I was used to log and have all my gaming time busy for the many things to do, either alone or with guildmates.
Now I log and after 20 mins staring at the monitor, I turn the game off since nothing is exciting for me in there.
I can't spend time begging for help just to kill 3 mobs for a daily. Ppl should have the chance to do something by themselves since not everybody has time, guild or tons of firends to bother for help.
Dailies should be the base content to complete campaign and make some gold and farm some stuff. Nothing here can be done solo anymore, but at the cost of thousands pots just to kill 3 mobs.
Let's drow a merciful veil on the rest of the content.
I was used to log and have all my gaming time busy for the many things to do, either alone or with guildmates.
Now I log and after 20 mins staring at the monitor, I turn the game off since nothing is exciting for me in there.
I can't spend time begging for help just to kill 3 mobs for a daily. Ppl should have the chance to do something by themselves since not everybody has time, guild or tons of firends to bother for help.
Dailies should be the base content to complete campaign and make some gold and farm some stuff. Nothing here can be done solo anymore, but at the cost of thousands pots just to kill 3 mobs.
Let's drow a merciful veil on the rest of the content.
everything that is solo content can be done solo
Paladin Master Race
decursiaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 14Arc User
Quest at Dragons Well can be soloed? IWD can be soloed? Mini dungeons can be soloed? Is Tiamat doable? I'm an average player with an average gear, I dont have that much time to spend and when I log for 1 hour I'd like to use it at the top. And no there are no plrblems between keyboard and chair. I play MMORPGS since 1990 and I think i have some experience in them.
....and dont be offensive.
Yes, quite easily, laz did Biggrin as 1000 ilvl GWF
Mini dungeons can be soloed?
Yes, in ToD, DR and Sharandar i dont even stop for individual groups, i just stop for resource catches and doors and murder everything, in Dread spire i just run til the end and kill everything there.
Is Tiamat doable?
havent tried, dont really care about that pathetic excuse of a raid turned zergfest
And no there are no plrblems between keyboard and chair. I play MMORPGS since 1990 and I think i have some experience in them.
....and dont be offensive.
your statement about solo content being impossible says otherwise
Paladin Master Race
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited May 2015
Tiamat cant be done and isnt part of the solo experience, it cant be done to cryptic poor decision as to what is allowed to enter. tiamat has a need for massive armor penetration and people are entering with sub 20%, you need around a minimum of 40% but higher would be better.
People have no understanding of the instance.
IWD/WOD should only be done after you get the boons via sharander and dread ring.
A t1 set and a lvl 70 artifact/offhand would be beneficial as well.
Some classes will have a much easier time then others.
you can argue that progression points were screwed up in the game a tad, Ill agree with that.
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
edited May 2015
are there new boons in Sharander and The Ring?
If so I have missed them and should reconsider my position
I was used to log and have all my gaming time busy for the many things to do, either alone or with guildmates.
Now I log and after 20 mins staring at the monitor, I turn the game off since nothing is exciting for me in there.
I can't spend time begging for help just to kill 3 mobs for a daily. Ppl should have the chance to do something by themselves since not everybody has time, guild or tons of firends to bother for help.
Dailies should be the base content to complete campaign and make some gold and farm some stuff. Nothing here can be done solo anymore, but at the cost of thousands pots just to kill 3 mobs.
Let's drow a merciful veil on the rest of the content.
I will second this. The change to the open world content for solo players has made me stop playing. When I have to group to complete any of the campaigns, I am done. I've spent some decent money on this game because I enjoyed the opportunity to solo as well as group. I enjoy grouping for dungeons and skirmishes and for other encounters like IWD used to be. Now I cannot solo anything. I'm a long time old school MMO player and even then you could solo white on-level mobs (DAOC for example). Orange was hard. Red near impossible. I liked being able to solo but I can't anymore and now I think I am done. Please re-think your difficulty for solo players for campaigns at least.
Play the game in the order it has intended before complaining about the difficulty.
I do believe that herein lies the problem. People are TRYING to play the game in the order that it was intended.....originally.
The original design and the design that holds true in most players is to play to lvl 60, get into Sharandar OR Dread Ring, get the tier 3 boons, and hopefully it's off to IWD (if you have a high enough GS).
