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any real guilds here?

overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
Guilds that have scheduled times and days to grind/do heroics/dungeons/pvp together. I have been in a couple dozen guilds since starting here and I never once saw a guild that does what I am describing. Yet it seems normal and natural in guilds on other games.

There are scheduled slots in each 24 hour day, and every slot has what the group would be doing. You sign up according to role (dps/heal/tank) until the 5 spots of each slot is taken up. If ten people want to do the same thing at the same time, a guild officer simply creates a second slot for that time. Party leaders are the most experienced ones and teach newer players as they go through.

Any guilds like this exist in this game?

I know the better guilds seem to have officers or leader types that recruit among the online players when they feel like doing x y or z, but really everything seems like "pick up games". Pugs. Within guilds. The difference being the pug is organized on the fly within the guild rather than qued up. Such a far cry from guilds I have been in in other games where some end game content was so difficult you would plan for a week and carefully select your party just to avoid a fail.

Pve and pvp is so so so much more fun and character progression is so much more efficient and rewarding when you do it is a group. Like to focus on pvp: A new member/new level 60 would guided through, have a spot on a regular grinding team to relatively quickly grind out boons, artifact weapons, and glory.

Any guild here do this kind of thing? Hit me up.
Post edited by overdriver13 on


  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Guilds that have scheduled times and days to grind/do heroics/dungeons/pvp together. I have been in a couple dozen guilds since starting here and I never once saw a guild that does what I am describing. Yet it seems normal and natural in guilds on other games.

    There are scheduled slots in each 24 hour day, and every slot has what the group would be doing. You sign up according to role (dps/heal/tank) until the 5 spots of each slot is taken up. If ten people want to do the same thing at the same time, a guild officer simply creates a second slot for that time. Party leaders are the most experienced ones and teach newer players as they go through.

    Any guilds like this exist in this game?

    I know the better guilds seem to have officers or leader types that recruit among the online players when they feel like doing x y or z, but really everything seems like "pick up games". Pugs. Within guilds. The difference being the pug is organized on the fly within the guild rather than qued up. Such a far cry from guilds I have been in in other games where some end game content was so difficult you would plan for a week and carefully select your party just to avoid a fail.

    I haven't seen much of it, then again we don't have content that is setup to need more than one person with a clue to complete. There is no need for tanks, healers, etc, when you can burn everything down in seconds. The problem isn't the guilds, it's the content.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    I haven't seen much of it, then again we don't have content that is setup to need more than one person with a clue to complete. There is no need for tanks, healers, etc, when you can burn everything down in seconds. The problem isn't the guilds, it's the content.

    PvP being essentially endless endgame content, I don't see it the same way. PVE is a means to improving your character in pvp. Current pvp guilds either seem entirely inept as guilds or they are the "leets" who instead of home-growing and developing their members as teams and players, they cherry pick 20k gs players from each other and lesser guilds, constantly. Even the pre-60 guilds are this way though they are generally just inept. It would just make sense for pvp guilds to draft and develop players the same way as major league professional sports teams- with pre-60 "farm teams (guilds)" where players learn how to play and characters are empowered in getting ready for "the big leagues". It is easy to walk right past all of the dragon content before your 60 and have to do a weeks worth of catching up at 60, or to not know to buy a cheap green second artifact and just constantly feed it from low levels on up to sixty so you at least have two purples at 60, or to forego leadership or jeweler or weapon professions and so have a semi-gimped level 60 character with no good source of ad, no real progress towards two-slot rings, no progress towards fallen dragon weapons.

