Russian server on other side was introduced in mod 3 time. So they generally had less need for CW stacks.
No, Drider was opened a week after M2 release. Lots of CWs come from M4 release, when everyone and their mother rolled SS-Thauma-CW to YOLO PvP. Then, when people obtained those legendary stuff and raised their GS significantly, they discovered that HRs way more faceroll friendly. Lots of former CWs, TRs and GWFs leveled HRs and reached page 1 in a few weeks.
You know how hard hard it is to climb up on the leaderbord, so all those CWs stayed while being supplemented with another FotM class.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
No, Drider was opened a week after M2 release. Lots of CWs come from M4 release, when everyone and their mother rolled SS-Thauma-CW to YOLO PvP. Then, when people obtained those legendary stuff and raised their GS significantly, they discovered that HRs way more faceroll friendly. Lots of former CWs, TRs and GWFs leveled HRs and reached page 1 in a few weeks.
You know how hard hard it is to climb up on the leaderbord, so all those CWs stayed while being supplemented with another FotM class.
Thanks for Update. I knew it was after mod 1 end. But before mod 3 mid. time when I came back in game.
Yeah - I saw same names remained for some CWs on different screenshot shared.
I d say this - russian servers shows more real balance in pvp then this - on forum threads and so on. Also there is way more guild vs guild fights and premades on premades. Plus some people show "grace" as -
if too low pug - give like 50% of point first and so on. Not that this is rear here - one GWF with 5k+ GS than one on my alt just helped me go executions task in campain on him. Died 5 times. For nothing. His team could win anyway and get more kills if they wanted. Plus on that server back in the day there was way more "ugly" people too and probably is now still.
That comment was not serious.
To be honest, this discussion about which server has the more skilled players is idiotic at best unless we have cross-realm pvp matches between the top premades.
So back to my serious comment: why are we even looking at another server when we can see our own server flooded with HRs?
Is that sight a detriment to the PVP HRs' arguments? Are people scared to admit that HRs are the most overpowered PVP class at the moment?
It's very simple really. Let's not be stupid and make a simple conundrum more complicated than it should be by introducing foreign factors.
So back to my serious comment: why are we even looking at another server when we can see our own server flooded with HRs?
Is that sight a detriment to the PVP HRs' arguments? Are people scared to admit that HRs are the most overpowered PVP class at the moment?
It's very simple really. Let's not be stupid and make a simple conundrum more complicated than it should be by introducing foreign factors.
First of all this is not the topic of thread.
And to be done with - CW are floading this server now. Already floaded russian. More to come in mod 5 changes )) Why are you focusing on HRs ? or you don't want to focus on CWs) As not serious answer)
To be done with 2 - HR got nerfed. CWS got extremly buffed. DC buffed. TR fixed but not so happy about how fixed anyway. GWF nerfed. ATM only CW will be dominating leaderboard in mod 5 as mod 4 start.
Just admit it it. CW are not at that bad situation in pvp. Unless you are HR you have tiny chance to kill CW now if he sees you first. Even if not - my 18k SW has nothing to stop CW from freeze, kill. It is no skill play as for me. Yet this is only my oppinion. I do agree with most of good CW that returing shard is best way to fix it. People rolled up HR cause this the only way to be on top against CW.
This is what happened on russian server. We just have more HRs and more pve CW that "came to rule" by call for nerf in pvp.
Dening result of same game but with diffrent people is what brings you to "blindness".
This is simple solution - if in same condition others were able to get different result - problem is in how you are doing things. Pure sience experiment btw.
So I do hope if you are not suttified with my answer you will created one more thread "nerf HR ". I m not gonna discuss this "CW are not OP on this server" again in this thread.
First of all this is not the topic of thread.
And to be done with - CW are floading this server now. Already floaded russian. More to come in mod 5 changes )) Why are you focusing on HRs ? or you don't want to focus on CWs) As not serious answer)
To be done with 2 - HR got nerfed. CWS got extremly buffed. DC buffed. TR fixed but not so happy about how fixed anyway. GWF nerfed. ATM only CW will be dominating leaderboard in mod 5 as mod 4 start.
Just admit it it. CW are not at that bad situation in pvp. Unless you are HR you have tiny chance to kill CW now if he sees you first. Even if not - my 18k SW has nothing to stop CW from freeze, kill. It is no skill play as for me. Yet this is only my oppinion. I do agree with most of good CW that returing shard is best way to fix it. People rolled up HR cause this the only way to be on top against CW.
This is what happened on russian server. We just have more HRs and more pve CW that "came to rule" by call for nerf in pvp.
Dening result of same game but with diffrent people is what brings you to "blindness".
This is simple solution - if in same condition others were able to get different result - problem is in how you are doing things. Pure sience experiment btw.
