They should've made all these mount bonuses like bonding rune stone is for companions, so players could choose on which mount they want to put it. It could still drop from lockboxes with the same very low chance, etc.
But with these mounts confirmed a phrase I've been saying for a while: "pay for lucky, and maybe win"
You're going to have more people feeling elitist about randomly getting a lucky lockbox drop. Awesome.
Why not make these mounts where if you're guild completes a curtain task or feat in strongholds that's pretty hard to do and you unlock buying the mount? Or you have a boss that spawns randomly and if you beat it as a guild then it drops?
Did.. did you really just suggest that? Unlocking getting these mounts through in-game achievements without having to use ZEN or lockbox keys? If you are really suggesting that, then PWE is laughing at you.
Really I'm just tossing out ideas off the top of my head. I mean I understand they need to make money but this? It basically is the exact problem with free to play games. See video below:
But they way this is different is that they aren't making it where you pay like 100 dollars+ for the (using as example) new snail mount. But instead, they keep the mount behind not only a pay wall, but a luck based pay wall. I've seen people easily go spend 200+ on game cards alone on keys just to try to gets mounts. This is well before they started adding stats to them.
I can understand gambling. Hey I like a good game of Poker/Black Jack myself. But at least in those games, winning isn't just based on luck.
But with these mounts confirmed a phrase I've been saying for a while: "pay for lucky, and maybe win"
You're going to have more people feeling elitist about randomly getting a lucky lockbox drop. Awesome.
Why not make these mounts where if you're guild completes a curtain task or feat in strongholds that's pretty hard to do and you unlock buying the mount? Or you have a boss that spawns randomly and if you beat it as a guild then it drops?
Did.. did you really just suggest that? Unlocking getting these mounts through in-game achievements without having to use ZEN or lockbox keys? If you are really suggesting that, then PWE is laughing at you.
Really I'm just tossing out ideas off the top of my head. I mean I understand they need to make money but this? It basically is the exact problem with free to play games. See video below:
But they way this is different is that they aren't making it where you pay like 100 dollars+ for the (using as example) new snail mount. But instead, they keep the mount behind not only a pay wall, but a luck based pay wall. I've seen people easily go spend 200+ on game cards alone on keys just to try to gets mounts. This is well before they started adding stats to them.
I can understand gambling. Hey I like a good game of Poker/Black Jack myself. But at least in those games, winning isn't just based on luck.
I was just giving you a hard time, I'm on your side. I actually have never purchased keys, ever, in my 2 years playing this game. I have also never even once opened 1 lockbox, yes, true story. Because I see other people's complaints of opening sometimes 100, 200, 300, etc lockboxes, and not getting one epic purple item. So I really don't support those shady gambling business tactics either and simply don't touch the lockbox mechanism. I have spent ZEN on account-wide mounts in the ZEN store (and 1 or 2 companions), I bought 3 of them (jello cube, zombie horse, and blue dragon mount, etc) - and when they were on a discount sale too. That's the only way PWE gets any kind of ZEN support from me, is through direct purchasing. But after I saw this atrocious slaad companion debacle that has scammed other players they pulled recently without proper refunds, well.......
But with these mounts confirmed a phrase I've been saying for a while: "pay for lucky, and maybe win"
You're going to have more people feeling elitist about randomly getting a lucky lockbox drop. Awesome.
Why not make these mounts where if you're guild completes a curtain task or feat in strongholds that's pretty hard to do and you unlock buying the mount? Or you have a boss that spawns randomly and if you beat it as a guild then it drops?
Did.. did you really just suggest that? Unlocking getting these mounts through in-game achievements without having to use ZEN or lockbox keys? If you are really suggesting that, then PWE is laughing at you.
Really I'm just tossing out ideas off the top of my head. I mean I understand they need to make money but this? It basically is the exact problem with free to play games. See video below:
But they way this is different is that they aren't making it where you pay like 100 dollars+ for the (using as example) new snail mount. But instead, they keep the mount behind not only a pay wall, but a luck based pay wall. I've seen people easily go spend 200+ on game cards alone on keys just to try to gets mounts. This is well before they started adding stats to them.
I can understand gambling. Hey I like a good game of Poker/Black Jack myself. But at least in those games, winning isn't just based on luck.
