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Death of soloability

taremanutaremanu Member Posts: 11 Arc User
edited April 2015 in PvE Discussion
I know that some are just overwhelmed with joy with the new difficulty, but to a soloer like myself this game turned from an enjoyable past time to a grind that is losing its appeal rapidly. IWD DR and Sharandar were impossible with all the lag today as with the new difficulty even 3 weak mobs can waste you.

Maybe you want everyone to group up all the time and are tired of receiving money from solos. I know I will not be contributing anymore until this game is playable again.
Post edited by taremanu on


  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    taremanu wrote: »
    I know that some are just overwhelmed with joy with the new difficulty, but to a soloer like myself this game turned from an enjoyable past time to a grind that is losing its appeal rapidly. IWD DR and Sharandar were impossible with all the lag today as with the new difficulty even 3 weak mobs can waste you.

    Maybe you want everyone to group up all the time and are tired of receiving money from solos. I know I will not be contributing anymore until this game is playable again.

    I'm waiting until 4/23 to start playing again, but considering the patch that went in today and the complete lack of response to 24 pages of negative feedback in another thread, I don't have my hopes up. I got my main up to 70 on 4/12 and haven't played since. Some time this weekend I might log in for a few minutes just to let guildmates know I'm alive, but I have no interest at all in beating my head against the wall dealing with the older campaign zones.

    I came to NWO because it was solo-friendy. I'm waiting on the sidelines until Cryptic takes positive steps that return it to being solo-friendly.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • onegaki101onegaki101 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Sorry but people are blowing the difficulty out of proportion.

    I was able to solo 70 content as a level 68 GF with T2, CN weapons, blue artifacts, and a few boons. Yes, it is harder than before, but it is not impossible. This is a new mod with new tactics. It is no longer just full dps throttle. You have to dodge more and pull in less mobs. Sometimes you will die, but you will get better at surviving once you see the mistakes.

    Lag is a problem and hope they fix it soon.
  • imm0rtalboyimm0rtalboy Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If you really like solo play then max your artifacts and use lvl 70 set with rank 12 ench then test if its hard or not otherwise find good guild or friends and start playing as team
  • taremanutaremanu Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The whole point of this post was the game was fun before, yes I can grind down a group of mobs in the time it used to take to kill 3 times as many. and heaven forbid I accidentally pull 3 more which would have been a slight problem before but sure death now. and with a little lag that critical heal I needed doesn't show on time and its another long trudge back. I have used more injury kits since this patch than I have used since Beta on 15 different toons. That's a ridiculous change.

    Also the way each patch has been (full of promise short of delivery) there is NO WAY I will spend another dime on it until it heads in another direction. i.e. more stability, a lot less bugs, more balance, etc
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    somebody call the whambulance

    everything still dies in seconds, its just that life steal is not so reliable, man up and grow some ffs
    Paladin Master Race
  • tomiri2525tomiri2525 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ehh i got re geared doubled my hp pool most things are possible now dungeons and dailys are not face roll anymore you actually need to use dodge roll now i can still solo alot of it...
  • lastwolf25lastwolf25 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    onegaki101 wrote: »
    Sorry but people are blowing the difficulty out of proportion.

    I was able to solo 70 content as a level 68 GF with T2, CN weapons, blue artifacts, and a few boons. Yes, it is harder than before, but it is not impossible. This is a new mod with new tactics. It is no longer just full dps throttle. You have to dodge more and pull in less mobs. Sometimes you will die, but you will get better at surviving once you see the mistakes.

    Lag is a problem and hope they fix it soon.

    and how you got the blue artifacts? grinding before unless I'm wrong, but what happened to those you recently hit lvl 60 few days BEFORE mod 6 was released, my gear iLvl is 1500 with all blue but the cloak you get when hitting lvl 70, and 95% of the guys i'd asked for help/advice to improve my gear score just answer me "L2P u ****", use your cred card, etc. etc. etc.

