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In your dream mod 5, what changes would you make / have ?

rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
edited October 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
In your dream mod 5, what changes would you make / have
(constructive feedback and ideas please, no QQ NERF THIS BECAUSE IT KILLED ME)

I've Put below some of my dream changes for mod 5, its a small list currently, but I'll put more in later, I'm happy to give my reasons for anything I have suggested, and also welcome more ideas, It'd be great if we put together a list of good ideas for some of the less thought of things that need changing. I'll format this to look pretty later as I'm currently at work


Terror - Increased Reduction 10% all levels (brings viability over plaguefire for some classes)

Holy Avenger - Effect is now a stacking resist buff in aoe, 1 stack per level 4% per stack (16% dr at perf)

Bronzewood - Instead of ignores x% of armor x% of damage ignores all armor (16% piercing at max level)

Bilethorn - Increase delayed damage to 20% weapon damage

Frost - adds a stacking slow, 4% per stack, 1 stack per level (16% max)

Lifedrinker - change scaling to 4%,6%,8%,10%

Brilliant energy - 50% change to deal 12% that ignores all DR (I mean you paid $200 for it, may as well get a slightly better enchant)

Bloodtheft , Fireburst, Frostburn , Thunderhead, Negation - Reduced cooldown to 45 seconds

Elven Battle - Reduces time controlled (at perfect, you'd be frozen , choked , proned or slowed for 50% of the normal time, currently it doesnt work like this AFAIK

Briartwine, damage reflect is based on damage taken before DR, but is affected by enemy dr, values increased to 2%,4%,6%,8%

Feats :

Hunter Ranger - Piercing damage Respects 50% of DR (pierces half of their remaning DR after armorpen and other reductions)

Control Wizard - Ice Knife, Reduce damage in line with other skills of the same type (targeted kill move)

GWF - Return prone on Takedown, refine threatening rush targetting to reduce rubberbanding ( have it charge more like savage advance so you actually get next to them)


all Dragon glyphs - Max usable charges of 20, Once hits 20 glyph expires and cooldown starts. (instead of an ICD, this way faster classes still benefit, but the max glyph damage is vastly reduced (red glyphs would do 12k total, then be on cooldown for 60 seconds) 2 of the same glyph share same cooldown, so you cannot have 2 red glyphs to get 40 hits, etc.

Tenacity Reworked : PVE armor can be forged with pvp / pve gear to add a % of its tenacity to it, this allows whole new builds and ideas to be viable in PVP (as an example. Miracle healer armor with tenacity, or avatar of war with tenacity, Maybe you get 75% of the tenacity added. so pure PVP gear still gives more, but you could forge profound into it to make it pretty good. Even just add tenacity armor refinement kits.)

Custom dye : even if this is a Zen item, It'd be cool do get a dye bottle that you can choose its exact color from a color wheel color chat, allowing us to personalize even more.

Gameplay / UI

PVP slot - A standalone Character equip slot/s for your PVP gear, this allowes you to change btween your PVE, PVP, and cosmetic seamlessly, When queuing for PVP, the PVP armor slots are locked, This can also help with a Gearscore based matchmaking preference (now this wouldnt completely stop you from going up against high level premades, but it could potentially lessen it if enough people are queued at that time)

More to come, Suggestions welcome.
People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • notsheriffsrsnotsheriffsrs Banned Users Posts: 396 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    GS brackets in PVP so I can enjoy my daily AD without being stomped :)
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    GS brackets in PVP so I can enjoy my daily AD without being stomped :)
    To add onto this, Maybe we should have a third armor slot for Pvp gear that when you queue, is locked. This gear is what you wear in PVP, That way people cant Gear swap to abuse gear score brackets, and we also dont have to keep our PVP / pve armor in a bag while we are doing the other.
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Actually, just get rid of all of the ICD's on all the enchants. All of the enchants would be viable if not for the ICD's. It is no coincidence that the top three most popular enchants (Vorpal, Terror, Plaguefire) all have no ICD's.
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    Actually, just get rid of all of the ICD's on all the enchants. All of the enchants would be viable if not for the ICD's. It is no coincidence that the top three most popular enchants (Vorpal, Terror, Plaguefire) all have no ICD's.

