lol, i would put my gf pick here but the only thing i see here its 7 orange artifacts and 70k pics. so i call this a show off and not a gf/gameplay description.
yes u could have 2x power with pre mod.3 for how long? oh ofc u don't block, cuz u don't need, or if u did puff bye bye 2x power, I not to even talk about fight 20+ adds where shield lasted 2-5sec.
there 2 things in the game PVP and PVE. i am not a fun of PvP so iam not a pro not even close iam a **** but in a fight where what u need if fast burn i agree 2xpower with ful shield works better.
but if like me u play GF since day 1 of open beta mainlly PvE, the tank right now its 10 times better, i can now make a big pull 20-40 adds and old my ground forever, not ruining headless chicken and taking potions while the all party kills the boss.
conqueror spec now and before was a good option for PVE, but pre mod 3 defender and tactician were crappish, but now they are playable and if u like it and master it its really good.
now KV / ITF
in PvE i like to use both and i think they are good and do there job making your party and yourself survive longer, and killing fast.
but again u dont have to use them there alot more option and skills, i choose to use them cuz i like to keep my party save, but if some1 dont like it dont use it, and if ppl complain u should consider play with different ppl, or different party setting and not pug.
exmple u like to use dps skills good but if you and your party die there to reasons low control (agroo/control skill) = alot of dmg being taken or low healing/defense so maybe a dc healer not dps is needed.
u have a guild u have friends find ppl that are willing to play with u as gf dps not buffer problem solved. even 2 gf in party can be an alternative 1 pure tank / buffer / kv and u as dps dont tell me u dont like the 35%+ dmg ITF give u.
KV pro and con (again PvE exp. here)
Pro- saves my party alot of times when u HAMSTER a tp or u lag a bit, 1 less guy to resurrect makes a big difference.
allow my friends/party/guildmember to be a little more dps, how alow them to go full offense status no need to worry that much with defensive staus.
helps with some skills/power that are trigger on taking dmg/being hit.
Con - 1st kills the gf if your party is static, some ppl just dont move from reds, dont know why but dont, pug its even worst healer pets do pet tank pet (stupid pets) they dont move so its always dmg to me.
make party lazy . voiding dmg? why the gf takes half, yes 2 big hit on 2 guys + all HAMSTER attacking u may en in death.
Biggest 1 its an encounter slot waist - mine its on like always 1 hours dd never goes out (makes it boring), its boring not use a skill other than the sometimes dragon roar setting off.
now conqueror last feat
100% + power (full shield) vs the stack system.
problem here is some of us like the stack system (mainly pve), and other the pure double power (pve).
simple solution allow both to exist in the game last feat should have 2 feats allowing u to choose just 1 (or 1 or the other).
for me all classes and trees should be like that, 2 feats at the end of each tree 1 PVP focus 1 PvE focus.
now a point we all agree with Damage.
we all agree PVP or PVE player gf dmg its so low that is even ridiculous
conqueror build buffs and good power and 1k at-will even worst slow at will
compared to a a cw like magic missile they do 1 ball - 2 balls - 3 balls (6 hits) in the time we do 2 swings?
encounters doing 3-4k dmg 10 sec + cool-down?
dailies doing 5-7k dmg?? any dps class have aoe encounter that do 10-20k min dmg.
even doing dailies as gf its boring cuz our dps is soo low, i do dailies with my girlfriend alot of time she have a dc (dps) and a CW, an its so ridiculous kill x guys my fight take a full rotation and 20-30 sec to kill a group of 5 adds in WoD, with her iam runing to add she does a skill from far all dead even before i get near adds. something must be wrong here. farming as gf its stupid boring and long in a game moving to a farm point. dragon coffer/rp enchants all that drop from adds requires 3 times more effort for tanks, cuz we kill so slow.
yes we are the class in the game with the higher DR, but still to low or not that diferent from any other class.
something is wrong here gf 50% DR (almost impossible to get near 60) - DC 40% DR easy, GWF 45% easy even cw/tr/hr get 35%+ easy. so something is really wrong or they boost gf DR a good 10% or any other class show have a good 10% reduction, cuz with high dps and life steal that 5-10% less DR on other classes is enough to make them tank or need no tank.
having dps classes be dead with 1 red or 2-3 normal hits would make GFs needed in the game.
