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Would you buy an item to unbind a bound things?

grimmvatgrimmvat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
edited December 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
Hi guys,
At the first sorry for my bad english.

I'll try to explain my idea.
Would you buy an item to unbind a bound Companions? Or Artifacts? Or Gears? Or all!
This item could make bound on character thing to bound on account thing! Or why not, to unbind item!

Because I think that idea is good:
- We will use different character without spend a lots of AD.
- The change of characters (with our best items) could make less boring the old content.
- We will sell our old item (companion/artifact/gear) to buy a new gears.
- New players would buy a good item at Cheap price.
- If a player wrong to bound an item will stop to cry :P

How to obtain this item?
- Buy it at W. Bazaar? or
- Buy it at Zen Store? or
- Craft it with a particular profession? or
- A boss loot?
- Simply paying the service at a specific npc?

Well guys, explain your considerations about my idea.
At what price would you buy this item?

Thank for attention, again sorry for my english!
Post edited by grimmvat on


  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I would buy an item or use an NPC that could change a character-bound item to account-bound. I don't really care about implementation.

    I think full unbinding would be too much.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    An ability to change to account bound, can work. But something to change bound to fully unbound will never happen, and shouldn't.
  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    grimmvat wrote: »
    Would you buy an item to unbind a bound things?

    yes I would... but many folks would abuse it
  • karakla1karakla1 Member Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    To unbind an item you ask to get a bit of your invested AD/Money back to invest it again.
    Platypus wielding a giant hammer, your argument is invalild!
  • nyetdiemnyetdiem Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2014
    Funny you mention this.

    I've kicked around the idea of unbind tokens for awhile, mostly discussing with other people in-game. The idea is pretty wonderful & would help a lot of folks out, especially with the extraordinarily difficult to obtain companions from lockboxes.

    My idea for implementation would be a 4-pack on the Zen market at 100 Zen. First token use changes the item from character bound to account bound & the second use would change it to BoE. Thus you could unbind two items from current use with one pack of tokens.

    Let me give an example of why I think this is viable. Back in the event that used the Thingamabobs & Doohickeys, a friend actually managed to obtain the mount. Both of us had been running just plain vanilla mounts at the time. Well now, to keep up with them, I wanted to purchase a mount, but didn't have the AD for an epic. Plus I was running 3 or 4 characters & didn't want to blow the AD on that many epic mounts. So I bought a Heavy Warg from the Zen market at the next coupon drop. Eventually this person started running more characters as well, but it was frustrating to only have the generic mounts on their alts. Especially after experiencing the wonderful epic mount. They purchased an epic mount from the Zen market as well. Now that the Tenser Disk is out, this friend is saving up for it, but doesn't like the concept of having three mounts on one character. It would be nice if they could unbind the original mount (the funny-looking mechanical lobster) & sell it to help them reach the obscene 10 million AD (or whatever the Disk is going for these days). Or maybe even give it away as a prize for a guild event.

    TL;DR - Good idea, let's do it to recycle some old stuff lying around in places like bank slots or idle companion slots before they disappear from the game completely.
  • zekethesinnerzekethesinner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    No, no unbinding to boe, that is stupid, and cant happend.

    But boc -> boa it can work, tho i dont think PWE would go for this anyway.

  • lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yes but unfortunately iirc that guy in the reddit AMA said that they will never release an unbinding item because it is against their business.
    ▄▀▄▀ Check out my blog for more information and cool videos: NWO-Battleground ▀▄▀▄
    Proud founder of the 'Primacy' alliance
  • thehumancodexthehumancodex Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    (Post Removed)
  • ogariousogarious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well, my answer is kinda yes.

    I would pay zen to have something changed from bind to character to bind to account. Such a thing would be most useful for companions or artifacts that you want to move to a different newer character from a older one you have.

    As far as how much zen such a transfer should cost. I would say from 100 to 500 zen, probably closer to 500 zen. Anything more then that is unreasonable considering that if your going to use this service your going to use it for a multitude of items.

    Honestly, I doubt we'll ever see it.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    nyetdiem wrote: »
    My idea for implementation would be a 4-pack on the Zen market at 100 Zen. First token use changes the item from character bound to account bound & the second use would change it to BoE. Thus you could unbind two items from current use with one pack of tokens.

    Make your legendary mount BoE for 100 ZEN then sell it for 20x the price you payed...? I don't think so.

    If this were to ever happen. Never, NEVER allow BoE.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    They were going to include this in beta, but decided not to. Not going to happen even though this comes up every month.
  • kittykaboomboomkittykaboomboom Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    grimmvat wrote: »
    Hi guys,
    At the first sorry for my bad english.

    I'll try to explain my idea.
    Would you buy an item to unbind a bound Companions? Or Artifacts? Or Gears? Or all!
    This item could make bound on character thing to bound on account thing! Or why not, to unbind item!

