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Changes Coming to Vote-to-Kick

yetweallfalldownyetweallfalldown Member Posts: 134 Arc User
Our team is making adjustments to the vote-to-kick system. Details of these changes can be found on our blog.

We expect these updates to be released for PC around the launch of Neverwinter: Strongholds.
Communications Manager - Perfect World Entertainment


  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    This was relevant to NWPC when there were actual DROPS to roll on, now that everything's bound it's useless. One mod too late people.
  • alkemist80alkemist80 Member Posts: 957 Arc User
    rinat114 wrote: »
    This was relevant to NWPC when there were actual DROPS to loot on, now that everything's bound it's useless. One mod too late people.


    Unless there will be shared loot again in mod 7 and forward.
    Banshee (Devotion Justice Oathbound Paladin) - Crueladevil (Soulbinder Damnation Scourge Warlock) - Sindania Balefire (Master Infiltrator Trickster Rogue)

  • drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    Very solid effort.​​
    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
  • truckulatruckula Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    It only took just over 2 years of requesting, 2 years of begging, 2 years of pleading, 2 years of complaining, 2 years of people quitting the game, 2 years of threads, and 2 years of silence and rejection of this idea before it was finally agreed to.
    Click banner for the Dragon Dogs Family guild page.
  • subnoctesubnocte Member Posts: 341 Arc User
    You can still kick after a boss wipe I take it?
  • skitzopyroskitzopyro Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    So now you are saying that vote to kick is just not going to work at all?
    I have tried to kick players that were not contributing in several dungeons and it always tells me "You cant do this at that time" so I am forced to solo/duo and basically carry deadweight and when I get to the end of a dungeon, I have to wait an exorbitant amount of time for them to catch up or get disconnected.
    The system is flawed in many ways, you need to totally revamp it. AM I forced to carry bots just because I am stuck with them as a teammate?
    Maybe I wouldn't care if the game wasn't time gated but it is so time is more precious.
  • devaneiodevaneio Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    truckula wrote: »
    It only took just over 2 years of requesting, 2 years of begging, 2 years of pleading, 2 years of complaining, 2 years of people quitting the game, 2 years of threads, and 2 years of silence and rejection of this idea before it was finally agreed to.
    Thanks the Xbox community which has put some pressure on Dev Team.
    Sadly almost all dungeons have been removed, at least the Xbox community can enjoy this change.

    If you don't like to venture yourself between random players, don't PUG.
    Yada yada, legit channel, guild channel.

  • h4rd4sironh4rd4siron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 16 Arc User
    You know what mean Role Playing Game??? (RPG). If you dont like that system dont play neverwinter and other RPG games. Thief, steal, and unfair is something normal at RPG.
  • lastwolf25lastwolf25 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    And what about the kicks when you are barelly entering the dungeon? I can't even try to do any 1600 iLvl dungeon at all cause I'm getting kicked even before finishing loading the maps at all
  • subnoctesubnocte Member Posts: 341 Arc User
    lastwolf25 wrote: »
    And what about the kicks when you are barelly entering the dungeon? I can't even try to do any 1600 iLvl dungeon at all cause I'm getting kicked even before finishing loading the maps at all

    That can't happen any more, you can't kick someone until after a set time after entering an instance.
  • zoiks100zoiks100 Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    So let me get this straight...now you can't kick players during combat, for 15 min. after the start of the instance, during a loot roll, or after a boss fight? Why not just remove kicking entirely?

    Don't get me wrong, I'll vehemently agree that the current vote kick is ridiculously open to abuse. But you have to realize that making it mostly impossible to kick players creates a situation where the reason kicking was implemented in the first place becomes the major issue instead of the people abusing the system. That being that players who can't or won't contribute, or who are taking a spot reserved for a player who got dc'ed, will ruin otherwise good parties.

    I firmly believe that there should be a social element to any system for kicking players with repercussions for using it. You should have to somehow engage the player in some type of conversation (even if it's automated) before kicking to see if it's just a misunderstanding that can be resolved, and kicking them should result in either the loss of some benefit for grouping with pugs or the being given a party-wide debuff. But instead you've steadfastly and repeatedly chosen the path of ease of implementation, anonymity, no consequences, and more recently hard barriers...

