Okay, you've by now seen or heard of that ubiquitous notice claiming to protect your shared media on FB. By now it's been debunked by both Snopes and ABC News as a hoax.
However, why not have a little fun with it? I did after seeing it posted on my newsfeed a dozen times over. So I wrote a parody notice.
Then I thought "how creative can people be with it?"
So now, here's your chance. Let's see what kind of laughs the community can make about it. Make your own satirical notice. On the plus side, it will have the exact same protections as the hoax floating around: absolutely NONE!! And it will be loads funnier!!
Simple rules for the challenge:
1. No bashing of Facebook or any other entity, or their policies. This is to lampoon, not to debate something better left for another board.
2. Rules of Conduct concerning respect for others, as well as inappropriate language and content still apply.
Now, let the parodizing begin! Bonus kudos for being D&D related.
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