    How many sub10k gs level 60's do you see walking around? Wayyyy too many. There is just being ignorant of what is needed to empower your character along the way and there is being totally devoted to character progression and learning and doing all of that yourself. But in the massive space between is actually mentoring newer players and simply guiding them through the maze here.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    PvP being essentially endless endgame content, I don't see it the same way. PVE is a means to improving your character in pvp. Current pvp guilds either seem entirely inept as guilds or they are the "leets" who instead of home-growing and developing their members as teams and players, they cherry pick 20k gs players from each other and lesser guilds, constantly. Even the pre-60 guilds are this way though they are generally just inept. It would just make sense for pvp guilds to draft and develop players the same way as major league professional sports teams- with pre-60 "farm teams (guilds)" where players learn how to play and characters are empowered in getting ready for "the big leagues". It is easy to walk right past all of the dragon content before your 60 and have to do a weeks worth of catching up at 60, or to not know to buy a cheap green second artifact and just constantly feed it from low levels on up to sixty so you at least have two purples at 60, or to forego leadership or jeweler or weapon professions and so have a semi-gimped level 60 character with no good source of ad, no real progress towards two-slot rings, no progress towards fallen dragon weapons.

    How many sub10k gs level 60's do you see walking around? Wayyyy too many. There is just being ignorant of what is needed to empower your character along the way and there is being totally devoted to character progression and learning and doing all of that yourself. But in the massive space between is actually mentoring newer players and simply guiding them through the maze here.

    Well from a pvp perspective what do you expect? Lets face it, you don't get proper matchmaking, so most the time you don't get a good match, elo is all kinds of weird with the leaderboard, which because of some oddness with the elo system and exploits is completely meaningless, and the constant string of fotm class, serious pvp'ers have left and found better games for pvp. What's left are what I would term wannabe pvp'ers. They aren't the elite, and honestly if you want either an endgame pvp or pve guild, you need a few elites at the very least.

    I keep hoping for a change in the game, some of the mods have been good, beta (minus the exploits) was good content for the type of playerbase they were shooting for, the problem is that mods 3-5 have been dismal failures imo.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    Here is the deal, dungeons are not worth running. Open world PVP is dead (bad design, lack of rewards). Tiamat is a pug zergfest.

    The only thing I see to make guilds for is for 5-man PVP and that is why there are high end PVP guilds. Even then, there are fewer and fewer PVP guilds so that just proves PVP isn't immune to the endgame problems Neverwinter has.
  • rhodahrhodah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You do not need a guild to play Neverwinter (except for GG). A guild is a place where you find like-minded players you can trust more than pugs or people you meet in a channel. A guild makes it easier for you to group with people. My guild is a place where people are having fun together. We play legit, we focus on the person behind the keyboard, we are family-friendly. We are active in several games and exist since 2001. Interest in a game comes and goes but the guild and the people in the guild persist. That's why I am in a guild.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    Well from a pvp perspective what do you expect? Lets face it, you don't get proper matchmaking, so most the time you don't get a good match, elo is all kinds of weird with the leaderboard, which because of some oddness with the elo system and exploits is completely meaningless, and the constant string of fotm class, serious pvp'ers have left and found better games for pvp. What's left are what I would term wannabe pvp'ers. They aren't the elite, and honestly if you want either an endgame pvp or pve guild, you need a few elites at the very least.

    I keep hoping for a change in the game, some of the mods have been good, beta (minus the exploits) was good content for the type of playerbase they were shooting for, the problem is that mods 3-5 have been dismal failures imo.

    I do not think all pvpers left here are wannabes. Most of them have just been here awhile and don't want to totally bouce on something they have significant time and money invested in. Of course there needs to be some elite players in every guild, that is not what I meant. I meant a guild should grow at least some of its won elite players and not just scam them from other guilds.

    Premade vs premade is the only real competition in pvp and it is what pvp guilds live for. PVP is entirely broken from a pug standpoint but from a premade standpoint it is winwinwin boring win against pugs until you get against another guild premade.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    rhodah wrote: »
    You do not need a guild to play Neverwinter (except for GG). A guild is a place where you find like-minded players you can trust more than pugs or people you meet in a channel. A guild makes it easier for you to group with people. My guild is a place where people are having fun together. We play legit, we focus on the person behind the keyboard, we are family-friendly. We are active in several games and exist since 2001. Interest in a game comes and goes but the guild and the people in the guild persist. That's why I am in a guild.

