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Never thought I'd actually ask Cryptic to nerf drops but....

prettyceltprettycelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 777 Arc User
edited June 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
What were you thinking when you added all the refinement stone drops to IWD/Dwarf Valley HE's, and nowhere else? Can it be you actually did not anticipate that gibbering hordes of rabidly slobbering players would descend upon those maps in frantic zerging masses and clog the (already substandard) servers to the point of becoming overheated, whimpering piles of code curled into a fetal position on the ice? Then flood the market with their barely-earned gains?

With that one bad decision, you've rendered those maps virtually unplayable in any normal sense of the word. The lag is untenable. When you have to spam an encounter button 7 times in a row to make it pop, and the rubberbanding almost qualifies as its own Mount speed, that's not just bad planning, that's negligence. You incited the equivalent of moving riots at the same time as inviting trolling parties to only half-complete HE's before sprinting off to the next one and set the auction house on fire, all in one fell swoop. Bravo.

If you're not going to scale this madness back, at least spread it out over other maps with HE's, please. That might alleviate the strain. Otherwise I fear Icewind Dale might collapse under its own weight in an apocalyptic flurry of greed.
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    neirgaraneirgara Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    They already implemented RP Stones for HEs in the less difficult maps. Also they added RP stones to the Daily and Weekly quests in Dread Ring and Sharandar.

    How could they anticipate this reaction? How can they spread it any more around the other maps?
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    orangefireeorangefiree Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,148 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I wasn't lagging in there, but I was only in there once.

    If there is lag though that probably isn't a good thing, however I don't think nerfing drop rates is the solution. A better option would be to set it maximum number of people to a lower number before it creates another instance.
    Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
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    instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yup. It's nearly unplayable... even away from the "slobbering" hordes.
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
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    iamannoyingdeviliamannoyingdevil Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i've been running the HE's all day with slight lag but nothing that makes the game unplayable and the 20 to 30 people i was with seemed to be playing fine too , as for getting rid of the RP rewards from HE's and only rewarding them for weeklys , no thanks , some of us want to level up our gear this century thanks.
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    umscheumsche Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Or just wait for people to be tired of farming them...
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    darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    A big part of the lag problem was probably the paladin Prism feedback loop, and gentlemancrush has fixed it. Should be in a patch "soon".
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    kurtb88kurtb88 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    prettycelt wrote: »
    What were you thinking when you added all the refinement stone drops to IWD/Dwarf Valley HE's, and nowhere else? Can it be you actually did not anticipate that gibbering hordes of rabidly slobbering players would descend upon those maps in frantic zerging masses

    Why do you care?
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    glubtalglubtal Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well, only i IWD does the Heroics pop up so often.
    Which leads to train of people farming them, which can lead to lag.
    I'm more concerned with the fact that this IS the place to be right now. No where else can you make that kind of AD, I have 600 peridots and 350 aquamarines from about 6 hours of grinding, that kind of reward makes everything else obsolute when it comes to gaining AD.

    The thing is, that its tedious, boring, troublesome, none of us really wants to spend our gaming time doing that, but try go to WoD for a dragon run, and you feel you just have wasted half an hour getting a tenth AD of what you could have done in IWD.

    So, is this really the way Cryptic wants us to play the game....
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    carrytiexcarrytiex Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    How about we ask for improvements to other content instead of asking for nerfs of one of the only pieces of content actually worth doing?
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    dsn1118dsn1118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    They should just reduce the number of people that one instance can get.If one zerg consists of 15 or 20 people,lag will be tolerable and this will reduce the drop amount in general since not every group can do 1 HE under 1 min in IWD and run off the next one
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    loosestellaloosestella Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    prettycelt wrote: »
    What were you thinking when you added all the refinement stone drops to IWD/Dwarf Valley HE's, and nowhere else? Can it be you actually did not anticipate that gibbering hordes of rabidly slobbering players would descend upon those maps in frantic zerging masses and clog the (already substandard) servers to the point of becoming overheated, whimpering piles of code curled into a fetal position on the ice? Then flood the market with their barely-earned gains?

    With that one bad decision, you've rendered those maps virtually unplayable in any normal sense of the word. The lag is untenable. When you have to spam an encounter button 7 times in a row to make it pop, and the rubberbanding almost qualifies as its own Mount speed, that's not just bad planning, that's negligence. You incited the equivalent of moving riots at the same time as inviting trolling parties to only half-complete HE's before sprinting off to the next one and set the auction house on fire, all in one fell swoop. Bravo.

    If you're not going to scale this madness back, at least spread it out over other maps with HE's, please. That might alleviate the strain. Otherwise I fear Icewind Dale might collapse under its own weight in an apocalyptic flurry of greed.
    A big part of the lag problem was probably the paladin Prism feedback loop, and gentlemancrush has fixed it. Should be in a patch "soon".