    I ran Sharandar 4 days alone from the moment I got access to it, was hard but quite funny actually, with only blues I got mostly there, returned once againt there after hitting lvl 70 and gearing a little with blue lvl 70 gear I found at the 3-men dungeons just to be 1 shoted by a witherer, not even a cyclops or a troll, one simple witherer
  • cheesegromitcheesegromit Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I really need to put more time into some other characters to get some persepctive on this. I've only played the Paladin to 61 and have had no problems with her in Sharandar or Dread Ring. Are things more difficult at 70 than being scaled to 70 from lower levels?

    On preview at least I had no problems with my HR, I got as far as 65 fighting 67 without upgrading any of my gear. I don't know if preview is a valid comparison or whether things have changed. Vault of the Nine seemed tougher on live than on preview but still not a problem.

    Perhaps I'm also sort of lucky since I'm used to a degree of lag playing from New Zealand (ping ~280ms).
  • siomir8siomir8 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    For all you Hardcore types, the solo is done. Maxing out artifacts and enchantments requires cash to get the items you need.

    I don't have cash to spend on buying up anything, so I have to earn it grinding or make it. My best character is a 60CW with 1.3k of gear that took about 700hrs of game time to build, most of that as a 60th level grinding in places like Sharandar. I could move through any area except the Castle there and had even gone into Icewind Dale, managing to survive most of the time there too.

    Disintegrate is a pathetic attempt to make up for nerfing the CW: the bad guys do 10 times their old damage per blow, they move 2-3 times as fast, have less than 1 sec recharge times on their special attacks, and have 50 to 500 percent more hit points than my CW's 25k. Basically a single hit from a boss or two from a powrie finishes the encounter in Sharandar now. My best attack does up to 10k damage with some luck, while my old favourite Fanning the Flames does up to 7k. I need to hit anything with disintegrate many times to even hope to kill it, and I haven't lived long enough against a boss to see how many shots they take. And my best companion is the Halloween special, and she's able to soak off one of a 4 body mob and that's all.

    Considering at 60th level it was tough to survive the skirmishes if the other players didn't know or want to use some team work, the hopes of finding anyone who won't just throw you in to save themselves as they flee are razor thin at best. And the guilds are centered around PVE or PVP, neither of which are any interest, as someone will always have better gear than you, so you die.

    Now I've managed to figure out how to beat encounters that took many, many tries, using all the different strategies, spells and buffs I had, but this is just stupid: one hit and you're dead. I can scramble well enough to survive in the old epic level dungeons, but now I get laid out everywhere, in seconds. To a casual player like myself, this is not a challenge, it is a waste of my time.

    To the management, if I wanted to play DIII, I would. It's boring and has no story line after the initial run through. And I know that you are trying to draw out more cash from the players, but I play this online because I don't have any to spare for entertainment, let alone the lastest booster pack that will let you go into more areas. If it's going to be pay to play, at least be up front about it.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited April 2015
    CW's outlook, solo content:

    Once I got to 70 and got in level 70 blue gear, Sharandar, IWD, DR, and WoD all of a sudden felt similar to Mod 5. They are still a bit more tough and often hit real hard, but they are no longer "look at you, the world dies in agony" strong. The main issue I am seeing from my own observations and perceiving from others comments, is that the scaling and difficulty curve from 60-70 in both scaling and the new zones, is making things feel way harder than they "should."

    I strongly suggest that when you get to 70, or even as soon as you can, break free from your old T2 set gear. Trust me, the new 61-70 gear, even at green quality, is far better. Especially the level 70 gear of uncommon+ is better than our old T2 sets.