Final conclusion
GF since mod.3 its more tank than it was, have more utility in party, over all in a PvE i think it better than it was. In PVP i dont think so. but still compared to any other class stills to weak, slow killer even normal adds in dailies, specially since the game its now based on drops based on kills, dragon hoard enchants u kill faster it drops more, artifact (normal 1) faster kills more enchants droping, dragon coffer and all the item we need that drop based on killing its mainly this that makes the GF population go low. if every 1 complain about drop rates when they kill what with 1 encounter imagine how a GF player feel taking 3-4 time more time to kill the same amount of adds.
I think GFs are the most dynamic class in the game. We can do anything. Tank, buff, debuff, damage with little more than just the right power selection. One of the biggest problems in the GF community is the enchantment selection for weapons/armor. I mean, I still see GFs using Soulforged , the most worthless GF enchantment in the game.
Slick Hair - Halfling SWM/Conqueror
This is actually my Tank. Typically run ITF/KV and Enforced Threat.
Runs Terror/Negation
I have met your Gf in pvp.I think your rotation was Griffon's Wrath,Flourish,Anvil in that order.I admit i lost all the encounters against you .Very good burst damage.
I have met your Gf in pvp.I think your rotation was Griffon's Wrath,Flourish,Anvil in that order.I admit i lost all the encounters against you .Very good burst damage.
Flourish first . I use Stunning Flourish (better known as HR/TR/CW Catcher feat) which is a tremendous skill due to flourish's long wind up and length of the encounter itself.
I also use the stunning flourish.My rotation is Lunging,Flourish ,Anvil in that order.
Flourish is good against HRs ,but very slow against TR instant dazes.I get interrupted during animation of flourish by Trs and CWs all the time.As well boar charged AFTER i have started the flourish animation.
Also Flourish does not get benefited by glyphs.Only its last attack get's the additional glyph damage.And only its last attack has the stun effect.
I think Flourish needs some rework from the devs.
I tried the other rotation suggested by other Gfs: Bull ,GW ,Anvil but it did not worked for me.Specially against CWs.
So i ll stick to the current ones but we must push for Flourish rework.
I also use the stunning flourish.My rotation is Lunging,Flourish ,Anvil in that order.
Flourish is good against HRs ,but very slow against TR instant dazes.I get interrupted during animation of flourish by Trs and CWs all the time.As well boar charged AFTER i have started the flourish animation.
Also Flourish does not get benefited by glyphs.Only its last attack get's the additional glyph damage.And only its last attack has the stun effect.
I think Flourish needs some rework from the devs.
I tried the other rotation suggested by other Gfs: Bull ,GW ,Anvil but it did not worked for me.Specially against CWs.
So i ll stick to the current ones but we must push for Flourish rework.
The key to flourish is alllllll in the timing. VS rogues, when you see ITC, put up Block, count to 4, then hit flourish. If they are using DF, wait until they are halfway through the Duelist Flurry animation. You WILL catch them.
HR's are easy. Walk right up to them, hit flourish - make sure to draw out the Fox Shift first. Their dodge animation is too short to get away from first and last hit.
CWs are a bit more difficult due to their ridiculous range. The goal is to walk slightly past them. Once you are right on top of them, hit Flourish. They will dodge once you are that close, and the goal is to have Flourish damage start mid dodge, thus last hitting them and getting that crucial one second stun.
Nice show off. Not a first time, anyway gz. We are thinking about 5% less or more dps of GF, to use or not kv.
Look on this game - it's dead. Most of the people in NWO nowadays are fresh players (they know nothing, and are ready to pay) or very old players (who spend a lot of $$ and they are trying to convince themselvs to stay here).
GF is the weakest character, the slowest, with the lowest dmg output. It's completelly useless. It's not a warior, it's just a HAMSTER.
One shoted by mob on shield up with 60% DR - nice result.
Economy of this game is ruined by exploits (they still didn't fix winter festivals, and ull get companions for free), tiamat drop etc. Domination (dont call it pvp) on same 2 maps since start of server.
Nice work 73 k hp (on pots?) and some good statistics of your character won't make it usefull. This is a joke of dev's about the way, where Neverwinter going to. And even 50% higher dmg of your overdonated GF wont change it.
