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Royal Guard Vs profound combatant

j3ttruebowj3ttruebow Member Posts: 45 Arc User
edited October 2014 in The Wilds
Which is better ? For pvp and epic ove?

The internal cooldown sounds really nice is it really good?

The combatant looks more survivable though, royal has great regen though
Post edited by j3ttruebow on


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    w00trandomsnoobiw00trandomsnoobi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I don't PVP, but for PVE it's really good, it procs often and having multiple rain of arrows out is great. For PVE it has too much armor pen but if you also PVP, it doesn't matter.
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    j3ttruebowj3ttruebow Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2014

    Anyone uses Royal Guard for PVP/Shores of Tuern/Epic Shores of Tuern?

    Whats the feedback on its use in those places?
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    magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    j3ttruebow wrote: »

    Anyone uses Royal Guard for PVP/Shores of Tuern/Epic Shores of Tuern?

    Whats the feedback on its use in those places?

    I do.

    Although I am a Combat PvP build (17.7 GS or so with just r5-7 lol), I can outDPS most CWs at same GS in epic Shores. It's close though and I gain some lost ground at last boss. Good SWs and good Archery HRs will outdps me, which is all fine since, you know, I have PvP gear and spec.

    As for PvP, the Profound set was all but killed. It has ICD on heals and ends up not doing much for my HR. The RG set though, which puts me at 20% Tenacity vs 24% with Profound, does way more damage, so way more heals from Life Steal. The procs that shorten cooldowns are essential. You will have even less Tenacity however with Artifact Weapon and Belt, but even more damage.

    All in all, the RG set, while making you squishier, compensates with great stats overall and lots of damage, and decreased cooldowns from amazing set bonus.

    Together with the HV set for the CW, the RG set is easily the best one I wore on any of my chars.
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    lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    There are some HRs using the Royal Guard in pvp and I will too once all the BS in domination is sorted out. I use RG for Archery and Combat in pve and it works a treat for both specs, so much so that I am not interested in exploring alternatives in Black Ice or Draconic because their set bonuses suck.

    Profound Combat is the pvp version of Royal Guard set. It has less ArP and Power but more HP although the Regen is lacking, which in Mod 4 pvp I find useless anyway.

    Does tenacity even help now? When it was introduced I ran with 1350 rating once I got full Profound but I didn't see a noticeable difference as apposed to running with half that amount. People die so quickly in this meta that I wonder why tenacity was even added.

    I think a solution to the whole pve/pvp balancing problem would be just to halve everything for pvp hence making fights last longer, in theory. Apologies for going off topic.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
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    j3ttruebowj3ttruebow Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I do.

    Although I am a Combat PvP build (17.7 GS or so with just r5-7 lol), I can outDPS most CWs at same GS in epic Shores. It's close though and I gain some lost ground at last boss. Good SWs and good Archery HRs will outdps me, which is all fine since, you know, I have PvP gear and spec.


    Thats a nice combat build you have many are looking for a pve combat hr you may have built a viable one.

    May i ask how many hp you have? As i can finish epic shores at 16k gs but only if theres a tank. Boss pretty much one shots me. My main concern is how squishy ill be if i switch to royal guard

    Im using 16 k hr archery dps stormwarden with 29k hp and atm 700 ls 700 regen

    Anyone out there who thinks profound combatant is better for either pvp or pve than royal guard?
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I have a hard time not using combat profound, anything else I feel like really slow in .

    My combat spec has no issue in shores with it, typically in the top 3 in dps and rarely would ever die. Frankly, after seeing how squishy my CW is in there, I prefer this, I dont care if I lead the charts, just dont want to die.

    My deflect chance is pretty high though and you really have to wade into the battle and use piercing blade to its full effect, I rarely use any range encounters ever.

    I love my combat spec, combat profound deflect build even for pvp purposes, I think it freaks people out to see a hr that close up to battle though.
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    j3ttruebowj3ttruebow Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    silverkelt wrote: »
    I have a hard time not using combat profound, anything else I feel like really slow in .