So I do hope if you are not suttified with my answer you will created one more thread "nerf HR ". I m not gonna discuss this "CW are not OP on this server" again in this thread.
I am focusing on HRs because they are the big problem this module plain and simple. CWs and GWF intimidation (working as intended?) are pretty strong but not close to HRs.
Why are you even looking at the Russian server being flooded with CWs when OUR OWN SERVER is being flooded with HRs?
So then you try and make the idiotic argument that the Russian server is more advanced than Dragon server? I will reiterate that we cannot make such a comparison. I can just easily state that the Russian server HRs are not as good as the HRs on this server and the intimidation GWF is not widespread in their servers. See I can make assumptions too.
Look at OUR leaderboard flooded with HRs. Plain and simple. Let's not be stupid and make it more complicated than it is.
It's because he's grasping for straws trying to find some sort of evidence that HRs aren't really *that* overpowered, or that CWs are really overpowered, but all CW players on the international server are just terrible compared to the Russian prodigies or something.
Of course, even on the Russian server, the top spots were HRs. The likelihood is that the main reason the HR dominance wasn't even stronger there has more to do with population size issues than balance.
Correct. I find it amusingly dumbfounding that people refuse to look at our own leaderboard and will instead grab a foreign one to make a point.
Also, pugs do not understand that HRs need good gear. CWs work much better when both classes are undergeared.
Hmmmm....I kill 11k CWs using Cloud of Steel x8 while 11k HRs are a real threat.
Most 11K CWs are PvE lowbies trying to gear up, through PvE. Few HRs roll for PvE, although the class is hardly bad at it lol.
If you do roll a CW for PvP, it can do decently at low GS. I have a 9K GS, no enchants, no boons, grim gear/profound orb CW that I only do GG with. It already has 29.5K HP and is decently tanky with shield on Tab. Has annoyingly long CC with Orb of Imposition, and when Storm Spell hits, it hits for decent amounts. It's true I use it with perfect wep enchant. Conclusion is, with PvP gear/spec/setup, a low GS CW is still nice to play (of course you will get obliterated by higher GS players lol).
CWs however scale quite bad with gear. HRs scale VERY good.
The Great Weapon Fighter still falls far behind the offensively specced Guardian Fighter in every facet of gameplay. Even after these buffs my Guardian Fighter enjoys lower cooldowns, higher damage, higher survivability, higher utility, and higher control over my Great Weapon Fighter.
Power provides the worst return per point investment for the GWF than any other class making it nigh useless. To add insult to injury we have a bunch of garbage feats with power components that pale in comparison to the other fighter class who actually benefits from power.
For comparison sake the Guardian Fighter can have a power boost that scales up to 100% with remaining block meter. The Great Weapon Fighter can get a 50% boost only when his team-mates take damage and he as the offtank avoids being hit all-together (How does this even make sense thematically?) Not only is the Guardian Fighter's feat just better, it's actually applicable to more than just PvE. In PvP the Great Weapon Fighter will never maintain more than a 10% boost on a stat that doesn't even really benefit him.
Frontline Surge and Bull's Charge have CC components and do more damage than Indomitable Battle Strike.
Lunge offers huge mobility has a six second cooldown with feats/light recovery investment and does more damage than Indomitable Battle strike.
Cleave does twice the damage of every Great Weapon Fighter at-will and does not have damage drop/target.
Why does the GWF have sets with no crit on them but 'when you crit' components on the set bonuses? Who in their right mind made that decision? Meanwhile, Guardian Fighters can bask in 25% of their maximum health pool being converted into power making a tanking set the most viable DPS set.
I really want to use my GWF over my GF, but when it feels like I'm playing with a handicap I just can't bring myself to do it. A 20% boost to our at-wills and a 1.1 second CD reduction on skills nobody even uses isn't going to cut it. A rework of the DPS feats, proper stat scaling, and actual thought behind itemization are the only real options to put this class on an even playing field.
As we all know PvP is way more important on Russian server.
Excuse me? How the hell are we all supposed to know this and do you even have a shred of evidence of this?
Last I checked this is not the Russian forums, though I may be mistake, so most of us (including me) know nothing about the Russian PvP community, all I know is that we have almost double the amount of pages that the Russian server does (which doesn't actually mean anything since we likely have more players) besides page numbers, how can you even sort of state that PvP is more important to them? If your argument is they had 1 tournament, woopdy doo, who cares? we do PMs vs PMs every night, just because no one is willing to put up a tournament doesn't mean we don't take PvP seriously.
Excuse me? How the hell are we all supposed to know this and do you even have a shred of evidence of this?
The Product manager said that pvp was more popular ( I'd guess based on overall population size) on the RU server than it is on the international server during his recent AMA on Reddit , here what he said - .