The game must be changed. Soon. Did they earn so much that don't care? Cant imagine.
Hi! Szia honfitárs!
Sadly all words true, tho i hope the game changes eventually back to it's glory days, but with these new Mods and the constant thrive for more cash it won't happen.
The artifact weapons, belts and neck pieces are nice, but with a tremendous amount of AD needed from a casual player to upgrade them, it has only deepened the gap between players and has caused only tensions, like the Tiamat Temple, where every second word is zerg, zerg, zerg...
And to be honest 90+% of players, who have full orange sets- and i say this as a GM- are exploiting the hell out of some maps, especially in foundry with bots.
The game itself is alive, always new people coming to game and to guild. Many new players don't know a thing about the game and they come to try it out, sadly most of them are staying only for short time. After they have enough of the endless grind and after they realize, that reaching a high GS is impossible without cheating like a world champ or spending tons of money, they either go or make another, much easier toon.
As a GM in my own guild i can see this day by day. "Old timers" like me are only a hand full out of 500. GF is only played by 2 (!) of us in guild, all other GFs are non active or just AD slaves. This waiting game, which took more than a year, has made many GF players leave or change toon and i see no big intentions to come back to play GF again.
I must admit i use mine since the last 2 Mods only for PVP and as AD slave. He is stuck at 18K and currently i don't intend to spend a dime on him. Class is still utterly broken, sadly was always, full of bugs and weird ideas from Devs. It feels not a single bit as a GF should from DnD table top, which i play for over 21 years now. PVP is fun tho, it's short and a totally different game. But when i go with him and his over 50K+ HP to Tuern and get one shot, cause my shield is bugged and drops with full stamina, i get so annoyed, i could cry out loud.
I have spent a bit on him way back for testing purposes, but found out, it's useless, a broken thing won't become perfect, just better and yes still lingering behind all others and most players don't even recognize us, like our KV. Many don't know, that we take a huge part of their incoming damage, still if something goes wrong, we are fault, easy to blame a broken and weak class.
For long time he was my main, but since i made all classes now, i realize, how utterly broken he is. Sorry my old dwarf!
I think Devs already put him to rest. When Paladin comes out, GF will be totally obsolete. he will remain there out of PR reasons, but only new players will play him and only for a while. Paladin with same combo and heals will make a GF pretty useless.
Only thing, that could save him, as one of my guildie suggested, if the Paladin would be a paragon tree to the GF and that would bring new life to him, but to be honest i don't see any chance, that it will happen.
As they say in Hungary; "Ez a hajó már elúszott".
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
The key to flourish is alllllll in the timing. VS rogues, when you see ITC, put up Block, count to 4, then hit flourish. If they are using DF, wait until they are halfway through the Duelist Flurry animation. You WILL catch them.
HR's are easy. Walk right up to them, hit flourish - make sure to draw out the Fox Shift first. Their dodge animation is too short to get away from first and last hit.
CWs are a bit more difficult due to their ridiculous range. The goal is to walk slightly past them. Once you are right on top of them, hit Flourish. They will dodge once you are that close, and the goal is to have Flourish damage start mid dodge, thus last hitting them and getting that crucial one second stun.
Thanks man.I 'll try this,i am especialy interested to your advice against CWs.I hope it will work
I think GFs are the most dynamic class in the game. We can do anything. Tank, buff, debuff, damage with little more than just the right power selection. One of the biggest problems in the GF community is the enchantment selection for weapons/armor. I mean, I still see GFs using Soulforged , the most worthless GF enchantment in the game.
Care to explain why the soulforge is the worst enchant? I have played with many different enchants and feel that soulforge works best.
You know I honestly don't know why so many are bemoaning the GF right now. Truly they bring so much to a group that I fail to see why some consider them useless. It boggles the mind.
I geared up myself a bit in the past few days, still far from your item levels, but I guess I can show off too
I use barkshield for armor and will get a vorpal in a few days.
I use this gear for pvp, since i figured out, I have more regen+ tons of offensive stats than if I wear my profound gear (which is a waste of glory and time)
And using the pvp achivement rings I have 650 tenacity ->20% pvp def, while I had 24% in tenacity in profound, but the aura bonus of draconic gives me 5% aura which not only makes it 1% better, but even applies to SE which ignores tenacity.