    It was hard for me to take off my HV set that I have had and loved for so long, with each piece transmuted (Ilybranduin armor non-free transmutes, mage hat, WB Book) and dyed each piece 1 Winterwolf and 2 Blacks... However, once I did and embraced the new level 70 gear, as well as embraced every feat and boon that gave me HP, Incoming Healing, and Healing Procs, my adventuring got a whole lot easier. I even took up 2k lifesteal and 2.5k regen. I'm now at 2100 IL and rocking most "solo" content just fine. I'm now a far better self-healing Renegade CW than I was before, with almost 60k HP and I am not even in the new Set gear yet nor have my Main Hand. I thought I'd be needing to start using chill stacks, even though I don't on this character's theme build. Still, I am able to play solo content quite well with only being Arcane.

    Once I get my Main Hand, I'll look into group content. Alas, I am a bit weary but will take the plunge soon enough. At least the death's I've had recently were of the mind, "Holy %^$%$, that was a glorious battle. Now I know what to do next time." Where-as before they were just, "..." Yeah, speechless. I've not played any of my other characters yet in the 61-70 zones, so again this is only as a Renegade CW, Spellstorm Mage. Now, to find more hit points! I know I have some, somewhere!

  • milenaelzmilenaelz Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    While I have to agree not to disagree with players who insisted that the game difficulty is just right as at now, my question is how big is this pool of everything-is-ok players?

    Many enjoyed MMO mainly because we have the options to solo or group up if we want to. You take away either one and you WILL lose a huge base of players. I dare say that majority of us, myself included, are casual players with a full time job and most of us are NOT free-to-play players. In order to substitute the long hours needed to grind and farm gears for competitive gameplay, we are willing to pay real money as long as we have fun and enjoy the game.

    What Mod 6 has done is removed those enjoyment and fun for incredibly long and unnecessary grinding, ridiculously more refinement requirements (in order to stay competitive) and lots frustrations (excessive nerfing of our stats).

    Like many players here, I am playing now only to get to level 70 and once there, I will stop. Totally. Cryptic is not getting any more money from me. Not until I feel that this game is playable again.

    As for those who choose to stay and support this broken Mod, good luck and enjoy your company of dwindling pool of players while it last.
    Lvl 70 Divine Oracle
    Lvl 70 Oathbound Paladin
    Lvl 60 Spellstorm Mage
  • grabmooregrabmoore Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    milenaelz wrote: »
    While I have to agree not to disagree with players who insisted that the game difficulty is just right as at now, my question is how big is this pool of everything-is-ok players?

    Many enjoyed MMO mainly because we have the options to solo or group up if we want to. You take away either one and you WILL lose a huge base of players. I dare say that majority of us, myself included, are casual players with a full time job and most of us are NOT free-to-play players. In order to substitute the long hours needed to grind and farm gears for competitive gameplay, we are willing to pay real money as long as we have fun and enjoy the game. What Mod 6 has done is removed those fun and enjoyment for more grinding, power creep and frustrations.

    Like many players here, I am playing now only to get to level 70 and once there, I will stop. Totally. Cryptic is not getting any more money from me. Not until I feel that this game is playable again.

    As for those who choose to stay and support this broken Mod, good luck and enjoy your company of dwindling pool of players while it last.

    I am with you, but please wait til april 24th. It's the day of their promised "big patch". The devs surely had hard times, too.
    Let's see wether they are able to give us some content.

    Heroes of Darkness

    Retired since 02/15
    My opinions are my own. Please do not judge my friends nor guild for my statements.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    grabmoore wrote: »
    I am with you, but please wait til april 24th. It's the day of their promised "big patch". The devs surely had hard times, too.
    Let's see wether they are able to give us some content.

    I've reached 70 and like the earlier post, I've totally stopped playing. I'll monitor the forums to see if the 4/23 patch gives back some survivability, but I've given them the benefit of the doubt enough already. There was more than adequate feedback on the preview forums as to what a mistake the changes would be, and they ignored it all. If the patch returns the ability to solo dailies that would be great, but if it doesn't then I might be out of here for good. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • daggon87daggon87 Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I stopped using augment pet for healer ones, I got a blue lvl 70 armor, my lvl 70 artifact set refined to blue and adapted a bit my tactics (avoiding some hits instead of taking everything). Now, difficulty wise in solo, I already start to get my feelings from last module back. All I could do then, I can still do now, sometimes with a bit more efforts.

