Difficulty of t2 is fine, should be little higher imo, but the rewards suck, just admit it. Why would anyone go there after finishing set ? or why would anyone even go to get that set? Its pathetic. only slightly better then t1 pvp set which is ridiculous.
Maybe 1/100 chance to get unbound item or gmop or greater resonance would change this. Its just not worth your time to go there.
Or if hoards where not nerfed so much people might go there for farm.
t2 is extra for ppl who can do it, rest have t1, t1 are easy. set is quite good, but imho its good that isnt THAT much better than easily obtainable sets.
getting gmop would be nice, but that would make more baddies want to go there and create more QQ about how bad they are and how they cant do the content that isnt mandatory, but they feel they are entitled to it being brought to them on silver platter.
I think it'd be great if they came back to BoE stuff dropping from bosses, even greater if they kept it as it is now - smaller chance but for personal drop - no more vote kicking in PuGs. Eventually RP is fine too. GMOPs have 1 disadvantage - they are a viable currency to bypass the AH fee, because they have been worth 100k ad for ages. If you make them drop in dungeons it'd affect economy in negative way.
Also, I think RP amount should be different on different T2s - smallest on ToS, because its by far the easiest and fastest dungeon, average on GWD and highest on CC (all exploits should obviously be fixed before that). It'd work even better with BoE items and each item being able to drop in different dungeon - economy would reward players accordingly to dungeon difficulty. Go back to set armor items, where you have to have all parts to get bonus and... well you basically have Mod2 situation - the best mod in game history and for sure most rewarding for playing the end game.
I think it's must that ppl start split feedback on t2 dungeons :
t2 adds is fine with regular 2k+ group that work together , not have to be high gear and not bis definitely
T2 bosses , especially end bosses , is insane for 2k gear . Not possible without glitches
And that's a fact
The problem is bosses not the whole dungeon
I think it's must that ppl start split feedback on t2 dungeons :
t2 adds is fine with regular 2k+ group that work together , not have to be high gear and not bis definitely
T2 bosses , especially end bosses , is insane for 2k gear . Not possible without glitches
And that's a fact
The problem is bosses not the whole dungeon
the adds on boss fights are the problem, not the bosses itself, @ 2.4k i can tank bosses easily, the adds cause the wipes
Personally, I finished my Burning set and am working on upgrading it to Elemental. I used the T1 pve set to earn the glory. I've already got the achievement from the three T2 DDs and the PvP gear is more than good enough to do all the zone pve content in the game. I have no incentive to run the T2 DDs at this point. Hearing the rewards aren't remotely worth the loss of pots/heal stones/kits doesn't really reduce the likelihood of me running one though, since it was already at 0. Only reason I would is if I have extra time and a guildmate is desperate for help. then, maybe, but otherwise? No point at all.
Difficulty of t2 is fine, should be little higher imo, but the rewards suck, just admit it. Why would anyone go there after finishing set ? or why would anyone even go to get that set? Its pathetic. only slightly better then t1 pvp set which is ridiculous.
Maybe 1/100 chance to get unbound item or gmop or greater resonance would change this. Its just not worth your time to go there.
Or if hoards where not nerfed so much people might go there for farm.
Yeah I don't see how the difficulty is fine for the game imo. It's kinda bad when you go in and a tank with like 100k+ HP gets one shotted. Not to mention mobs that can one shot you and have pretty high defense. And a boss, for example, who has 65 mil in HP and defense to go along with it?
I played another game called DCUO, during one mod/patch they made the bosses hard to the point only 2% of game population could complete it. The mod came out in March. People didn't hit the 2% mark until that August. Using this as an example making content harder is fine. But don't alienate people. I understand people want to complete harder content with end game gear they have, in other words people that have the best of the best of the best (MIB referense) gear want to feel special; cool.
Mind giving me some incite on how the the dungeons are fine?