    This right here is the culprit. That and the fact that Tiamat battle is designed for a maximum of 20 players because Cryptic doesn't have the capacity to design raids with an abundance of players. IWD hasn't had this much action since Mod 3 launch. Before, it was practically a ghost town...which ironically had the same issue of not being able to complete your quest (the one tied with HE and reputation). Is it truly the lag that rubs you wrong? Because I don't see you mentioning the WoD Heralds zerg army train LAG.
    Yup, its as if we bought what we thought was a home (with our attention, time and for many, money) but instead it was a hotel room, and mod 6 was checkout day.
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    neirgaraneirgara Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    prettycelt wrote: »
    We....are talking about the same game, right? Have you been around a while? If so, how could you not anticipate this reaction? Anyone with a lick of common sense would know this is what would happen.

    If they can't figure out a way to lessen the burden on the IWD maps, and/or make the servers more capable of handling the strain without unbelievable lag (a task which they have proven time and again incapable of doing), then they need to just abandon the guaranteed refinement stones as rewards for those HE's and make it more rare. Or better yet, ONLY as a reward for Weekly quests which are confined instances (Biggrin's, Arcane Reservoir, etc) and perhaps sweeten the pot there. I like the RP's too, but this is ridiculous.

    If you had read my first answer, you would know, what I'm talking about. Perhaps you even would have recognized my arguments and questions.

    But to save us some time, let me just recap my last post:

    - There are already RP rewards for all HEs on other maps and for all quests on lvl70 maps. Spreading is not possible, as there is no room.
    - The rewards to IWD HEs were implemented, because many players were unhappy, that finishing the HEs was not rewarding and thus no one did them. So removing the rewards perhaps reduces the lag, but will make another big portion of players unhappy. So not a desirable solution.


    What would you have Cryptic do, to make you AND the other players happy? (Remember, that the solution needs to be simple, as they already have enough to do with fixing bugs and making the game more desirable for all players, so there is no room for heavy coding and creating completely new content just for this)
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yep, dang Cryptic. They came up with a way to not only repopulate a nearly dead zone. And offered a way for people to farm RP, without needing to spend cash, without special utility enhancements, and without having to resort to botting.

    And the complaint is, its too popular, there are too many people who *gasp* actually want to play the game to do it. Heaven forbid, someone might actually mistake that for praise.
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    carrytiexcarrytiex Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    iambecks1 wrote: »
    Some people are just contrarians , whatever the vast majority is happy with you will usually have a tiny minority complaining about it .


    It is true. You have people over complaining for the sake of complaining, you have white knights trying to defend their precious princess from any harms way even if it's for the games interest, and then you have actual feedback based on what's a problem and what's good (though some doesn't stay in as open sections due to certain members of the former group). What every company needs to do is figure out what the real issues are and take into less account the spoiled ones who just want their way. Though that doesn't mean they can't think of ways to combat those that are frustrated for little reason and find out why they feel that way.
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    mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I wasn't lagging in there, but I was only in there once.

    If there is lag though that probably isn't a good thing, however I don't think nerfing drop rates is the solution. A better option would be to set it maximum number of people to a lower number before it creates another instance.

    this this ++++++++++++ is not fun 50 + per instance.NOT all players able to get reward at 50+ instance.
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    darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    prettycelt wrote: »
    You're mistaking popularity with rampant greed and a lemming mindset. And people "not having to resort to botting" is praiseworthy...?? Wow, we have different definitions of the word. It's great that they're looking for ways to introduce more refinement point items into the game without resorting to another cash grab, but this was just poorly planned and executed. How is running around in a big circle farming HE's remotely fun? It's f-ing sad is what it is...that doesn't even qualify as a "grind", it's just crass. This is what we're reduced to?

    So you never ran Dragon Heralds in WoD for RP and the chance to get artifact gear?

    This is the same thing, just not limited to once an hour. And I'm not sure why it makes you mad -- if you don't want to run in circles, don't. I don't enjoy pvp, but I'm not asking for it to be removed from the game.

    I don't grind the HEs for hours, but the alt that still needs IWD boons is now able to finish her daily contract -- which became nearly impossible after Mod 6 began. Level 73 mobs and very few people in the zone meant she couldn't solo the smaller heroics, and she couldn't find others to help her out. So now she can easily get an HE completion, and maybe run a few extra HEs before she does the daily quests and leaves.

    There are players who want to progress their gear but don't find it easy to run dungeons or get lots of AD from Leadership or other professions. Now they can upgrade their artifact equipment, and have fun killing mobs in mass fights. I don't see how this is wrong.

    I feel like you're playing the "If you don't play the game the way I do, you're doing it wrong" card.
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    phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    If anything it shows how unpopular the other zones in the game are if everyone is now just doing IWD for a few peridots. I'd rather they work on the rewards and maybe encounters in other areas too, so playing everything gets to be worthwhile again.
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So you never ran Dragon Heralds in WoD for RP and the chance to get artifact gear?

