Today I joined PVP. The GS of our team (GS+GS+GS+GS+GS)/5 were 11,9. The GS of the enemy team (not premade) 16.
In our team we got a player with 5K gs and another with 7K gs. The enemy got 19,17, etc
Our team

The match ended with 1000 (enemy) - 142.
Not balanced. Its not only a GS problem, also an experience one, because our team got players with low experience in pvp, and also they didnt jump into nodes to cap.
Its clearly that this is not fun for anyone, no challenge for enemy, no chance for us. Its better to have longer Queues in order to get a little more balanced.
If you experience this and think that we need longer queues at rush hour please share your POV.
Thanks in advance
One of the last times I played a PvP match, my page 400-something self was teamed up with and against people from the first 10 pages. One of them was actually top-ten. His guildie spent the entire match raging at me for dying too easily and making them lose (not badly, but maintaining steadily a bit behind the other team). After about an hour of stressing and browbeating, I accepted the penalty and dropped the match, and I've not really been back.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
No enchants. One green artifact. Some gear that has never been replaced, or hasn't been replaced since the teens and twenties.
I inspected an HR at the Rothe dragon last week that had around a 5k gear score at level 60, and that was what they looked like. All the gear was 50ish greens. Some people don't care, but it gets annoying when it actually affects you, like when they're on your PvP team and not just someone you saw randomly in PE or something.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Oh yes it happens to me all the time. Sometimes it's the other way around. I've been "invited" to some 11-12k characters' matches with my CW. When it happens, I'm always amazed by what a simple combo like EF + tabbed icy rays does. Yeah it's something like 18k crit, oh, but he's dead already. Needless to say I get 80% of the kills and the other team stays at respawn as soon as they're sick of dying.
some people would rather wait 45 mins to have 1 good match.
You cant please everyone.
You want MORE balanced matches, get cryptic to stop the power creep and allow 6 months for others to catch up.
There, I just solved your most basic and biggest issue, there is more of a issue in power creeping , then there ever was in actual class balance issues, but guess what people focus on?
Good luck to that.
Neither of those are good, but pitting 5 or 6K GS players against 16k+ is an even worse option.
There wouldn't even be any need, in OP's example case, for a longer queue.
(We all know that that makes no difference at all)
Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
And our opponents are... guess what... pugs at 10K GS and 20K HP that die in about 3/4 of a rotation. To be honest, some of these people are so horrendously undergeared, they will die by simply hitting me because of Fey Thistle procs, while being unable to damage me. It is that bad.
We feel for you.
Looks like they think the sum of all the huge imbalances will result into an overall balance. SW is overpowered, has prones, is by essence always fightiing 2v1, yet nothing has been done to nerf the class.
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
Yes, there are people out there that like a challenge and who would not do it. But IMHO they are a tiny minority. Humans will take every possibility they can to win in a competition. It's kind of "build in".
I helped some PVE friends in Icewindale collect black ice, when a CW whispered, that he wont kill me, I should not be concerned. He obviously did not inspect my char, bc he had a 12k PvE CW. I told him, that he would kill himself due to my companions, before he kills me. I just used potions and unstoppable, he died without a single attack from my GWF. Seeing is believing.
This is gonna be a 4 class game with Mod 5. Few BIS players, some ~20k players and the majority with ~10k or 15-17k toons. I guess, that one BIS player with 3 leg. artefacts and 4 pices of leg. equip will be able to kill a 10k PUG alone.
They probably queued for pvp because it was the only queue available to them. This is actually a terrible situation. The game doesn't force people to gear up to queue for the most competitive and (supposedly) challenging part of the game. Every single queue has GS requirement, forcing you to either use the AH to get something else or to grind for some blue stuff. So yeah a min GS to queue for pvp with a nice tutorial to explain them that this game is about gearing up their characters would probably help. It doesn't have to be high, it could be 10k only, but it shouldnt be the only available option when you didn't make any effort to understand what the game is about.
I agree with you...
Oh, you're a Senti.