So, the good news for you is that while the PvP community is small on the International shard (Dragon), it is huge on the Russian one (Drider). That means the chances of new PvP content getting created is probably better than you might think. No ETA, of course. :P
The developers said that pvp was more popular on the RU server than it is on the international server.
After reading his entire paragraphs, I think what he actually was opposed to was the notion that Russian server PVP is way more advanced than Dragon server PVP.
I too find that assuming Russian players are just way more advanced than Dragon players to be absurd.
After reading his entire paragraphs, I think what he actually was opposed to was the notion that Russian server PVP is way more advanced than Dragon server PVP.
I too find that assuming Russian players are just way more advanced than Dragon players to be absurd.
I remember seeing a post about a match on Russian server that lasted hours.
I haven't seen any posts about epic PVP games from international server lasting hours....
Add to that the community manager over there making PVP tournaments for them and I would say that server is WAY more into the PVP than this server. Sure we have some great guilds that are probably great players, but they have no competition and probably spend 75% of the time in PVP rofl stomping noobs.
Give us some guild on guild action or tournaments so people can play against competitive teams too, or the Russians absolutely will have a more advanced pvp game than this server.
Give us some guild on guild action or tournaments so people can play against competitive teams too, or the Russians absolutely will have a more advanced pvp game than this server.
You can make the case that a lot more people are into PVP in the Russian server, however again you cannot assume that the best players and best teams in Russia are way more advanced than the players on Dragon server. There are enough good teams and players on this server to play against the past 3 modules. We will never know unless we have a server vs server tournament.
Also please be advised that there are certain events* (I'll leave it at that) that the dragon server was able to figure out that the Russian server probably did not.
Anyway, people can assume one way or another however until this tournament that will never happen occurs, it will stay as assumptions and nothing more.
I remember seeing a post about a match on Russian server that lasted hours.
I haven't seen any posts about epic PVP games from international server lasting hours....
Back in the days we used to premade and premades were (occasionally) very fun, intense and long. This is just an example of one such epic game.
Because of the uninspired changes that gave people crazy amounts of damage, these days premades last about 30 mins Lame.
Excuse me? How the hell are we all supposed to know this and do you even have a shred of evidence of this?
Last time I checked devs answering question on reddit answered by devs.
Last time I checked they have well organised turnament. For whatever reason I quoute for you from Ryan
So, the good news for you is that while the PvP community is small on the International shard (Dragon), it is huge on the Russian one (Drider). That means the chances of new PvP content getting created is probably better than you might think. No ETA, of course
This is the reason why Im interesed in russian server. Cause obviously changes will be comming from there to here rather then opposite. Plus Im capable of reading russian and understanding that there is a reason why peple gain deferent result for same game.
I know that top HR here are from introduction of leaderboard and I have no reason to dought thier skill nor the skill of top CW. Same thing some of top HR are on top with 22k GS full rank 10 and epics. CW maybe same. Yet they are both on top of leaderboard. there 10 HR on our leaderboard. Other 10 are not HRs. CW GWF GF TR.
Cause they obviously are there for are reason.
And 2nd note - Im really amused how people here are able to raise anti HR talk out of 1 picture. It looks like bunch of CW just come here to cry about HR. Really amasing. You all try to say that HR are on top due to only OP ness. Yet you keep forgeting GS and most important skill.
People of russian server were able to get both CW and HR on top. Yet here you just keep whining. No matter what. Not considering mod 5 changes that are comming and will effect the picture. You just keep whining about HR. misarable really. Instead of getting better yourself it does feels like you just need to get somebody else worse then you to feel better.
People of russian server were able to get both CW and HR on top. Yet here you just keep whining. No matter what. Not considering mod 5 changes that are comming and will effect the picture. You just keep whining about HR. misarable really. Instead of getting better yourself it does feels like you just need to get somebody else worse then you to feel better.
Well see that's where your argument fails.
First of all, why not look at OUR OWN leaderboard? Why go to the Russian one? I assume you are trying to make a point that their players are somehow more skilled than the top end players here? If you are then I'd say you cannot make that assumption unless we've had several cross-server matches between multiple teams. If you want to play the game of assumptions, then I can also assume that the BIS HRs in this server are more skilled than the BIS HRs in Russia. I can also assume that the Russians aren't bright enough to discover the GWF intimidation build. See how easy it is to assume stuff?
Now if you're not making that point, then why even bring up the Russian leaderboard when we have our own leaderboard to look at the PVP situation in our own server.