    My combat spec has no issue in shores with it, typically in the top 3 in dps and rarely would ever die. Frankly, after seeing how squishy my CW is in there, I prefer this, I dont care if I lead the charts, just dont want to die.

    My deflect chance is pretty high though and you really have to wade into the battle and use piercing blade to its full effect, I rarely use any range encounters ever.

    I love my combat spec, combat profound deflect build even for pvp purposes, I think it freaks people out to see a hr that close up to battle though.

    How much deflect and hp do you have? Any more archer hunter rangers to share their experience with royal guard or profound combatant
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    lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    My Combat HR in RG set with R7 Radiant enchantments in defensive slots has 31k HP. My Deflect rating is around 1500 and Deflect chance is something like 36%.

    My Archer with the same set-up is just shy of 30k HP IIRC. Deflect is a lot less though - under 1k. My Defence is over 2k though and I think that helps most with me hardly ever dying in SoT or LoL. In my opinion you are giving up too many offensive stats if running with Profound Combatant as apposed to RG. Plus there is the set bonus, which is one of the best in the game as has been said.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
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    vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    i agree with silverkelt, profound combatant is great armor, i use it whole game on everything except of heroic encounters, where i slot two grand warden peaces for more damage. i dont care about damage loss, survivability is great in comparison to others armor. works good good when i have noble beast rings for regen. i try stack more defence but i looks no improve for me, i rather change regen and crit rings. in profound combatant i feel too much more haste, its usefull at garakas or lostmauth fights. btw i try to collect that royal guard set and try in pvp, seems usefull now, much more than tenacity
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    j3ttruebow wrote: »
    How much deflect and hp do you have? Any more archer hunter rangers to share their experience with royal guard or profound combatant

    I think im like 45% or something.. or 46 haven't looked in a bit honestly.

    If your just going archer storm, get royal gaurd.

    Combat spec is all about piercing damage and getting in close at all times, like I said I almost never use a range encounter at all.
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    jaotutjaotut Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I use Royal Guard for PvE on my combat spec HR and wouldn't use any other set. I rarely die in epic SoT or LoL, occasionally have my SF proc when I mistime certain things.

    I have 36k hp, about 38% deflect, 1171 regen, 958 lifesteal. The lifesteal pretty much lets me facetank any boss/dragon and not needing to worry about dying. If the boss or dragon is about do a big AoE, then I use fox shift, or just dodge, I can be dodging inside the red AoE and still won't get any damage when timed right.

    If you guys are having problems dying in SoT, it has nothing to do with gear. The boss's 1 shot move can 1 shot anyone if you're not ready for it. The key is to recognise who has aggro on the boss and stand on the opposite side. If you have a tank, then that's easy. If not, SW or CW will usually get the aggro. There are 2 things you can do to save the whole party.
    1. Fox cunning - use that when the boss is about to do his 1 shot move, it's usually after he throw out some fireball
    2. Slasher's Mark - you'll help the CW and SW to have more stamina as they'll most likely have the aggro and need to keep dodging.
    Merlin - CW Merlyn - HR Psylocke - TR Black Widow - GWF

    Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
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    j3ttruebowj3ttruebow Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Thanks guys the Royal set has me really intrigued, the set bonus looks really fun. I like it also that it is stat intensive in defense deflect and regeneration,

    probably just need Critical strike through artifacts and boons to get by it as well as some critical strike rings.

    I certainly will be buying/farming Royal Guard set in the near future. (I already have the gloves) Looking forward to spamming more fox cunning.

    But I will also keep my Profound Combatant, as you never know when the next buff/nerf will be done to the classes or the sets.

    So I will have keep both sets at my disposal.

    If anyone else has both sets and have definitive comparisons on its effectiveness please post here as well.

    Hehe long live Hunter Rangers.
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    ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Royal Guard is the BIS set for PvE, at least for DPS.