    Because I think that idea is good:
    - We will use different character without spend a lots of AD.except that will invalidate the zen exchange and lower the amount of people using AD
    - The change of characters (with our best items) could make less boring the old content.
    - We will sell our old item (companion/artifact/gear) to buy a new gears.and players with money will buy and either salvage or resell them at higher prices.
    - New players would buy a good item at Cheap price.
    - If a player wrong to bound an item will stop to cry :Ptry checking it first , unless it is an autobind, their fault

    How to obtain this item?
    - Buy it at W. Bazaar? orwhich uses AD, a suitable price going on the value of the service, would be approximately 500k or more
    - Buy it at Zen Store? oryou'ré looking at a price which makes buying more of the items look good.
    - Craft it with a particular profession? orwhat? and remove a potential money maker
    - A boss loot?
    - Simply paying the service at a specific npc?

    Well guys, explain your considerations about my idea.
    At what price would you buy this item?

    Thank for attention, again sorry for my english!
    nyetdiem wrote: »
    Funny you mention this.

    I've kicked around the idea of unbind tokens for awhile, mostly discussing with other people in-game. The idea is pretty wonderful & would help a lot of folks out, especially with the extraordinarily difficult to obtain companions from lockboxes.

    My idea for implementation would be a 4-pack on the Zen market at 100 Zen.one dollar First token use changes the item from character bound to account bound & the second use would change it to BoE. Thus you could unbind two items from current use with one pack of tokens.

    Let me give an example of why I think this is viable. Back in the event that used the Thingamabobs & Doohickeys, a friend actually managed to obtain the mount. Both of us had been running just plain vanilla mounts at the time. Well now, to keep up with them, I wanted to purchase a mount, but didn't have the AD for an epic. Plus I was running 3 or 4 characters & didn't want to blow the AD on that many epic mounts. So I bought a Heavy Warg from the Zen market at the next coupon drop. Eventually this person started running more characters as well, but it was frustrating to only have the generic mounts on their alts. Especially after experiencing the wonderful epic mount. They purchased an epic mount from the Zen market as well. Now that the Tenser Disk is out, this friend is saving up for it, but doesn't like the concept of having three mounts on one character. It would be nice if they could unbind the original mount (the funny-looking mechanical lobster) & sell it to help them reach the obscene 10 million AD (or whatever the Disk is going for these days). Or maybe even give it away as a prize for a guild event.

    TL;DR - Good idea, let's do it to recycle some old stuff lying around in places like bank slots or idle companion slots before they disappear from the game completely.

    the idea of binding items is to STOP people just farming and selling them.
    the idea of binding store items is so that people buy more.

    and quite frankly, seeing what has been going on with the AH. You unbind, put the item on for cheap, and it will simply get bought up by someone with a lot of AD and either resold or salvaged if worth it. After all, it's cheap .

    The lockbox items are bound so that people have to open more boxes.

    Try to think in terms of business instead of the benefit to you, since that is what will decide things.
  • group5egroup5e Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This has already been answered in a Reddit interview a while ago by one of Cryptic's development team.

    In short, it will never happen.
  • grimmvatgrimmvat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hi guys and thanks for your participation!
    I think that with particular rules this is possible!
    Let me explain with examples and be patient for my english.

    1) If an item start bound on character it will can't unbind. Ex: The Red Dragon Heart Artifact start bound on character. It will can't unbind.
    2) If an item are purchase by the Zen Market it can unbind paying the 10/20/30/X% of his value in Zen and it will reset at the original features. Ex: I buy a Stone of Allure for 1200 zen. I exp the stone and pay 750k for make it Epic. After X days I decide to change my stone. i will unbind the Allure stone paying 120 Zen and sell it for some AD, the Ioun will back to blue at Lv 1.

    2.1)If an item are puchase by the Zen Market, it could be resold in the same Zen Market for a value = Original Price - 10/20/30/X% and we will gain a Zen credit spendable only in Zen market without the possibility to convert it in AD. EX: i pay Stone at 1200. I resold the item in Zen Market and i gain 960 zen credit (1200-20%) to spend exclusively in Zen Market. Now a normal player that have 960 zen credit will chose to buy a little zen with money for spend his credit.

    3)If an item start unbind (ex tarmalune companions, artifact by lockboxes/loot, ecc ecc) it will unbind buy a token at fixed (?) price (or with npc service that chose the price at x% of the same cheaper item in AH ) and it are restart at original features. Ex: i buy a Beholder Artifact for 3M AD. I need to unbind the Beholder for change artifact. I will pay a npc service. The npc talk to me: Hi my friends, im see that this artifact worth about 2.8M in AH. Well, if u pay me X% ot this value i can unbind your item. The item will reset at his original features. Sure to go on? Yes or No :P

    4)We can pay a service not for unbind but only for "teleport" a bound item on other our character.

    If we do a good brainstorming i think that we can find a right solution for bounded items.

    I conclude with some things:
    - Please use your imagination for understand my ideas, i know that my language is wrong;
    - Please make this topic interesting. Try to evolving our ideas.

    Thanks for attention and good game to all!
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