First of all, why not look at OUR OWN leaderboard? Why go to the Russian one? I assume you are trying to make a point that their players are somehow more skilled than the top end players here? If you are then I'd say you cannot make that assumption unless we've had several cross-server matches between multiple teams. If you want to play the game of assumptions, then I can also assume that the BIS HRs in this server are more skilled than the BIS HRs in Russia. I can also assume that the Russians aren't bright enough to discover the GWF intimidation build. See how easy it is to assume stuff?
Now if you're not making that point, then why even bring up the Russian leaderboard when we have our own leaderboard to look at the PVP situation in our own server.
Its very simple really.
Well first of all I did not have any intetion to make some point of another. Especially on leaderboard that is before mod 5 release with changes. Yet it is a fact no matter how you try to deny it - different people made another result in leaderboard with same game in same mod. Also calling them skillless fails since " you cannot make that assumption unless we've had several cross-server matches between multiple teams. "
My interest was why and how they did this? what is different and did it effect balance in mod 5 or not? what is really going on pvp focused server where people seems to spent majority of time not in pve but in pvp? What will this bring here about anunouces changes. Aryox already sad that they found 2 unfinished maps on russian server. Yet still platying mostly pvp leads to more pvp over pve skilled people? don't you agree?
It is still suprpising how you are tring to deny any other information that does not fit your idea. you and other CW brought in this thread idea that HR are overpowered and stated to deny that CW are OP in anyway. This just tells me that you are troll that can not stand other point of view then his.
yes its about skill me as GWF can't even press 1 button, cause i am burned down by a HR with almost half of his rotation...
that is because it's about skill values..
you are right thedemien.
we talk about OPness about classes that doesnt give other classes the right to even scratch them, thats it called OVERPOWERED, not that i hate HRs, CWs , TRs ... cause i play with them in my team... but what is the problem that the skill you say, isn't always determined by the man who is behind the computer, but it's about the feats that all those top hrs are playin with.. on the same paragon with the same feats and probably the same build. and dont worry we called CW OP with assailant that was broken even before being launched in module 4.. but they fixed it after 1 month or so..
thats a little unfair.
and i belive most of the outragous updates came from russian side, probably they listen more to their feedback or something like that.
and yes HRs/ Trs/ SWs / GWF has the striker role. and they should be similiar on what they can do.. but it seems you dont agree with this.
What's you'r gear like? Do you have rank 10s, orange artifacts orange weapon? I have them and I can beat hrs that don't. I can't beat hrs who do if they try at all. You know unless they are archers or not intended for pvp in any way.
As for why the rus rus Leaderboards might have higher cdubstep more than our one? Any number of reasons. Maybe russians are more inclined to use the one character and take them into pvp regardless. You have to farm your stuff up in pve unless you just buy that stuff. And wizards rule pve with an iron fist. Some people get annoyed about that but once you get your rank 8s who cares. Maybe its because the board doesnt adjust to change well or because they are cheeseballing and leaving on losses or maybe they have better k/d because there are fewer premades on the russian server so there are more occurences of cws going 30/0 because a cw can wreck a bad team.
You can **** around in iwd and get one 1v1s sometimes when you aren't getting jumped by the one v one guy and his 8 guildmates and take off your companions to see how it works. ****, some people will even take off enchants to make it evenish gs. If you aren't winning on your combat hr in that situation I don't know. Maybe the vast majority of wizard players are really bad or there is a class imbalance.
This back and forth HR vs CW bickering really getting old, just as in the past CW vs GWF got old and so on.
It is interesting to notice that these things are an issue solely in the forums. When PvP people discuss class balance in PMvsPM or w/e, there is usually very fast consensus about what is OP and what is not and what should be modified.
I will leave you with a few examples of what people usually agree upon.
- HR is OP because of self-healing and DoT/piercing damage to the point where it makes all other classes irrelevant 1vs1
- CWs are OP in teamplay and a nightmare once you get CCed, as you will get burned real fast if their team is well coordinated. They are however universally recognized as priority targets and most of the time cannot hold their own when they find themselves in 1vs1 situations. It is to easy to hold down RoF and win, hence most PvPers would like to see the return of Shard as a mean to differentiate CWs based on skill
- Intimidation is OP, GWF overall, however, is not. It's a gimmick build few like and few GWF are able to play it because of gear and skill requirements. Still nobody likes one-shots so most people want it gone
- TR class is in such a bad place there are less than 5 players able to play it properly in PvP. Their node contesting and trolling capabilities are however OP and a good TR is probably the most important asset in a premade.
- SWs, while capable DPSers and node clearers, are in a very bad place overall and considered a weak class that would probably lose you the game if close.
Again, the hot debates on class balance are a thing of the forums for some reason, with many people obviously interested solely in defending/buffing their own turf. When people discuss this openly in a larger group, few have the audacity to make the claims you see on these forums, and the ones that do are getting laughed at mercilessly.