    So, sure, difficulty has been upped a bit, but nothing anyone can't adapt to with some efforts. And I imagine soon everything will be too easy again.

    But I was already soloing games like Lineage or DAOC, so I imagine my idea of reasonable difficulty is not exactly OP's one.
    Olaf, freelance guardian fighter.
    Enorla, Oh so devoted cleric.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    morenthar wrote: »
    The leveling content is not hard at all. 60-70 in my Purified BI, soloed 2 giants at a time in IWD pass. Then went to Spinward and got my Main. I died I think 20 times total. If not for the lag I was experiencing, I'm pretty sure that total would have been less than 5.

    Not everyone has the luxury of the survivability purified BI brings.
  • matthiasthehun76matthiasthehun76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What i loved about this game until Mod 6 came out, that i had the freedom to choose, now i feel i am being forced into group content. I know it's an MMO, but c'mon it's ridiculous to be forced in a game, a game should be all about relaxing. Nobody will ever teach me, that losing out on my freedom to choose, what i want to do is more fun. Life is full of restrictions, now sadly this game too.

    Other aspect the Devs forgot is, that in most guilds people play only a few classes actively since broken class issues didn't got fixed, which exist for nearly 2 years now. Most guilds are full of TRs and CWs, cause those classes were successful and became a lot of Dev love over time. So much for diversity. Now if you have kept hold on a much less favored class, it's pretty hard to find a group. Who wants now a GWF, when he dies on spot in a T2 dungeon or a poor GF to come to the game's full time stepchild. Nobody.

    Something different, the social issue. People don't like each other so much as they used to do 70 years ago or so. Life got very hard and the emotions most people developed can't be called, even with the biggest optimism love or friendship and i mean real friendship. Saying bro to each other has a totally different value now, as it used to have in our parents or grandparents youth. So this forcing together won't work out good, trust me. We love our loved ones, but hey even in real life it's good to have a bit of distance sometimes.

    I can only hope, we will get back some part of the old game.

    P.S: Oh yeah, another problem i have discovered and it's especially a part of western world, most people there tend to be bored even with good things to soon. I mean the game was cool, it worked, i understand that that Cryptic needed a clean slate, but why have to throw everything, that was good and a value in this game in the garbage. :confused: Ok difficulty needed a bit of toning, and gear had to be re issued, fine, but why the heck throw everything, every stat, every aspect of the game out.

    I just can hope, Cryptic sees, that most of the users want solo game back and i mean real solo and they give it to us back, this holding each other's hand is too much of a stress.
    The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
    Robert E. Lee

    I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
    Winston Churchill

    The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
    David Icke

  • daggon87daggon87 Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What I would appreciate is a way to get seals for epic armor sets solo too. I'm OK with long grind if I can do it at my own pace.

    Something like the possibility to buy those seals with Dragon Hoard Coffers, or Black Ice, or seals of Unicorn, or seals of Drake for example ... Nothing too complex to code I suppose.
    Olaf, freelance guardian fighter.
    Enorla, Oh so devoted cleric.
  • kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Dread Ring, Sharandar and WoD is soloable when u are using lvl70 gear. I used to get overwhelmed by those mob when i was using my grand warden armor till i switch them to lvl70 pvp set. Everything went like in mod 5 like what zebular said with just a slight difficulty increase.

    Also we need to change the strategy from bursting down the strongest to kill add 1st strategy. The problem with mod 6 mob now is they tough up the trash mob by giving them more hp and made them hit harder so they actually mean something unlike mod 5 where we could just simply ignore them. The trick is always kill the weakest mob 1st. The faster u reduce the size of the mob, the lesser dmg u gonna get and u last longer in the fight.
  • faltiigrimfaltiigrim Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Enemies make better use of combat advantage now too - I don't remember seeing that before. The rogue-types especially will circle around you and dominate you a handful of hits unless you react extremely quickly; really noticeable with the quicklings in Sharandar. Those little buggers will massacre you in a second if they get the drop on you.
  • cheesegromitcheesegromit Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    milenaelz wrote: »
    While I have to agree not to disagree with players who insisted that the game difficulty is just right as at now, my question is how big is this pool of everything-is-ok players?

