So, since thers alot of threads regarding TRs piercing dmg, or DCs and Healadins insane heals in pvp I wondered why is nobody talking about GFs since they did get some quite insane buffs that totaly changed the way we look at the Guardian Fighter. Back in mod 5 they we're quite competitive against similar geared players but now it's mostly a one way trip. There we're alot of GFs back in mod 5 who could beat better geared players with ease, but now thanks to the buff it's pretty simple for every ( decent ) GF player. I do agree that the buff was needed but it shouldnt be that big. i'd say maybee tonedown the demange a bit but do something with the shield? Couze i used to play a GF and yeah, shield brings rage into quite some GF players x)
Thank you for listening!

P.S i'm talking 'bout PVP, PVE ( dungeons ) aint to easy for GFs these days, ik
Should this be written in the sarcasm font and color?
Does it mean GF is way overpowered?Dont think so because nearly every class have skill chains can kill other classes on 1vs1 if you are good.
GF is in a really good spot right now and only needs a bit of minor tweaking to bring it back in. IMO our damage got a bit overbuffed (10% reduction in weapon damage would suffice here) and our movespeed makes it extraordinarily difficult to take us down (5-10% movespeed while blocking). This should stop a majority of the QQ towards PVP GFs and prevent further unwarranted nerfs.
The one that hapened when mod 6 lounched. ( 20% increse in dmg and 50% increse in wep. dmg if im correct )
A stun rotacion with flourish + anvil aint that easy to dodge withaut a defelct ^^
GFs arent overpowered, but need a little tonedown in my opinion to not become
probably, but i dont play swordmaster so dunno
but really doubt it can kill anyone similarly geared.
GF are just one of the stronger classess currently in pvp
I suggest to everyone who is talking about GF, to start to play this class. Btw shield is so broken, and even HR's roots passing through. And prolly is the most ignored by devs class , since start of server. Maybe SWs are close to this.
.Suicide Squad.
100% correct.
GF is the most agile class with the correct skills
What I wish for next mod:
- Tone down the damage output a bit.
- Resolve shield issues. (HAHAHHAA :-( )
I am the worse tank ever
Still I have fun
if u read the post i link u will see it was sarcasm (the list of bugs and not working skills its huge).
PvP - gf are strong in close combat, dont fight close, control it and let some1 else finish it, its like inisiting in fighting a tr stealth holding a point u going to die and die, ignore it and get the other 2 points, just have 1 player constantly going to that point to keep it double color.
its like trying to kill a well buid dc, killing him its hard, really hard, but its not death match pvp its domination i can be the best killer and still lose the match, 300 points on cap, = 3 kills if i cap 10 times u have to do 30 kills to make more score than me.
if thank is giving u a hard time keep it away, stun reppel works great, if shield is up and tank have dmg deflection on crazy attack will kill u (have done many kills like this), if u a GWF use mastery strike at-will the hit in back will never be blocked, if tank have kv on atacking his party member its losing time (control gf to put it off) kill the party member them focus on gf.
more than being to strong, it a question of adapt and new strategy, use to be ignore gf kill other end the gf after, now it diferent, still tr can 1shot gf easy if they know how to do it, dot enchants and dot skills will help killing a gf faster than a vorpal, but sill all want vorp.
now nerfing a class that is a must in any dungeon cuz of PvP end making Dungeons even worst.
so ask for a nerf that affect flag for pvp only cuz on Dungeon u need tank at full strength.
I hadn't noticed the buff at that time, because the mobs had 100% increases. I only started PVP to get new armor when my BI armor was rendered obsolete. Funny it took 3 months for anybody to even mention it.
Then I read the rest of your post. If they can fix our shield and make defense actually mean something for our class, not to mention make constitution more effective and take away combat advantage from the back, then a small damage reduction would be alright. The problem is that we are (as tanks) the best at nothing. The DC actually have us beat in that department in pvp. The OP has us beat and by alot in pve.
whats wrong? agree with you we can get more defense. shield is broken for a long time, dont expect ever be honest. if you want to be Gf who grab all mobs and control them you cant, but you can play differently, contribute more to damage. dont see big problem here, maybe because i play archery HR too, which is at a lot more bad state than my GF
also gf needs a damage nerf imo probably a 10 to 15% but not touching weapon base in the process.
GFs are currently at the top of the 1v1 tier. Some classes can maybe survive a bit, but most classes will die fairly quickly. In a team fight, GF has insane damage and damage buffs for the team, and prevents DCs from rotating or allows their own DC to rotate since they can hold a node longer than most classes that aren't TRs/OPs.
If you're struggling against another class your own ilvl, then you need to have a look at your build and skill.
LOL... so true. The most I have ever killed in a PvP match, as an IV Tact, was 3. How many times did I die? A lot more than that. People see a toon with a shield and go nuts. I usually get killed by 5 to 7 players.