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Respen's Bugged - PUGing = Broken Instance



  • vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    Yep at least one instance is bugged, you can walk around a little but not start it actually. It was bugged last year as well. Was not fixed.
    And we paid 30.000 dollars for that?
    English is not my first language.
  • damnataanimusdamnataanimus Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    vortix44 wrote: »
    Yep at least one instance is bugged, you can walk around a little but not start it actually. It was bugged last year as well. Was not fixed.
    And we paid 30.000 dollars for that?

    Posting to say that yes this bug happened to me as well. Though I have also done a non bugged Forest of Illusion or w.e its called as well so not a clue whats causing this xD

    And I am not sure what game you are playing that requires the sum of 30k to play :p
    May the RNG Gods smile on you today!
    Adorable Temptress - 23.4k Temptation SW
    Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
    Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
    Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
    Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
    Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
    Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
    Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
  • khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Honestly, is anything working in this game? Well why should events be any different from the rest of the game? Broken events for a broken game...
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
  • aaablacklady9aaablacklady9 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    knimera906 critical hit Perfect Wolrd for 638562803(587387635) damage :D
  • powerpuffponypowerpuffpony Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I got on last evening and queued for the event 3 times in a row, each time I got a bugged instance like OP described. I waited for about 5 minutes and queued 2 more times and again got bugged instances.

    At that point I went to bed for 7 hours. When I tried the instance again when I got up it was once more a bugged one. I waited for about 3 minutes and tried again to find a bugged instance.

  • badrabbit1957badrabbit1957 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    One word "RUBBISH"
  • mstrssihrmstrssihr Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This is also an issue for me. You join party and are placed in a dead zone, there's no way to get out of it, only to leave party, rejoin a new one and end up in same spot. :( Thanks for posting bug report and Devs please help! <3
    - Major Peachy Bottom * Gutbuster's Brigade -

    "Last request - microtransactions for alllll old skins for zen/weapon appearance changes, 500 zen to make ur wep glow the color/enchant you want it... You will make more off that one item than any other zen item ever made." freshour

    "beckylunatic" Gateway AH should have column headers to sort by buyout, bid, end time, quantity, etc. These disappeared iirc with the module launch. It's obnoxious.
  • mstrssihrmstrssihr Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Figured out a way to get back to the first fire.
    1- Esc - Bring up the Game Menu.
    2- Help - Go to the Help and Support screen.
    3- Request GM Help - Go to the Request GM Help screen.
    4- Stuck - Go to the Stuck screen
    5- Unable to progress through a mission - Yep you guessed it another screen.
    6- Defeat Me - You will die, just hope no one resurrects you before...
    7- Release - "You must let go of the past, it can not be changed."
    If you follow these steps you will end up back at the first fire, most likely with all of the associated problems of dying. But if you don't want to be stuck in the endless loop every one will have to do it.

    Good luck.

    Hey thanks! While this did get me to the original spawn point and it even allowed me to enter alone, the 1st quest giver was bugged, he just wasnt there, so I got stuck again there.


    @MjrPeachyBottom We're looking into this issue. Thank you for your patience.
    - Major Peachy Bottom * Gutbuster's Brigade -

    "Last request - microtransactions for alllll old skins for zen/weapon appearance changes, 500 zen to make ur wep glow the color/enchant you want it... You will make more off that one item than any other zen item ever made." freshour

    "beckylunatic" Gateway AH should have column headers to sort by buyout, bid, end time, quantity, etc. These disappeared iirc with the module launch. It's obnoxious.
  • refracted0dawnrefracted0dawn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 894 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I managed to get in to a working event for my 11th and 12th runs. I was party leader at the end of the 11th after someone left prematurely, so I just queued the four of us up again and we got in.

    AND.... (drum roll)

    I got a Green Slime from the chest!



    So, as I've said before, when it works it works great!

    There was a little game, that had a little maze, right in the middle of a forest.
    And when it was good it was very, very good! But when it was borked it was HORRID!

    Shame I do not need the Companion, and I don't basically agree with monsters as companions and mounts (Ustilagor, Rust Monsters etc), or gear that makes players look like Illithid. The number of times I have tried to kill party members in the Dread Vault...

  • beriahotepberiahotep Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Agree with GrimFang. It is unplayable now. I cannot get a working run on any Char. Pretty pointless 'event' unless the goal was to highlight poor IT Ops.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited November 2014
    Just want to affirm here on the forums that the GMs and Devs are indeed aware of this issue and are looking into fixing it. Alas, we have no ETA that we can share at this time.
    panderus wrote: »
    FYI, we are investigating applying a hotpatch to this issue so we can continue running the event without bringing the shard down.
    Here are a couple ways to try and minimize this issue:
    1) Form a pre-made group before you Q and when finished, exit through the gate while staying grouped. Then make sure all party members are out of the instance and do not have "Return to Instance" button on their screen before re-queuing.

    2) When PUGing (random queue) and you get in the bad instance, right click your portrait and Leave Party. Then wait a few moments and re-queue and hope the gods are smiling, in a nice way.

    Safe travels,
    Archmage Zebular of Mystryl
    PWE Community Moderator
  • robrobsonrobrobson Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It is really trivial advice to the MANY similar problems which we experience from very begining of the game :(
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited November 2014
    Update: The hotfix should now be applied:
    panderus wrote: »
    Hotfix should be applied. The queue will not accept new members after the map has been open for 3 minutes or more so eventually a stuck map will properly close down instead of continually attempting to refill.
    Safe travels,
    Archmage Zebular of Mystryl

    PWE Community Moderator
  • refracted0dawnrefracted0dawn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 894 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I got the Pocket Pet for my WK TR (the one that had the Instance problems), so this morning I took in my DO DC and I don't think I had the problem once, so it seems the hot-fix fixed it.

    See? They can do it when they have the time to get to it.

  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited November 2014
    Aye, ran the event about 10 or so times in a row last night and did not experience the broken instance at all! Thanks for the fix, Cryptic!
  • beriahotepberiahotep Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    zebular wrote: »
    Update: The hotfix should now be applied:Safe travels,
    Archmage Zebular of Mystryl

    PWE Community Moderator

    I get disconnected constantly today when attempting the Respen skirmish. Trying to log into an instance, I get disconnected, if I do get in (by login back in in safe mode) when the instance is finished, I get disconnected.

    Just tried one more time - failed.
  • refracted0dawnrefracted0dawn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 894 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Apart from one Return To Instance bug on my Pathfinder Ranger's last run (and having to boot a self-confessed troll with my GWF Swordmaster), there were no more problems with the Event. My GWF also got an UNBOUND Pocket Pet from the chest on her 8th run!

    But is the event going to be extended at all, as it took almost all of two days with my Whisperknife TR and my Divine Oracle DC due to the bug and there's only about an hour left? I wanted to get the pet for my CW as well, maybe my GF.


    PS I also got disconnected during one run with my GWF, but just the once.

  • rifter1969rifter1969 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I ran the event on two characters on Saturday, got everything I wanted :D

    Never encountered the instance bug after Friday... well done with the hot-fix.
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