I was just giving you a hard time, I'm on your side. I actually have never purchased keys, ever, in my 2 years playing this game. I have also never even once opened 1 lockbox, yes, true story. Because I see other people's complaints of opening sometimes 100, 200, 300, etc lockboxes, and not getting one epic purple item. So I really don't support those shady gambling business tactics either and simply don't touch the lockbox mechanism. I have spent ZEN on account-wide mounts in the ZEN store (and 1 or 2 companions), I bought 3 of them (jello cube, zombie horse, and blue dragon mount, etc) - and when they were on a discount sale too. That's the only way PWE gets any kind of ZEN support from me, is through direct purchasing. But after I saw this atrocious slaad companion debacle that has scammed other players they pulled recently without proper refunds, well.......
Ah ok. Makes sense lol.
Yeah it's pretty bad now. I just can't wait to see how people are going to act once all of this gets going. I'm not going to lie, this mod does actually give a reason to be in a guild. And it also does something that I haven't really seen other MMORPGs do: If a player gets kicked from a guild, they still can join another one and have their coffers all to themselves. At the same time, it does put pressure on being and working together as a guild where as before there was no reason to do so.
They gotta fix this mount issue. I dunno if it can be said loud enough. If they keep a mount like this around, then I can really see them coming out with more ideas that can hurt the community. Imagine If they come out with a mount that, lets say, doubles for epic, or triples the effect of weapon/armor enchants? Trans Plaguefire enchantment that does 38% of weapon damage per damage. Crazy thought but with this mount, it's a possibility that could become a reality.
It really makes me think that these devs are trying to ruin the game, foster discontent, and push people as far as they think they can. Then when they reach that point, they double down and go further, because they know people will take it. We are all still here after all, what does that say about us. Hell, what does it say about me? Gods, I need to fnd something else.
That AP gain mount is going to be 'interesting'. Soulbinder Damnation Warlocks have an AP gain build and having one of those dramatically changes the playing field relative to other specs and classes. If even that epic mount goes live as is, honestly, I wouldn't need new artifact equipment, higher tier gear, or set bonuses it looks to be that good.
I doubt programming changes are in the works to change the mechanics behind AP gain and dailies, and even if they did, it would only excerbate the situation.
Well, in order to get players doing those boring vigilance grind quests over and over and over again, they had to mess with the XP system and practically force players that their way.
And now they do the same with Strongholds - be in a very active guild, or don't get a chance for getting the best gear.
If they have to put that much pressure onto players to get them into guilds and doing the Strongholds "content", then i have my doubts about the overall quality in module 7.
Not to mention, will they even listen to feedback now from players, that are testing the Stronghold content on the preview server?
In the end, unless there will be ways to obtain similar good gear through regular PvE and even PvP, Strongholds will drive even more players away from the game.
I m so tired about what they choose to put in the lockboxes as legendary mount.
Recycle content, another dumb chocobo and an ugly snail.
I don't remember at least one heroe of the forgoten realm riding one of those things.
Mod 6 and now 7 are clearly the worst for mounts, no legendary feelings at all.
It seems that now the more crapiest design is a mount and more interesting is the passive bonus, unbelievable.
What will be our mod 8 legendary mounts?
Flies? a roach? a turtle? a lizard?
So many TRUE LEGENDARY mounts or magical items to link with the AIR LOCKBOXES and we HAVE another stupid chicken.
This is a shame.
you don't want to sell keys or what?
The whole point is to not put gamer breakers behind a lockbox pay wall. If you're going to put a mount behind that, keep it like they have been before they started adding stats to them. If they are going to add stats to them then add stats to ALL of them. Keep it fair.
when do they ever listen to feedback or adjust things after releasing it on preview? guaranteed all these things will be put in game for mod7. no question
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
Not thrilled with new stuff right now. They barely have the game stabilized.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
It really makes me think that these devs are trying to ruin the game, foster discontent, and push people as far as they think they can. Then when they reach that point, they double down and go further, because they know people will take it. We are all still here after all, what does that say about us. Hell, what does it say about me? Gods, I need to fnd something else.
Honestly, it's not that insidious - the devs likely have many many ideas that they'd like to see realized, but either their direct managers, or the higher ups from PWE, are only looking at the bottom line, look at what things have sold well in the past, then instruct them to take things further.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
I m so tired about what they choose to put in the lockboxes as legendary mount.
Recycle content, another dumb chocobo and an ugly snail.
I don't remember at least one heroe of the forgoten realm riding one of those things.
Mod 6 and now 7 are clearly the worst for mounts, no legendary feelings at all.
It seems that now the more crapiest design is a mount and more interesting is the passive bonus, unbelievable.
What will be our mod 8 legendary mounts?
Flies? a roach? a turtle? a lizard?