    This is the same thing, just not limited to once an hour. And I'm not sure why it makes you mad -- if you don't want to run in circles, don't. I don't enjoy pvp, but I'm not asking for it to be removed from the game.

    I don't grind the HEs for hours, but the alt that still needs IWD boons is now able to finish her daily contract -- which became nearly impossible after Mod 6 began. Level 73 mobs and very few people in the zone meant she couldn't solo the smaller heroics, and she couldn't find others to help her out. So now she can easily get an HE completion, and maybe run a few extra HEs before she does the daily quests and leaves.

    There are players who want to progress their gear but don't find it easy to run dungeons or get lots of AD from Leadership or other professions. Now they can upgrade their artifact equipment, and have fun killing mobs in mass fights. I don't see how this is wrong.

    I feel like you're playing the "If you don't play the game the way I do, you're doing it wrong" card.

    Yup, this exactly. And while I agree the lag can be an issue, its a temporary problem. Once the initial feeding frenzy is over things will settle down to a more comfortable level. We should at least wait to see what that level is going to be like before screaming nerf and demanding changes.
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    mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So you never ran Dragon Heralds in WoD for RP and the chance to get artifact gear?

    This is the same thing, just not limited to once an hour. And I'm not sure why it makes you mad -- if you don't want to run in circles, don't. I don't enjoy pvp, but I'm not asking for it to be removed from the game.

    I don't grind the HEs for hours, but the alt that still needs IWD boons is now able to finish her daily contract -- which became nearly impossible after Mod 6 began. Level 73 mobs and very few people in the zone meant she couldn't solo the smaller heroics, and she couldn't find others to help her out. So now she can easily get an HE completion, and maybe run a few extra HEs before she does the daily quests and leaves.

    There are players who want to progress their gear but don't find it easy to run dungeons or get lots of AD from Leadership or other professions. Now they can upgrade their artifact equipment, and have fun killing mobs in mass fights. I don't see how this is wrong.

    I feel like you're playing the "If you don't play the game the way I do, you're doing it wrong" card.

    is not fun when are 50+ poeple those poeple you talk about get 0 reward from the he because they dont have fast mount or the damage to get something.
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    instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I've been playing IWD all along so that I can get the final IWD boon.. then I can focus on the last couple ToD boons.

    And, honestly, IWD has always been my favorite zone. Feels like home..

    But yeah.. spamming an encounter key or tab a zillion times for it to go off.. there's a lag issue.

    I love the RP (and actually go all the way through a HE, not just pass through them for peridots), but hate having to eat so many dead kits because of Death by Lag.
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
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    discoricediscorice Member Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    prettycelt wrote: »
    You're mistaking popularity with rampant greed and a lemming mindset. And people "not having to resort to botting" is praiseworthy...?? Wow, we have different definitions of the word. It's great that they're looking for ways to introduce more refinement point items into the game without resorting to another cash grab, but this was just poorly planned and executed. How is running around in a big circle farming HE's remotely fun? It's f-ing sad is what it is...that doesn't even qualify as a "grind", it's just crass. This is what we're reduced to?

    Oh get off the cross already and stop pretending you speak for others. I am actually having fun running lots of IWD encounters with enough people to do them. Awesome! The zone's full of people again. Rewards are dropping. There is incentive. Because of this I might not have to just focus on my two main characters. I can get my other toons up to snuff and spend money on companions, mounts and gear without worrying about how I'm ever going to level it up. It's about time this happened.
    Fear Of A Disco Planet
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    jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'd just like to reiterate my heartfelt thanks to the developer team for adding rp to the IWD maps rewards and ask you to ignore those that can't seem but to look gifthorses straight in the mouth.

    IWD has always been my favourite area of neverwinter, just for the scenary, and prior to the latest changes, I had almost no reason to go there, unless pvp build testing with friends.

    Anyway, another 450k rp to go, and everything is orange again.

    Many thanks.
    No idea what my toon is now.
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    darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    If anything it shows how unpopular the other zones in the game are if everyone is now just doing IWD for a few peridots. I'd rather they work on the rewards and maybe encounters in other areas too, so playing everything gets to be worthwhile again.

    In case you haven't noticed, you get artifact RP stones in DR and enchantment stones in Sharandar, so they have worked on rewards in other areas.

    And the lag issue in IWD should be greatly improved once they implement the Prism fix.
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    phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    In case you haven't noticed, you get artifact RP stones in DR and enchantment stones in Sharandar, so they have worked on rewards in other areas.

    Nope, I haven't noticed because I'm blind, deaf and dumb!
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    zickyjackszickyjacks Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    There is too much QQ for something that's being handed to us. Just sad
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