CW indeed are pretty good
let me give you an example
from our leaderboard if you pick any HRs on 1vs1 fight tehy beat every class.
but there are different moments.
for example a CW crits with his iceknife, he might beat the HR
or GWF crits with both daring shout and coem and get it, he might beat the HR
but for this things to happen , there is less then a 5% chance.
here isn't about skill.
if you need 1 iceknife to oneshot him, you cannot call that skill. cause you only press 1 button = win.
same with GWF with intimidation.
and so are the HRs.
now on PTR shard . the HR bIS and me BIS , i'm killed almost in 1 rotation while fighting, he isn't even scratched. and there isn't even a problem about being skillful . it's clearly obvious he is OP.
and yes, i've seen CW that beat HR with iceknife, but u cannot a fair win. the cw was just lucky.
and here i am repeating myself.. because of the HR opness in pvp, and CW opness in PVE there are people that whine and demand more BUFFS !! for this only reason... when the devs can tone down their damage/selfealing/defensive abilities(mostly for HRs) so what happens?
we will have in mod5 DC / TRs that will be unkillable, lettin 3 classes outside again.
GF , GWF , and SW.
and in mod6 they will do the same thing, they will make OP this classes again.
so this cycle will repeat again and again.
so what is the best solution..
just pick 10-15 players to test ALL your changes on each character, go on a TEST server and play the game.
reason is that
we pvp players know what encounters/feats to pick up so if we find any irregularities we can say and show to devs what is the problem. rather then givin a mumble jumble of a feedback that we dont know if it will be readed..
[–]PWE_Community 2 points 11 days ago
We have a person that is pretty much dedicated to class balance 24/7. He's aware that some classes are more desirable end-game than others, and he has many sleepless nights trying to figure out how to change that.
Mount upgrades are expensive mostly because unlike companions, you only need one Mount to be set for the rest of your character's life. If we made them cheaper, the amount of AD that they sunk from the economy would be too small. The only way that we would be able to make up for that would be if we had a larger amount of new players coming into (and leaving) the game frequently.
there is only 1 person dedicated to class balance, props ! for that person. that why we can work it togheter and make something good.
I try to always post facts, and less opinion. I have 0 issues admitting where things went awry in the classes I play. I was against Storm Spell, Assailant, Piercing and other mechanics that would directly affect my chars if nerfed. I reported Storm Fury as a bug even though as things stand now in Preview, it is the only way I can kill an HR.
I will also point out where other classes are problematic. People tend to be very aggressive-defensive when I do that believing I want my class to be OP when I never-ever wanted more than being able to hold my own vs all other classes, as in win some, lose some vs people at same level of gear&experience.
I honestly can understand this, as the devs have the tendency to nerf stuff to oblivion instead of fixing it
No, Drider was opened a week after M2 release. Lots of CWs come from M4 release, when everyone and their mother rolled SS-Thauma-CW to YOLO PvP. Then, when people obtained those legendary stuff and raised their GS significantly, they discovered that HRs way more faceroll friendly. Lots of former CWs, TRs and GWFs leveled HRs and reached page 1 in a few weeks.
You know how hard hard it is to climb up on the leaderbord, so all those CWs stayed while being supplemented with another FotM class.
Thanks for Update. I knew it was after mod 1 end. But before mod 3 mid. time when I came back in game.
Yeah - I saw same names remained for some CWs on different screenshot shared.
1880 pages in leaderboard.
we have like 2.5k if i am not wrong.
That comment was not serious.
To be honest, this discussion about which server has the more skilled players is idiotic at best unless we have cross-realm pvp matches between the top premades.
So back to my serious comment: why are we even looking at another server when we can see our own server flooded with HRs?
Is that sight a detriment to the PVP HRs' arguments? Are people scared to admit that HRs are the most overpowered PVP class at the moment?
It's very simple really. Let's not be stupid and make a simple conundrum more complicated than it should be by introducing foreign factors.
First of all this is not the topic of thread.
And to be done with - CW are floading this server now. Already floaded russian. More to come in mod 5 changes )) Why are you focusing on HRs ? or you don't want to focus on CWs) As not serious answer)
To be done with 2 - HR got nerfed. CWS got extremly buffed. DC buffed. TR fixed but not so happy about how fixed anyway. GWF nerfed. ATM only CW will be dominating leaderboard in mod 5 as mod 4 start.
Just admit it it. CW are not at that bad situation in pvp. Unless you are HR you have tiny chance to kill CW now if he sees you first. Even if not - my 18k SW has nothing to stop CW from freeze, kill. It is no skill play as for me. Yet this is only my oppinion. I do agree with most of good CW that returing shard is best way to fix it. People rolled up HR cause this the only way to be on top against CW.