I have to strongly disagree with your opinion (except the axebeak/strider rehashes - those are too plain to be lockbox items and should be ZEN store mounts instead).... *the only rehash of that mount i would buy is a Raptor or Dinosaur like mount*.
i highly welcome a snail mount into the game 100%. I LOVE it when they release stuff that is out of the ordinary, completely unique thoughts and ideas. A snail, naturally being a tiny, and incredibly slow creature to be super-sized into a creature of speed is awesome. Much more refreshing than the tons of rehashed horses (except the zombie horse, anniversary horse, and water horse - those are great!), and tons of rehashed cat mounts. I am an owner of the jello cube mount because I thought it had unique animations to it, and just looked entertaining. I'm sure people feel the same way about tenser floating disc, because it was unique than the ordinary mount (even though I particularly don't care for tenser at all).
And YES, a turtle mount would be FANTASTIC! I am personally waiting for them to make a Land Octopus... or a Giant Ogre to ride on (MY DREAMS)
They should've made all these mount bonuses like bonding rune stone is for companions, so players could choose on which mount they want to put it. It could still drop from lockboxes with the same very low chance, etc.
IMHO they should not have made these mount bonuses at all. Whale fodder at its worst...
Why not make these mounts where if you're guild completes a curtain task or feat in strongholds that's pretty hard to do and you unlock buying the mount? Or you have a boss that spawns randomly and if you beat it as a guild then it drops?
Mainly because everything that Cryptic adds is either A.) Based upon exuberant repetition and thus, macroable, or B.) Exploitable and thus, exploitable. Anything that is added that is without a Zen-basis will be a common scene around PE in no time.
A and B only apply if the concept is WAI. There's also the chance that it will be bugged or drop at an unintended rate, making remediation possible only through nerfs and more rewarding content.
It really makes me think that these devs are trying to ruin the game, foster discontent, and push people as far as they think they can. Then when they reach that point, they double down and go further, because they know people will take it. We are all still here after all, what does that say about us. Hell, what does it say about me? Gods, I need to fnd something else.
Honestly, it's not that insidious - the devs likely have many many ideas that they'd like to see realized, but either their direct managers, or the higher ups from PWE, are only looking at the bottom line, look at what things have sold well in the past, then instruct them to take things further.
Mod6 just trashed my guild, we are about 4 active people on it now....
Questions is, can we go, in this way, for the new stronghold content? I mean, can we still do the PvE there?
We have the same problem as yours. From about 30 accounts to now just 3 active. You would need at least 5 active accounts. Why? Because, at least from what I understand, you would need at least 5 active toons on the stronghold map to activate an event, where the reward is needed in getting an armor. I am not quite sure if that reward is needed else where. For my situation, I can only wait for the module to come out as I have a hard time inviting anyone to join me and test it. In the preview shard you need to create a guild before you can start testing it.
Really I'm just tossing out ideas off the top of my head. I mean I understand they need to make money but this? It basically is the exact problem with free to play games. See video below:
Extra Credits - Free to Play is Currently Broken
But they way this is different is that they aren't making it where you pay like 100 dollars+ for the (using as example) new snail mount. But instead, they keep the mount behind not only a pay wall, but a luck based pay wall. I've seen people easily go spend 200+ on game cards alone on keys just to try to gets mounts. This is well before they started adding stats to them.
I can understand gambling. Hey I like a good game of Poker/Black Jack myself. But at least in those games, winning isn't just based on luck.
I was just giving you a hard time, I'm on your side. I actually have never purchased keys, ever, in my 2 years playing this game. I have also never even once opened 1 lockbox, yes, true story. Because I see other people's complaints of opening sometimes 100, 200, 300, etc lockboxes, and not getting one epic purple item. So I really don't support those shady gambling business tactics either and simply don't touch the lockbox mechanism. I have spent ZEN on account-wide mounts in the ZEN store (and 1 or 2 companions), I bought 3 of them (jello cube, zombie horse, and blue dragon mount, etc) - and when they were on a discount sale too. That's the only way PWE gets any kind of ZEN support from me, is through direct purchasing. But after I saw this atrocious slaad companion debacle that has scammed other players they pulled recently without proper refunds, well.......
Ah ok. Makes sense lol.
Yeah it's pretty bad now. I just can't wait to see how people are going to act once all of this gets going. I'm not going to lie, this mod does actually give a reason to be in a guild. And it also does something that I haven't really seen other MMORPGs do: If a player gets kicked from a guild, they still can join another one and have their coffers all to themselves. At the same time, it does put pressure on being and working together as a guild where as before there was no reason to do so.
