  • spacemountain40spacemountain40 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    seriously, how many threads are you gonna make about Tiamat and the gs when its not the issue. What would you do if you ran with 25 16k gs players and still failed? Granted there is an issue, but its not the gs. Its people who dont know how to play the game correctly. Like i stated earlier, people can buy their gs easy. Even with the high economy. The economy isnt an issue. I think your just upset cause now you cant make your millions of AD. But you seriously need to stop making hundreds of different threads based on this.

    I'm sorry you feel that way. Although gear score can't be easily bought. Artifacts pad your GS but are VERY VERY VERY rare to drop via boxes. Companions just pad hard stats. Although you can get refinement through boxes as well. But refinement is easily obtained through hard work without having to spend a dime. Point being, even if you drop a lot of coin on this game you still have to get very lucky to obtain artifacts that go towards your gear score.

    Also, since launch I have posted 2 threads on this forum. Both today.

    I have responded to a select few. One of which being you. So your gripe of me posting hundreds of times is a massive MASSIVE embellishment.

    I sense the Destiny Community in you. Speaks volumes.

    Have a great day. Everyone is open to their own opinion.

  • bluedoodbluedood Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    Space, thank you for a very well thought out post. You really took your time to state your case.

    Although I disagree about a blanket gear score change, as others have mentioned it is a topic beaten to death, it would be nice to know players have done things to qualify for tiamat other than buying gear and skipping content. Perhaps a regular and epic version or several mini raids that teach players what needs to be done in the main raid?

    What are your thoughts on something along those lines?
  • b0redgamerb0redgamer Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    The concept of several mini raids to teach players the mechanics sounds like an excellent idea. It would definitely lighten the load. As far as epic and regular versions, I am not quite sure how that would work since you do not queue up for it like you do for dungeons. It does sound interesting though. How would you see that working? There could be two separate entrances but that would require an add on to the map.
    Signature under construction, stay tuned.
    GT: b0red gamer
  • sponsahmesponsahme Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    > @blindmonkeyz said:
    > seriously, how many threads are you gonna make about Tiamat and the gs when its not the issue. What would you do if you ran with 25 16k gs players and still failed? Granted there is an issue, but its not the gs. Its people who dont know how to play the game correctly. Like i stated earlier, people can buy their gs easy. Even with the high economy. The economy isnt an issue. I think your just upset cause now you cant make your millions of AD. But you seriously need to stop making hundreds of different threads based on this.

    it's simple logic that the higher gearscore someone is the more likely chance they know how to play the game better. i doubt there is much people on the game who bought 21k gearscore, but doesn't know how to play their character..

    most of the 10k gearscore people rarely ever play this game and only came back in order to play tiamat. i know this one girl who never plays this game and didn't know how to get to well of dragons, but she wanted to play tiamat. fortunately she was only 8k gearscore lol
  • zak3056zak3056 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    Preface: I've dropped about $60 on this game (epic mount and augment) so I'm not really in the F2P playerbase, but I'm not in your class, either. My GS pre-Tiamat was 13k, it's now just shy of 15k.

    FWIW, you already got your reward over the non-paying players. Since you bought everything, you have a significant head start on everybody else. You've had three or four months of being part of the dominant tier of players, running T2s (and complaining about everyone else who tries), beating everyone at PvP due to higher GS and other high value perks (I've been hit by that orange artifact from Nine Hells like 6 times during a single match before... it's like getting clubbed by an entire party's dailys, in four seconds, and three dodge attempts isn't enough to get away from it) and not really having to wait for that damn peridot to drop after killing 100 mobs, when the enchants you've got equipped should be dropping a gem every 25 mobs or so based on the math, just so your equipment can get past green.

    People are catching up, sure, but that's the nature of things--everything you've paid for, anyone else can have for free eventually. Tiamat really just let the more casual F2P types catch up to the more diligent ones--if anyone should be upset, it's those guys.

    You're still ahead of everyone else, since that seems to matter so much--you've got rank 9 enchants and orange artifacts and gear, a T3 or T4 mount, a set of epic companions, and a leadership army (just guessing on what you've spent on, but if I were dropping the kind of money some of you people do, that's where I would be).

    All I can say is take a breath, have fun, run tiamat with people who are now actually geared well enough to do it because they could afford their T2 set on a couple of days refinement instead of a month. If you're measuring what you get out of this game by how far ahead of everyone else you are, you're doing it wrong.

  • draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    I have and do spend money on this game. Lots of money at least to me. (over a thousand easy) This is between my account, my sons account, and my wife's account. We all have the extra packs, I have Dragonborn, we all have mounts, multiple added bank slots, tons of character slots, nice companions and we have all spent a bit on keys and what not. The reward for me spending this money WAS getting the items I paid for. I don't feel I should get anything extra or above someone that doesn't pay anything. It was my choice to spend my money. Maybe this is because I am a bit older than the the average player? I do not know where this mentality stems from though? Also as an older person and gamer at heart I do not back any thought that people should ever be segregated in a video game. Not everyone has a background or are as fortunate as others. It is not my place to judge them. But the thought of segregation based on who pays and who doesn't would almost cause me to stop spending money as I would want to be labeled with that bunch. Video games are one of the oldest entertainment mediums that was meant to bring people together not separate them into social classes. yikes that thought is far to political for my taste. I just want to play a game with other people, spend money when I have it, and just have fun. I am not an elitist type person by far which is what alot (not saying the OP is, but alot) of the forum users tend to be.
  • blindmonkeyzblindmonkeyz Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    so because i had a 11k gs character i dont know how to play the game? even though i have 2 others over 15k? see your telling people that they cant do this on their alts now. Granted my 11k gs player isnt 11k anymore. he is 14k. But see your lumping in all players in game that have alts that are 11k. and dont go changing your story now. everyone is blaming low gs players saying they dont know how to play.. I think its pretty funny. for my runs on that character i outplayed alot of people in the tiamat run. i never let someone carry me. if i feel i cant compete i leave. so before you blow your horn about low gs stop and think, cause one of these days it will be you playing an alt with a 10 or 11k gs and that person you complained about will have a 21k gs. LOL
    XB One
    LGPG Alliance
    Reagents of Death - Leader
    CW - Phoenix lvl 70 4034 (Main)
    GF - Spectre lvl 70 4012 (Main)
    GWF - Ice lvl 70 4010 (Main)
    SW - Zor lvl 70 3230 (Main)
    OP - Box lvl 70 3002 (Retired)

    Look Good Play Good
    GWF - Ice lvl 70 3875 (Main)
    GF - Spectre lvl 70 2669 (Alt)

  • blindmonkeyzblindmonkeyz Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    draven165 wrote: »
    I have and do spend money on this game. Lots of money at least to me. (over a thousand easy) This is between my account, my sons account, and my wife's account. We all have the extra packs, I have Dragonborn, we all have mounts, multiple added bank slots, tons of character slots, nice companions and we have all spent a bit on keys and what not. The reward for me spending this money WAS getting the items I paid for. I don't feel I should get anything extra or above someone that doesn't pay anything. It was my choice to spend my money. Maybe this is because I am a bit older than the the average player? I do not know where this mentality stems from though? Also as an older person and gamer at heart I do not back any thought that people should ever be segregated in a video game. Not everyone has a background or are as fortunate as others. It is not my place to judge them. But the thought of segregation based on who pays and who doesn't would almost cause me to stop spending money as I would want to be labeled with that bunch. Video games are one of the oldest entertainment mediums that was meant to bring people together not separate them into social classes. yikes that thought is far to political for my taste. I just want to play a game with other people, spend money when I have it, and just have fun. I am not an elitist type person by far which is what alot (not saying the OP is, but alot) of the forum users tend to be.

    Thank you. I am an older player too. been playing D&D based games and on paper for almost 35 yrs now. Its a game, lets have fun and enjoy.

    XB One
    LGPG Alliance
    Reagents of Death - Leader
    CW - Phoenix lvl 70 4034 (Main)
    GF - Spectre lvl 70 4012 (Main)
    GWF - Ice lvl 70 4010 (Main)
    SW - Zor lvl 70 3230 (Main)
    OP - Box lvl 70 3002 (Retired)

    Look Good Play Good
    GWF - Ice lvl 70 3875 (Main)
    GF - Spectre lvl 70 2669 (Alt)

  • b0redgamerb0redgamer Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    draven165 wrote: »
    I have and do spend money on this game. Lots of money at least to me. (over a thousand easy) This is between my account, my sons account, and my wife's account. We all have the extra packs, I have Dragonborn, we all have mounts, multiple added bank slots, tons of character slots, nice companions and we have all spent a bit on keys and what not. The reward for me spending this money WAS getting the items I paid for. I don't feel I should get anything extra or above someone that doesn't pay anything. It was my choice to spend my money. Maybe this is because I am a bit older than the the average player? I do not know where this mentality stems from though? Also as an older person and gamer at heart I do not back any thought that people should ever be segregated in a video game. Not everyone has a background or are as fortunate as others. It is not my place to judge them. But the thought of segregation based on who pays and who doesn't would almost cause me to stop spending money as I would want to be labeled with that bunch. Video games are one of the oldest entertainment mediums that was meant to bring people together not separate them into social classes. yikes that thought is far to political for my taste. I just want to play a game with other people, spend money when I have it, and just have fun. I am not an elitist type person by far which is what alot (not saying the OP is, but alot) of the forum users tend to be.