This is what happened on russian server. We just have more HRs and more pve CW that "came to rule" by call for nerf in pvp.
Dening result of same game but with diffrent people is what brings you to "blindness".
This is simple solution - if in same condition others were able to get different result - problem is in how you are doing things. Pure sience experiment btw.
So I do hope if you are not suttified with my answer you will created one more thread "nerf HR ". I m not gonna discuss this "CW are not OP on this server" again in this thread.
I am focusing on HRs because they are the big problem this module plain and simple. CWs and GWF intimidation (working as intended?) are pretty strong but not close to HRs.
Why are you even looking at the Russian server being flooded with CWs when OUR OWN SERVER is being flooded with HRs?
So then you try and make the idiotic argument that the Russian server is more advanced than Dragon server? I will reiterate that we cannot make such a comparison. I can just easily state that the Russian server HRs are not as good as the HRs on this server and the intimidation GWF is not widespread in their servers. See I can make assumptions too.
Look at OUR leaderboard flooded with HRs. Plain and simple. Let's not be stupid and make it more complicated than it is.
Correct. I find it amusingly dumbfounding that people refuse to look at our own leaderboard and will instead grab a foreign one to make a point.
Also, pugs do not understand that HRs need good gear. CWs work much better when both classes are undergeared.
Hmmmm....I kill 11k CWs using Cloud of Steel x8 while 11k HRs are a real threat.
Most 11K CWs are PvE lowbies trying to gear up, through PvE. Few HRs roll for PvE, although the class is hardly bad at it lol.
If you do roll a CW for PvP, it can do decently at low GS. I have a 9K GS, no enchants, no boons, grim gear/profound orb CW that I only do GG with. It already has 29.5K HP and is decently tanky with shield on Tab. Has annoyingly long CC with Orb of Imposition, and when Storm Spell hits, it hits for decent amounts. It's true I use it with perfect wep enchant. Conclusion is, with PvP gear/spec/setup, a low GS CW is still nice to play (of course you will get obliterated by higher GS players lol).
CWs however scale quite bad with gear. HRs scale VERY good.
Power provides the worst return per point investment for the GWF than any other class making it nigh useless. To add insult to injury we have a bunch of garbage feats with power components that pale in comparison to the other fighter class who actually benefits from power.
For comparison sake the Guardian Fighter can have a power boost that scales up to 100% with remaining block meter. The Great Weapon Fighter can get a 50% boost only when his team-mates take damage and he as the offtank avoids being hit all-together (How does this even make sense thematically?) Not only is the Guardian Fighter's feat just better, it's actually applicable to more than just PvE. In PvP the Great Weapon Fighter will never maintain more than a 10% boost on a stat that doesn't even really benefit him.
Frontline Surge and Bull's Charge have CC components and do more damage than Indomitable Battle Strike.
Lunge offers huge mobility has a six second cooldown with feats/light recovery investment and does more damage than Indomitable Battle strike.
Cleave does twice the damage of every Great Weapon Fighter at-will and does not have damage drop/target.
Why does the GWF have sets with no crit on them but 'when you crit' components on the set bonuses? Who in their right mind made that decision? Meanwhile, Guardian Fighters can bask in 25% of their maximum health pool being converted into power making a tanking set the most viable DPS set.
I really want to use my GWF over my GF, but when it feels like I'm playing with a handicap I just can't bring myself to do it. A 20% boost to our at-wills and a 1.1 second CD reduction on skills nobody even uses isn't going to cut it. A rework of the DPS feats, proper stat scaling, and actual thought behind itemization are the only real options to put this class on an even playing field.
Excuse me? How the hell are we all supposed to know this and do you even have a shred of evidence of this?
Last I checked this is not the Russian forums, though I may be mistake, so most of us (including me) know nothing about the Russian PvP community, all I know is that we have almost double the amount of pages that the Russian server does (which doesn't actually mean anything since we likely have more players) besides page numbers, how can you even sort of state that PvP is more important to them? If your argument is they had 1 tournament, woopdy doo, who cares? we do PMs vs PMs every night, just because no one is willing to put up a tournament doesn't mean we don't take PvP seriously.
The Product manager said that pvp was more popular ( I'd guess based on overall population size) on the RU server than it is on the international server during his recent AMA on Reddit , here what he said - .
After reading his entire paragraphs, I think what he actually was opposed to was the notion that Russian server PVP is way more advanced than Dragon server PVP.
I too find that assuming Russian players are just way more advanced than Dragon players to be absurd.
I haven't seen any posts about epic PVP games from international server lasting hours....