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
edited June 2015
There WAS a HUGE difference in iL, or GS, between the 60 blue gear that you would buy in the AH and the BiS gear that was available. I am not just talking stat-wise either. A basic 60 blue, right now, has an iLvl of 60... and the iLvl of BI gear is at 116. Now...in this Mod... there is very little difference between the 70 blues, which are around 115 iLvl and the top of the line Elemental Elven Gear... which I believe is ONLY 137.
The biggest difference is found in the stats... mostly HP and Power. These are things we all know. None of the stats or iLvl add up to a hill of beans... you get one-shot in 70 blues... you get one-shot in Ele Elven gear.
Here is the analogy I am throwing out today.
- If a few students in a class fail a test it is the students fault for not knowing the material well enough to pass the test.
- If ALL of the students fail a test, it is the teachers fault for making the class and the test impossible to pass.
- When a class seems to be impossible to pass, some people will take to cheating because they are not used to filing a class.
- Those particular students see this as their only hope of success.
- Those that don't cheat will attempt to bribe the teacher for better grades.
- The rest are there to suffer and fail because there is very little chance of their passing.
- Eventually the latter of the 3 will be the one who is a better student, for the journey they decided to take.
There are ONLY 3 types of players.
If the test is presumed to be impossible to pass, with little benefit if they succeeding in doing the impossible, why did they do that work?
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
There WAS a HUGE difference in iL, or GS, between the 60 blue gear that you would buy in the AH and the BiS gear that was available. I am not just talking stat-wise either. A basic 60 blue, right now, has an iLvl of 60... and the iLvl of BI gear is at 116. Now...in this Mod... there is very little difference between the 70 blues, which are around 115 iLvl and the top of the line Elemental Elven Gear... which I believe is ONLY 137.
The biggest difference is found in the stats... mostly HP and Power. These are things we all know. None of the stats or iLvl add up to a hill of beans... you get one-shot in 70 blues... you get one-shot in Ele Elven gear.
Here is the analogy I am throwing out today.
- If a few students in a class fail a test it is the students fault for not knowing the material well enough to pass the test.
- If ALL of the students fail a test, it is the teachers fault for making the class and the test impossible to pass.
- When a class seems to be impossible to pass, some people will take to cheating because they are not used to filing a class.
- Those particular students see this as their only hope of success.
- Those that don't cheat will attempt to bribe the teacher for better grades.
- The rest are there to suffer and fail because there is very little chance of their passing.
- Eventually the latter of the 3 will be the one who is a better student, for the journey they decided to take.
There are ONLY 3 types of players.
If the test is presumed to be impossible to pass, with little benefit if they succeeding in doing the impossible, why did they do that work?
You forgot the 4th type that happens to make up a large chunk of the playerbase these days. Those that see no hope of success (and don't consider cheating an option, and don't care to suffer in order to play a game) and stop playing altogether, likely going to other games that they consider less of a chore and more fun. whether that is really the case or not is irrelevant...
You forgot the 4th type that happens to make up a large chunk of the playerbase these days. Those that see no hope of success (and don't consider cheating an option, and don't care to suffer in order to play a game) and stop playing altogether, likely going to other games that they consider less of a chore and more fun. whether that is really the case or not is irrelevant...
OMG...yes I forgot. That is the most painful player.
It is a bad thing when people are considering ESO as a better choice. I played it during beta... I was not impressed one bit
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
SYNERGY Alliance
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
edited June 2015
it may be fine for pre-mades....
Not if you use the chooser
They should do something like they did with Tia
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
If you completed any T2 with below 2500 IL, you were being carried.
Unless you were playing heal paladin, or were in a full group with less then 2.5k (this can be done legit and it has been done, did it early in the mod in GWD)
Also, every single T2 I have completed, I have done with less then 2.5k. All of my toons are less then that, even my main, so by that definition I have never not been carried
getting gmop would be nice, but that would make more baddies want to go there and create more QQ about how bad they are and how they cant do the content that isnt mandatory, but they feel they are entitled to it being brought to them on silver platter.
