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State of Mod 4 PvP "ELO" and Class Balance

dersidiusdersidius Member Posts: 452 Arc User
edited August 2014 in PvE Discussion
State of Mod 4 PvP "ELO" and Class Balance


This thread is intended to inform the community and the game developers of the issues in Module 4’s "META" PvP, and to hopefully bring about change and positive thought if/when any re-balancing should ensue. All suggestions and situations below are based on top end competitive PVP (BiS Gear, max Skill, etc). All responses that discuss anything but End Game, top level PvP will not warrant a response from the author. Likewise, any inflammatory statements or "naming and shaming" will also receive no response.

I've been playing Neverwinter since beta, day 1. My focus has always been to PvP at the highest level possible. I believe that proper PVP balancing should be made at this level of play. , as that is the worst case scenario that each player may face. As with the previous modules, Module 4 presents its own set of imbalances that I’ll address below.

Class Discussion

Ranked by order of ‘Overpowered-ness’

It’s a close race between our first two candidates . To satisfy my OCD, I’ll alphabetize the first 2.

Out of Control Wizard:

Props to cryptic for finally giving this class some love. However they took the completely wrong direction.


Shard of Endless Avalanche (On spell mastery) should have never been nerfed, I can understand how the ‘Not spell mastery’ form had certain “Overpowered” implications in PvE, but the PvP Format of this skill was the only thing truly separating a skilled OCW from an unskilled counterpart. Removing this skill and adding the over powered, undodgeable assailing force has turned OCW into a No-Skill-ALL-Spam Encounters-Class in the end game pvp META.

Icy Rays on Tab is an undodgeable CC and Hits like a truck,averagings 15k Crits + Thamu Capstone damage (4k+).

Eye of the Storm: buffed

Storm Spell: 200% Damage increase!?

Ray of frost is currently the strongest at will in the game (Because of Storm Spell). It easily does more damage than some encounters, and it also has a stunning CC quality. This ability hits anywhere between 5-10k

Shield is now a fit all purpose for not having to stack defense stats anymore,. However, end game cws average 50k HP and 1.7k Regen regardless. Since GF’s shield can’t block Ray of Frost CC, an endgame CW may be more tanky than an endgame GF

All of these alone might not be such a big deal if they all didn’t play so well together. Consider a GF: Ray of frost + normal Icy rays, + Ice conduit + entangle + chill strike encounter rotation = GF Dies. Full CC lock, end of story. This points to an issue I’ll address later: GF’s shield. Also, endgame DC’s are terribly incapable of surviving against CWs.

Here’s the common End game PvP scenario for a OCW that arrives at another Node with no other OCW to contest it. Everything dies in less then 30 seconds, with that being the absolute most a TR could possibly survive against a cw + any other class in End game PvP.


Scale back DPS by maybe 30-35% on Ray of Frost and Icy Rays, however some more specific alternations might be needed

Bring Back the skill in the class with a fully unnerfed SPELL MASTERY SoEA and stop the button mash.

Let us exist in a world where the person walking around in robes isn’t tankier than a person in leather armor.

Now I do understand that I probably missed a lot of other good things to fix about this class. Other players that face/play an OCW more than I may be able to shed some additional light on the class. As a TR, my game mechanics have become pretty limited: i exist to to die in enemy territory in the realm of end game PvP, but we’ll get to that in more depth later

Hunter Ranger:

I’m sorry, but this class makes me want to cry.

Hunter Ranger (A.k.a 1v1 GOD): this class has become a total joke in terms of balance. Here’s why:

The Combat tree is a No-thought-required, put-all-your-point-here and you’ll be fine for PvP Tree


Wilds Medicine + the Life steal feats + Endless Consumption + 50% deflec with proper Class feature selection allows the HR to be able to fully heal itself, so long as the HR is not perma proned or CC locked. Additional overpowered damage qualities include:

1) Piercing Blade: So let me get this straight? Bilethorn was nerfed (a blatant indirect TR nerf) to the point where its a TINY bit better in terms of damage then the other useless enchants. Then, the bilethorn equivalent was given to HRs in the form of a meet-all-your-damage-needs feat? Not only does this hit harder than a bilethorn and make all their damage hurt considerably more, it also procs all of the lifesteal feats found in that tree and thus helps the HR keep up their sustain.