(Good things to know if you are like a month away from getting any black ice and want to do some pvp.)
Just started game and us GF as main. Love the idea of shielding, but a little bit lost by the changes the game has gone through leaving some builds behind. Honestly, I'm not sure where to focus my character, especially with all the doom-and-gloom regarding the paladin.
Im same with u Thornigar, just get back 3 weeks ago at game and created a GF. Well truth im lost after reaching 60 cause its looks like they dont need GF at party. For now nobody didnt complaint at party but 2-3 CW or TR is enough to clear with decent DC. İts looks like at dungeon im fatty guy whos running behind whole players, pretty much jogging all the way till boss. Only VT and MC dungeon need GF with players who doesnt reach GS more than 17-18K still with a little effort it can be done without Gf too.
Well its enough of my complaints and i want to question to experinced GF players. Which stats we should focus? Power,Armor Pen,Crit,Recovery? Is there any cap for this stats? Which one we should focus? My Defence about 10K but still sometimes getting hit from Dragons at Well of Dragons about 9k while im pressing SHİFT so as whats use of that blocking? I tried with TR it gets about 15-20k at same attack. Also getting stunning with TR smoke bomb. An im IV if anybody will answer this post.
Also sorry about if its wrong place to ask questions but im trying to get my GF as main and dont know why but there's no Open Threads at forum.
Buff-tank GF since mod 2/3. Mod 6 looks like a step in the wrong direction for us as far as our numbers, but a step in the right direction for the meta. It will still be better than mod 3 for a buff-tank. IMO mod 6 numbers for GF feats/powers are to low, the emphasis on stamina regen is flawed, and some of the arrangements of feats are not all that good. Still thinking it will be better than mod 3.
One of the biggest problems with buff-tank in mod 5 was, "okay we are finally awesome at this role! A GF is transformative for a group." But, there is no content in mod 5 that rewards grouping. On one hand we finally became the group member we should have been, on the other hand no group content is relevant, thus we are irrelevant. In mod 3, we lacked tools to really dominate group content, but group content mattered. Mod 4 was a state of transition. The point of grouping was severely undermined in Mod 5, but in Mod 6 it might come back. Since a buff-tank GF build is so group oriented, we auto-magically gain just from that. I wish our numbers were better, but I am happy about that.
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
edited February 2015
power and health has no diminishing return so focus on radiant.
btw lairs of tyraanny of dragons, folks are pleased with gf who is able the tank bosses, so play that content
There is no relevant reward though. It is like saying, "GFs are relevant in Foundry mission X", okay but why does anyone care if we do Foundry mission X? When they gutted T2 value and did not replace it with something else, they gutted the purpose of being a 5 man DD oriented character. Todays DDs are closer to Foundry missions in value than the old DDs value. That is why mod 5 was a particularly bad time to be a tank-buff GF. Numbers were great, but no point.
Like in Mod 2/3 when I started I played with real life friends, and we did well for ourselves just chasing value. GF was kind of weak, but I filled a roll. Fast forward to today, and the role I filled, I now do better than ever (note for color: I used ITF before it was buffed...) , but I can't do anything with that value that rewards us as well as I was rewarded back when the class was worse at the role. Like nothing today is as good as valuable a use of your time as delving T2 was back in Mod 3, so it doesn't matter how much more efficient I am at the role, I am just plane less rewarded even while being more efficient in the same role.
Imagine you had a group of 4 friends (plus you), the total efficiency of the group at doing DDs is now higher in mod 5, but the value of doing DDs is way down, so what is the point of being efficient at the role?
Anyway the larger point is that mod 6 sounds a lot more group oriented, and so in much the same way that might tank-buff GF was better off in mod 3 than in mod 5, I suspect that I will be better off in mod 6 than in mod 5, even while I don't think we will be as strong as we were compared to the content and other classes as we were in mod 5.
Been playing GF as a main since I started as it was the closest to being a paladin as the game had at the time. Now with the introduction of the OBPal I am on the fence in continuing as there are elements I like playing a paladin on test and there are elements I still like in the GF that I feel are still very much like a paladin. One thing is I wish they gave paladins swords too I understand using the mace as a differentiating feature but I still like the sword and board not club and board appearance. I also like the buff tank, but the paladin does that as well so it may depend on which features I like better.