Now, while nothing is really different from that design, you essentially replace the concept of "lvl 60" with "arbitrary max level" which inevitably adds yet another element of "boring levelling content" before you can reach the "end-game content" (which is clearly NOT end-game; needing to be at the max level does not somehow make a repetitive and boring series of a small number of repetitive and boring tasks "end game"). I think this is really where the major issues that a lot of players are having lies. My concept of "raising the level cap" meant that level 60-70 was going to be something new and exciting, a novel experience meant to rejuvinate the player-base who have long since become utterly bored with the existing content and the repetitive mechanics of the game. Instead, we got just another ten levels of "hurry up and grind it out" that's just inserted without thought in between the existing "hurry up and grind it out" (the treknfrom lvl 1-60) and the other "hurry up and grind it out" (Shar and DR tasks). There is so much emphasis on "hurry up and grind it out" before the more enjoyable portions of the game, such as IWD (which In personally love), that I think players are just tired of, especially when it pushes existing "lvl 60" content into "lvl 70 + epics + boons + Zen store purchase" content.
There is FAR too much emphasis on the finish line rather than the journey. Furthermore, I had envisioned levels 60-70 as alleviating the one element that always left a bad taste in my mouth, which was the massive amounts of game play without progression. And boons/epic gear is not progression. Levels, skills, and new aspects of game play are progression.
And just before anyone decides to rip apart my analysis of the level expansion and flame me personally for being "dumb" or "whiny" or not knowing how to "play my character" I really don't care. I checked out the Paladin, but with all of the problems, I just haven't brought myself to log in my lvl 60 char. The main attraction for me was the Foundry, but with the perspective on that and the enormous discontent on part of the majority of the player-base, I just haven't been able to justify spending any more time in there as of right now. I am just providing my two cents based upon the changes and of edback from the players, as well as how these changes have completely gone contrary to my expectations.
darkstarcrashMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,382Arc User
edited May 2015
burkaanc aside, I think most people agree soloing in WoD and IWD is quite painful for players without T2 gear and high-ranked enchantments.
If Cryptic wants to keep the solo casual player -- and let's face it, NW has been a good place for the undergeared, casual player up until Mod 6 -- I think they need to set the mobs in Shar and DR to lvl 71, and in IWD and WoD to 72. And gate the campaigns again.
Still progression, but let's give the casual player a chance to survive a couple polar bears in IWD.
decursiaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 14Arc User
edited May 2015
just to underline my point : I'm not a whiner for hard contents since I was used to spend nights to fight bosses for weeks and sometimes months to get them down (in other MMORPG) and I enjoyed the progressive difficulty given by the expansions and so on. There should be a progressive and smooth upgrading curve in this. I have all boons in NWO since I had my character fully upgraded before mod 6 even if not fully upgraded in gear and enchantments. I consider myself a good and dedicate player when challenge comes in to play but I feel like we have no "real" challenge in here. I loved levelling in new areas, btw. The progression in levelling and difficulty was well balanced and I could solo all the new areas from 61 to 70 and get to the final reward by completing all the quests. I had some honor and token spare from last mod and I got some gear from PVP stuff. We tried a Tiamat with a good group but only two heads could be killed at the end of the time. The end content asks for items that you can get in dungeons you can hardly complete. Skirmishes like Kessel (I spent hours and days there) or Tuern are a total mess. Casual and solo players have hard times in here, like it or not. I hope Cryptic tooks in consideration some good points given by many players and give us back at least part of the old content as it used to be.
Nehemiah has good point in his/her statements.
Tiamat cant be done and isnt part of the solo experience, it cant be done to cryptic poor decision as to what is allowed to enter. tiamat has a need for massive armor penetration and people are entering with sub 20%, you need around a minimum of 40% but higher would be better.
People have no understanding of the instance.
IWD/WOD should only be done after you get the boons via sharander and dread ring.
A t1 set and a lvl 70 artifact/offhand would be beneficial as well.
Some classes will have a much easier time then others.
you can argue that progression points were screwed up in the game a tad, Ill agree with that.
Yes exactly. I went back to these zones and noticed that npcs in sharandar were lvl 71, 72 in dread ring, and 73 in IWD/WoD. That's not counting the TWO ninja nerfs to npcs that happened lately. The boons from sharandar and dread ring are super strong, it will definitely help to fight higher level npcs.
I really don't know what people want or need. Probably a nuke them all spell for solo and group content, or just a chest in PE with free, endless loot.
When I die to npcs (it happens), i press "P" and spend a couple of minutes to think about what I could do differently. If I need to read tooltips again I do it. No one can know everything, but you can always learn more and improve how you do things.
