Hi everyone !
I'm an old D&D player (started with the Basic Red Box around 1984), I tried Neverwinter when it first got out but didn't really like it, but the new "Rise of Tiamat" made me curious RP-wise so I decided to give this game another shot, and so far I must say I enjoy it much more than the first time

I do have one question though : is it possible to zoom in on our character without using the "Inspect" mode ?
I'm playing at 1920x1200, and I really feel that my character, and the characters I interact with, are a bit too small on my screen ... is it possible to set a "default" view that's bigger than what we have here at first ?
(and on a side note, what's the point of having this "normal mode / inspect mode" in the first place ??)
Thanks, and I'm sure I'm gonna have a lot more questions as I level up and discover more about this game
55 is default, you could set it lower. Most people set it higher for more distance.
Jeffrina Jones, GWF
Jeffrodo, CW
Jeffrogue, Rog
Jelfro, GF
Jeffrogolas Do'Urden, HR
Jeffrodo Jaggins, SW
So if I want to see my character a bit bigger, what value do you suggest I choose ?? 40 ? 30 ?
And where do I type this ?
Just in the chat panel ?
Edit: B is the inspect mode. You can't use it to play more than running around a bit.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
(I should go to bed right now but it makes me want to log in the game and try this instead
And, just out of curiosity, do you know what's the use of having this "normal mode / inspect mode" ?
Vanity, it gives people a way to look closely at their characters, and from different angles. Without futzing with chat commands.
Yes, this is usually how your spiffy new outfit looks... nothing wrong with that!
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Well, yes, but we could have done that without having to switch modes, just like in any other MMO where you can zoom in and zoom out just as you want, why did they feel the need to separate two viewing modes ??
Anyway I set it at 38 and like it this way so far, thanks guys !!