    Many enjoyed MMO mainly because we have the options to solo or group up if we want to. You take away either one and you WILL lose a huge base of players. I dare say that majority of us, myself included, are casual players with a full time job and most of us are NOT free-to-play players. In order to substitute the long hours needed to grind and farm gears for competitive gameplay, we are willing to pay real money as long as we have fun and enjoy the game.

    I expect it's impossible to get any kind of accurate estimate on the numbers of happy vs unhappy with regards solo difficulty. There's going to be a reliance on player feedback and in the regard I'd be a little surprised if there wasn't a move to scale things back since the 'this game is too hard' threads are a new thing and are likely too stand out. Or course looking at other threads some aren't helping their argument by using typical internet exaggeration in their claims.

    Your second paragraph has largely described me and as it stands I'm in the happy camp. Although as mentioned earlier I do need to put some time into my less tanky characters to see how they fare. I'm not expecting any problems based on my preview experience though.
  • lastwolf25lastwolf25 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'd seen that the only ones who are saying mod6 is perfect are those who have already at least 3 artifacts already purple or maxed out, that means those who had been here for months at max lvl grinding either the dungeons or pvp, so I'm thinkig they are just sayin screw the new players, "we are good all the rest can just start paying or GTFOH", hell, when I hit lvl 60 as I said already 4 days before mod6 arrival, tried to enter CC with my almost full blue gear hardly won at sharandar, when i finally found a group, got kicked before even finishing to load the dungeon map at all, only thing I got from that, my first and so far only and last try to visit a dungeon ( and not even an epic dungeon) with the sole response of " we are not accepting anyone without gear rating of at least 10k in this team so get lot you ****"
    So I'm asking right here and now to everyone who'd been here in game for months or since beta how can a newbie can get epic gear, if you are kicking everyone from those dungeons making it impossible to anyone who wants to get good gear to keep enjoying the game, if you are just putting them out from were they can get the gear they want.
    And please, just don't come with the excluse of just use your cred card cause not everyone can or want to spend money on a game
  • mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    lastwolf25 wrote: »
    I'd seen that the only ones who are saying mod6 is perfect are those who have already at least 3 artifacts already purple or maxed out, that means those who had been here for months at max lvl grinding either the dungeons or pvp, so I'm thinkig they are just sayin screw the new players, "we are good all the rest can just start paying or GTFOH", hell, when I hit lvl 60 as I said already 4 days before mod6 arrival, tried to enter CC with my almost full blue gear hardly won at sharandar, when i finally found a group, got kicked before even finishing to load the dungeon map at all, only thing I got from that, my first and so far only and last try to visit a dungeon ( and not even an epic dungeon) with the sole response of " we are not accepting anyone without gear rating of at least 10k in this team so get lot you ****"
    So I'm asking right here and now to everyone who'd been here in game for months or since beta how can a newbie can get epic gear, if you are kicking everyone from those dungeons making it impossible to anyone who wants to get good gear to keep enjoying the game, if you are just putting them out from were they can get the gear they want.
    And please, just don't come with the excluse of just use your cred card cause not everyone can or want to spend money on a game

    Get a guild/group.
  • cyencecyence Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The new zones have great solo potential if the rewards from the quests were worthwhile and drops as well. Right now, the only reason to be there is the gond event, and even that is just button mashing waiting to see what the real patch will bring.
  • lastwolf25lastwolf25 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Get a guild/group.

    what part of I got kicked from every single group for dungeons/daily missions kicked me cause my gear wasn't epic lvl you don't understood? And even better when I asked for advice, not even for help just got a full salvo of spam pm's insulting me, and you want me to find a guild to play with, this is turning even worst than DDO at least after 1 character you know that unless you start paying you can't pass lvl 8 cause you have to buy every single dungeon map above that lvl, but you take 3 months to reach that lvl before realizing it
  • mifiisumifiisu Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    daggon87 wrote: »
    What I would appreciate is a way to get seals for epic armor sets solo too. I'm OK with long grind if I can do it at my own pace.