    I don't disagree with that but again, guilds largely seem to be slightly more trustworthy versions of the general nw population. There is little to no organization.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    PVP is entirely broken from a pug standpoint but from a premade standpoint it is winwinwin boring win against pugs until you get against another guild premade.

    That's completely broken from a premade standpoint too.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    That's completely broken from a premade standpoint too.

    Not exactly since a real premade consists of the same comps with full BIS players going against full BIS players.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Not exactly since a real premade consists of the same comps with full BIS players going against full BIS players.

    My understanding is that doesn't happen since elo was introduced as queueing at the same time doesn't work now.
  • dragoness10dragoness10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    In reply I am reading the initial post here for the questions it has.

    Whilst not quite that micro-organized there are guilds that do regular runs/ events/ PvP times, etc. Sometimes you don't get a perfect match of guild for the first, third, or fifth you try. Pug with a guild a bit first, read up their description, and test the waters before joining one. The best guilds have people that talk with you, not at you.

    I have more reply, but it looks like an advert so self-editing here.
    " I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep

    "Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."

    "Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Speaking strictly from a PVE perspective - no I have not seen the type of guild that you describe. But that type of guild is not necessary here.

    I have been a member of a couple of guilds, and like rhodah said, the good ones are social clubs that have many good, knowledgeable people willing to help new characters gear up or to give advice on builds and the like, and with many people online at various times throughout the day so there is generally someone also online with you if you want to do something.

    If you want super-hard content that requires such careful planning as to necessitate advanced sign-ups and the like, this is not your game. It ought to be obvious to everyone by now that Cryptic caters to the casual player. We are never going to get super-hard content. I predict that in the next mod, if there is a new dungeon (I hope), it will have an entry requirement of about 15k and will have been successfully completed within 3 hours of it being unlocked, and there will be people on the forums a few seconds afterwards complaining about how easy it is. You know, just like now.

    But for the average casual player, whose most geared character might only be 15k or 16k, the dungeon will actually be a struggle.

    This game isn't for people who want to struggle so bad with the content that they beat their heads against the wall. This game is for people who want a fun casual experience with a game that has easy-to-learn mechanics.
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    not know to buy a cheap green second artifact and just constantly feed it from low levels on up to sixty so you at least have two purples at 60, or to forego leadership or jeweler or weapon professions and so have a semi-gimped level 60 character with no good source of ad, no real progress towards two-slot rings, no progress towards fallen dragon weapons.
    But in the massive space between is actually mentoring newer players and simply guiding them through the maze here.

    Wait, what? I had to check the date of the post, in case it was a massive necro thread... If your advice is to fret about the Fallen Dragon set, then I hope you don't take it upon yourself to "mentor" too many players. Time very badly spent.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    My understanding is that doesn't happen since elo was introduced as queueing at the same time doesn't work now.

    The leaderboard also contributed to its decline as well as overall population decreasing and guilds dying in general.
  • dragoness10dragoness10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Derped a repeat post. Sorry.
    " I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep

    "Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."

    "Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    Module 6 was just announced. Let's hope for some guild integration into game mechanics instead of forcing people to pug Tiamat
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Module 6 was just announced. Let's hope for some guild integration into game mechanics instead of forcing people to pug Tiamat

    two guilds in 16 months of play time and basically both are dead, both had over 300 people at one time.

    So that just shows you the turnover in neverwinter, its the highest of any game Ive played.

    However, I stopped looking for guilds, just join legit, have a good attitude, dont cheat (game or people) and you will be accepted, for the most part.

    Even in legit , no one runs content (a few mc/vt ) a few elols and a random t2 is all your going to get. WE do try to get into tiamat together, but if you get ten people in one instance, your doing grand honestly.

    There just isnt much going on in game that requires grouping and no need for high end raid guilds. Which is fine by me, I chose neverwinter ,not to raid specifically, but of course they replaced raid grinding with RP grinding, so , meh, maybe Ill go back to a raiding game again at some point.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »
    two guilds in 16 months of play time and basically both are dead, both had over 300 people at one time.

