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Everyones Major PvP Problem.....

catisiouscatisious Member Posts: 67
edited January 2015 in PvE Discussion
Greetings all. I go by Catisious in game. You may have seen me around. I am the recruiting officer for PvP or Nah. I have characters in every tier and I am an avid supporter of this game through my contributions financially and to the community as a whole. I have come here to discuss the major problem that we are all facing in pvp dominations......the freaking people buying AD illegally and setting up lvl 10s with full rank 10s.... We as the group of officers of PvP or Nah had the opportunity to talk with Blaq. Blaq is a streamer on twitch and an avid pvper. He came to us with a problem that he had seen arise in the last month. Many new players are having the fun sucked out of pvp by the 4 main pvp guilds for the lower tiers. Those guild are us, 5 inches deep, Nerd Rage, and of course Vampire Trolls. PvP or Nah is doing all that we can to express to our players the importance of the community growing and how our actions as a whole can effect that growth. In doing so we are trying to limit our premades to only have a couple well geared people "i dont mean rank tens i mean rank 6s". We are also working to make sure that none of our players runs around at lvl 10s 20s or 30s with anything above a rank 6. Now of course i love my guildies but i have to say that this is a hard subject to push. Just like addicts, we need our dopamine :) But i am doing all that is in my power to make this a more level playing field for all. We love this community as a whole and wish to see it grow. I would just hope that the other guilds would adhere to the simple guidlines of no greater weapon enchants or rank 10s before the 40s bracket. This will allow new players to really experience the fun of the game. In the end that is all we want as a guild, for our community to respect us and for our fellow players to have a fun and exciting gaming environment. Let me know how yall feel.

PS If your interested in us just contact me in game, my tag is @catisious. If you have any concerns feel free to contact me also. Love you all. Good huntings!
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    Closing as it's turned to a bashing topic with no semblance of the original topic. Also, naming & shaming isn't allowed. Some posts on this have been removed.

    Update: Post ZSO error loosing all my moderator marks - I've decided to just strip this down and leave it closed. There was far too much toxic posting behavior going on to allow it to continue, which became apparent while moderating another issue.

    If one cannot post their opinions, discussions, and feedback or comments without being rude, disrespectful, or otherwise without violating the Rules, then do not post on these forums. Leave the smack talk in game, as such behavior won't be tolerated here.

    Safe travels,
    Archmage Zebular of Mystryl

    PWE Community Moderator
This discussion has been closed.