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A day in the life of a neverwinter player

overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
edited January 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
Haven't played for a few days because the game seems to be growing stale.

Log in my favorite character and invoke.

Dungeons being incredibly easy and dropping loot that is easily bought off the AH, I do not do a dungeon delve. The foundry lacking anything interesting other than works of fairly good amateur fiction I pass on foundry- If I want a good storyline right now I'd be reading a book and not playing a game.

I do my professions.

Open the AH to see if there is anything I want. Nope. Already have everything I want. Close it.

Que for pvp because even though pve content is sure to be a bore (done it all a million times, no drops you cant get elsewhere, not challenging) pvp at least has a slight chance of being entertaining.

15 minutes later the que pops.

Before the match starts one of the players on my team disconnects. We lose the match. No glory, no challenge, no gameplay no fun.

I log off neverwinter and do something else, seriously reflecting on why I still occasionally log in to the game.

Your parent company is losing money because you are losing players in droves. http://mmoculture.com/2014/11/perfect-world-income-down-due-to-falling-number-of-neverwinter-players/

Your game isn't fun anymore.

Please give us a reason to keep coming back.

(p.s. if it was just me unhappy with the game and coming here to complain, the game would not be losing so many players that the parent company would blame the poor performance of its north american division for the parent companies hurting profits. Like a caring friend, I am concerned. I want it to get better.)
Post edited by overdriver13 on


  • actausactaus Member Posts: 64
    edited January 2015
    Haven't played for a few days because the game seems to be growing stale.

    Log in my favorite character and invoke.

    Dungeons being incredibly easy and dropping loot that is easily bought off the AH, I do not do a dungeon delve. The foundry lacking anything interesting other than works of fairly good amateur fiction I pass on foundry- If I want a good storyline right now I'd be reading a book and not playing a game.

    I do my professions.

    Open the AH to see if there is anything I want. Nope. Already have everything I want. Close it.

    Que for pvp because even though pve content is sure to be a bore (done it all a million times, no drops you cant get elsewhere, not challenging) pvp at least has a slight chance of being entertaining.

    15 minutes later the que pops.

    Before the match starts one of the players on my team disconnects. We lose the match. No glory, no challenge, no gameplay no fun.

    I log off neverwinter and do something else, seriously reflecting on why I still occasionally log in to the game.

    Your parent company is losing money because you are losing players in droves. http://mmoculture.com/2014/11/perfect-world-income-down-due-to-falling-number-of-neverwinter-players/

    Your game isn't fun anymore.

    Please give us a reason to keep coming back.

    (p.s. if it was just me unhappy with the game and coming here to complain, the game would not be losing so many players that the parent company would blame the poor performance of its north american division for the parent companies hurting profits. Like a caring friend, I am concerned. I want it to get better.)

    With the greater respect, it's not like what you think. Many players in US doesn't support p2w, while people like in China spend a lot of money on their characters. Wish I could go into the further details, but my time is limited at the moment. However, just how many players spend over 100$ a month on a f2p game. I bet none, but very few.

    There is just more to this story. But, trust me, Never Winter is a good game. Module 6 is on its way and we can expect much more in near future. By the way, something like "company economy" is usually discussed privately. So, don't trust everything that is on the Internet. In terms of the game content, I'm sure "we" players can vote and eventually do something about it. But it's not going to be 100% how we all want, and remember.. this game is f2p (p2w optional), that means, you can pretty much expect the "what the heck!". If you know what I mean ;) lol
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i dont even queue for pvp, no point pvping on gwf if i have only 19.5k gs, class is pile of **** now

    tia ? spend 20 min in a boring zerg, @ 0.5 fps half the time thanks to friendly clerics
    dungeons - worthless
    alts - impossible with all the boons, artifacts and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>

    so i just do leadership and invoke, chat with guild - the only reason im still logging on

    its not prices or smth its just that cryptic dont care about feedback, there are countless threads about issues and great ides how to fix them, but nothing is being done, RP system still here, piercing damage still here, gwf still <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> unless BiS
    Paladin Master Race
  • henry404henry404 Member Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The thing is, sometimes you just outgrow a game. Maybe have a break, then come back for Mod 6 and see how you feel.

    The game is launching in China and on XBox and no-one really knows what that means for the commercial future of the game so speculating about it is not very useful.
  • theevilskeevertheevilskeever Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2015
    burkaanc wrote: »
    tia ? spend 20 min in a boring zerg, @ 0.5 fps half the time thanks to friendly clerics

    Oh yes, without clerics Tiamat won't be as laggy. Absolutely. Because gamers who play as clerics are responsible for developers producing bugged content and for marketers forcing the developers to put said content out without proper testing. I understand the pain (i can't even complete Tia in one instance, because it crashes), but how about putting the blame where it's belong?
  • neirgaraneirgara Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Everybody wants this game to be successful.