If for some reason you are not able to do solo content in this game alone, its because one, or more, of the following reasons:
1: You have no idea who to specc your character most efficient.
2: You are pulling more mobs then you should at the same time.
3: You are stacking the wrong stats for your class/build etc.
4: You are using encounters you think look cool, but actually are really really bad and inefficient.
5: You are level 60 trying to solo lvl 70 zones.
6: You are not avoiding red zones (i dont believe i have to write this down, but i actually do)
If you are not doing any of these points, then you are pretty much just a bad player and MMOs are not for you (sorry to break it to you)
This game finally has some challenge. And this mod (looking aside the bugs) is looking great. So please, look at your selves first.
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
If for some reason you are not able to do solo content in this game alone, its because one, or more, of the following reasons:
1: You have no idea who to specc your character most efficient.
2: You are pulling more mobs then you should at the same time.
3: You are stacking the wrong stats for your class/build etc.
4: You are using encounters you think look cool, but actually are really really bad and inefficient.
5: You are level 60 trying to solo lvl 70 zones.
6: You are not avoiding red zones (i dont believe i have to write this down, but i actually do)
If you are not doing any of these points, then you are pretty much just a bad player and MMOs are not for you (sorry to break it to you)
This game finally has some challenge. And this mod (looking aside the bugs) is looking great. So please, look at your selves first.
Do you really think we all need to be expert and have optimal builds just to solo?
torontodaveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 992Arc User
If for some reason you are not able to do solo content in this game alone, its because one, or more, of the following reasons:
Hi. Can you please go to CK, accept the pvp quest 'Runes among Blood', then solo kill 4 Enemy Adventurers in IWD OPvP to get the Rune Scrolls?
Then come back and reply. Thanks. ;D
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
Hi. Can you please go to CK, accept the pvp quest 'Runes among Blood', then solo kill 4 Enemy Adventurers in IWD OPvP to get the Rune Scrolls?
Then come back and reply. Thanks. ;D
This isn't a fair request considering he'll likely have to use pvp spells not to get slaughtered. But I did it. With pve spells. With my healer. It's long, it's boring, but it's doable. And I don't know why on earth people wouldn't bring a couple of friends in an open pvp zones. Unless they're outstanding players, that is. If they don't get killed by npcs they'll get killed by other players. I can't remember the amount of whining I got via PM because "Y U kill me, me just doing quest" - there was actually too much of this. LOL.
If for some reason you are not able to do solo content in this game alone, its because one, or more, of the following reasons:
1: You have no idea who to specc your character most efficient.
2: You are pulling more mobs then you should at the same time.
3: You are stacking the wrong stats for your class/build etc.
4: You are using encounters you think look cool, but actually are really really bad and inefficient.
5: You are level 60 trying to solo lvl 70 zones.
6: You are not avoiding red zones (i dont believe i have to write this down, but i actually do)
If you are not doing any of these points, then you are pretty much just a bad player and MMOs are not for you (sorry to break it to you)
This game finally has some challenge. And this mod (looking aside the bugs) is looking great. So please, look at your selves first.
So according to @jumboyet: the Devs have intentionally designed a game with the following in mind:
1: There is only one way to spec a toon to be able to play at all, all other specs are red herrings and designed to just HAMSTER you off, no other reason for these options.
2: Shight happens. It's your (the player) fault since this happens *every* *single* time*; L2P.
3: Refer to number one above.
4: Refer to number one above.
5: You the player are just too stupid to even have a clue what you are doing.
6: Refer to number five above.
@jumboyet: there is elitism and there is condescending BS. I proffer your post to be the latter. Seriously, you need to reread what you're writing.
OT for the thread:
I concur with the OP and those replies going into the same basic idea: it is difficult to play content solo. And even when it's not: it is very slow-going and casual players are not able to play as much content because it's taking longer. The fact is not everyone is a min-maxed elitist with supergamerz sport mouse and joystick and whatnot. Most are relatively casual players.
It's a really rude term: "Whale" - referring to those people who do spend money on a free-to-play game, but the fact of the matter is that most "whales" are generally more casual players because to them it's worth spending a little cash to just buy something so they don't have to grind/frustrate/spend days-upon-days trying to earn. These "whales" are the ones under "attack" with this new difficulty level in 'public' zones.
Sure: Skirmish and Dungeons should be co-op group play, but the open zones should not be this way. Plain and simple.