    Which enchants do you mean? Like holy avenger and Feytouched? or do you mean my comments regarding the armor ones such as bloodtheft. If it had no ICD then you could potentially be immortal.
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • skylher12skylher12 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    well since hr's, gwf's, cw's and gf's have all been put in godmode pretty much , i think its time to make tr's go back to one hitting people and be godmode for a couple months. So thats what i want!! (not really as i dont think anyone should be op)

    i want brackets as well where you cant swap gear

    i want stormspell fixed, glyphs to not be usable in pvp, knights valor fixed, hr's nerfed/fixed (for starters thorn wards range smaller, damage decreased)

    in my opinion all dailies should do the same amount of damage (they nerf shocking execution, but ice knife does way more damage), as well as at wills and encounters.. it should be based on skill for pvp not using a broken encounter or item to make you look like you are actually good.

    i want four more pve dungeons with awesome gear (dungeons that cant be exploited or glitched where you actually have to earn the item, not bug a boss)
  • cynogeniccynogenic Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Um swappable action bars please?(not additional action bars on screen just swappable action bars like alot of mmos do) Its been far too long this has been ignored Dx. Honestly I really want this in the game and it'll totally ease using spells. I mean, I don't enjoy having to pull the powers page, click and drag spells to my action bar just to switch em. And ofc, CD on them or etc so it CD wont get exploited or something.

    Wardrobe, stables something. Something to store our costumes and mounts that is or would become BoA.

    Random dungeon finder que? For those who want to do a dungeon but don't know which. And add some sort of rewards for random dungeon que'n.

    Make gold and astral diamonds a BoA thing, for example make it so that all your alts share ur wallet of gold and astral diamonds.

    GS pvp ques. someone said it already and i totally approve.
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    cynogenic wrote: »
    Um swappable action bars please?(not additional action bars on screen just swappable action bars like alot of mmos do) Its been far too long this has been ignored Dx. Honestly I really want this in the game and it'll totally ease using spells. I mean, I don't enjoy having to pull the powers page, click and drag spells to my action bar just to switch em. And ofc, CD on them or etc so it CD wont get exploited or something.

    Wardrobe, stables something. Something to store our costumes and mounts that is or would become BoA.

    Random dungeon finder que? For those who want to do a dungeon but don't know which. And add some sort of rewards for random dungeon que'n.

    Make gold and astral diamonds a BoA thing, for example make it so that all your alts share ur wallet of gold and astral diamonds.

    GS pvp ques. someone said it already and i totally approve.

    @ Swappable Action bars, definitely, I've always wanted this! just give it a few seconds channel, or the normal 10 second cooldown before use so people cant abuse it in combat other than swap midway then wait to use skills as they do currently.

    @ Wardrobe / stables, Definitely useful, It'd be nice when they add Guild halls or private instances you have clothing mannequins you can buy that you can equip.

    @ Random dungeon - In another MMo i played they had a XP + random item box that you got for queuing random, could do something similar, with level appropriate gear

    @ Shared wallet, Also something I've wanted a while

    @ Gs queues, what did you think of my idea of a third Gear slot for PVP gear that is locked when you queue?
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited September 2014
    skylher12 wrote: »
    well since hr's, gwf's, cw's and gf's have all been put in godmode pretty much , i think its time to make tr's go back to one hitting people and be godmode for a couple months. So thats what i want!! (not really as i dont think anyone should be op)

    i want brackets as well where you cant swap gear

    i want stormspell fixed, glyphs to not be usable in pvp, knights valor fixed, hr's nerfed/fixed (for starters thorn wards range smaller, damage decreased)

    in my opinion all dailies should do the same amount of damage (they nerf shocking execution, but ice knife does way more damage), as well as at wills and encounters.. it should be based on skill for pvp not using a broken encounter or item to make you look like you are actually good.

    i want four more pve dungeons with awesome gear (dungeons that cant be exploited or glitched where you actually have to earn the item, not bug a boss)

    SE was nerfed because you can't dodge it - Ice Knife can be dodged so your argument is invalid.
  • sprawlfxsprawlfx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    In my dream mod 5, responding to posts like this would have some meaning. hahaha!