    So that just shows you the turnover in neverwinter, its the highest of any game Ive played.

    Oh trust me, dozens and dozens of well known guilds with 100+members are practically dead. There is only 1 guild with more than 100+members.
    silverkelt wrote: »
    Even in legit , no one runs content (a few mc/vt ) a few elols and a random t2 is all your going to get. WE do try to get into tiamat together, but if you get ten people in one instance, your doing grand honestly.

    There just isnt much going on in game that requires grouping and no need for high end raid guilds. Which is fine by me, I chose neverwinter ,not to raid specifically, but of course they replaced raid grinding with RP grinding, so , meh, maybe Ill go back to a raiding game again at some point.

    Nobody likes RP grinding. People want to run challenging dungeons/raids with their friends to get BIS gear.
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    rhodah wrote: »
    A guild is a place where you find like-minded players you can trust more than pugs or people you meet in a channel. A guild makes it easier for you to group with people. My guild is a place where people are having fun together. We play legit, we focus on the person behind the keyboard, we are family-friendly. We are active in several games and exist since 2001. Interest in a game comes and goes but the guild and the people in the guild persist. That's why I am in a guild.

    This is a great quote. And hits the ball out of the park.

    Guilds are an AWESOME place to socialize and adventure with people you meet. You dont....... HAVE........ to join any guild, in ANY GAME.

    You.... WANT.... to join a guild. THAT's the way to think.

    Neverwinter is so geared to casual solo play that it has without question by design destroyed many guilds. There's not many FOUNDERS guilds left, and I know that for a fact.

    So what the hell is the solution then?

    It takes each player to realize... do I want to rush through Neverwinter with my blinders on .. get to end game... then find a new game on STEAM to play??? If so, NO GUILD is for you, in ANY GAME.

    But, if you WANT to find good folk... there ARE GUILDS that are strong in Neverwinter. We are one of those guilds.

    Yes, the turnover rate is huge, even in a guild like ours. But we also do have those from the very beginning still with us. Like Ghosty, and Rhoric... both very strong guild leaders that are walking encyclopedias of Neverwinter who will run with you today! :)

    Tyrs Paladium will be around until Cryptic shuts the Neverwinter servers. We are a PROUD FOUNDERS GUILD, and we are going nowhere. Ya hear!? :)

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    It takes each player to realize... do I want to rush through Neverwinter with my blinders on .. get to end game... then find a new game on STEAM to play??? If so, NO GUILD is for you, in ANY GAME.

    While it is true that you shouldn't be forced to join a guild in any game, the best MMOs have good incentives to entice players to join a guild other than the friendship aspect.

    Its all about balance you see and now more than ever, there has been no relevant tangible reason set forth by the developers to entice people to join and fill up their guilds.
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    While it is true that you shouldn't be forced to join a guild in any game, the best MMOs have good incentives to entice players to join a guild other than the friendship aspect.

    Yea I disagree in concept here. Camaraderie is the #1 reason people join, and the #1 reason why people stay in a guild in most games. Can Cryptic add extra hooks, sure. But the main reason should be the people in the guild itself.
    Its all about balance you see and now more than ever, there has been no relevant tangible reason set forth by the developers to entice people to join and fill up their guilds.

    I agree. Perhaps this will change this year with guild updates. Thusfar, in Neverwinter your GUILD has to offer them the reason to join and stay. Not the game alone.

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    We've turned more people away, and let people go than probably any guild in Neverwinter. We have a niche, and we do our niche extremely well. So for us, its not about being the largest guild in the game. We dont care about your gear score, and we don't care about what class you play. We want to have the best personalities, who participate in the camaraderie of the guild.

    So REAL GUILDs in Neverwinter exist. The ones who exist for the long haul need to have a niche and a plan and stick to it. Because if you don't, you'll go the way of the SONY Beta faster than you can say "Mr. Mxyzptlk"

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    Yea I disagree in concept here. Camaraderie is the #1 reason people join, and the #1 reason why people stay in a guild in most games. Can Cryptic add extra hooks, sure. But the main reason should be the people in the guild itself.