With all that said I'll now say this: I am not an apologist for Cryptic Studios or their Devs, but I am a realist: I know what they are doing and why they are doing it - which everyone else will know if they follow the DevTracker and actually try to understand what's going on. Part of this process is to increase challenge and difficulty; I get it. And it's easier to make it a little too hard then scale it back rather than the other way around. I get it.
As others have said: we need to have some patiences, allow Gentleman Crush (the main Dev in charge or combat balance to my understanding) a bit of time to review all those game logs and see what the heck is really happening. I do expect a 'nerf' to zone NPC damage. The real question is will it be enough; too little or too much and in short order.
I'm a patient sort. I'm willing to wait it out because they *will* get it right eventually. But, as a "whale" I'm just not going to be buying Zen Points for a while until I start having some fun again. They aren't stupid, they know this is how most "whales" will feel about it. So I am sure they are doing what they can, as fast as they can, which is not as fast as we'd like because there are huge risks involved that could make things worse rather than better. I get it.
As of right now: I'm not having as much fun as I used to. It's still fun, just not as much as before Mod 6.
So according to @jumboyet: the Devs have intentionally designed a game with the following in mind:
1: There is only one way to spec a toon to be able to play at all, all other specs are red herrings and designed to just HAMSTER you off, no other reason for these options.
2: Shight happens. It's your (the player) fault since this happens *every* *single* time*; L2P.
3: Refer to number one above.
4: Refer to number one above.
5: You the player are just too stupid to even have a clue what you are doing.
6: Refer to number five above.
@jumboyet: there is elitism and there is condescending BS. I proffer your post to be the latter. Seriously, you need to reread what you're writing.
OT for the thread:
I concur with the OP and those replies going into the same basic idea: it is difficult to play content solo. And even when it's not: it is very slow-going and casual players are not able to play as much content because it's taking longer. The fact is not everyone is a min-maxed elitist with supergamerz sport mouse and joystick and whatnot. Most are relatively casual players.
It's a really rude term: "Whale" - referring to those people who do spend money on a free-to-play game, but the fact of the matter is that most "whales" are generally more casual players because to them it's worth spending a little cash to just buy something so they don't have to grind/frustrate/spend days-upon-days trying to earn. These "whales" are the ones under "attack" with this new difficulty level in 'public' zones.
Sure: Skirmish and Dungeons should be co-op group play, but the open zones should not be this way. Plain and simple.
With all that said I'll now say this: I am not an apologist for Cryptic Studios or their Devs, but I am a realist: I know what they are doing and why they are doing it - which everyone else will know if they follow the DevTracker and actually try to understand what's going on. Part of this process is to increase challenge and difficulty; I get it. And it's easier to make it a little too hard then scale it back rather than the other way around. I get it.
As others have said: we need to have some patiences, allow Gentleman Crush (the main Dev in charge or combat balance to my understanding) a bit of time to review all those game logs and see what the heck is really happening. I do expect a 'nerf' to zone NPC damage. The real question is will it be enough; too little or too much and in short order.
I'm a patient sort. I'm willing to wait it out because they *will* get it right eventually. But, as a "whale" I'm just not going to be buying Zen Points for a while until I start having some fun again. They aren't stupid, they know this is how most "whales" will feel about it. So I am sure they are doing what they can, as fast as they can, which is not as fast as we'd like because there are huge risks involved that could make things worse rather than better. I get it.
As of right now: I'm not having as much fun as I used to. It's still fun, just not as much as before Mod 6.
Im not saying there is one way to specc characters. There are optimal builds for doing different things in game. If you are a solo player, you should try to build your characters around solo play. If you are a dps class for dungeons, you should build for maximum DPS. If you are a support class, you should build your character for maximum support. ETC ETC.
Putting feats into randoms squares, should not make you able to solo things anymore. So i agree with the direction this game is taking.
As for point number 2? Maybe change your FOV camera a bit so you can see more then the back of your characters head, and maybe it will be easier to pull smaller pack of mobs... Its not really that hard.
Im not saying there is one way to specc characters. There are optimal builds for doing different things in game. If you are a solo player, you should try to build your characters around solo play. If you are a dps class for dungeons, you should build for maximum DPS. If you are a support class, you should build your character for maximum support. ETC ETC.
Putting feats into randoms squares, should not make you able to solo things anymore. So i agree with the direction this game is taking.