    Something like the possibility to buy those seals with Dragon Hoard Coffers, or Black Ice, or seals of Unicorn, or seals of Drake for example ... Nothing too complex to code I suppose.

    Oh yes. I'd sign a petition for that if such things were allowed on the forums :)
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    A consistent theme in these discussions is that those that are happy with Mod 6 solo content are pretty much all long-time players who went into the module with BiS (or near) gear and masses of AD. Of course they've been able to 'adapt' to the new difficulty. heck, if I had maxed gear and a bottomless pot of AD I'd be happy too.

    Newer/poorer/less well equipped players are having a totally different experience.

    There's also the effect of what class and build you're playing. My Sab TR is cruising through the levelling content; my Renegade CW likewise; my Archer HR? Not so much. And I haven't even attempted my SW yet.

    Mod 6 has split the player base like never before.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    A consistent theme in these discussions is that those that are happy with Mod 6 solo content are pretty much all long-time players who went into the module with BiS (or near) gear and masses of AD. Of course they've been able to 'adapt' to the new difficulty. heck, if I had maxed gear and a bottomless pot of AD I'd be happy too.

    Newer/poorer/less well equipped players are having a totally different experience.

    There's also the effect of what class and build you're playing. My Sab TR is cruising through the levelling content; my Renegade CW likewise; my Archer HR? Not so much. And I haven't even attempted my SW yet.

    Mod 6 has split the player base like never before.

    I have three new lv60s which I have no intention of spending any money or AD on as I've done with my main TR character. I'm not having any of such problems at all. I've decided to not enter lv70 zones for the time being and simply concentrate on finishing vigilance quests and getting them to lv70, as well as run daily WoD missions to get the lv65 blues. The only 'problems' I have, is that I die a bit more often than I used to in WoD, and that's it.
  • digitalwarfaresdigitalwarfares Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Newer/poorer/less well equipped players are having a totally different experience.

    Mod 6 has split the player base like never before.

    Very well said. The players who are in that 1 percentile of players who have the income, resources and equipment to adapt to the changes are those at the forefront of the pro-change movement. If the changes in this game are in no small part due to this player base giving the thumbs up - Then unfortunately the game will fall flat on its face and people will just leave before seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (end-game). Any mmorpg that is in some way motivated by the opinions of the wealthy in-game players and the well-geared veterans is almost always the birth pains of its death, because their opinions are not that of the majority of the player base. It's like the head of a major corporation saying how wonderful life is at the moment during the recession - because to him he is barely effected by any of it. Where as those who work and are far less fortunate find themselves miserable and having a terrible time. This is the case right now with Neverwinter.

    Since the release of the update there has been a steady decline in users playing the game. Just check the stats. Anticipation was met with utter disappointment. Can you blame them. No.
  • x3n0forumx3n0forum Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So far I'm having a blast thanks to the new difficulty with my CW, a.k.a. the most broken control-heavy class that always cruised through solo PvE content, and is equipped with a notoriously tanky set.
    I haven't play my tanky-healer DC as much, but as far as I can tell, it's rather tedious: damage sucks, but I just need one heal encounter slotted to survive.
    I have barely played with my HR beyond the first areas, so I can't conclude anything regarding that particular class.

    So yeah, if you need to carry around purple healers and/or t3 sets to enjoy the new difficulty, I'd say something is going wrong.