    I disagree to an extent. It is upon the game and its developers to design a world wherein you have systems in place to incentive players to join a guild. I know your guild and your style of thinking however, the vast majority and average MMO player is driven by a reward-based system. Why do dungeons drop loot? Why do quests give rewards? Why are the non-epic heroic encounters in Icewind Pass dead shortly after its release?

    You stated camaraderie. That is an aspect of it. If the developers designed difficult actual raids, challenging dungeons, guild activities, guild wars etc,

    When this game was booming, I've seen dozens and dozens of PVE and PVP guilds with 100+ members with the goal of completing these reward-based systems. I don't think there were nearly as many guilds whose primary goal is to provide camaraderie.

    Even today, the biggest guilds GreyCloaks, Essence of Aggression and the Absolute/Purple Dragons (whatever alliance they are) all exist to help their players accomplish specific tasks to gain rewards whether it is PVE or PVP.

    Those are what most guilds are in other MMOs and in my opinion, the best, most successful MMOs always have good systems to incentive guilds.
  • jumboyetjumboyet Member Posts: 211 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    lol if the game cannot come up with content and creative adventures for a guild its up to the players to keep the game alive in any possible way ever. Thats a good thought, but i can only last for so long.

    If this game is supposed to call itself an MMO for much longer, it has to have some content for guilds. ATM the "raid" or heroic encounter cant even be done with your guild.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I disagree to an extent. It is upon the game and its developers to design a world wherein you have systems in place to incentive players to join a guild.

    The problem is, that kind of thinking sets up guilds as little more then places people join simply for the perks and incentives. If you took the time and effort to run a guild would you really want to have members who only join to get the most incentives the system can offer, or who join simply because they want to be there?
  • sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited January 2015
    A new member/new level 60 would guided through, have a spot on a regular grinding team to relatively quickly grind out boons, artifact weapons, and glory.

    Nah, in this game people don't help out new players to quickly achieve anything. For example, you most likely won't gear up fast through a few runs of dungeons because you're expected to only greed on loot even if you need it. Why? For them to get the chance to sell the loot you would otherwise need. This is considered fair, because apparently, in a guild, no one would spend their time to help out if they weren't guaranteed equal chances on the loot. It doesn't matter if they had an alt that could use your help in return or not. Yes, this is different from any other MMO out there yet it still makes sense to guild leaders.
  • sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited January 2015
    But, if you WANT to find good folk... there ARE GUILDS that are strong in Neverwinter.

    So? What is this? What does your guild offer? Cause 'good people' doesn't mean a whole lot, good in what way - they greet you back when you say hello on guild chat? They are nice people who don't bother anyone? They support humanitarian causes in real life?
    So... what? Social? Not even social, social guild usually implies there's people there who will quest with you and do dungeons with you. 'We have good people. So join us if you work in an environment with bad people, you will feel better'. A guild can offer things, like contests, games, organized runs, stuff, there's more to guilds - the fact that Neverwinter doesn't have many that respond to what should be expected of a guild (people with similar mindset and playstyles that do stuff together) doesn't mean it's something to be proud of.
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    sugarlies wrote: »
    So? What is this? What does your guild offer? Cause 'good people' doesn't mean a whole lot, good in what way - they greet you back when you say hello on guild chat? They are nice people who don't bother anyone? They support humanitarian causes in real life?
    So... what? Social? Not even social, social guild usually implies there's people there who will quest with you and do dungeons with you. 'We have good people. So join us if you work in an environment with bad people, you will feel better'. A guild can offer things, like contests, games, organized runs, stuff, there's more to guilds - the fact that Neverwinter doesn't have many that respond to what should be expected of a guild (people with similar mindset and playstyles that do stuff together) doesn't mean it's something to be proud of.