They gotta fix this mount issue. I dunno if it can be said loud enough. If they keep a mount like this around, then I can really see them coming out with more ideas that can hurt the community. Imagine If they come out with a mount that, lets say, doubles for epic, or triples the effect of weapon/armor enchants? Trans Plaguefire enchantment that does 38% of weapon damage per damage. Crazy thought but with this mount, it's a possibility that could become a reality. - Cryptic Studios Review
I doubt programming changes are in the works to change the mechanics behind AP gain and dailies, and even if they did, it would only excerbate the situation.
And now they do the same with Strongholds - be in a very active guild, or don't get a chance for getting the best gear.
If they have to put that much pressure onto players to get them into guilds and doing the Strongholds "content", then i have my doubts about the overall quality in module 7.
Not to mention, will they even listen to feedback now from players, that are testing the Stronghold content on the preview server?
In the end, unless there will be ways to obtain similar good gear through regular PvE and even PvP, Strongholds will drive even more players away from the game.
Recycle content, another dumb chocobo and an ugly snail.
I don't remember at least one heroe of the forgoten realm riding one of those things.
Mod 6 and now 7 are clearly the worst for mounts, no legendary feelings at all.
It seems that now the more crapiest design is a mount and more interesting is the passive bonus, unbelievable.
What will be our mod 8 legendary mounts?
Flies? a roach? a turtle? a lizard?
So many TRUE LEGENDARY mounts or magical items to link with the AIR LOCKBOXES and we HAVE another stupid chicken.
This is a shame.
you don't want to sell keys or what?
The whole point is to not put gamer breakers behind a lockbox pay wall. If you're going to put a mount behind that, keep it like they have been before they started adding stats to them. If they are going to add stats to them then add stats to ALL of them. Keep it fair.
Developers do yourselves a favor. Bring out Mod 2 Neverwinter and play endgame content for a few hours.
Bring out this mod and play endgame content for a few hours.
Then realize how utterly ridiculous this vision of the game is taking us.
Honestly, it's not that insidious - the devs likely have many many ideas that they'd like to see realized, but either their direct managers, or the higher ups from PWE, are only looking at the bottom line, look at what things have sold well in the past, then instruct them to take things further.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
I have to strongly disagree with your opinion (except the axebeak/strider rehashes - those are too plain to be lockbox items and should be ZEN store mounts instead).... *the only rehash of that mount i would buy is a Raptor or Dinosaur like mount*.
i highly welcome a snail mount into the game 100%. I LOVE it when they release stuff that is out of the ordinary, completely unique thoughts and ideas. A snail, naturally being a tiny, and incredibly slow creature to be super-sized into a creature of speed is awesome. Much more refreshing than the tons of rehashed horses (except the zombie horse, anniversary horse, and water horse - those are great!), and tons of rehashed cat mounts. I am an owner of the jello cube mount because I thought it had unique animations to it, and just looked entertaining. I'm sure people feel the same way about tenser floating disc, because it was unique than the ordinary mount (even though I particularly don't care for tenser at all).
And YES, a turtle mount would be FANTASTIC! I am personally waiting for them to make a Land Octopus... or a Giant Ogre to ride on (MY DREAMS)
is PVP in this game not finished? is PVP really considered in ALPHA state? #smf
IMHO they should not have made these mount bonuses at all. Whale fodder at its worst...
...I'll have one of what this gent had, Bartender.
Mod6 just trashed my guild, we are about 4 active people on it now....
Questions is, can we go, in this way, for the new stronghold content? I mean, can we still do the PvE there?
Not really
Mainly because everything that Cryptic adds is either A.) Based upon exuberant repetition and thus, macroable, or B.) Exploitable and thus, exploitable. Anything that is added that is without a Zen-basis will be a common scene around PE in no time.
A and B only apply if the concept is WAI. There's also the chance that it will be bugged or drop at an unintended rate, making remediation possible only through nerfs and more rewarding content.
Click banner for the Dragon Dogs Family guild page.
We have the same problem as yours. From about 30 accounts to now just 3 active. You would need at least 5 active accounts. Why? Because, at least from what I understand, you would need at least 5 active toons on the stronghold map to activate an event, where the reward is needed in getting an armor. I am not quite sure if that reward is needed else where. For my situation, I can only wait for the module to come out as I have a hard time inviting anyone to join me and test it. In the preview shard you need to create a guild before you can start testing it.