Also since the post level 30 path's aren't defined yet its still hard to know exactly the best way to develop a paladin and if it turns out to suck I will probably be back on GF.
Well its enough of my complaints and i want to question to experinced GF players. Which stats we should focus? Power,Armor Pen,Crit,Recovery? Is there any cap for this stats? Which one we should focus? My Defence about 10K but still sometimes getting hit from Dragons at Well of Dragons about 9k while im pressing SHİFT so as whats use of that blocking? I tried with TR it gets about 15-20k at same attack. Also getting stunning with TR smoke bomb. An im IV if anybody will answer this post.
Also sorry about if its wrong place to ask questions but im trying to get my GF as main and dont know why but there's no Open Threads at forum.
You have far too much defence. At the most you want no more than 4.5 to 5k defence, everything over that is a waste. What gear and artifacts are you using that you have so much? Want you want to do is turn some of that defence into HP.
As for stats to focus on, thing are going to change when Mod 6 comes out, so I'd wait before I start making major changes to my build. But if you want to worry about stats for PVE, 1600 crit, 1600 arpen (GFs get resistance ignored from DEX, so you don't need so much here for PVE) and 2500 - 3000 recovery are the numbers you want. 1000 Life Steal and 1000 regen will also benefit you.
Our shift only blocks 80% of damage, so you will always be hurt when blocking. Also, shift does not always work when you want it to, it is a common bug and lots of control powers can go through it, that is why HRs and TRs especially can still control you.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
Just started game and us GF as main. Love the idea of shielding, but a little bit lost by the changes the game has gone through leaving some builds behind. Honestly, I'm not sure where to focus my character, especially with all the doom-and-gloom regarding the paladin.
What is it you are looking to do? GFs have the ability to do whatever they want.
You have far too much defence. At the most you want no more than 4.5 to 5k defence, everything over that is a waste. What gear and artifacts are you using that you have so much? Want you want to do is turn some of that defence into HP.
As for stats to focus on, thing are going to change when Mod 6 comes out, so I'd wait before I start making major changes to my build. But if you want to worry about stats for PVE, 1600 crit, 1600 arpen (GFs get resistance ignored from CON, so you don't need so much here for PVE) and 2500 - 3000 recovery are the numbers you want. 1000 Life Steal and 1000 regen will also benefit you.
Our shift only blocks 80% of damage, so you will always be hurt when blocking. Also, shift does not always work when you want it to, it is a common bug and lots of control powers can go through it, that is why HRs and TRs especially can still control you.
Sorry i meant to protection not def, since im not using game in english always getting lost at translate Thanks for info, i will try to change stats a little. Working on dragon templar helm, still didnt get from tiamat and looks like i need use linu's favor for that. Dragon Templar Armor set is best for now right? I like that armor set adds %20 of defence to power bonus. Im trying to get 4-5k power, now have around 2.5-3k. Give us some dmg dammit
I've honestly believed you were Protector the entire time in the few games we played together in the past 2 days.
One of the many Control Wizards that misses Shard Of The Endless Avalanche. RIP Shard (Beta-Mod3)
MY pvp setup "buffed".
w/o companions ofc.
My IWD pvp setup with stone .
yes u could have 2x power with pre mod.3 for how long? oh ofc u don't block, cuz u don't need, or if u did puff bye bye 2x power, I not to even talk about fight 20+ adds where shield lasted 2-5sec.
there 2 things in the game PVP and PVE. i am not a fun of PvP so iam not a pro not even close iam a **** but in a fight where what u need if fast burn i agree 2xpower with ful shield works better.
but if like me u play GF since day 1 of open beta mainlly PvE, the tank right now its 10 times better, i can now make a big pull 20-40 adds and old my ground forever, not ruining headless chicken and taking potions while the all party kills the boss.
conqueror spec now and before was a good option for PVE, but pre mod 3 defender and tactician were crappish, but now they are playable and if u like it and master it its really good.
now KV / ITF
in PvE i like to use both and i think they are good and do there job making your party and yourself survive longer, and killing fast.
but again u dont have to use them there alot more option and skills, i choose to use them cuz i like to keep my party save, but if some1 dont like it dont use it, and if ppl complain u should consider play with different ppl, or different party setting and not pug.
exmple u like to use dps skills good but if you and your party die there to reasons low control (agroo/control skill) = alot of dmg being taken or low healing/defense so maybe a dc healer not dps is needed.
u have a guild u have friends find ppl that are willing to play with u as gf dps not buffer problem solved. even 2 gf in party can be an alternative 1 pure tank / buffer / kv and u as dps dont tell me u dont like the 35%+ dmg ITF give u.