    So, given the limitations in Neverwinter, what would you want a guild to offer? As a guild leader of what I think is a decent size guild for the game, this makes me curious. I've tried doing guild events. Most people don't really seem to care enough to show up (even with good prizes). Not to mention the fact that the server is international, so just organizing an event is a bit of a logistical nightmare due to the fact that I have people in my guild from just about every time zone on the planet.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I disagree to an extent. It is upon the game and its developers to design a world wherein you have systems in place to incentive players to join a guild.

    Yes, yes, we know, it's always Cryptic's fault.

    Players act like jerks in PVP? Cryptic's fault.

    Players don't take advantage of OWPVP? Cryptic's fault.

    Players exploit and glitch dungeons? Cryptic's fault.

    Players buy AD from 3rd party sites? Cryptic's fault.

    Players AFK at the campfire in Tiamat, refusing to help a winnable raid? Cryptic's fault.

    Players are just pawns of Cryptic, evidently, and will just do as instructed by the devs. Evidently players have zero responsibility to act ethically or even courteously with other players. Cryptic sure is a powerful puppetmaster if they have the power to control players' lives to such an extraordinary extent!

    So evidently, unless Cryptic forces and instructs players that they must join guilds, and moreover, that they must participate and be social in guilds, it's Cryptic's fault that players don't socialize in guilds.
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I disagree to an extent. It is upon the game and its developers to design a world wherein you have systems in place to incentive players to join a guild. I know your guild and your style of thinking however...

    I don't consider it the developers responsibility to "make people" join guilds. Its their responsibility to build a KICK *** GAME. Its up to the guild leaders to make sure there's a system in place to recruit the type of guildies you'd like to have.
    The vast majority and average MMO player is driven by a reward-based system.

    Yes indeed. But it depends on the guild's MO. Tyrs Paladium, for example, seeks adventurers who wish to join other adventures to play this kick *** game called Neverwinter. We believe the loot will come in time. And we believe in sharing

    We DONT CARE what gear you have nor what your gear score is. We don't care that you know how to lead a delve, how many hours a day you play, or if you wish to emblazen the leaderboards with your greatness.
    If the developers designed difficult actual raids, challenging dungeons, guild activities, guild wars etc.

    Oh I agree with you about the need for game difficulty (actually additional varieties of game difficulties). Here's some of my thoughts...

    The game needs a top rate "Looking for Group" feature. This is how guild leaders, guild recruiters, or really any guildies can find others to recruit.

    The game needs more challenge at each level. However Neverwinter has designed the early and mid game to focus on individual solo player. I felt that was a mistake in 2012, and I believe its a mistake today. Some gamers in NW WANT the ability to solo, but others want to SHARE their adventure and fun with others. So creating selectable difficulty settings built into each quest would allow party leaders to open quests up for their guildies or PUG members. I called for this during alpha, but it never saw the light of day. D&D folks and many casual players like to enjoy the journey, not only the desination (end game - where Cryptic makes most of its money). The current XP system locks out/gates much of the content, and the FOUNDRY has been left FOR DEAD. My solution is to have an EASY, MEDIUM, HARD and EPIC modes so that solos AND GROUPS can play the game in THEIR WAY.

    GreyCloaks, Essence of Aggression and the Absolute/Purple Dragons (whatever alliance they are) all exist to help their players accomplish specific tasks to gain rewards whether it is PVE or PVP.

    I think its cool as hell that these guilds are doing well, but I assure you there are others. Tyrs Paladium has their own niche, and we've stuck to it and have had a lot of good fortune with it. We focus on making sure EACH GUILDIE feels like they are a contributing family member. A SOMEBODY, not just a member of some super galactic organization of strangers. Standing for something, and organization is very important, as is creating a set of guild rules that actually mean something to our members.

    I truly believe guild strength is the cornerstone of a quality MMO such as Neverwinter. Its why I've hosted the Founders Guilds of Neverwinter thread since the beginning, and why Tyrs Paladium will be here on the day Cryptic shuts the servers down.

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
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