As for point number 2? Maybe change your FOV camera a bit so you can see more then the back of your characters head, and maybe it will be easier to pull smaller pack of mobs... Its not really that hard.
i started to think you were making a serious comment then i saw the last thing you said and lost all respect for everything you just said. good job.
torontodaveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 992Arc User
This isn't a fair request considering he'll likely have to use pvp spells not to get slaughtered. But I did it. With pve spells. With my healer. It's long, it's boring, but it's doable. And I don't know why on earth people wouldn't bring a couple of friends in an open pvp zones. Unless they're outstanding players, that is. If they don't get killed by npcs they'll get killed by other players. I can't remember the amount of whining I got via PM because "Y U kill me, me just doing quest" - there was actually too much of this. LOL.
It's a daily tho. I can see a weekly quest requiring a group, but a daily? =X C'mon now. ;D
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
If for some reason you are not able to do solo content in this game alone, its because one, or more, of the following reasons:
1: You have no idea who to specc your character most efficient.
2: You are pulling more mobs then you should at the same time.
3: You are stacking the wrong stats for your class/build etc.
4: You are using encounters you think look cool, but actually are really really bad and inefficient.
5: You are level 60 trying to solo lvl 70 zones.
6: You are not avoiding red zones (i dont believe i have to write this down, but i actually do)
If you are not doing any of these points, then you are pretty much just a bad player and MMOs are not for you (sorry to break it to you)
This game finally has some challenge. And this mod (looking aside the bugs) is looking great. So please, look at your selves first.
So, decided to solo Drake Pen yesterday on my soulebinder SW. I pulled the minimum amount of mobs and the end fight, I have to take what spawns. Now, I have a specific way I am building this toon which may not be the "best" but it shouldn't have to be the best. With an IL of 2.4, it was almost undoable. More challenge is fine but it's on the side of ridiculous right now. Imho, wayyy too much for a simple daily. I am not a great player but I don't think you should have to be great to do the daily content without too much grief. I don't know what your logic is aimed at but it doesn't sound like it's compatible with average players.
I have every boon there is, all new level 70 gear, t1 elemental and some t2 pvp, and all new artifact gear at epic/purple, all rank8 or higher enchants, vorpal (not lesser) and soulforge, and ion stone pet with all kinds of good gear and enchants on it. My "GS" (whatever) is over 2600. I couldn't solo the boss of Drake Pens, alchemist? or something. I tried 5-6 times, could not withstand his hits and the CC-immune adds. I'm an old school CW since beta, I know how to play and can faceroll most of WoD and IWD, even some 5+ HE's are doable for me solo. My gear isn't BIS but most of it is either 2nd BIS or close... If I can't finish a WoD daily quest it's flat broken period. Only one person around here saying otherwise is the only person on my ignore list, that says a lot...
so what i am getting from this thread is that if i am not a perfect player with perfect gear and perfect build i might as well not even bother with this game since i do not have a dedicated guild nor can i play 24/7 since i work and all. ok then, wtg cryptic i guess...
clericalistMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 595Arc User
so what i am getting from this thread is that if i am not a perfect player with perfect gear and perfect build i might as well not even bother with this game since i do not have a dedicated guild nor can i play 24/7 since i work and all. ok then, wtg cryptic i guess...
I am not concerned if some people posting in the thread think like this, I am concerned that Cryptic has this thinking. It looks like they seriously believe that the only way to play is to spend thousands in cash.
so what i am getting from this thread is that if i am not a perfect player with perfect gear and perfect build i might as well not even bother with this game since i do not have a dedicated guild nor can i play 24/7 since i work and all. ok then, wtg cryptic i guess...
nahh its more like "unless you are braindead, or completely new to gaming and incapable of reading guides and adjusting your build, you should be fine"
Paladin Master Race
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
edited May 2015
The problem I see is, most casual players would really not be able to run much of the above level 70 normal content at the moment. Most casual players have only the green gear they get in the Elemental Evil quests etc, level 5 enchants, green artifacts and artifact weapons, and basic pets (free ones). There is no way any build will enable these types of players to even think about going to either WOD or IWD and have any hope of surviving. And there are way more people playing this game with those parameters than are BIS. Even those that have lots of alts have this issue, like me.
And honestly any build with the right equipment should be able to run any normal content easily, and that includes campaigns. Dungeons, skirmishes, PVP excepted. And some people do not use certain powers because they mess up their game (like icy terrain for me).