    Thank you. I am an older player too. been playing D&D based games and on paper for almost 35 yrs now. Its a game, lets have fun and enjoy.

    Well said by both of you. I am also a D&D veteran.
    Signature under construction, stay tuned.
    GT: b0red gamer
  • herrontsureherrontsure Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    PWE will never publish the actual revenue numbers, but I think it is questionable who the "bread and butter" players are. The last info we received, which is outdated, was 1.6 million players, 2.3 million characters, but only 90,000 at level 60. To me this indicates the huge majority of the players are casual players. Getting a few bucks from a million plus people adds up quick and I imagine a few get sucked in to the gambling nature of the lock boxes. The question comes down to what generates more revenue, a large amount of casual players spending a small amount each or a small amount of elite players spending a large amount each. Being a casual player myself, since launch, and spending some money on the game on a bag, mount, ect, I was finding it really hard to get my T2 gear, with the whole boot and loot issue and everything. When I wasn't being booted it was fun though. I was supper happy when I saw the T2 prices the other day. I was able to get 3 full sets for my alts that I would never of had the time to grind or get before. I would hazard a guess that there is a much larger, paying, group that is happy about this change. They just don't use the forums. However, only PWE has the actual numbers and I would assume the changes they make are in the interest of keeping the "bread and butter" players happy and engaged in the game.

    Also, I doubt the economy is ruined. If anything, this may improve it because more players will pump money into it now that things are more affordable. Only time will tell though. Probably only a small portion of the player base can afford a 400,000 helmet, but a lot of them could probably afford 20,000.
  • attorn97attorn97 Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    wait.. so you want Perfect World to reward you for buying Zen by... taking gear away from other players and making game content inaccessible to them?

    I find it disappointing that, in a PvE game, you derive your enjoyment by being able to access more game content than other players.
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    ROFLMAO. When should spending money on a game give you a right to be in an elitist group and no one should be as good as you because they didnt spend money.

    You spent money to get a jump on many things in the game and I am sure you have made a fair bit back in AD from those players who have actually put a lot of time and energy into the game to get a half decent gearscore etc etc to keep up with you so called "pay to win" players.

    I believe ANY free game that has a 2 tier system where you pay to win fail overtime because you can never get items that others have paid for. This game works on a better basis that actually over time rewards those who have put the time in to keep up.

    Yes I agree that the economy has taken a hit but thats where learning to diversify from how you make that few extra AD comes into play. We ALL know that there are other mods to come and im sure that as and when new mods drop there will be the same argument about XYZ dropping now spoiling the economy etc etc.

    So while you may have a gearscore of 18k+ plus is something to shout about there are many other players who have spent time and NO MONEY to get close to that. Either by some lucky loot, putting time into the game, being your whipping boy/girl in pvp matches. Getting kicked from your run because you MUST get the loot to sell as you deserved it more because you think you carried those lower gearscore players through the dungeons etc etc.

    Oh and the best armour/enchants etc etc are only as good as whats available at the time. The game developers arent stupid and will always dangle a carrot infront of those willing to pay and those wishing to have and hope to get lucky or get so frustrated they pay with all there hard earned AD or decide this "ONE TIME" they will drop some money into the game.

    Tiamat is my bane due to the bad groups, the way its killed the economy for loot runs and making some extra AD to advance that bit quicker by being able to afford stuff quicker. But I will adapt I will re-think what and how I do things and spend my time on the game.

    And as I say "Lets see what tomorrow brings".
  • kestrelhawkerkestrelhawker Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    ..... WAIT ... you can fool me with your " This isn't about entitlement " line ... this is exactly what entitlement sounds like =)

  • bluedoodbluedood Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    b0redgamer wrote: »
    The concept of several mini raids to teach players the mechanics sounds like an excellent idea. It would definitely lighten the load. As far as epic and regular versions, I am not quite sure how that would work since you do not queue up for it like you do for dungeons. It does sound interesting though. How would you see that working? There could be two separate entrances but that would require an add on to the map.

    It could be as easy as two doors to make epic or regular instances, which would cool some of the gs drama. I suspect there would just be a new problem players would come up with to justify a loss.