    There are 3 main build sets in PvP atm:

    a) Black Ice/Draconic with Red Glyphs
    b) Royal Guard
    c) Profound Combatant

    BI Red Glyphs build is pretty stupid, red glyphs should have never been introduced into the game. It's cheesy, absolutely dumb and takes zero skill whatsoever. I have no respect for anyone, least of all a HR, who uses red glyphs. Nevertheless, this build IS effective due to the bugged glyphs. Playstyle mainly revolves around getting off a rotation on your opponent - usually they'll be dead by the end of your first rotation, especially if they've had CA tick a few times on them already.

    Royal Guard in PvP is pretty fun to play. Set generally procs at least once per rotation, reducing your CDs by 6 seconds at least. However, you need the tenacity rings to make it work (tenacity is important for a HR especially). You also need to remember that you're extremely squishy compared to BI and profound HRs as you lack the defensive stats those sets have, but your rotations will come up a lot faster, giving you more defensive and offensive capabilities, as you have less downtime on your CCs and damage avoidance skills.

    Profound Combatant set playstyle is kind of similar to BI/red glyphs - your goal is basically to one-rotation someone or come close to that, as the only defense you have after you get off your initial rotation is your defensive stats (which you won't have that much of if you're properly spec'd) and your dodges. Profound is a bit different to BI/red glyphs though, as you don't have a guaranteed one-shot rotation especially on tanky classes such as GF.

    Sadly enough atm HR has the most choices it has ever had in terms of gear. Mod 2 pre-tenacity had some variety, but after tenacity was introduced it was basically use the profound gear to make the most of the class. Mod3 was also only one gear choice (profound yet again). Royal Guard could have been used in mod 3 but its usefulness was limited because of the lack of healing. RG only became viable in mod 4 because of wild's medicine and the profound set nerf.

    Personally, I use Royal Guard, but I'm not against any of the other 2 builds (except for red glyphs...). Both RG and Profound sets have their pros and cons - RG will generally do better against GF/CW whilst Profound has a bigger advantage against TRs. Red glyphs on the other hand should just be deleted.
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    ximaeximae Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    ralexinor wrote: »
    Royal Guard is the BIS set for PvE, at least for DPS.

    For a combat ranger maybe, for a vorpal archer its pretty much debatable. Even Grand Warden is good coz of the stat, specially the crit....

    Ive seen Grandwarden acrhers preform very well even if the set proc just adds around 2% dmg. In my single target parses it was actually outdpsing royal guard, coz the setup is not optimal for proccing royal guard. in real game aoe scenaros they they should even out with more targets to hit n proc the set.

    Another very good setup for vorpal archer is 2 grandwarden 2 dreadlegion to stack heavy crit rating for more crits.

    but the best ive found so far through my parsing is 2 pc draconic (blackice) / 2 pc dreadlegion (grandwarden).

    dont have full blackice as it might also be good and im working on it to test (stupid bracers), 4 pc draconic i dont like that much as u have to give away power to get decent crit/arp/ls ratings.

    thing is red glyphs are also awsome in pve as they add alooot of dps (7-8%)..,. thats 3 times what grandwarden adds
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    kaedennnkaedennn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 361 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    for me , i would love to play with RG set but i can't see myself runing without the profound 20% speed !
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    kaedennn wrote: »
    for me , i would love to play with RG set but i can't see myself runing without the profound 20% speed !

    This is pretty much my issue.. slot something else and the HR feels like a sloth honestly.

    My SW has sprint
    My GWF has sprint, plus I slot bravery for everything except a few DDS
    My TR has its insitgator with 15% increase of speed and
    HR has its 20% increase on profound...

    that leaves my stupid , SLOW DC feeling like lug feet, I cant barely stand to play it sometimes just due to that.

    Sadly, when I unslot profound combat on my HR I feel like my DC moving around.
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ralexinor wrote: »
    Royal Guard is the BIS set for PvE, at least for DPS.

