some of you may know me, some of you are not.
Anyway goodbye to you all guys. Im leaving this game for good.
Truth is I don't even want to play it.
Last night I logged in - game is slow, rubber banding all the time and only grind grind grind. with more grind on horizon.
Most of my time I was spending in gateaway, then selling stuff in game. This was kinda fun for some point - making easy money in game and so on for future.
Now due to recent leadership changes - no gateaway for me lol. So I read forum- more grind is only one thing comming, no balance fixes. And fact is - I don't want to deal with this anymore.
Why you should care?
Well if you are gonna stay in game, first be good HRs and kick some asses. Just remember - don't wine. HRs were always not easy to play class, devs always
HAMSTER up class badly but a lot of people were playing great. Some with bugs some with fair game, yet HR is best class this game ever had and ever will.
PS I think Im gonna do some giveaway on my own. This is my HR Draco@thedemien)/charactersheet in its current shape.
So for those who know what to ask for, ask I may share. Cheers
PPS Thanks to
@ralexinor for a cozy pvp guild and all the guides he was giving. Btw this fellow is best HR in game so ask him now.
do in this game without PvP.
So if anyone wants something particular that I have in possession or might have ( HR from mod 2 hehe) write in thread. A a gratidute I can share mechanic to make 1m-2m AD a week. No botting. + ~0.5m-1m if botting.
One thing - i better give something for people now who can use it,then just have a "pile of gold" under my "virtual HAMSTER". I gamed this game so many times that it is time to move to some better place.
i have 2 HR myself they have the best dps but i play all class so i never mastered any of the one of the classes. can you share tips on the best pvp tactics encounters to use.
Thanks in advance!
I splitted some stuff with folks in guild last night. So Bolt should be a bit more then 1.8 ilvl lol) Some stuff in bank as well.
check mail.
idea is simple - purple items. most of people are scarred by the fact that you have only 60% success change.
but here is math -
Average scenario - on line of 3 items you have 2/3 change to be success.
Dragon egg costs ~ 50k. so to make some profit you on those 3 items you need to sell for ~ <180k total. With average prices on market you are gonna sell success item for 120-160k ,failed for ~25k. So you have 180k plus.
3 items to make take 1-2 days. so for week you are gonna have around 350-500k profit form one slot on one profession.
It is way easier with gateaway prof "helper". well this one of the reasons why i 'helped' to make helper lol.
To make more - use more slots. I was doing all crafting professions. Jewelcrafting is most profitable since only uses 1 egg and 2 agg, while others require unified as well.
This is idea in simple. to make it at best think about that leadership alt on 4-5 slots gives ~ 80k a week.
This is a money you can use for tool. As example it takes 400k to start platesmithing. Can be even cheaper if you buy/open/trade professions booster packs.
another good way is to make aqua regia thought market is small.
Ideally on my top chars I'd have 1 prof running, 3-4 alchemy for aggregate/unified, rest leadership.
loosing a good HR is kind of sad since we are a minority
see you !
This is the end
PS all stuff is gone, game deleted. Thank you for good words guys. Have fun