    Mini raids I imagine would be basic like protect this cleric and keep mobs away and use this gem to protect against attacks...essentially skills tutorial in a group setting.
  • b0redgamerb0redgamer Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    bluedood wrote: »
    b0redgamer wrote: »
    The concept of several mini raids to teach players the mechanics sounds like an excellent idea. It would definitely lighten the load. As far as epic and regular versions, I am not quite sure how that would work since you do not queue up for it like you do for dungeons. It does sound interesting though. How would you see that working? There could be two separate entrances but that would require an add on to the map.

    It could be as easy as two doors to make epic or regular instances, which would cool some of the gs drama. I suspect there would just be a new problem players would come up with to justify a loss.

    Mini raids I imagine would be basic like protect this cleric and keep mobs away and use this gem to protect against attacks...essentially skills tutorial in a group setting.

    The mini raid idea is an excellent idea. I do agree that people would just find something else to blame on losses. Still these are good ideas.

    Signature under construction, stay tuned.
    GT: b0red gamer
  • mythdcmythdc Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Tiamat is one of the easiest raids in mmos I've ever played. . It's not even really a raid, just a boss fight with 25 people.

    There shouldn't be a mini raid to hold someone's hand. The info on how to beat the raid is out there. . Stop being lazy. . Also trial and error. . If you don't have the concept after 2 Tiamat fights on how to beat it, you should probably go back to CoD.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I would like to join in on the conversation with my two cents. I don't think there should be a class separation in the game based on money spent. However, as I have discussed in other posts this a MMO. And players starting today should respect that. They shouldn't expect to be at the same gs or higher or even the same content in a week that took alot of us since day one to achieve. I do get the reasoning why they made it this way as Draven pointed out in one of my earlier posts. I don't agree with the company's decision to go that route. But I understand why. Since my post about tiamat I have given alot of thought as to what could make it more like an MMO again and give every player a sense of accomplishment and make their time and effort seem like it meant something. One thing came to mind. Campaign progression.... Simple as that think about it. If you wanted to go slay the Dragon in whispering caverns you could just go and do it. But if you wanted to get the rewards for it you needed to get your campaign to that point so you could get the missions. Leave the well open to the 10k guys cause we were ALL there once ourselves and how are they going to learn unless they are around us learning what gear set ups work and what doesn't. How rotation of powers and encounter effect the damage and buffs instead of button mashing. We all learned from other people working together.got sidetracked.... Friends could still play with friends just make one change..if you want to run the Dragon run or the :05 and :25 after runs cool. Collect your reward for the heroic encounter. If you want to run tiamat that's cool go run it learn what needs to be done. But there will only be a heroic encounter award waiting for you until you progress your characters campaign to that point. That way it still makes your time in this game worth it. Anybody that sees someone walking around in draconic templar will know he or she has put time and effort into the game and probably knows what they are doing. This is an MMO not Destiny. If you don't understand why that makes a difference....then you truly don't understand what a MMO is or how it was supposed to be played. I still do think the T2 armor drops and artifacts are to frequent and need to slow down as to make the dungeons worth while for everyone to play again. I doubt that there will be any changes to the way the game is now but I think this would make alot of the day 1 and other everyday grinders happier and make them feel like their time and effort meant something.
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • b0redgamerb0redgamer Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    That was a very well thought out post. I can not really disagree with anything. Maybe making the campaign completion a prerequisite for being able to reap the rewards from Tiamat is the way to go. Doubtful it will change but still a good idea.
    Signature under construction, stay tuned.
    GT: b0red gamer
  • kriptical1kriptical1 Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    Frankly, it's just a bummer when you've had a nice clean run...everything's all good and happy... and there it is..sitting there in the gleaming... Umm, chest....T2..as if someone forgot to flush..
  • xsovvxsovv Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Go in at 45s been having a lot of success, noobs are going right inn. 5 for 5 so far.
  • rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Troll post?? Gave no solution, and you werent previously buying t2s with cash and selling in anyway.

    Basically you said i spend money, and am unhappy with current game state

    No connection
  • mercbenz360mercbenz360 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    Here we go with gear score. With the low Zen on Xbox my daughter has been working hard to save her ad. She used her allowance to buy a mount at the start and has been putting in the time to earn it herself. She's a lowbie that everyone hates on tiamat at 11k. She watched every Youtube video FIRST, she watched me play it, she's never without a soul orb, and she taught me where to jump the gap.