KV pro and con (again PvE exp. here)
Pro- saves my party alot of times when u HAMSTER a tp or u lag a bit, 1 less guy to resurrect makes a big difference.
allow my friends/party/guildmember to be a little more dps, how alow them to go full offense status no need to worry that much with defensive staus.
helps with some skills/power that are trigger on taking dmg/being hit.
Con - 1st kills the gf if your party is static, some ppl just dont move from reds, dont know why but dont, pug its even worst healer pets do pet tank pet (stupid pets) they dont move so its always dmg to me.
make party lazy . voiding dmg? why the gf takes half, yes 2 big hit on 2 guys + all HAMSTER attacking u may en in death.
Biggest 1 its an encounter slot waist - mine its on like always 1 hours dd never goes out (makes it boring), its boring not use a skill other than the sometimes dragon roar setting off.
now conqueror last feat
100% + power (full shield) vs the stack system.
problem here is some of us like the stack system (mainly pve), and other the pure double power (pve).
simple solution allow both to exist in the game last feat should have 2 feats allowing u to choose just 1 (or 1 or the other).
for me all classes and trees should be like that, 2 feats at the end of each tree 1 PVP focus 1 PvE focus.
now a point we all agree with Damage.
we all agree PVP or PVE player gf dmg its so low that is even ridiculous
conqueror build buffs and good power and 1k at-will even worst slow at will
compared to a a cw like magic missile they do 1 ball - 2 balls - 3 balls (6 hits) in the time we do 2 swings?
encounters doing 3-4k dmg 10 sec + cool-down?
dailies doing 5-7k dmg?? any dps class have aoe encounter that do 10-20k min dmg.
even doing dailies as gf its boring cuz our dps is soo low, i do dailies with my girlfriend alot of time she have a dc (dps) and a CW, an its so ridiculous kill x guys my fight take a full rotation and 20-30 sec to kill a group of 5 adds in WoD, with her iam runing to add she does a skill from far all dead even before i get near adds. something must be wrong here. farming as gf its stupid boring and long in a game moving to a farm point. dragon coffer/rp enchants all that drop from adds requires 3 times more effort for tanks, cuz we kill so slow.
yes we are the class in the game with the higher DR, but still to low or not that diferent from any other class.
something is wrong here gf 50% DR (almost impossible to get near 60) - DC 40% DR easy, GWF 45% easy even cw/tr/hr get 35%+ easy. so something is really wrong or they boost gf DR a good 10% or any other class show have a good 10% reduction, cuz with high dps and life steal that 5-10% less DR on other classes is enough to make them tank or need no tank.
having dps classes be dead with 1 red or 2-3 normal hits would make GFs needed in the game.
Final conclusion
GF since mod.3 its more tank than it was, have more utility in party, over all in a PvE i think it better than it was. In PVP i dont think so. but still compared to any other class stills to weak, slow killer even normal adds in dailies, specially since the game its now based on drops based on kills, dragon hoard enchants u kill faster it drops more, artifact (normal 1) faster kills more enchants droping, dragon coffer and all the item we need that drop based on killing its mainly this that makes the GF population go low. if every 1 complain about drop rates when they kill what with 1 encounter imagine how a GF player feel taking 3-4 time more time to kill the same amount of adds.
Haven't played for a few days though. Game's too boring at this point.
First pic is pvp second pve.I do not use any companion that boosts stats only that offer somekind of bonus.
Slick Hair - Halfling SWM/Conqueror
This is actually my Tank. Typically run ITF/KV and Enforced Threat.
Runs Terror/Negation
This is my "Clutch Plays" GF. Typically run ITF, FLS, E/T or Griffon's Wrath.