Add to that the community manager over there making PVP tournaments for them and I would say that server is WAY more into the PVP than this server. Sure we have some great guilds that are probably great players, but they have no competition and probably spend 75% of the time in PVP rofl stomping noobs.
Give us some guild on guild action or tournaments so people can play against competitive teams too, or the Russians absolutely will have a more advanced pvp game than this server.
You can make the case that a lot more people are into PVP in the Russian server, however again you cannot assume that the best players and best teams in Russia are way more advanced than the players on Dragon server. There are enough good teams and players on this server to play against the past 3 modules. We will never know unless we have a server vs server tournament.
Also please be advised that there are certain events* (I'll leave it at that) that the dragon server was able to figure out that the Russian server probably did not.
Anyway, people can assume one way or another however until this tournament that will never happen occurs, it will stay as assumptions and nothing more.
Back in the days we used to premade and premades were (occasionally) very fun, intense and long. This is just an example of one such epic game.
Because of the uninspired changes that gave people crazy amounts of damage, these days premades last about 30 mins
Last time I checked devs answering question on reddit answered by devs.
Last time I checked they have well organised turnament. For whatever reason I quoute for you from Ryan
This is the reason why Im interesed in russian server. Cause obviously changes will be comming from there to here rather then opposite. Plus Im capable of reading russian and understanding that there is a reason why peple gain deferent result for same game.
I know that top HR here are from introduction of leaderboard and I have no reason to dought thier skill nor the skill of top CW. Same thing some of top HR are on top with 22k GS full rank 10 and epics. CW maybe same. Yet they are both on top of leaderboard. there 10 HR on our leaderboard. Other 10 are not HRs. CW GWF GF TR.
Cause they obviously are there for are reason.
And 2nd note - Im really amused how people here are able to raise anti HR talk out of 1 picture. It looks like bunch of CW just come here to cry about HR. Really amasing. You all try to say that HR are on top due to only OP ness. Yet you keep forgeting GS and most important skill.
People of russian server were able to get both CW and HR on top. Yet here you just keep whining. No matter what. Not considering mod 5 changes that are comming and will effect the picture. You just keep whining about HR. misarable really. Instead of getting better yourself it does feels like you just need to get somebody else worse then you to feel better.
Well see that's where your argument fails.
First of all, why not look at OUR OWN leaderboard? Why go to the Russian one? I assume you are trying to make a point that their players are somehow more skilled than the top end players here? If you are then I'd say you cannot make that assumption unless we've had several cross-server matches between multiple teams. If you want to play the game of assumptions, then I can also assume that the BIS HRs in this server are more skilled than the BIS HRs in Russia. I can also assume that the Russians aren't bright enough to discover the GWF intimidation build. See how easy it is to assume stuff?
Now if you're not making that point, then why even bring up the Russian leaderboard when we have our own leaderboard to look at the PVP situation in our own server.
Its very simple really.
Well first of all I did not have any intetion to make some point of another. Especially on leaderboard that is before mod 5 release with changes. Yet it is a fact no matter how you try to deny it - different people made another result in leaderboard with same game in same mod. Also calling them skillless fails since " you cannot make that assumption unless we've had several cross-server matches between multiple teams. "
My interest was why and how they did this? what is different and did it effect balance in mod 5 or not? what is really going on pvp focused server where people seems to spent majority of time not in pve but in pvp? What will this bring here about anunouces changes. Aryox already sad that they found 2 unfinished maps on russian server. Yet still platying mostly pvp leads to more pvp over pve skilled people? don't you agree?
It is still suprpising how you are tring to deny any other information that does not fit your idea. you and other CW brought in this thread idea that HR are overpowered and stated to deny that CW are OP in anyway. This just tells me that you are troll that can not stand other point of view then his.
that is because it's about skill values..
you are right thedemien.
we talk about OPness about classes that doesnt give other classes the right to even scratch them, thats it called OVERPOWERED, not that i hate HRs, CWs , TRs ... cause i play with them in my team... but what is the problem that the skill you say, isn't always determined by the man who is behind the computer, but it's about the feats that all those top hrs are playin with.. on the same paragon with the same feats and probably the same build. and dont worry we called CW OP with assailant that was broken even before being launched in module 4.. but they fixed it after 1 month or so..
thats a little unfair.
and i belive most of the outragous updates came from russian side, probably they listen more to their feedback or something like that.
and yes HRs/ Trs/ SWs / GWF has the striker role. and they should be similiar on what they can do.. but it seems you dont agree with this.
As for why the rus rus Leaderboards might have higher cdubstep more than our one? Any number of reasons. Maybe russians are more inclined to use the one character and take them into pvp regardless. You have to farm your stuff up in pve unless you just buy that stuff. And wizards rule pve with an iron fist. Some people get annoyed about that but once you get your rank 8s who cares. Maybe its because the board doesnt adjust to change well or because they are cheeseballing and leaving on losses or maybe they have better k/d because there are fewer premades on the russian server so there are more occurences of cws going 30/0 because a cw can wreck a bad team.
