Nothing but rubber banding all over Tiamat. Start moving forward and right off a cliff you go...for the entire run. Clears up outside, back in the Well.
That happened to me, the whole rubber banding off a cliff, during the Tiamat raid. It's due to certain spells and encounters done by DC's and CW's. But most people have learnt now how to not cause the lag and allow for the DPS to be done. I've managed to do it fine with no lag quite a few times after the first couple of days. Have you tried turning your modem off and on again? For me, that sometimes fixes the lag and rubber banding since it was probably my own connection to begin with (Unless you can see other players having the same issues).
That happened to me, the whole rubber banding off a cliff, during the Tiamat raid. It's due to certain spells and encounters done by DC's and CW's. But most people have learnt now how to not cause the lag and allow for the DPS to be done. I've managed to do it fine with no lag quite a few times after the first couple of days. Have you tried turning your modem off and on again? For me, that sometimes fixes the lag and rubber banding since it was probably my own connection to begin with (Unless you can see other players having the same issues).
I've done full resets of the Xbox, modem, and router. I can't tell if it's other players lagging or just me, but I lean more towards just me. Some runs are good, others not so much.
Sigh... Please do not feed the hype about spells causing the lag or frame rate drops. I was running last night and seen people spamming they were lagging yet I was not having any issues. In fact we had 3 Xbox ones going in my house along with multiple other devices and none of us experienced any lag at all in the Well or Tiamat. And I am not a technical IT person but in my experience if 1 or 2 people are having issues and 23ish others in the same instance are not, that kind of sounds to me like it could be an issue with that 1 or 2. Not trying to sound rude but it does lead the belief. The "DC issue" has been tested by several people. Some say its an issue some say it isn't. I am a DC and have thoroughly tested it and (I can only speak from my experience) but it has never caused me or anyone on using the same internet as me any lag issues at all. I do pay for an upgraded internet service, the fastest my carrier has available so not sure if that may be helping us but its a thought. Again I do not know the real reason for the lag but we really need to get away from the pointing fingers without hard concrete proof showing the back end numbers before, during, and after the spells are used. Because by constantly saying it is caused by something we are unsure of, all you're doing is perpetuating the hate, the spam in game, and the negative stigma on classes with unfounded theories.
People guess what they think is the cause and repeat it as if was fact, and repeat what they've heard/read from others that has no proof at all one way or the other (and even at times is obviously not the cause/effect/reason/fault). Like on the XB-One blaming a spell combo that is on PC and doesn't even exist on the console. Or blaming the connection when it's only this game having the issues.
I've played with others who have just power cycled their terminal adapters, routers, switches, and console, and while they get horrible freezes in place and bouncing and stuttering noneverything (but where they aren't deservered or dashboarded) and can do nothing in game for quite a long time. Sort of like it is/was sometimes at the campfire near the Rothe dragon. While I have experienced little to no lag/freezing/rubberbanding/lowframerate at that same exact time, and in the same instance. It's mostly smooth to me, and they are having a horrible non-playable experience. What spell causes that? Sometimes, I have just a bit of slowdown or what have you, and they are almost locked and when they do see something happen, it's 2 or 3 minutes after I saw it. That's no moon, it's a ship.
Seems the problem then would be in the "network connection paths" between the systems and/or servers as far as the game is concerned. Because at this same time, the console voice party chat is fine and other network things (they might try while the game is unresponsive but not crashed) work fine too. And they have the problem and I don't -- which means that if it was due to a spell or spell combo, we'd both have the issue. So probably not astralwhatever (say) - especially if there aren't event any clerics around!!
It's a lot easier to probably to blame hallowedgroundknightsvalorastralshieldsealuubbabububaa than it is to just consider there's just too much distance between you and the server you're on or the network connections you're going through. Although if we could have a lowering of the graphical effects on the console for ultra-busy map times that might be preferable to a much worse experience than just fewer particle effects.
Although given how difficult Tiamat seems at times, perhaps lowering the difficulty or fixing any dropped damage calculations (or both) is a better idea. If that's what's happening.
Personally I've spent the money to make sure that I have a strong internet connection and I'm absolutely positive it's not my connection. I've loaded and played dozens of other games after having serious lag issues while playing Neverwinter, and not a single skip during play. Now idk if it's due to spells and effects, and I'm not trying to feed the spells causing lag hype. Personally I don't think that's the problem. The only time I ever experience lag is when new content is introduced to the game. Events like CTA's included. I haven't had the rubber banding happen to me for awhile, and now it's back as soon as the new CTA hits. Coincidence? Most likely not... It seems as if every time new content is released a lag problem emerges, and sometimes when one brought to attention to perfect world is addressed by them and "fixed" another emerges. It's just an endless battle of problems with this game...
I see this problem a couple times every day. The problem is not my network connection since Xbox live party chat runs without any glitches when this is happening. CTA has been a big problem for me as well as far as lag goes. After a couple of hard reboots, and no improvement, I finally just gave up, logged out and switched to a different game.
