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The New PvE Content and the GWF



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    cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    ayroux wrote: »
    All At Will powers doubled in damage, and Strength gives 2% damage boost up from 1%, and removing mark from threat Rush means youll deal 0 damage?
    Yes i insta lose CA dmg,15% powerfull chalange,20% resistance ignored now do the math, you probly think everybody plays destroyer and have decent dmg,also ur not reliable person 1st u wanted to buff gf nerf gwf then u wanted to buff gwf and now again u want the nerf so ur words are meaningless
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    ximaeximae Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    grimah wrote: »
    Anti-cc as in, when a HR (and SW) attack things, the mobs move around alot as they chase them around. Rather than having a GWF the mobs will generally stay stationary or clustered when they fight, or are predictable. Hence why those classes are more reliant on CW and/or GF to do anything effectively.

    ok so u are refering to bad play, well as i said ive seen alot of that with all classes.

    I do agree its more effective with a cw or gf that keeps stuff bunched up coz of better rain of arrows, but it can be much worse if those are scattering mobs everywhere... so the same good play or bad play.

    While HR/Sw will probbaly pull the agro and the mobs will come to him, he can choose to stay/moove close to the team (while also giving combat advantage in hr case) and tank through stats / timed short dodges and not make a mess of the pull, they have the tools for it.

    Learning to manage ur agro, like not playing alpha strike with splitshot, helps to keep stuff under control too.
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ayroux, why do you insist on bargaining stuff? hahaha

    the change in power is ok, buff atwills damage - sure strike/reaping strike - is necessary (wicked strike/wms/future atwill just need stop to lose damage hiting multiples targets) but that mark is one of the best things to happening to gwf since bleed becouse

    1- that is a mechanical of the class (the class have a poor mechanical... that is the first problem)

    2 - democratized the damage between the trees.

    3 - bring a utility lost after the stupidy change in sos (after all, is just hypocrisy).

    my solution is absolutely different. bring powerful chalange to t1, and let the "15%" is transferable to the party. will be the return of sos (but now using a slot encounter).

    ps: i really like your "sos 2.0". I would like to see the "not so fast" with the effect of slow cooldown.
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    nazghul22nazghul22 Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    blackyluke wrote: »

    My GWF is arguably one of the strongest PvE GWFs on the server.

    And also, sorry that you picked the very wrong class.

    Your detailed post confirms and proves right what can be found in independant forums and blogs. To quote one who says in one sentence what you say with a large and convincing amount of figures and percentages, " Great Weapon Fighter, this class go back to being pre-mod 2 useless, the unstoppable set to 5-10% damage resist"

    So, you're in the 25k+ league and you feel outperformed by the other classes with similar GS. But well, not everybody is at 25k+, new players are starting the game, old players are starting alts, in one word if you PUG, if you join LFG calls from fresh lvl-60 SWs or GFs
    you're very likely to end up in the top 3 of the PainGiver.
    ToD = ..........
    Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
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    emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This game is free to play. And if PWE/Cryptic employees wanna buy their Coke and burgers you must spend your money in ZEN shop. But how to convince or force players to do so?

    Release new and newer stuff in ZEN shop? More OP stuff? Yea, but many people are geared enough, so how to squeeze more money from them? Convince them to start a new class, Hunter Ranger or Scourge Warlock maybe. But how?

    GWF was very VERY popular class in past and players spent a lot of money to gear this beast up. And geared players wont spend much money. So what about to "balance" this class? Players were already crying about OP GWF in PvP, so now is the time. Nerf there and there, call it balance and also dont forget to boost HR and SW.

    First of all, after some time in this game i thought that PWE/Cryptic employees are just dumb workers without any passion for the game. I was wrong in one thing - they are NOT dumb. They are smart and know pretty perfectly what are they doing. Money must flow. Is your GWF weak or better say not comparable to other classes? Do you have top gear with +10´s or just +7´s and still weak or useless for the party? Well player, you can choose different class (HR, SW maybe or even old class CW) and start spending your money again. You can buy campaign unlocks, you can buy refine stuff, hell we even released artifact class gear for all those who want to spend their money (or must).

    Call it just conspiracy theory or believe it, it is on you. Every game is released not for gamers fun but at first for any company profit. And if they cant convince you, they will force you in the end. And todays state of GWF class in this game is perfect example of how are they doing it ;)

    Its not a matter of conspiracies and beliefs, its simply good business. Neverwinter is an ongoing business project which must bring in revenue in order to keep going. Everything and I repeat, everything the Dev team does is for the sole purpose of making more money.

    All the rest - game mechanics, class balance , new content.. etc.. - is secondary.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
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    ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    nazghul22 wrote: »
    " Great Weapon Fighter, this class go back to being pre-mod 2 useless, the unstoppable set to 5-10% damage resist"

    Stop reading stupid things! They were bad players then like they are now... Let me tell you a bit about that "useless" GWF! Beta version of GWF was immortal, yeah.. it could tank all the boss adds in CN without losing a single hp, only problem bk then was the agro. Module 1 GWF had insane dmg, if the player knew how to use cancel animation and was almost on par with cw dps.