The problem I see is, most casual players would really not be able to run much of the above level 70 normal content at the moment. Most casual players have only the green gear they get in the Elemental Evil quests etc, level 5 enchants, green artifacts and artifact weapons, and basic pets (free ones). There is no way any build will enable these types of players to even think about going to either WOD or IWD and have any hope of surviving. And there are way more people playing this game with those parameters than are BIS. Even those that have lots of alts have this issue, like me.
thats completely fresh lvl 70 not a casual. even a potato could run 3man dungeons and get rare gear from there, also about anybody can make rank7 and buy pets(ppl who dont buy zen stuff for either $ or AD dont matter anyway )
I have every boon there is, all new level 70 gear, t1 elemental and some t2 pvp, and all new artifact gear at epic/purple, all rank8 or higher enchants, vorpal (not lesser) and soulforge, and ion stone pet with all kinds of good gear and enchants on it. My "GS" (whatever) is over 2600. I couldn't solo the boss of Drake Pens, alchemist? or something. I tried 5-6 times, could not withstand his hits and the CC-immune adds. I'm an old school CW since beta, I know how to play and can faceroll most of WoD and IWD, even some 5+ HE's are doable for me solo. My gear isn't BIS but most of it is either 2nd BIS or close... If I can't finish a WoD daily quest it's flat broken period. Only one person around here saying otherwise is the only person on my ignore list, that says a lot...
I wouldn't call this quest a "simple daily" since M6 changes to difficulty. If you cant solo it look for some people to make a party, it's MMO after all. If you dont want to play with other players reroll to Paladin and you can faceroll through these quests.
Just for the record. I managed to solo this quest on my 1.6 TR due to almost perma stealth (i almost died while it was refiling), but i will definitely never do it again, because it takes way too much time. If you go even as 2 people it makes it so much easier (gear doesnt matter as long as player knows how to use his CC and avoid aoes).
The problem I see is, most casual players would really not be able to run much of the above level 70 normal content at the moment. Most casual players have only the green gear they get in the Elemental Evil quests etc, level 5 enchants, green artifacts and artifact weapons, and basic pets (free ones). There is no way any build will enable these types of players to even think about going to either WOD or IWD and have any hope of surviving. And there are way more people playing this game with those parameters than are BIS. Even those that have lots of alts have this issue, like me.
And honestly any build with the right equipment should be able to run any normal content easily, and that includes campaigns. Dungeons, skirmishes, PVP excepted. And some people do not use certain powers because they mess up their game (like icy terrain for me).
It depends what spec you play. Fresh players using Paladin right can definitely solo all the content. I made this video as an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUAscQzGWLc
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
edited May 2015
But that was the point I was trying to make. Any class, any spec, any build should be able to run any normal content with relative ease with just the resources that you gain within the game (gained playing the game and getting drops). An archery spec HR should be able to run IWD at level 70 just as easily as a righteous DC can, and right now that is not how it works. This is where the game has problems.
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
everything that is solo content can be done solo
Quest at Dragons Well can be soloed? IWD can be soloed? Mini dungeons can be soloed? Is Tiamat doable? I'm an average player with an average gear, I dont have that much time to spend and when I log for 1 hour I'd like to use it at the top. And no there are no plrblems between keyboard and chair. I play MMORPGS since 1990 and I think i have some experience in them.
....and dont be offensive.
People have no understanding of the instance.
IWD/WOD should only be done after you get the boons via sharander and dread ring.
A t1 set and a lvl 70 artifact/offhand would be beneficial as well.
Some classes will have a much easier time then others.
you can argue that progression points were screwed up in the game a tad, Ill agree with that.
If so I have missed them and should reconsider my position
I will second this. The change to the open world content for solo players has made me stop playing. When I have to group to complete any of the campaigns, I am done. I've spent some decent money on this game because I enjoyed the opportunity to solo as well as group. I enjoy grouping for dungeons and skirmishes and for other encounters like IWD used to be. Now I cannot solo anything. I'm a long time old school MMO player and even then you could solo white on-level mobs (DAOC for example). Orange was hard. Red near impossible. I liked being able to solo but I can't anymore and now I think I am done. Please re-think your difficulty for solo players for campaigns at least.
I do believe that herein lies the problem. People are TRYING to play the game in the order that it was intended.....originally.
The original design and the design that holds true in most players is to play to lvl 60, get into Sharandar OR Dread Ring, get the tier 3 boons, and hopefully it's off to IWD (if you have a high enough GS).