    Does anyone know how the new areas play from a fresh 60's perspective? Or the rest of the game for that matter?
  • alphatapiralphatapir Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The opinions about Mod6 are mixed and my own experinces are very mixed indeed. Back in the day when PWE/Cryptic asked for expectations about Mod6 I replied "a lot of bugs and a huge downturn." Although my prediction was flatout hated and therefore deleted it still shows that I was quite right.

    My main is a DC. I have got a secondary TR, but I would have to invest serious money into her to get her anywhere close to "suitable for Mod6" which I am not willing to. Besides: I loved the Mod5-DC. Back in the day the devs made a move and changed the DC-class in a way that it did not feel like being the gramps in the wheelchair you need to carry along on a family event. That mechanics have been dropped entirely and the DC is back to where it once was where it took months and months of hammering it into the devs that the DC is not fun to play because there is no reward in healing.

    Sure, with Mod6 I can heal crazy amounts of HP (5mil HP in a "one go" eLOL anyone?) but I deal close to zero damage. Since Mod6 as a DC one can either play "the regular content" at some halfway acceptable pace - but at the price that nobody will ever party with you. Or you respec into a "pre MOd4 Healingdrone" - and lose any ability to participate in those events that rely on "kill as much stuff as possible as fast as possible" because you don't do any noticable damage anymore.

    Oh and of course we are back to "whenever anything fails: blame the DC." It is always the DCs fault. Everywhere. Tiamat laggy? Blame the DCs using some power. Wipe at some trashmob? Blame the DC. TR not having any noticabel burstdamage? Blame the DC. Tank failing to tank? Blame the DC. I won't go into players dodging BoH and AS or players simply running away from a DC. The stupidity and ignorance one can observe in dungeon is... astonishing, to say the least. But for a player who is into that class this is more than just "a nuisance". It is destroying the game, turning it into a frustrating mess where whatever you do, you can not do it right. Ever. Best you can hope for is not being accused at the end of a run.

    There is no solid middleway for a DC in terms of feats. You can not spec "heal some, deal some." The paragons simply do not allow for that. It is either "healing" (two paragons dedicated to healing, nothing that contibutes to damage dealing) OR deal damage (one paragon dedicated to dealing damage and ONLY damage.) Those powers that would have allowed a mix have been stripped of either damage or heal. Provided you really wanted to go 50-50, you have to forget about the "Capstone Feat" and drop the most powerful class-feats. You might be able to get some mediocre half this - half that char from that. But in the end this will not get you into party
    or dungeon, because "you can not heal!" and will not satisfy you with your dailies because you do not deal damage. Check out the DC class-forum for advice on how to spec a DC. Since Mod6 there is mostly emptiness, cluelessness and frustrated "go healingdrone." - But nobody is really happy.

    For the fun of it a friend of mine and myself gave it a shot. He's a half way mainstream CW. Nothing fancy. We went to different instances of the Firey Pit, The Grand Forge. "How long does it take to clear the forge?" You know? The plaza with the wells in the center. After about one and a half minutes he was done - at about that time i was finishing my first mob-group. This is only to give you a perspective about "mobs diying easily" when you are a lvl 70 DC with beyond 3k itemlevel.

    So here I am with in excess of 3K "itemlevel", i have invested hundreds of days of playtime and some money here and there. The game once again has been turned into "no, you don't play a dc for fun." So... is that it? I can not use my dragon hoard enchantments (provided they are working at all which is a whole different matter) to get RP because I can not kill anything. So I can not improve artifacts / gear at a reasonable pace. In the end this forces me to either pay hundreds of Euro / US Dollar to continue playing anything reasonable (buy Blood Diamonds for RP), or go back to damagedealer and never be taken into dungeon hence being forced to be a "lonewolf" which is exactly what Mod6 want's to root out) or drop the game alltogether.

    I really can not say I am happy with Mod6. Not everything is bad in those changes. There is a ton of nice stuff in there. But for the DC-class Mod6 is by far less then ideal and as things are now this makes Neverwinter Online a "less than desireable" game.

    Just my 2cent.
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