    As i recall the role of the GWF was to be a jack of all trades: do decent dmg, tank while at it and also put some cc when it needs to. As a GWF you should shine when things are becoming bad, if you want to be the main dmg dealer you should rly look in another place, cause they;ve made it clear that this class is not for that. To quote someone that rly got it what gwf is all about: "If you are second/third on every score tab then it means you are doing your job "
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ortzhy wrote: »
    Stop reading stupid things! They were bad players then like they are now... Let me tell you a bit about that "useless" GWF! Beta version of GWF was immortal, yeah.. it could tank all the boss adds in CN without losing a single hp, only problem bk then was the agro. Module 1 GWF had insane dmg, if the player knew how to use cancel animation and was almost on par with cw dps.

    As i recall the role of the GWF was to be a jack of all trades: do decent dmg, tank while at it and also put some cc when it needs to. As a GWF you should shine when things are becoming bad, if you want to be the main dmg dealer you should rly look in another place, cause they;ve made it clear that this class is not for that. To quote someone that rly got it what gwf is all about: "If you are second/third on every score tab then it means you are doing your job "

    Including most deaths tab? :rolleyes: because that's what happens when a destroyer attempts to tank now. Doesn't really fit the jack-of-all-trades description, huh.

    Also, why does everyone have to consider that the GWF is destroyer all the time? You know, there are sentinel and instigator builds too. And those need a major overhaul.
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    ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    zvieris wrote: »
    Also, why does everyone have to consider that the GWF is destroyer all the time? You know, there are sentinel and instigator builds too. And those need a major overhaul.

    I am a sentinel and i am doing just fine! Lack of agro is due way too high dmg of other classes, otherwise i can tank and outlast pretty much everything.

    As for instigator i think we;ve asked so many times to get a change that i just dont care anymore about it.

    as for deaths is pretty much your own fault as gwf, times have changed and now you cant go full dmg! Adjust your stats or skill usage, pretty simple.
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ortzhy wrote: »
    I am a sentinel and i am doing just fine! Lack of agro is due way too high dmg of other classes, otherwise i can tank and outlast pretty much everything.

    As for instigator i think we;ve asked so many times to get a change that i just dont care anymore about it.

    as for deaths is pretty much your own fault as gwf, times have changed and now you cant go full dmg! Adjust your stats or skill usage, pretty simple.
    Then what's a tank for if he can't keep aggro? To outlast everyone and revive ppl when party wipes? Lol...
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    ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    zvieris wrote: »
    Then what's a tank for if he can't keep aggro? To outlast everyone and revive ppl when party wipes? Lol...

    Sentinel gwf can finish bosses all by itself. I have been a tank in many other mmos so i am used to let others grab the agro and die, if they want so:P
    Agro management is not the gwf fault, problem is at others and truth is that content would become a lot more challenging if dps of those classes would get a nerf.
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    fizbadfizbad Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ortzhy wrote: »
    As for instigator i think we;ve asked so many times to get a change that i just dont care anymore about it.
    Instigator needs a non-useless capstone, but isn't it otherwise half-decent for CA-based AoE damage/debuff?
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    wha the hell guys...
    it's simple..
    improve our BASE DAMAGE by takin from our buffs.. that is the problem..
    we lack dps cuz we need to build our stacks first, and everytime we get 1sec cc we lose those stacks , because of the previous nerfs on weapon master/student of the sowrd and now destroyer purpose... thats the real problem... incrsease our base damage with 30% and decrease destroyer purpose by 30% .. it's simple.. take from there, and put it there..
    like ayou said, it's crazy how a sure strike hits 600 damage, when you dominate a GF in your stats...
    and like the guy said, it's pretty hard to keep up all those buffs to compete with others... but increasing with 30% base damage... and makin destroyer purpose build 1 stack = 1 % damage.. make it even more balancing, then givin it 1 stack = 2% .
    and increasing base damage will help sentinel paragon too .. even instigator.
    last buff from instigator should give the entire team 12% more damage.. and reset each 6-9 seconds..
    and that sentinel aegist, come on 40-80% DR? for what reason.. down to 25-50% would be ok imo.
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    wha the hell guys...
    it's simple..
    improve our BASE DAMAGE by takin from our buffs.. that is the problem..
    we lack dps cuz we need to build our stacks first, and everytime we get 1sec cc we lose those stacks , because of the previous nerfs on weapon master/student of the sowrd and now destroyer purpose... thats the real problem... incrsease our base damage with 30% and decrease destroyer purpose by 30% .. it's simple.. take from there, and put it there..
    like ayou said, it's crazy how a sure strike hits 600 damage, when you dominate a GF in your stats...
    and like the guy said, it's pretty hard to keep up all those buffs to compete with others... but increasing with 30% base damage... and makin destroyer purpose build 1 stack = 1 % damage.. make it even more balancing, then givin it 1 stack = 2% .
    and increasing base damage will help sentinel paragon too .. even instigator.
    last buff from instigator should give the entire team 12% more damage.. and reset each 6-9 seconds..
    and that sentinel aegist, come on 40-80% DR? for what reason.. down to 25-50% would be ok imo.

    Yeah, taking half damage from destroyer's purpose and buffing base damage would most likely be the easiest fix. Destroyer's damage would have a higher dps average and sentinel could actually control mob due to higher damage + threat.

    Though, for Sentinel 40-80% DR is a must. We're supposed to be tanks and considering that we have to take tons of damage now to fill the determination bar that depletes in a few seconds 25-50% would be too much of a nerf. GFs can have their shields with their 80% DR literally all the time, GWF doesn't have this luxury.
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    akromatikakromatik Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2014

    Closed at the request of the OP.

This discussion has been closed.