Now, while nothing is really different from that design, you essentially replace the concept of "lvl 60" with "arbitrary max level" which inevitably adds yet another element of "boring levelling content" before you can reach the "end-game content" (which is clearly NOT end-game; needing to be at the max level does not somehow make a repetitive and boring series of a small number of repetitive and boring tasks "end game"). I think this is really where the major issues that a lot of players are having lies. My concept of "raising the level cap" meant that level 60-70 was going to be something new and exciting, a novel experience meant to rejuvinate the player-base who have long since become utterly bored with the existing content and the repetitive mechanics of the game. Instead, we got just another ten levels of "hurry up and grind it out" that's just inserted without thought in between the existing "hurry up and grind it out" (the treknfrom lvl 1-60) and the other "hurry up and grind it out" (Shar and DR tasks). There is so much emphasis on "hurry up and grind it out" before the more enjoyable portions of the game, such as IWD (which In personally love), that I think players are just tired of, especially when it pushes existing "lvl 60" content into "lvl 70 + epics + boons + Zen store purchase" content.
There is FAR too much emphasis on the finish line rather than the journey. Furthermore, I had envisioned levels 60-70 as alleviating the one element that always left a bad taste in my mouth, which was the massive amounts of game play without progression. And boons/epic gear is not progression. Levels, skills, and new aspects of game play are progression.
And just before anyone decides to rip apart my analysis of the level expansion and flame me personally for being "dumb" or "whiny" or not knowing how to "play my character" I really don't care. I checked out the Paladin, but with all of the problems, I just haven't brought myself to log in my lvl 60 char. The main attraction for me was the Foundry, but with the perspective on that and the enormous discontent on part of the majority of the player-base, I just haven't been able to justify spending any more time in there as of right now. I am just providing my two cents based upon the changes and of edback from the players, as well as how these changes have completely gone contrary to my expectations.
If Cryptic wants to keep the solo casual player -- and let's face it, NW has been a good place for the undergeared, casual player up until Mod 6 -- I think they need to set the mobs in Shar and DR to lvl 71, and in IWD and WoD to 72. And gate the campaigns again.
Still progression, but let's give the casual player a chance to survive a couple polar bears in IWD.
Nehemiah has good point in his/her statements.
Yes exactly. I went back to these zones and noticed that npcs in sharandar were lvl 71, 72 in dread ring, and 73 in IWD/WoD. That's not counting the TWO ninja nerfs to npcs that happened lately. The boons from sharandar and dread ring are super strong, it will definitely help to fight higher level npcs.
I really don't know what people want or need. Probably a nuke them all spell for solo and group content, or just a chest in PE with free, endless loot.
When I die to npcs (it happens), i press "P" and spend a couple of minutes to think about what I could do differently. If I need to read tooltips again I do it. No one can know everything, but you can always learn more and improve how you do things.
1: You have no idea who to specc your character most efficient.
2: You are pulling more mobs then you should at the same time.
3: You are stacking the wrong stats for your class/build etc.
4: You are using encounters you think look cool, but actually are really really bad and inefficient.
5: You are level 60 trying to solo lvl 70 zones.
6: You are not avoiding red zones (i dont believe i have to write this down, but i actually do)
If you are not doing any of these points, then you are pretty much just a bad player and MMOs are not for you (sorry to break it to you)
This game finally has some challenge. And this mod (looking aside the bugs) is looking great. So please, look at your selves first.
Do you really think we all need to be expert and have optimal builds just to solo?
Hi. Can you please go to CK, accept the pvp quest 'Runes among Blood', then solo kill 4 Enemy Adventurers in IWD OPvP to get the Rune Scrolls?
Then come back and reply. Thanks. ;D
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
This isn't a fair request considering he'll likely have to use pvp spells not to get slaughtered. But I did it. With pve spells. With my healer. It's long, it's boring, but it's doable. And I don't know why on earth people wouldn't bring a couple of friends in an open pvp zones. Unless they're outstanding players, that is. If they don't get killed by npcs they'll get killed by other players. I can't remember the amount of whining I got via PM because "Y U kill me, me just doing quest" - there was actually too much of this. LOL.
So according to @jumboyet: the Devs have intentionally designed a game with the following in mind:
@jumboyet: there is elitism and there is condescending BS. I proffer your post to be the latter. Seriously, you need to reread what you're writing.