    Today she says to me, Dad I want to spend all the ad I've saved. I think the best thing for me is an Ioun Stone. I can raise my armor pen and etc. I said you're right, lets convert it over. To which she says, no. It wont raise my gear score, lets buy some higher enchants and the tiamat orb. Yeah that's the mentality people are enforcing. Inflate that flawed GS stat, run to the Zen store or you suck. PW must love it.
  • rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Here we go with gear score. With the low Zen on Xbox my daughter has been working hard to save her ad. She used her allowance to buy a mount at the start and has been putting in the time to earn it herself. She's a lowbie that everyone hates on tiamat at 11k. She watched every Youtube video FIRST, she watched me play it, she's never without a soul orb, and she taught me where to jump the gap.

    Today she says to me, Dad I want to spend all the ad I've saved. I think the best thing for me is an Ioun Stone. I can raise my armor pen and etc. I said you're right, lets convert it over. To which she says, no. It wont raise my gear score, lets buy some higher enchants and the tiamat orb. Yeah that's the mentality people are enforcing. Inflate that flawed GS stat, run to the Zen store or you suck. PW must love it.

    She wanted to buy in game items with AD, hows that spending money?

    At anyrate tell her to get an ioun stone!
    Teach her right daddy!
  • mercbenz360mercbenz360 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    Here we go with gear score. With the low Zen on Xbox my daughter has been working hard to save her ad. She used her allowance to buy a mount at the start and has been putting in the time to earn it herself. She's a lowbie that everyone hates on tiamat at 11k. She watched every Youtube video FIRST, she watched me play it, she's never without a soul orb, and she taught me where to jump the gap.

    Today she says to me, Dad I want to spend all the ad I've saved. I think the best thing for me is an Ioun Stone. I can raise my armor pen and etc. I said you're right, lets convert it over. To which she says, no. It wont raise my gear score, lets buy some higher enchants and the tiamat orb. Yeah that's the mentality people are enforcing. Inflate that flawed GS stat, run to the Zen store or you suck. PW must love it.

    She wanted to buy in game items with AD, hows that spending money?

    At anyrate tell her to get an ioun stone!
    Teach her right daddy!

    Yes she ended up with "Star" her Ion Stone and we agreed to try another week of hardcore Tiamat fights together to try and get her the Tiamat art.

    As for the spending $, she did buy a mount (as did I), but after playing for quite awhile she was nowhere near 14k or 15k - or whatever is ok today. My point was more around the deceptive nature of GS and the tradeoff people (who don't spend a lot) constantly have to make. Are there crappy 10kers sure. I've also seen a 19k run straight into the pit on the way to Rath, and high GS players without a color soul all the time, so its not so cut and dry.

    Btw I agree letting T2 armor fly busted the economy. I suspect its all because they've accelerate the expansions on Xbox and it'll be obsolete soon pretty quickly.

  • draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    @bleedinblue755 I like the campaign progression thought. I know several people will bash it but let them. Personally I went through all the progression steps like in my mind I should on any MMO. Over 1000 hours in and I just now hit 14k GS despite spending money. (Money I spent was to make life in game better and not to "get an edge over others") I finished my campaign and early on farmed T1 Dungeons for the complete set before I even attempted T2 Dungeons.

    I have read, and I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, that one of the campaigns you will get an artifact weapon simply by completing the campaign. That is how you get it. Personally if all high end items, especially artifact items were no drops at all and only obtainable by completing campaigns I think it would serve to alleviate some of the feelings around people gearing up too fast with no real knowledge of their class. As it sets now, An all blue 10KGS that leveled to 60 in a day from double EXP can walk into Tiamat and get T2 gear and a shiny new artifact offhand. Personally it doesn't affect me the least what gear other people get and how they got it, but I know to a lot of people it does matter. I do good to keep up with my own progression as well as my wife and sons LOL I don't have time to worry much about others.

    To sum up, I would be on board with a better defined campaign progression requirement as opposed to gear score requirements.
  • fatpobfatpob Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    I love the forum community GS commandos. It reminds me of WoW add-on GearScore that caused huge huge tears at the time.
    GS is a factor for sure (which is why it's set at 10k) but execution is the key to Tiamat. Too many times people fail to gem on green, red and blue. The amount of times there are loads of help spammers here is shocking. If peoples heads are not throbbing with a colour, the gem isn't equipped. These runs are fail. GS is irrelevant.

    The game is already two tiered, folk who spend a lot of money have elite access to other races, free artifacts, storage and even additional characters, not sure what more you want.

    This really seems to be a Tearsmat post hidden under I have paid shed loads of cash so only me and my mates should be allowed to do Tiamat,

    Also a veteran pen and paper AD&D player, currently enjoying Cubicle 7's Yggdrassill.
  • mercbenz360mercbenz360 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    I think a campaign progression (mini raid) that teaches you the concepts of the Tiamat raid as a requirement would be a fantastic idea.
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