    (That is, there would be someone listening.)
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    sprawlfx wrote: »
    In my dream mod 5, responding to posts like this would have some meaning. hahaha!

    (That is, there would be someone listening.)

    haha, Nothing wrong with being hopeful though! maybe they might get some ideas about what the playerbase wants!

    @izidius , It is true it can be dodged, but its a lot harder to dodge than say "Flame Strike" or Indom Strength, which both deal less damage at similar levels of Power and the classes have far less control options, now its quite fair that they have less control ability, as a control wizard should obviously excel at this, and as I have a control Wizard myself I love ice knife, but I still think it is a little too high for how easy I can land it. as an example, even though savage advance is targeted, I've seen people dodge it easier than ice knife quite often
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Mod 5 List in order of implementation

    1) Addition of the Paladin class
    2) Balancing the Paladin for PvP
    3) Fixing the Paladin's bugs
    4) all the rest they need to do
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • baylen76baylen76 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I would

    - add 4 more quick-use slots.

    - shorten all dragon timers to 10 min.
    - at least quadruple the ToD boon-book droprate.
    - reduce all artifact item RP needed to 1.8 mil max - the carrots are hanging too high.
    - introduce an artifact offhand with a set bonus to complement the existing artifact weapons.

    - redo rogue stealth - unlimited duration to start with but targetable - like Geth Infiltrators in ME 3 - vague flimmering in the air.
    - put GF Knight's Valor toggle on a separate key, effectively giving them another encounter slot - KV/ITF/ET plays too passively, but in 13k content KV/ITF are mandatory unless you're allergic to math.

    - write/buy code to fix cloak clipping (it's hanging through my armor!) and hair clipping.
    - make armor enchantment visuals toggleable.
    - make weapons dyeable again.

    - do more of those small ingame cutscenes as seen in the Linkletter/Razaad/Plaguetower questline (Lostmauth's is nice, too).

    - add housing, and a gardening profession to do in your house's outside area.

    - buy the audio/sound department a beer as their department is the only one I have no complaints about. And get them access to some new voice actors to keep things fresh.

    One can dream.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    i would like an armor enchant that defends you from dailies.... something like " you have a 25% to skip your dailies. This effect can only proc once every 3 days" . XD
  • mrmauveforummrmauveforum Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Hmmm was just thinking about this last night:

    1) Make slots accept stacks in the refinement UI (so that I can use 5x99 stacks of white pearls instead of only 5x1)
    2) Change mounts:
    Make purchasable Green/Blue/Purple base mounts
    Turn everything else into skins
    Make the Zen items come with the skin for the whole account and the base mount for the whole account
    3) GS-locked PvP queues
    4) RNG padding
    Add currency to every large case of RNG
    Make RNG-only items purchasable with this currency.
    1 T2 coin in every T2 chest
    Takes 10 T2 coins to buy a T2 piece
    Takes 10,000 Dragon Coins to buy an Artifact Belt
    5) BoP/BoE change:
    Make all loot BoA instead of BoP until bound to a character
    Change items from Wondrous Coffer to BoE
    Change Zen items that get flipped (Coal Wards, PWards, Bags) BoA
    6) Add in more AD sinks
  • harkurharkur Member Posts: 305 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    My dream changes?

    -Dailies are gone, replaced by ever-continuing advancement lines of non-repetitive content.

    -Dragons are buffed insanely based on the number of opponents that are arrayed before them. They once again become something even a seasoned and equipped party is seriously challenged by.

    -Cut scenes become optional once you've seen them once.

    -L60+ areas stop dropping L45 pots

    -The "defend the portal" area becomes a fully fleshed out adventuring zone. It started sooooooooooooo well, with the opening scene of that portal rising through the ice. Run with it.