OT for the thread:
I concur with the OP and those replies going into the same basic idea: it is difficult to play content solo. And even when it's not: it is very slow-going and casual players are not able to play as much content because it's taking longer. The fact is not everyone is a min-maxed elitist with supergamerz sport mouse and joystick and whatnot. Most are relatively casual players.
It's a really rude term: "Whale" - referring to those people who do spend money on a free-to-play game, but the fact of the matter is that most "whales" are generally more casual players because to them it's worth spending a little cash to just buy something so they don't have to grind/frustrate/spend days-upon-days trying to earn. These "whales" are the ones under "attack" with this new difficulty level in 'public' zones.
Sure: Skirmish and Dungeons should be co-op group play, but the open zones should not be this way. Plain and simple.
With all that said I'll now say this: I am not an apologist for Cryptic Studios or their Devs, but I am a realist: I know what they are doing and why they are doing it - which everyone else will know if they follow the DevTracker and actually try to understand what's going on. Part of this process is to increase challenge and difficulty; I get it. And it's easier to make it a little too hard then scale it back rather than the other way around. I get it.
As others have said: we need to have some patiences, allow Gentleman Crush (the main Dev in charge or combat balance to my understanding) a bit of time to review all those game logs and see what the heck is really happening. I do expect a 'nerf' to zone NPC damage. The real question is will it be enough; too little or too much and in short order.
I'm a patient sort. I'm willing to wait it out because they *will* get it right eventually. But, as a "whale" I'm just not going to be buying Zen Points for a while until I start having some fun again. They aren't stupid, they know this is how most "whales" will feel about it. So I am sure they are doing what they can, as fast as they can, which is not as fast as we'd like because there are huge risks involved that could make things worse rather than better. I get it.
As of right now: I'm not having as much fun as I used to. It's still fun, just not as much as before Mod 6.
Im not saying there is one way to specc characters. There are optimal builds for doing different things in game. If you are a solo player, you should try to build your characters around solo play. If you are a dps class for dungeons, you should build for maximum DPS. If you are a support class, you should build your character for maximum support. ETC ETC.
Putting feats into randoms squares, should not make you able to solo things anymore. So i agree with the direction this game is taking.
As for point number 2? Maybe change your FOV camera a bit so you can see more then the back of your characters head, and maybe it will be easier to pull smaller pack of mobs... Its not really that hard.
It's a daily tho. I can see a weekly quest requiring a group, but a daily? =X C'mon now. ;D
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
So, decided to solo Drake Pen yesterday on my soulebinder SW. I pulled the minimum amount of mobs and the end fight, I have to take what spawns. Now, I have a specific way I am building this toon which may not be the "best" but it shouldn't have to be the best. With an IL of 2.4, it was almost undoable. More challenge is fine but it's on the side of ridiculous right now. Imho, wayyy too much for a simple daily. I am not a great player but I don't think you should have to be great to do the daily content without too much grief. I don't know what your logic is aimed at but it doesn't sound like it's compatible with average players.
I am not concerned if some people posting in the thread think like this, I am concerned that Cryptic has this thinking. It looks like they seriously believe that the only way to play is to spend thousands in cash.
nahh its more like "unless you are braindead, or completely new to gaming and incapable of reading guides and adjusting your build, you should be fine"
And honestly any build with the right equipment should be able to run any normal content easily, and that includes campaigns. Dungeons, skirmishes, PVP excepted. And some people do not use certain powers because they mess up their game (like icy terrain for me).
thats completely fresh lvl 70 not a casual. even a potato could run 3man dungeons and get rare gear from there, also about anybody can make rank7 and buy pets(ppl who dont buy zen stuff for either $ or AD dont matter anyway
I wouldn't call this quest a "simple daily" since M6 changes to difficulty. If you cant solo it look for some people to make a party, it's MMO after all. If you dont want to play with other players reroll to Paladin and you can faceroll through these quests.
Just for the record. I managed to solo this quest on my 1.6 TR due to almost perma stealth (i almost died while it was refiling), but i will definitely never do it again, because it takes way too much time. If you go even as 2 people it makes it so much easier (gear doesnt matter as long as player knows how to use his CC and avoid aoes).
It depends what spec you play. Fresh players using Paladin right can definitely solo all the content. I made this video as an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUAscQzGWLc
By which classes? With what gear? Based on your posts on other threads I'm not going to take your word on that. Nice try though.