Stats look low because I do not run an augment on this character. I use the ridiculous Crit Chance companion.
Runs Lifedrinker/Loamweave
Chevelle Prix - Human IV/Protector
This is my brawler GF. AKA get right in front of a boss and swing away. Runs ITF, E/T, Lunging Strike
Runs Frost/Frostburn (Thinking about switching to Bloodtheft)
I have met your Gf in pvp.I think your rotation was Griffon's Wrath,Flourish,Anvil in that order.I admit i lost all the encounters against you .Very good burst damage.
Flourish first
I also use the stunning flourish.My rotation is Lunging,Flourish ,Anvil in that order.
Flourish is good against HRs ,but very slow against TR instant dazes.I get interrupted during animation of flourish by Trs and CWs all the time.As well boar charged AFTER
Also Flourish does not get benefited by glyphs.Only its last attack get's the additional glyph damage.And only its last attack has the stun effect.
I think Flourish needs some rework from the devs.
I tried the other rotation suggested by other Gfs: Bull ,GW ,Anvil but it did not worked for me.Specially against CWs.
So i ll stick to the current ones but we must push for Flourish rework.
The key to flourish is alllllll in the timing. VS rogues, when you see ITC, put up Block, count to 4, then hit flourish. If they are using DF, wait until they are halfway through the Duelist Flurry animation. You WILL catch them.
HR's are easy. Walk right up to them, hit flourish - make sure to draw out the Fox Shift first. Their dodge animation is too short to get away from first and last hit.
CWs are a bit more difficult due to their ridiculous range. The goal is to walk slightly past them. Once you are right on top of them, hit Flourish. They will dodge once you are that close, and the goal is to have Flourish damage start mid dodge, thus last hitting them and getting that crucial one second stun.
Hi! Szia honfitárs!
Sadly all words true, tho i hope the game changes eventually back to it's glory days, but with these new Mods and the constant thrive for more cash it won't happen.
The artifact weapons, belts and neck pieces are nice, but with a tremendous amount of AD needed from a casual player to upgrade them, it has only deepened the gap between players and has caused only tensions, like the Tiamat Temple, where every second word is zerg, zerg, zerg...
And to be honest 90+% of players, who have full orange sets- and i say this as a GM- are exploiting the hell out of some maps, especially in foundry with bots.
The game itself is alive, always new people coming to game and to guild. Many new players don't know a thing about the game and they come to try it out, sadly most of them are staying only for short time. After they have enough of the endless grind and after they realize, that reaching a high GS is impossible without cheating like a world champ or spending tons of money, they either go or make another, much easier toon.
As a GM in my own guild i can see this day by day. "Old timers" like me are only a hand full out of 500. GF is only played by 2 (!) of us in guild, all other GFs are non active or just AD slaves. This waiting game, which took more than a year, has made many GF players leave or change toon and i see no big intentions to come back to play GF again.
I must admit i use mine since the last 2 Mods only for PVP and as AD slave. He is stuck at 18K and currently i don't intend to spend a dime on him. Class is still utterly broken, sadly was always, full of bugs and weird ideas from Devs. It feels not a single bit as a GF should from DnD table top, which i play for over 21 years now. PVP is fun tho, it's short and a totally different game. But when i go with him and his over 50K+ HP to Tuern and get one shot, cause my shield is bugged and drops with full stamina, i get so annoyed, i could cry out loud.
I have spent a bit on him way back for testing purposes, but found out, it's useless, a broken thing won't become perfect, just better and yes still lingering behind all others and most players don't even recognize us, like our KV. Many don't know, that we take a huge part of their incoming damage, still if something goes wrong, we are fault, easy to blame a broken and weak class.
For long time he was my main, but since i made all classes now, i realize, how utterly broken he is. Sorry my old dwarf!
I think Devs already put him to rest. When Paladin comes out, GF will be totally obsolete. he will remain there out of PR reasons, but only new players will play him and only for a while. Paladin with same combo and heals will make a GF pretty useless.
Only thing, that could save him, as one of my guildie suggested, if the Paladin would be a paragon tree to the GF and that would bring new life to him, but to be honest i don't see any chance, that it will happen.
As they say in Hungary; "Ez a hajó már elúszott".