    There are 3 main build sets in PvP atm:

    a) Black Ice/Draconic with Red Glyphs
    b) Royal Guard
    c) Profound Combatant

    Personally, I use Royal Guard, but I'm not against any of the other 2 builds (except for red glyphs...). Both RG and Profound sets have their pros and cons - RG will generally do better against GF/CW whilst Profound has a bigger advantage against TRs. Red glyphs on the other hand should just be deleted.

    Thanks for good list) I tend to use Profound still but Im in tweaking my HR now. Gto tiered of draconic at the moment - not that great in pve -even thought has good GS score overall. Switching back to royal both pve and pvp seems with good especially if guess about fix for PB and Arm Pen > DR is correct.

    PS no respect to glyphs uses too
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    query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    RG is the second T2 set I built moved to it from the old Predator. The thing is with prime critical and concentrating you did not really need the 4 peice bonus so I moived away from it again before Mod3. Went back to RG in mod4 because with the new feats you needed the set bonus again. 2 things I don't like about it is that if you have any Str at all it gives useless ArPen and the lack of crit. But it is still likely BiS for PVE.
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    query523 wrote: »
    RG is the second T2 set I built moved to it from the old Predator. The thing is with prime critical and concentrating you did not really need the 4 peice bonus so I moived away from it again before Mod3. Went back to RG in mod4 because with the new feats you needed the set bonus again. 2 things I don't like about it is that if you have any Str at all it gives useless ArPen and the lack of crit. But it is still likely BiS for PVE.

    Not so useless in pvp. Makes 3.5k Arm Pen for me. Pretty much works great agains gwf and gf. But you need tenancy added to RG in some way.
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    lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    thedemien wrote: »
    Not so useless in pvp. Makes 3.5k Arm Pen for me. Pretty much works great agains gwf and gf. But you need tenancy added to RG in some way.

    The 2 pvp campaign rings and the Domination cloak puts me on 750 Tenacity which is 10 less than what I was running around with in Mod 3 (only pvp gear I used was Profound 4p - rest was pve gear). Not that it matters much in this meta as we die so quickly anyway...
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
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    sandstorm777sandstorm777 Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lirithiel wrote: »
    The 2 pvp campaign rings and the Domination cloak puts me on 750 Tenacity which is 10 less than what I was running around with in Mod 3 (only pvp gear I used was Profound 4p - rest was pve gear). Not that it matters much in this meta as we die so quickly anyway...

    In this meta if you die so quickly you seriously have to reconsider your character, its more like in this meta we don't die.
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    malachimabemalachimabe Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Grim/Profound Combatant > RG.

    RG is only useful vs other HR's atm and even than you lose a lot of tankyness IMO with RG over Combatant. People like to argue with me over this so they make the ignore list pretty easily. With todays current situation of G.Red Glyphs and GF's daily that reflects any dmg done to them back to you (meaning you literally are killing yourself) being able to spam melee styles isn't going to help your cause. This leaves you open to other attacks from the 2 CWs or Roaring GWF landing crucial hits that hit for a Fu** ton.

    So why you RG users in PvP are getting CC'd and taking an *** kicking, my combatant set is healing everytime I deflect, which btw when I deflect I also proc Wild Medicine which....guess what?? heals me.

    RG users die, combatant users live and can hold a node 2-4v1 easily.
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    malachimabemalachimabe Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    In case you have some doubts to combatant gear.

    Lothor GF 19k with Legendary Artifacts/Weapon/Belt vs me 17k HR with only purple artifacts no legendary belt/weapon.

    Fight #1: http://youtu.be/xdC2opVfw0U

    Fight #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8X0Wu6Cx8w
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Grim/Profound Combatant > RG.

    RG users die, combatant users live and can hold a node 2-4v1 easily.