    Sadly, everyone has a different opinion about what makes the game successful.

    The mothership for example is not directly involved about the details of this game and makes decisions only based on numbers. They are, understandably, interested in profits. Based on this, they make demands, which the company has to fulfil.

    The company itself is also interested in profit, because that’s, what they need to meet the mothership’s expectations. But they are also interested in long-term success, because that helps them to get steady income. One should not forget, that the company itself has to justify many of their decisions to the mothership, so they also believe in the success of the taken route. That can be a vers difficult task, depending on how much the mothership intervenes in these decisions.

    The Devs are interested in long-term deployment, because that’s, what they need to feed their families and pay their rents. For that they have to meet the demands of the company, to implement their decisions for profit. They also have to meet the demands of the players, which are those, that grant the success of the game. Sadly, they have to justify their decisions, based on the companies demands to the players and vice versa, as both will affect costs and payments. This is one of the most difficult tasks.

    It is nearly impossible for us, to discuss internal decisions and processes, as there are many things, we don’t know, like for example the motherships demands to the company or the profit-cost-calculation of the company. Also, we don’t know, what tasks are assigned to the Devs by their superiors and what time they get for these tasks.

    All we can do, is, to use these forums to let the Devs know our thoughts, so they can give feedback, and try to keep it as objective and productive, as possible, to give our feedback more credibility. Also, we have the possibility, to let our wallets speak. That means, if you don’t pay anything for this game, keep it that way (and accept, that you have to take what you get, because it’s a gift), and if you pay, then stop doing it.

    Beside these things, keep positive and try to get as much fun as possible.


    Is it an official PE statement, that they “loose” players? And that this is the reason for reduced profits? So far, the link only states, that is was mentioned (but not where, by whom and in what context)

    And what kind of players is going? Paying ones? Non-Paying ones?

    A decision has to be based on these facts, because for example it could be more profitable to let non-paying players go and motivate paying-players into paying more.

    This link does not provide a good argument, because PE has far more information on that topic, than you and is deciding things based on it.

    Everything before that is much better feedback, because it shows WHY some players are going and what they really want.
  • poisoncloudpoisoncloud Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    True, the main blame does go to devs for making some cleric skills cause some lag and not fixing it asap. Still, it would help abit if till it's fixed, the use of Astral Seal got limited or at least reserved to outside Tiamat... And in many runs it's not only used but also stacked multiple times which makes things way worse...
    On the plus side, clerics contribute very nicely to Tiamat kill rate with Divine Glow, Prophecy of Doom and High Prophet set bonus - that is, if they choose to use any of those.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    henry404 wrote: »
    The thing is, sometimes you just outgrow a game. Maybe have a break, then come back for Mod 6 and see how you feel.

    Exactly this. It's ok if you're bored. It happens with every single game out there. And I know right now we're at a point where a lot of people have "finished" Module 5, and there's not much new to do until Module 6, which is fine.

    Just take a break. When Module 6 launches with a whole new level of content, come back and enjoy it.

    If you're not having fun, there's not point in throwing yourself against that wall every day.

    With a F2P game like Neverwinter, the Devs know (and expect) that there will be an ebb and flow to the players as new content is released, and as it gets old. That's why they try very hard to put out new content every 3 months or so, because they know that's about the life-cycle of the average player. You need to get them re-hooked every 3 months or so, if you're going to retain their long-term interest in the game.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • zshikarazshikara Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I recently found myself coming back and bringing my mate with me. I love Neverwinter and I don't think that's going to change for a long time.

    This game is NOT pay to win. I really wish people would stop falsely spreading that. All of the power I've gained through the game I have earned with in game currency. I have bought a few things, but that's the dragonborn race and bank slots and a mount. None of that is giving me extra power.
    Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting http://goo.gl/1zfnTS to apply!
    Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
  • neirgaraneirgara Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Yes, that is a problem, deserving something like an emergency fix, as it has a great impact on a very important part (at least at the moment) of the game and would be easy to justify in correlation to receding profits (though it could be difficult, if too many impatient players begin paying huge amounts of money for AD so they can buy chests and get their Linus Favor by doing the Dragon Hoard Quest)

    But I think, I remember one of the Community Managers saying, that they escalated it and it's importance to the devs and that they are looking into it, but have not yet found a smooth solution.

    I imagine there is some coding solution that would either cause a major downtime or so much repairing everywhere, that it would take too much Dev time. But I'm no programmer....
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    I am sorry but doomsaying threads are not allowed. If you can re-construct this without the purveyance of players quitting, you may re-post it. For if left as is, it will continue to just become a back and forth bickering debate between doomsayers and their polar opposites, with players in the middle going, "huh?" Please read our rules of conduct before hand. Thanks!

    Safe travels,
    Archmage Zebular of Mystryl

    PWE Community Moderator
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