    -Tiered 60+ PvP...stop throwing that poor SOB who just hit 60 and is still putting together L60 blues into fights with 100,000+ Glory PvPers.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    It would be nice to be in a community that did not want to speed-run everything. I'd like to be able to do a CN run where I didn't spend 99% of my time running as fast as I can. I'd like to be able to stop and actually figure out some of the puzzles in CN. It is a really cool place, actually. Same with PK. From what I understand, there are 8 chests in PK. Have you found all 8? I haven't, would like to see if I can find the rest. But try finding a party that wants to do anything other than do PK in less than 10 minutes flat.
  • lortechlortech Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 51
    edited September 2014
    I would really like for Protector's Enclave to have more space. This is something I don't like about all the zones in general, though. With geography and building placement they all feel overcrowded.

    A dueling system would be nice too. Implemented with a "fighting pit" type area this could expand Protector's Enclave as well as give a place to go for sport for both participants and audience. Non-instanced, though, so that it expands PE's existing geography.

    Love to play as a Wilden Druid, as well :) But the above suggestions could make PE more of a social, rather than primarily economic, hub. That would be cool.
    "One day I will leave this world and dream myself to reality"--Chief Crazy Horse

    "Do what thou Whilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, Love under Will."--Aleister Crowley
  • canis36canis36 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    rversant wrote: »
    In your dream mod 5, what changes would you make / have
    (constructive feedback and ideas please, no QQ NERF THIS BECAUSE IT KILLED ME)

    I've Put below some of my dream changes for mod 5, its a small list currently, but I'll put more in later, I'm happy to give my reasons for anything I have suggested, and also welcome more ideas, It'd be great if we put together a list of good ideas for some of the less thought of things that need changing. I'll format this to look pretty later as I'm currently at work


    Tenacity Reworked : PVE armor can be forged with pvp / pve gear to add a % of its tenacity to it, this allows whole new builds and ideas to be viable in PVP (as an example. Miracle healer armor with tenacity, or avatar of war with tenacity, Maybe you get 75% of the tenacity added. so pure PVP gear still gives more, but you could forge profound into it to make it pretty good. Even just add tenacity armor refinement kits.)

    Custom dye : even if this is a Zen item, It'd be cool do get a dye bottle that you can choose its exact color from a color wheel color chat, allowing us to personalize even more.

    Gameplay / UI

    PVP slot - A standalone Character equip slot/s for your PVP gear, this allowes you to change btween your PVE, PVP, and cosmetic seamlessly, When queuing for PVP, the PVP armor slots are locked, This can also help with a Gearscore based matchmaking preference (now this wouldnt completely stop you from going up against high level premades, but it could potentially lessen it if enough people are queued at that time)

    More to come, Suggestions welcome.

    I like the "PvP equipment" slot idea, and as for Tenacity reworking - why not add Armor Reinforcement Kits that add Tenacity to the PvP stores along side adding a new enchantment that adds Tenacity + "Stat" in the same way as the Cruel/Brutal/Savage enchantments from the CTA events instead? It wouldn't require a system rework for one so would actually be relatively easy for the Devs to do.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Isn't there another topic that's pretty much the same?
    Anyway since this is a "dream" mod 5, I'll ask for crazier things:

    -open world, all areas to be connected, no more exiting to as map and choosing where to go (for those who don't enjoy travelling, add teleport NPCs to have the very same map interface as we have now and travel that way.

    -swimming, both surface swimming and diving under water, have quests us search for hidden things underwater.

    -MANY foundry improvements, better rewards, bigger maps with higher asset limit, bosses, optional quests, more than 5 people in a quest, persistent maps/quests, etc...

    -all basic enchants have their stat gain halved, that means a r10 enchant would be like a rank 5 enchant we have now. enchants should be a small help to stats, not the main source of overgearing. Armor should be the main source of different stats.

    -Better AI for bosses, specially T2 and newer.

    -Better set bonuses for newer armorsets, so people stop wearing mostly T2.

    -Cheaper lesser enchants.

    -Not so steep RNG for most new equipment.

    -A way to have selected foundry maps/quest into official content.