Sigh... Please do not feed the hype about spells causing the lag or frame rate drops. I was running last night and seen people spamming they were lagging yet I was not having any issues. In fact we had 3 Xbox ones going in my house along with multiple other devices and none of us experienced any lag at all in the Well or Tiamat. And I am not a technical IT person but in my experience if 1 or 2 people are having issues and 23ish others in the same instance are not, that kind of sounds to me like it could be an issue with that 1 or 2. Not trying to sound rude but it does lead the belief. The "DC issue" has been tested by several people. Some say its an issue some say it isn't. I am a DC and have thoroughly tested it and (I can only speak from my experience) but it has never caused me or anyone on using the same internet as me any lag issues at all. I do pay for an upgraded internet service, the fastest my carrier has available so not sure if that may be helping us but its a thought. Again I do not know the real reason for the lag but we really need to get away from the pointing fingers without hard concrete proof showing the back end numbers before, during, and after the spells are used. Because by constantly saying it is caused by something we are unsure of, all you're doing is perpetuating the hate, the spam in game, and the negative stigma on classes with unfounded theories.
The other issue is where most of the players on a server are based relative to you
Its no different to Cod matchmaking in that sense, if you are grouped with players on the west coast of the US and you are in Europe it will be a lagfest (and the same in reverse).
As far as lag issues are concerned its the same old issues mainly and the same bitching about the lag and hunting for scapegoats
@mahburg Gotcha! Makes sense. I wish I knew more about network stuff like that. I will be the first to admit I "try" to understand it all but often it is a bit over my head. I know this is a global game but from this it almost sounds like it would be better if it had separate servers by region? Not sure how that would work for the company though.
The consistency of the issue is what has me perplexed.
Last night, home from work, around 6 central, the game was unplayable:
"Server not responding"
Neverwinter game clock (displayed top right of the screen when you hit start) was off by 7-12 minutes (IE it was 6:30, game clock said 6:23)
"Disconnected from game server"
"Timed out connecting to game server"
When in game, during the rare times I could move, would rubberband, freeze, go back to starting point.
Could not release from death (from rubberbanding into lava in Tiamat)
During the character selection screen, character graphics took a very long time to load, character would load w/out gear on, gear would eventually load.
There's also been some recent disconnects from xbox itself including a (4? hour) outage couple days ago.
One thing you shouldn't base anything from is the chat. As far as I can tell, it's a solid VOIP channel created via other methods that relies little or none on xbox or game once it's established. (establishing it is another matter).
But yes, a large part of it is when you're playing on another server. WEll, you're always playing locally to some extent, so maybe it's better to say when a large number of other players are getting their game info from different server(s) than the ones you're on. I have to guess at that based upon the behaviors I've seen though, I don't have any idea what the "Neverwinter server network" looks like.
Mine was fine until I just logged in 30 minutes ago. Now I can't even get out of the area I spawn in it jut goes back to where it was 10 times or shoots forward into to fence! When the game loaded I was under the city as well for 15 seconds
@mahburg Gotcha! Makes sense. I wish I knew more about network stuff like that. I will be the first to admit I "try" to understand it all but often it is a bit over my head. I know this is a global game but from this it almost sounds like it would be better if it had separate servers by region? Not sure how that would work for the company though.
live Matchmaking tries to do this however the Devs need to action it for each game, bear in mind though if they do this the wait time to get into a Dungeon or a tiamat session may get painful
I would guess that they could not pull it off for Tiamat type excercises as getting 25 players in the same region depending on time of day could be tricky.
Its the only way to reduce the lag unfortunately (that and to reduce the size of the ads mobs to ease the load).
Server disconnections and constant lag for the last week or so. Haven't been able to play at all. I'd like to add that it's not my internet connection either. As of right now I'm getting 29 down/6.7 up and that's on the low end. Reset my router/modem hard reset my xbox and it's affected absolutely nothing. Hoping that it clears up soon because I'm contemplating just giving up on playing at this point.
Just so you know, They do try and keep the lag to a not a lot. Most of it can be from your internet modem. So you will sometimes have to give it time to think what it's doing
The lag issues a few hours ago were so bad I started to really contemplate quitting this game. I enjoy playing it normally, but rubber banding every other minute has me extremely frustrated, and yes my internet connection was fine.
I just downloaded this game since I have been a fan of neverwinter nights. But it is unplayable on my Xbox one. It is the only thing I have on there that lags. I have no trouble with video playback Netflix, Amazon Prime They all play with pristine HD, not jagged or boxy edges, any multiplayer games I have such as Halo, Modern Warfare all work on solo or multiplayer mode without any server disconnects or 30s-1 minute lag times in game play. It makes the game unplayable which is sad because I enjoy the game. If they come out with an update I will try again. until then it is not worth the hassle to play this game.
Sometimes it's smoother than others, but the other day I kept disconnecting (and from chat, so were many others) Once it cleared up (got back in) it appeared from the numbers in "Change Instance" for the numbers in each (less than 10 mostly, I think) that they'd restarted the servers or something. And then it was better.