End result: Rapid strike is now your lawn mowing heal machine all in one, any other ability a HR in end level pvp uses to damage you with is not because he needs it to kill you, its simply to make it all the more faster! Even OCW has its work cut out against this class in a 1v1. However, OCWs effects on group play are much greater

2) Thornward + GPF: Thornward exists in the game is its own entity, on a separate damage calculation plane. This becomes evident when thornward helps you stack 6 stacks of GPF: 3 for itself and 3 for you (you can try this and watch the number of GPF stacks on a target become 6). That means 90% of your enemy’s DR is gone… Forgo your stacking of Armor penetration now!

3) Fox Shift Immunity: Alright, CC immunity is fine and dandy, but damage immunity during its effects as well? thats a bit overkill for an ability hitting around 10k+ (with the help of piercing blade)

4) Royal Guard Set: So you took out Correcting aim and Agile hunter to erase the encounter cooldown abilities, but also nerfed the profound set to stop their King-like tank abilities of the HR last module: for what purpose? Royal guard easily replaces the encounter cooldowns, giving boar charge and fox shift 5 -8 second down times with Thornward having a 100% up time. Throw in wilds medicine and the typical 50% deflect, and this “Rework” really only accomplished the same mess.


I don’t know how to tackle all these issues to make HR balanced without making it useless. But now an HR can survive in PvP a lot better without ever having to use his Bow.

I wash my hands of this mess and do apologize for doing so. But you took away the 1v1 King, and Created a God.

Guardian Fighter:

Again, I do very much applaud Cryptic for trying to bring these guys out of the hole. With just a few exceptions, you *cough*A rock*cough did a fairly decent job .


We’re now back to the issue we faced in Module 1. Namely, the guy with the shield does more damage then the guy with the two handed sword, and the guy with the two handed sword can effectively live longer than the guy with the shield.

A Conqueror GF can effectively 1 rotation anyone with Knights challenge, Bull Charge, and Anvil. His DPS now is worse than that of the stalk bulwark days. But now he has 2k Regen and 50+ HP to boot.

GF is incapable of living against a CW in any scenario because frost still stacks over his shield.

Shield stamina doesn't drop in the GUI visibly now for other players making it extremely hard to judge when to use encounters.

Knights Valar blatantly disobeys Line of Sight rules and henceforth a protector tank GF can stand at middle and offer 50% more DR to his entire team.


Scale down the Base encounter damage of certain abilities by 20-30%
Note that all of the GF’s damage comes from 20% mark 25% Capstone and shouldn’t be adjusted.

Knights Valar needs to obey LOS

Shield needs to have complete and full CC immunity

Great Weapon Fighter:

Not too bad. This class is remarkably balanced now, however I don’t know if thats’ because the above 3 are just so bad or if it’s actually a job well done. I guess that remains to be seen.

Trickster Rogue:

Let me start off by saying this- http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?622971-NEW-PvP-Release-TR-Gimped

I had made this forum post at the beginning of Module 3 as a warning of what's to come.


TR in End Game PvP has one purpose. Sneak to the enemy back cap and die in 30 seconds or less from a CW + any other class. Don’t try to clear it, don't even attempt to do some DPS, because in doing so, you just die faster - not that you could DO any DPS anyways.

So originally the Impact shot nerf really messed everything up and any hope of keeping a decent DPS In PvP. Path of Blades was a skilless fix to that issue however as the game progressed the huge influx of defensive stats came about, TR’s DPS became useless and the End Game TR community tried to fix this issue with the band aide known as Bait and switch. However, as player skill progressed to the point where it became common knowledge on how to track a TR standing on a point (regardless of stealth or not), the TR’s ultimate roll in game became death.