    I tend to agree with you. But this is merely my style of play I assume. I had seen Sandstorm and sniperX doing great stuff in RG. But they do probably have very specific tweaks for sets and so on that benefits their play style.
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    magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Grim/Profound Combatant > RG.

    RG is only useful vs other HR's atm and even than you lose a lot of tankyness IMO with RG over Combatant. People like to argue with me over this so they make the ignore list pretty easily. With todays current situation of G.Red Glyphs and GF's daily that reflects any dmg done to them back to you (meaning you literally are killing yourself) being able to spam melee styles isn't going to help your cause. This leaves you open to other attacks from the 2 CWs or Roaring GWF landing crucial hits that hit for a Fu** ton.

    So why you RG users in PvP are getting CC'd and taking an *** kicking, my combatant set is healing everytime I deflect, which btw when I deflect I also proc Wild Medicine which....guess what?? heals me.

    RG users die, combatant users live and can hold a node 2-4v1 easily.

    - GWFs no longer use Roar
    - you can get CCed too just as often and nicely in PvP set
    - RG users also have WM that heals them
    - you cannot hold a node vs 2 good players (with CC) in any HR config in this mod, and you were not able to do that in the past mod either. HR just dies 1vs2.

    From your 1vs4 claims, I can easily deduce you fight pugs. Show me a video where you hold vs a (known) CW/GWf couple, and I will present you official apologies.

    BTW your combatant set will heal you about 10-20% depending on the type of damage you eat.

    Compare that with cooldown reductions you no longer have.

    As for the fights vs Lothor, REALLY? His class was just fixed. Yours is NOT fixed yet and you can spam **** that goes through his shield. You gotta be a really bad HR to lose vs GFs now, even great ones such as Lothor.
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    kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You gotta be a really bad HR to lose vs GFs now, even great ones such as Lothor.

    Though i m not the admin but no flamming plz..dun wanna get this thread locked cause of flame war..

    Anyway, its just about player getting used to and good on RG or profound set..its a matter of playstyle..respect others with different playstyle than yours and share your own play style with others might help the community more..
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    magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    kangkeok wrote: »
    Though i m not the admin but no flamming plz..dun wanna get this thread locked cause of flame war..

    Anyway, its just about player getting used to and good on RG or profound set..its a matter of playstyle..respect others with different playstyle than yours and share your own play style with others might help the community more..

    I do respect other playstyles.

    I don't respect when people come and claim complete superiority as in "yours is trash mine is cool".

    Anyway, a Glyph HR will murder anything else, Profound or RG, at same skill level.
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    mfgamesysmfgamesys Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    In case you have some doubts to combatant gear.

    Lothor GF 19k with Legendary Artifacts/Weapon/Belt vs me 17k HR with only purple artifacts no legendary belt/weapon.

    Fight #1: http://youtu.be/xdC2opVfw0U

    Fight #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8X0Wu6Cx8w

    This was one month ago and not current at all. If you feel that combatant is still good please feel free to setup a 1v1.
    Main-Lothor Syralth Guardian Fighter
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    lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    thedemien wrote: »
    I tend to agree with you. But this is merely my style of play I assume. I had seen Sandstorm and sniperX doing great stuff in RG. But they do probably have very specific tweaks for sets and so on that benefits their play style.

    I agree that its playstyle that makes the decision. Also your choice of boons are a factor, but before tenacity was introduced HRs were using the RG set in pvp for the CD reduction anyway right? The shift happened with Profound giving us the healing awesomesauce that turned out to be bugged. My tenacity rating in Profound Combatant was 760 and now with RG set including the Domination Cloak and the pvp campaign ring set my rating is 750. Healing was never the deal breaker for me, I chose Profound Combatant for the 20% movement increase because I passed on the old 10% speed feat before the remake. So if you weigh speed increase against CD reduction RG wins out for me.

    And isn't Sandstorm and SniperX the same person?
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
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    ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Sandstorm = Sandstorm Varracht@ralexinor = me

    SniperX = @sandstorm777
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