    Come on, guys. I'm sure you can do better than this. Look at what WoW has done for god's sake. Bonuses for pugging, kicking not affecting loot drop rolles (ie if you were part of the party when the fight started you get to roll), and other things. I'm not saying copy WoW, but learn from what they've done that both worked, and was abused.
    Don't Panic.
    Okay, Panic.
  • quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    skitzopyro wrote: »
    So now you are saying that vote to kick is just not going to work at all?
    I have tried to kick players that were not contributing in several dungeons and it always tells me "You cant do this at that time" so I am forced to solo/duo and basically carry deadweight and when I get to the end of a dungeon, I have to wait an exorbitant amount of time for them to catch up or get disconnected.
    The system is flawed in many ways, you need to totally revamp it. AM I forced to carry bots just because I am stuck with them as a teammate?
    Maybe I wouldn't care if the game wasn't time gated but it is so time is more precious.

    Either queue as 3 or 5man premade or leave the instance and try new one.
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    Our team is making adjustments to the vote-to-kick system. Details of these changes can be found on our blog.

    We expect these updates to be released for PC around the launch of Neverwinter: Strongholds.

    Stupid question, but I've heard as many answers from as many people who I have asked:

    Is V2K right now a simple a majority?

    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    Seems this change is a day late and a dollar short. People clamored for this type of change when the bosses actually dropped unbound items.....why....cause we could then sell those items on the auction house. Now though when a boss does drop something it's for the individual player where the need, greed, pass interface doesn't even show up. -.- I'm all about bug fixes and what I call 'quality of gaming life improvements' and while this change falls under that, it just seems like time wasted now.

    Let's discuss and get some changes made to how much damage mobs are doing in these dungeons. That would be a worthwhile fix.
  • ephrakephrak Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3 Arc User
    The intention is good... but with most loot these days being personal and unique to each char the reasons for doing this already stated no longer apply. Vote-kicking more often goes on due to item level or lack thereof (at least in the eyes of one or more existing team members) - sort this out and we'll be getting somewhere.
  • mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    What you should do is make an option for the team leader to not allow the need option in a team that will apply to the entire run of a dungeon. As many kicks I've witnessed has been about people choosing need on an item after everyone agreed on not to need on anything, just greed. I stress that this should be an option not the only option.
  • wanderley52wanderley52 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    ...is about time!

    I'm tired of being kicked at the end boss by a ... , after i lose almost 1 hour of my life in dungeon.
  • adammreillyadammreilly Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    At the very least, can we get feedback on why we were kicked and not just a random drop back to our last zone?
  • mynaammynaam Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 937 Arc User
    Thank you this is a very good decision
    There are more than BIS players in this game
    RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
    FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
    Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)

  • treesclimbertreesclimber Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    I agree with this but get il required corrected, no il 2000 group will ever make the bosses without exploits.

  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    Nice to see this finally came about.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 305 Arc User
    So little.... So late. No f***s given anymore.
  • sheverassheveras Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7 Arc User
    Late - on those few dungeons it's not needed. Especially when it crashes is nothing we can sell ...
  • kungomaximokungomaximo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 22 Arc User
    Looks like good changes, but with current dungeons loot not really meaningful.

    If I may add a couple suggestions:

    - when you get kicked let the kicked player see the reason given, at least to satisfy curiosity.
    - when there's a vote during battle don't let show the prompt to vote till you are out of combat (or at least make it as inobtrusive as possible and don't let it take over the screen in battle).

    The 2nd one caused me to die a few times because people have the itch to kick after they die but others are stille fighting.

  • free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    Better late than never. (Slow claps)
  • adent086adent086 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    ^^ Pretty much this. This dev team is ridiculously (even for MMO devs as I have seen more than my fair share) unresponsive to the needs of the PC community. Notice I didn't say "wants", I said "needs". As someone else said above, fortunately they expanded to the Xbox and now they have other large corporate entities (i.e. Microsoft) saying "keep our customers happy or else" that they HAVE to listen to.