In terms of 1v1, a TR cannot beat any other class because our DPS has become incapable of out performing the new HP and DR levels. Even an OCW can clear a TR 1v1 now with ease if you apply the old TR tool Bilethorn to the orb. Death is inevitable.

Against an HR...don’t get me started, the minute that class lands just 1 boar charge, 50% or more of our 40-44k HP is gone from the rest of his rotation and a lot of these survival issues stem from various aspects that have existed since beta and have not been addressed.

TR now remains the only original class that has not been re-worked since beta. Although I do very much enjoy the Hybrid Perma Stealth lifestyle, our Damage has become nil and it needs to be amended.


Unnerf Bilethorn. Nerf that was uncalled for.

Bring back impact shot to its former glory. The triple dipped damage nerf was way overkill in the first place

Raise TR base encounter damage by 10-15% (most likely too small)

FINALLY FIX THE IMPOSSIBLE TO CATCH AND SHADOW STRIKE BUG COOLDOWN WITHOUT ACTIVATION BUG, IT HAS EXISTED SINCE BETA - Not only has it existed, but they’ve gotten worse in the amount of times they occur, and when they do happen, that 30 second life span becomes 10… and dots can now proc an ITC bug… apply Hunter Ranger’s Piercing blade, or these new beautiful Dragon glyphs.

Devoted Cleric

The only class this thing doesn't die to is TR, and now I cannot say how we’ll it will survive should all the changes listed above be implemented I do believe these factors need considered

DC’s have the worst feat trees of any class,. For example:

CW’s Capstone does 8-9k Damage

DC’s best healing Capstone does 500 healing after healing depression to only half a node, once every 15 seconds..

The NEW Righteousness needs to affect dc’s so they’re able to survive any class 1v1 if they’re skilled enough to do so

Indirect, but the ability to remount in 2-3 seconds helped DC’s ability to rotate to points and keep their teammates alive. Now, with those 8 second+ mount time restrictions, -Every second is precious- they are unable to help their team with what little healing abilities they possess.

Scourge Warlock
to be determined…..

I’m sure I missed some points, but this 6 page doc needs to stop somewhere

Leaderboard and ELO:

Against what one of the developers have said in an official forum response, it is indeed possible -and it happens to EVERYONE- to get negative progression in the leaderboard from winning

Seems like the developers attempted to add a hidden party priority queue to search for other parties but my guild and I still run into pugs when we run our full team hoping to find another Guild.

In a nutshell… this is module 4 PvP, But I left out all the parts about our very good players leaving the game because they got tired of imbalance.

Reminder: Please keep all forum posts constructive and on point. I’m sure we all want balance to come, and fighting personal battles on the forums is not a good way to do it.

ABSLOLUTE 16px-Cross_within_circle_2.svg.png RANK SEVEN
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • crusherbeastcrusherbeast Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    +1000 especially on the part about TR.
    Tairev-TR(All kind of killing tools)
    Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
  • cryptfoundationcryptfoundation Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Nice perspective. The devs need stuff like this post, because they don't test things out.... We won't be getting any future PVPers because they probably quit during lower level PVP when they realize a control wizard kept them controlled forever (75% more control from Orb of Imposition used on players who have NO tenancity) and the level 60s who buy mulhorand weapons (Now Dragon Bone) and enchant it with their Perfect Vorpals/Bilethorns and stuff like that and then 1 shot people who are actually new to PVP. With all this going on the PVP player base is never going to expand so we need to make the best out of it now.
  • caiusvarruscaiusvarrus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I think i agree with most of what's been said, but i only run a GF so i don't really know the details.
    What really needs to be done is a set of equally geared parties need to 1v1 , but of course the players need to be somewhat equally skilled too, and that should be used to balance things out. Not just complaints addressed because that doesn't seem to be leading to a proper solution.
  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Kudos for assembling all of this, but you do know that this thread, as stated in the OP, is catering to like 0.01% of the playerbase, right? :)

    Not hating here... just providing some perspective for those who might have missed it earlier. Please carry on.
  • hamletswordshamletswords Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,320 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    I don't understand why a TR dies in 30 seconds or less in endgame. Are there no pillars in endgame pvp?
    My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
  • dersidiusdersidius Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I don't understand why a TR dies in 30 seconds or less in endgame. Are there no pillars in endgame pvp?