    -More PVP modes/maps

    -More character customization options, more like Champions Online, earrings, glowing eyes, scaly skin, more options for everything. (buttocks slider too XD)
  • powerpuffponypowerpuffpony Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Ideally in Mod 5 I would like to have the Shield Of The Steel Bulwark's texture flipped 180 degrees so that it is not upside down when held at the ready:


    Rotated 180 degrees:

  • aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I want all nerfs to only affect PvP.
  • psychicslugpsychicslug Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    - PVP to not effect PVE content or classes and items
    - class skills and abilities that work as per the D&D books, IE preist turn undead, disable traps and set traps or amushes for rangers and other class abilities and skills that are just thrown to the side.
    - non repetitive content, dailies ect..,.
    - more content for every level not just end wise, class and race content at every level.
    - Water deep and under mountain expansion, what the hell go big
  • canis36canis36 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Thought of another thing I'd like to see.

    Dungeons - or maybe a new multiplayer mode - that focuses more on exploration and having skill checks than it does on "Kill all the trash mobs, survive the boss's endless adds, and piling on the damage to bring down the final boss's HP as quickly as possible.

    For an example when I say "skill checks" I mean things like requiring the use of the Arkana skill to disable barriers, the dungeoneering and nature skills to discover new paths, the theivery skill to disable traps, and otherwise creating challenges that are more about having the necessary tools to progress than they are about killing all the things.

    Additional to that I wouldn't mind having gameplay that's a bit less "follow the glowing line" and makes you think more beyond "what's the best set of powers to kill all the things" such as searching for clues to solve a puzzle, etc. They do have the tech to do things like that as I've seen small examples of it all throughout the leveling quest - especially in the lairs.
  • aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I want no more cut scenes.
  • samothrace22samothrace22 Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    •A beastly TR
    •Player housing
    •No more repetitive content
    •RNG be less stingy
    •More interesting dungeons with hidden passages and riddles you need to remember later to get through a door or something ( no more mindless combat)
    •Never discard and never sell labels to put on our stuff so we never get rid of it on accident
    •Organize our characters on the selection sheet
    •MORE dyes, weapon skins, armor skins, or for any class to be able to transmute their gear into a different class's gear
    •For companions to be better
    •A docks expansion in Neverwinter for us pirate folk
    Trickster Rogue
  • zshikarazshikara Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Personally I want the DC class to be overhauled. Right now SW's almost do everything we do better. I think our dps should be up to par with other classes while maintaining our unique buffs and debuffs with some side healing. Since a pure healer is pretty much out the window in this game and everyone is pretty much responsible for the majority of their own survival I can't wait to see what they have in store for us.

    I'd also like to see player housing big time. Better foundry rewards and features (bosses are the number 1 thing I want to see. its sad to see a character so ramped up during the course of a foundry only to kill him or her in 10 seconds and not even realize it was that big baddie until afterwards). I'd love to see swapable loadouts (I personally use 3 separate loadouts. One for PVE solo, one for PVE group, and one for PVP).
    Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting http://goo.gl/1zfnTS to apply!
    Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
  • sr2normandysr2normandy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 56
    edited September 2014
    rversant wrote: »
    Custom dye : even if this is a Zen item, It'd be cool do get a dye bottle that you can choose its exact color from a color wheel color chat, allowing us to personalize even more.

    I like this idea!!!
  • zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Trickster Rogue Needs an Overhaul. All three trees. They need a Stealth PvP Path (That is not horribly one sided and too anyoying for other classes to play against). A Controller AOE PvE Path and A single target DPS master path. But all need to be Viable in PvE.

    Devoted Cleric needs an Overhaul. Three paths they Need are DPS Healing path (As effective as the warlock life steal version but different mechanics.) A Healing/ Buffing Path both for offense and defense buffing, this should be the popular path for PvE. Players should want to have this DC in group for there damage buffs as much as there healing. And Third the defensive retribution path. The PvP choice. A hard to kill DC that grants buffs and bonuses to himself and his group for taking hits.

    Greatweapon Fighter. Rework Instigator Path into a tough damage dealer and controller that can still take hits. IE halfway point between Destroyer and Sentinel for defense and Damage with extra controll powers added like Knockdown being added to Mighty Leap. Maybe make this path more focused on dealing damage after taking hits more so than a normal GWF. Also Fix Reaping strike... I mean seriously Cryptic... Seriously its been what almost 2 years.
  • sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited September 2014
    Player housing

    Yes! I play some MMOs solely to furnish and remodel my house.
  • samothrace22samothrace22 Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Trickster Rogue
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