Either way, at some point if there are more players than there is bandwidth and/or more players than this is server capacity, play will suffer. That's another matter than being in a party of two where one person is connected farther than the other, or where it's a busier time for one than it is for the other. Although if you've ever played Battlefield, you know what it's like joining a server on another continent. Or your peak time versus their peak time even when it's say west us versus east us servers.
One thing you shouldn't base anything from is the chat. As far as I can tell, it's a solid VOIP channel created via other methods that relies little or none on xbox or game once it's established. (establishing it is another matter).
You can base some things on the chat. It will tell you how well the connection to your ISP is doing. It will also mess up if your modem/router or XBox starts to lag. Voice chat wouldn't rely on the game but it will use the xbox, afterall, your mic and headset is connected to the xbox so it has to go through it to reach the modem.
NW has a bad problem with memory leaks. They fixed some a few patches ago but looks like they need to fix more.
I've done full resets of the Xbox, modem, and router. I can't tell if it's other players lagging or just me, but I lean more towards just me. Some runs are good, others not so much.
I've played with others who have just power cycled their terminal adapters, routers, switches, and console, and while they get horrible freezes in place and bouncing and stuttering noneverything (but where they aren't deservered or dashboarded) and can do nothing in game for quite a long time. Sort of like it is/was sometimes at the campfire near the Rothe dragon. While I have experienced little to no lag/freezing/rubberbanding/lowframerate at that same exact time, and in the same instance. It's mostly smooth to me, and they are having a horrible non-playable experience. What spell causes that? Sometimes, I have just a bit of slowdown or what have you, and they are almost locked and when they do see something happen, it's 2 or 3 minutes after I saw it. That's no moon, it's a ship.
Seems the problem then would be in the "network connection paths" between the systems and/or servers as far as the game is concerned. Because at this same time, the console voice party chat is fine and other network things (they might try while the game is unresponsive but not crashed) work fine too. And they have the problem and I don't -- which means that if it was due to a spell or spell combo, we'd both have the issue. So probably not astralwhatever (say) - especially if there aren't event any clerics around!!
It's a lot easier to probably to blame hallowedgroundknightsvalorastralshieldsealuubbabububaa than it is to just consider there's just too much distance between you and the server you're on or the network connections you're going through. Although if we could have a lowering of the graphical effects on the console for ultra-busy map times that might be preferable to a much worse experience than just fewer particle effects.
Although given how difficult Tiamat seems at times, perhaps lowering the difficulty or fixing any dropped damage calculations (or both) is a better idea. If that's what's happening.
Its no different to Cod matchmaking in that sense, if you are grouped with players on the west coast of the US and you are in Europe it will be a lagfest (and the same in reverse).
As far as lag issues are concerned its the same old issues mainly and the same bitching about the lag and hunting for scapegoats
Last night, home from work, around 6 central, the game was unplayable:
"Server not responding"
Neverwinter game clock (displayed top right of the screen when you hit start) was off by 7-12 minutes (IE it was 6:30, game clock said 6:23)
"Disconnected from game server"
"Timed out connecting to game server"
When in game, during the rare times I could move, would rubberband, freeze, go back to starting point.
Could not release from death (from rubberbanding into lava in Tiamat)
During the character selection screen, character graphics took a very long time to load, character would load w/out gear on, gear would eventually load.
Not sure if game clips are viewable...
All of this promptly stopped around 7:30-7:45 (I was able to run the 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 Tiamat encounters without a hitch)
The server not responding (and the game performing like this) started (for me at least) on 7/7/15 - none of this had been an issue prior to then.
One thing you shouldn't base anything from is the chat. As far as I can tell, it's a solid VOIP channel created via other methods that relies little or none on xbox or game once it's established. (establishing it is another matter).
But yes, a large part of it is when you're playing on another server. WEll, you're always playing locally to some extent, so maybe it's better to say when a large number of other players are getting their game info from different server(s) than the ones you're on. I have to guess at that based upon the behaviors I've seen though, I don't have any idea what the "Neverwinter server network" looks like.
live Matchmaking tries to do this however the Devs need to action it for each game, bear in mind though if they do this the wait time to get into a Dungeon or a tiamat session may get painful
I would guess that they could not pull it off for Tiamat type excercises as getting 25 players in the same region depending on time of day could be tricky.
Its the only way to reduce the lag unfortunately (that and to reduce the size of the ads mobs to ease the load).
Also this is what is looks like when I try to play :/ -
Either way, at some point if there are more players than there is bandwidth and/or more players than this is server capacity, play will suffer. That's another matter than being in a party of two where one person is connected farther than the other, or where it's a busier time for one than it is for the other. Although if you've ever played Battlefield, you know what it's like joining a server on another continent. Or your peak time versus their peak time even when it's say west us versus east us servers.
You can base some things on the chat. It will tell you how well the connection to your ISP is doing. It will also mess up if your modem/router or XBox starts to lag. Voice chat wouldn't rely on the game but it will use the xbox, afterall, your mic and headset is connected to the xbox so it has to go through it to reach the modem.
NW has a bad problem with memory leaks. They fixed some a few patches ago but looks like they need to fix more.