Also, I think RP amount should be different on different T2s - smallest on ToS, because its by far the easiest and fastest dungeon, average on GWD and highest on CC (all exploits should obviously be fixed before that). It'd work even better with BoE items and each item being able to drop in different dungeon - economy would reward players accordingly to dungeon difficulty. Go back to set armor items, where you have to have all parts to get bonus and... well you basically have Mod2 situation - the best mod in game history and for sure most rewarding for playing the end game.
t2 adds is fine with regular 2k+ group that work together , not have to be high gear and not bis definitely
T2 bosses , especially end bosses , is insane for 2k gear . Not possible without glitches
And that's a fact
The problem is bosses not the whole dungeon
the adds on boss fights are the problem, not the bosses itself, @ 2.4k i can tank bosses easily, the adds cause the wipes
Yep I meant the whole battle mechanic combine the adds at boss fights
And to clarify : I'm talking about 2k group starters , not 2k + that is near 3k
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Oh? And why is that exactly?
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Yeah I don't see how the difficulty is fine for the game imo. It's kinda bad when you go in and a tank with like 100k+ HP gets one shotted. Not to mention mobs that can one shot you and have pretty high defense. And a boss, for example, who has 65 mil in HP and defense to go along with it?
I played another game called DCUO, during one mod/patch they made the bosses hard to the point only 2% of game population could complete it. The mod came out in March. People didn't hit the 2% mark until that August. Using this as an example making content harder is fine. But don't alienate people. I understand people want to complete harder content with end game gear they have, in other words people that have the best of the best of the best (MIB referense) gear want to feel special; cool.
Mind giving me some incite on how the the dungeons are fine?
Not you, the OP.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Oh. lol, didn't notice that. yeeaaah.. have to agree there.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
The biggest difference is found in the stats... mostly HP and Power. These are things we all know. None of the stats or iLvl add up to a hill of beans... you get one-shot in 70 blues... you get one-shot in Ele Elven gear.
Here is the analogy I am throwing out today.
- If a few students in a class fail a test it is the students fault for not knowing the material well enough to pass the test.
- If ALL of the students fail a test, it is the teachers fault for making the class and the test impossible to pass.
- When a class seems to be impossible to pass, some people will take to cheating because they are not used to filing a class.
- Those particular students see this as their only hope of success.
- Those that don't cheat will attempt to bribe the teacher for better grades.
- The rest are there to suffer and fail because there is very little chance of their passing.
- Eventually the latter of the 3 will be the one who is a better student, for the journey they decided to take.
There are ONLY 3 types of players.
If the test is presumed to be impossible to pass, with little benefit if they succeeding in doing the impossible, why did they do that work?
imho ppl close to 2k have nothing to do in t2 unless the party runs the dungeons for them, its ~2500 and higher
Um... I have successfully TR Tanked eCC a couple times and I am sub 2500. It is about skill and usefulness. It is not all about DPS or gear.
You forgot the 4th type that happens to make up a large chunk of the playerbase these days. Those that see no hope of success (and don't consider cheating an option, and don't care to suffer in order to play a game) and stop playing altogether, likely going to other games that they consider less of a chore and more fun. whether that is really the case or not is irrelevant...
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
OMG...yes I forgot. That is the most painful player.
It is a bad thing when people are considering ESO as a better choice. I played it during beta... I was not impressed one bit
Not if you use the chooser
They should do something like they did with Tia
That... is not a bad idea. IMHO
Unless you were playing heal paladin, or were in a full group with less then 2.5k
Also, every single T2 I have completed, I have done with less then 2.5k. All of my toons are less then that, even my main, so by that definition I have never not been carried
Funny... but not true. Maybe the DPS was being handled by someone else. Dps is a SMALL measure of what other things can be done.
i'm not sure what your comment has to do with the thread. and the comment probably doesn't belong here.
i have tanked with below 2.5k :P
Then by the transitive properties of the predefined statement, you were being carried.
If you should be 2500 I'm ok with that
A correct IL floor would stop a lot of Kicks and hard feelings
Aren't you sweet...