    I had a lot more to say but it was very kindly edited for me. So, I'll just give the rest a pass as I am likely on my way out of this game anyway.
    Telling us about upcoming content updates, and getting those updates out the door BUG-FREE, is *AWESOME*!! Know what's even *MORE* awesome? Fixing game breaking bugs (and/or undocumented "features") that have been in EXISTING content for months/years!!! Guess which one makes me want to spend money on a game much more than the other? Hint: It's the "more awesome" one.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    So no more PuG runs with valuable class loot. For example AoW scales, HV-set and some other items went for 1 million ADs+ a few mods ago, so ppl did greed runs. If someone needed, he got kicked.

    Dont argue 'but he needed it', bc this were farm runs with maxed chars. Now you cant take a PuG player to complete your group or you might lose the loot, great idea, without the disable need option.

    No kicking at the endboss, good for you. Guess what will happen. Now you have a low IL PuG player, you carry him until you fight the boss and if he is to bad and you cant carry him to a win, you ask him to leave or kick him. With this changes ppl will stop runing PuG or kick bad/ low IL/ 'wrong class' players at the beginning of the dungeons. Poor HRs/ SWs who wont get a chance to show their PuG group, that they rock, bc many suck and they will get kicked just for playing 'the wrong' class.

    Great idea, to diable a valuable mechanic, bc some ppl abused it.

    New feat, go for a smoke and earn AD. How? Que for a short dungeon, join and go AFK. They cant kick you at the beginning and they cant kick you at the boss, so they cant kick you at all. I have seen this multiple times in CTA skirmishes, now available for all of NW.

    It is funny, that you open more ways to abuse your game, trying to fix abuse, smart moves there.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • dfncedfnce Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 509 Arc User
    Only valid option is to auto-kicking after 5 minutes disconnect or no combat activity. I experienced many times when my random party on first difficulty with second, third, last boss start kicking each other, new people coming and kick almost all previous party, irony when people think they kick weaker players won't be kicked themselves. Any other reason like vulgarity, bad gear, wrong skills - people have to live with that. Among other current reasons there are 1. kicking initiated in fight, 2. picking green gear, 3. taking unnecessary aggro when it can be avoided. I do appreciate we don't have valuable loot to roll in PC anymore in Mod 6, it became much more healthy and less toxic. Actually i would remove the loot roll feature at all, it is useless. Agree, developers don't understand their own game.
    "When no appropriate rule applies, make one up."
    — (The unwritten rule)

  • mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    kalindra wrote: »
    asterotg wrote: »
    It is funny, that you open more ways to abuse your game, trying to fix abuse, smart moves there.

    Well, you know Cryptic, that seems to be all they can manage, the limit of their professional ability.
    Because, competent and enthusiastic employees cost money and such limit the amount of profit you can press out of a company.

    I'm all for a change here, because kicking during loot distribution were common.
    But as usual, they overshoot by a mile and cause more harm than good.
    An option to disable the need option and blocking vote kicks during fights until all loot above the limit you roll for is distributed.
    And if you adjust Mob strength to party strength (IL), taking some newby guild member or poorly equipped random with you will be an attractive option instead of a burden.

    Or, like dfnce suggested, give mobs only fun stuff, no real valuables, and put all loot of value in the personal chest.

    The great thing about having it in the personal chest is that they can make all the "special" item drops usable by your toon. I've gotten many purple items that I've either given them away if they weren't bound or salvaged them because my toon couldn't use it.
  • soditalloversoditallover Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User
    So just had a look at the changes planned for the vote kick system some I can agree with but it has in my opinion not taken into account the different agreements that teams come up with.

    when you create a team and enter an epic dungeon you are at the will of the RNG gods and for some of us find this unfair so we as a team decide to create a loot drop order all good right everyone gets an item and all is fair,

    now when in a guild or a friends team this 99% of the time works well but however sometimes a player dc’s or you have to grab a pug and let them know that this is going to me a round robin party and they agree all good.
    Then you get the first drop and the pug needs/greed and everyone but the one who should have it passes and the pug gets it not fun and not what everyone wanted apart from the pug that is, when entering a dungeon as a premade we should be able to invite friends and also set loot drop orders manually keep this for random teams that queue individually but when you enter as a team you should be able to sort the loot out as a consensus.

    More options not less……..
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