You can **** around in iwd and get one 1v1s sometimes when you aren't getting jumped by the one v one guy and his 8 guildmates and take off your companions to see how it works. ****, some people will even take off enchants to make it evenish gs. If you aren't winning on your combat hr in that situation I don't know. Maybe the vast majority of wizard players are really bad or there is a class imbalance.
It is interesting to notice that these things are an issue solely in the forums. When PvP people discuss class balance in PMvsPM or w/e, there is usually very fast consensus about what is OP and what is not and what should be modified.
I will leave you with a few examples of what people usually agree upon.
- HR is OP because of self-healing and DoT/piercing damage to the point where it makes all other classes irrelevant 1vs1
- CWs are OP in teamplay and a nightmare once you get CCed, as you will get burned real fast if their team is well coordinated. They are however universally recognized as priority targets and most of the time cannot hold their own when they find themselves in 1vs1 situations. It is to easy to hold down RoF and win, hence most PvPers would like to see the return of Shard as a mean to differentiate CWs based on skill
- Intimidation is OP, GWF overall, however, is not. It's a gimmick build few like and few GWF are able to play it because of gear and skill requirements. Still nobody likes one-shots so most people want it gone
- TR class is in such a bad place there are less than 5 players able to play it properly in PvP. Their node contesting and trolling capabilities are however OP and a good TR is probably the most important asset in a premade.
- SWs, while capable DPSers and node clearers, are in a very bad place overall and considered a weak class that would probably lose you the game if close.
Again, the hot debates on class balance are a thing of the forums for some reason, with many people obviously interested solely in defending/buffing their own turf. When people discuss this openly in a larger group, few have the audacity to make the claims you see on these forums, and the ones that do are getting laughed at mercilessly.
let me give you an example
from our leaderboard if you pick any HRs on 1vs1 fight tehy beat every class.
but there are different moments.
for example a CW crits with his iceknife, he might beat the HR
or GWF crits with both daring shout and coem and get it, he might beat the HR
but for this things to happen , there is less then a 5% chance.
here isn't about skill.
if you need 1 iceknife to oneshot him, you cannot call that skill. cause you only press 1 button = win.
same with GWF with intimidation.
and so are the HRs.
now on PTR shard . the HR bIS and me BIS , i'm killed almost in 1 rotation while fighting, he isn't even scratched. and there isn't even a problem about being skillful . it's clearly obvious he is OP.
and yes, i've seen CW that beat HR with iceknife, but u cannot a fair win. the cw was just lucky.
and here i am repeating myself.. because of the HR opness in pvp, and CW opness in PVE there are people that whine and demand more BUFFS !! for this only reason... when the devs can tone down their damage/selfealing/defensive abilities(mostly for HRs) so what happens?
we will have in mod5 DC / TRs that will be unkillable, lettin 3 classes outside again.
GF , GWF , and SW.
and in mod6 they will do the same thing, they will make OP this classes again.
so this cycle will repeat again and again.
so what is the best solution..
just pick 10-15 players to test ALL your changes on each character, go on a TEST server and play the game.
reason is that
we pvp players know what encounters/feats to pick up so if we find any irregularities we can say and show to devs what is the problem. rather then givin a mumble jumble of a feedback that we dont know if it will be readed..
[–]PWE_Community 2 points 11 days ago
We have a person that is pretty much dedicated to class balance 24/7. He's aware that some classes are more desirable end-game than others, and he has many sleepless nights trying to figure out how to change that.
Mount upgrades are expensive mostly because unlike companions, you only need one Mount to be set for the rest of your character's life. If we made them cheaper, the amount of AD that they sunk from the economy would be too small. The only way that we would be able to make up for that would be if we had a larger amount of new players coming into (and leaving) the game frequently.
there is only 1 person dedicated to class balance, props ! for that person. that why we can work it togheter and make something good.
Like 1/4 of those posts are your's. So ok.
I try to always post facts, and less opinion. I have 0 issues admitting where things went awry in the classes I play. I was against Storm Spell, Assailant, Piercing and other mechanics that would directly affect my chars if nerfed. I reported Storm Fury as a bug even though as things stand now in Preview, it is the only way I can kill an HR.
I will also point out where other classes are problematic. People tend to be very aggressive-defensive when I do that believing I want my class to be OP when I never-ever wanted more than being able to hold my own vs all other classes, as in win some, lose some vs people at same level of gear&experience.
I honestly can understand this, as the devs have the tendency to nerf stuff to oblivion instead of fixing it