Content and Environment
• Drowned Shore: Subterranean Surge: The encounters should now fully despawn when the heroic encounter is over.
• Lair of Lostmauth: Resolved an issue with collision on the door after the Fire Scorpions.
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With the current outrage about the overall difficulty and the huge amount of XP needed for leveling from 61-70, I'm surprised that today's patch didn't address this.
In case this was only a temporary draft, please ignore my post and/or feel free to delete it.
I am happy that these are up early - The sooner we get to see patch notes (and additional time we can have a discussion with Strum and the devs) is important for keeping up communication channels with your player base.
I want to see the devs do a T2 -- with NO god mode and with IL in the low-2k range.
And I want to see it livestreamed so we can count the number of player deaths and see how long it takes compared to the advertized 30 minute play time.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
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this is a joke right??? the cut and paste broke and you lost about 99% of the notes right?? like the "that whole triple the xp to over level was a bug.. sorry fixed now!"
it made no sense to double (some) of the level 70+ quest xp.. but then multiple the level 70 overlevel xp by like 2.5X.... why even raise the 70+ quest xp???
You broke (again) a lot things with the last patch, again the sense of punishment with it. At least you could fix the freaking invoking.
What a shame... All my friends stopped playing weeks ago, game is more annoying every patch. If you were intended to break the game, congrats, you've made it since mod 6. Months have passed and game is even worse. I think I'm finally done.
I would like to enjoy my DC, HR, SW that are level 70 and the other 5 I have between level 60 and 70. But the recent changes have made it so that my DC, HR, and SW are only playable in groups or PvP and my other characters are too time intensive for any realistic progress to be made moving them towards 70.
I don't mean the mod 6 change, that I liked. I mean the ones made last update to the PvE HP and damage ranges of enemies. I mean the huge increase in xp required to move levels between 60 and 70 while the only really playable content for most classes between 60 and 70 is the Elemental Evil content, the vast majority of which is a mindless grind. Its ok when you need to do it 2 or 3 times and you are making real progress on your levels. Having to do it 10 times to make progress.. no thanks.
Grind is boring.
Boring is not fun.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I second this.
The problem is that there is a huge difference between 2000 iLvL and 2000 iLvL. This new iLvL system that was supposed to replace GS because of how inaccurate it was, is just as flawed and didn't fix any of the issues it was intended to. Companions still don't contribute to iLvL, my Ioun Stone, which is fully equipped with BiS jewelry is still not contributing to my iLvL. You can get a ton of "free" stats that iLvL does not reflect, or doesn't do it well enough.
Are you telling us that you´re gonna do a maintenance on wednesday in order to correct to stupid issues that nobody care for, but you don´t solve the problem with the invoking or other big problems like bugged clasess as the SW SB??????? ARE YOU F*CKING SERIOUS. 2250 hours in this game and still waitting any f*cking recognision or reward each time I complete a new level, but instead of that you still are peeing on my face. 2 HAMSTER millions of XP point are needed to each level and you reward it sometimes with 5 rank 5 enchantment... SHAME.
I want to know how many Tiamats were been completed since the mod 6 came up. SHAME
I want to know how good is elemental elven armor in comparation to the empowered black ice armor and if itis worth to do 100 HAMSTER tier 3 dungeons to get it. I wish 5 devs with 2000 IT (more than the min IT that you estimated as apropiate IT) go in a dungeon. I wish you streaming that. I wish you streaming 40 guys doing heralds of tiamat. I WISH YOU STREAMING THAT LAG, THAT FRUSTRATION. I wish you streaming your faces.
Now you can ban me if you want. It is obvious that you prefer players that accept your HAMSTER and pay for it to players that don´t pay a HAMSTER for yours. YOU DAMN SHAMELESS.
I´m out.
If I had to guess the majority of the team are probably focused on preparing Strongholds , usually the closer we get to a module launch the less live patch notes/fixes we get because they save them all up to add to the module launch .
Even if maintenance contains bug fixes it is rare for them to acknowledge them in the patch notes .
man, PWI is on NASDAQ, the game is a business model, obviously they mainly care for paying customers. free to play gamers are only there so the world doesnt appear so empty.
do you really believe someone hosts all this and puts effort in maintaining without financial gain? what world you live in?
I will give my account and donate 500,000 dollars if they set up a live stream with webcams of these guys doing a t2. The best part is, if they trained for weeks... months even... they couldn't do it
In this game, money only buys time, and right now, paying and not paying, it is simply unplayable. Can't go into dungeons, can't make skirmishes, can't get AD... what are we playing for??
I only know that every defender of all this s#@]* of mod 6, smell like covered developers.
Restore the playability or eat your freaking game.
I thought this at first - namely exploit fixes - but isn't it Independence weekend from Friday? Probably moved it forward to accommodate this.
Wat lol? that's from last year? xD