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Thanks man.I 'll try this,i am especialy interested to your advice against CWs.I hope it will work
Care to explain why the soulforge is the worst enchant? I have played with many different enchants and feel that soulforge works best.
What is your top pick and why?
Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
I use barkshield for armor and will get a vorpal in a few days.
I use this gear for pvp, since i figured out, I have more regen+ tons of offensive stats than if I wear my profound gear (which is a waste of glory and time)
And using the pvp achivement rings I have 650 tenacity ->20% pvp def, while I had 24% in tenacity in profound, but the aura bonus of draconic gives me 5% aura which not only makes it 1% better, but even applies to SE which ignores tenacity.
(Good things to know if you are like a month away from getting any black ice and want to do some pvp.)
sry for offtop, but what that shield u got there?
Just started game and us GF as main. Love the idea of shielding, but a little bit lost by the changes the game has gone through leaving some builds behind. Honestly, I'm not sure where to focus my character, especially with all the doom-and-gloom regarding the paladin.
Well its enough of my complaints and i want to question to experinced GF players. Which stats we should focus? Power,Armor Pen,Crit,Recovery? Is there any cap for this stats? Which one we should focus? My Defence about 10K but still sometimes getting hit from Dragons at Well of Dragons about 9k while im pressing SHİFT so as whats use of that blocking? I tried with TR it gets about 15-20k at same attack. Also getting stunning with TR smoke bomb. An im IV if anybody will answer this post.
Also sorry about if its wrong place to ask questions but im trying to get my GF as main and dont know why but there's no Open Threads at forum.
One of the biggest problems with buff-tank in mod 5 was, "okay we are finally awesome at this role! A GF is transformative for a group." But, there is no content in mod 5 that rewards grouping. On one hand we finally became the group member we should have been, on the other hand no group content is relevant, thus we are irrelevant. In mod 3, we lacked tools to really dominate group content, but group content mattered. Mod 4 was a state of transition. The point of grouping was severely undermined in Mod 5, but in Mod 6 it might come back. Since a buff-tank GF build is so group oriented, we auto-magically gain just from that. I wish our numbers were better, but I am happy about that.
btw lairs of tyraanny of dragons, folks are pleased with gf who is able the tank bosses, so play that content
Like in Mod 2/3 when I started I played with real life friends, and we did well for ourselves just chasing value. GF was kind of weak, but I filled a roll. Fast forward to today, and the role I filled, I now do better than ever (note for color: I used ITF before it was buffed...) , but I can't do anything with that value that rewards us as well as I was rewarded back when the class was worse at the role. Like nothing today is as good as valuable a use of your time as delving T2 was back in Mod 3, so it doesn't matter how much more efficient I am at the role, I am just plane less rewarded even while being more efficient in the same role.
Imagine you had a group of 4 friends (plus you), the total efficiency of the group at doing DDs is now higher in mod 5, but the value of doing DDs is way down, so what is the point of being efficient at the role?
Anyway the larger point is that mod 6 sounds a lot more group oriented, and so in much the same way that might tank-buff GF was better off in mod 3 than in mod 5, I suspect that I will be better off in mod 6 than in mod 5, even while I don't think we will be as strong as we were compared to the content and other classes as we were in mod 5.
Its meta.
Also since the post level 30 path's aren't defined yet its still hard to know exactly the best way to develop a paladin and if it turns out to suck I will probably be back on GF.
You have far too much defence. At the most you want no more than 4.5 to 5k defence, everything over that is a waste. What gear and artifacts are you using that you have so much? Want you want to do is turn some of that defence into HP.
As for stats to focus on, thing are going to change when Mod 6 comes out, so I'd wait before I start making major changes to my build. But if you want to worry about stats for PVE, 1600 crit, 1600 arpen (GFs get resistance ignored from DEX, so you don't need so much here for PVE) and 2500 - 3000 recovery are the numbers you want. 1000 Life Steal and 1000 regen will also benefit you.
Our shift only blocks 80% of damage, so you will always be hurt when blocking. Also, shift does not always work when you want it to, it is a common bug and lots of control powers can go through it, that is why HRs and TRs especially can still control you.
What is it you are looking to do? GFs have the ability to do whatever they want.
Sorry i meant to protection not def, since im not using game in english always getting lost at translate