    If your not on point your a burden to your team, sure you can survive longer if you run to the other side of the map. but then your team loses.

    Regardless please keep all discussion geared towards class balance not PvP scenarios

    ABSLOLUTE 16px-Cross_within_circle_2.svg.png RANK SEVEN
  • justsyndrajustsyndra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    l0th4ri0 wrote: »
    Kudos for assembling all of this, but you do know that this thread, as stated in the OP, is catering to like 0.01% of the playerbase, right? :)

    Not hating here... just providing some perspective for those who might have missed it earlier. Please carry on.

    The balance made at the top level trickles down to the lower levels. At BiS PvP, imbalances are more visible due to the larger numbers caused by full gear. PvP with lower gear is basically just scaled down from the top level.

    As well, due to the current queue system, players with 12k gs commonly meet 17k gs players in their matches.
    No longer playing Neverwinter.
  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    justsyndra wrote: »
    The balance made at the top level trickles down to the lower levels. At BiS PvP, imbalances are more visible due to the larger numbers caused by full gear. PvP with lower gear is basically just scaled down from the top level.

    You see? That just sounds really reasonable. And yet, at lower rankings TRs arent considered the worthless trash that the OP claims that they are -- made only to "die instantly in enemy territory", I believe he put it. Call me skeptical of the trickle down economics model of the BiS crowd.

    But I'd like to reiterate that it really looks good on paper, and the OP obviously has put a great deal of thought into his ideas. I'm not disagreeing with anyone as to the content of the article, merely the scope of who it concerns most.
  • lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Good points. The frustrating part is that all of these were brought up on the preview shard and still made it to live. Makes it seem pointless to test things out.

    Another thing on TR, our damage feats play heavily on Critical. So the tenacity stat hurts TRs a lot.

    CWs had it rough for a couple mods so I don't mind that they are having their moment in the sun. Just the way it is done (having that powerful of an at will plus capstone) makes it seem like a dumb class to play. Literally all you have to do is tape down left mouse button and take a nap :)

    DC I feel bad for. With the GF buff bug, a dc has no place in a pre made. They need some love.

    Finally I don't think a lot of people are going to wait till mod 5 for these balance changes, especially after they saw how feedback was handled on preview.
    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
  • rotatorkufrotatorkuf Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    good points all around, more well presented than my rage could ever allow

    HRs are god tier (you forgot too mention how much they can dodge, infinitely it seems)

    CWs are getting there

    GFs have nasty 1 rotation kills (their block bar needs to be removed or fixed)

    DCs are meh

    GWFs would be fine....if the other classes weren't insanely overbuffed...(the pendulum swung far in this mod, gwf punished for being op for months, now it's cw/hr's turn)

    one thing i slightly disagree with is TR, i actually enjoy playing this class and it's my favorite for sniping objectives and keeping otherwise bad teams in the game

    they could use an overall damage boost, but not to one single specific abiliity

    but yeah, solid post, hopefully it doesn't get lost on these devs that don't pvp or test their patches, whom rather just throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    justsyndra wrote: »
    The balance made at the top level trickles down to the lower levels. At BiS PvP, imbalances are more visible due to the larger numbers caused by full gear. PvP with lower gear is basically just scaled down from the top level.
    This is simply untrue. And this thread, great work though it is, is not applicable to >90% of the player base.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • koralzombiekoralzombie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This is simply untrue. And this thread, great work though it is, is not applicable to >90% of the player base.

    Got any evidence to back your dismissive claim? He post is accurate, fair, unbiased and represents a very large portion of the player base. It is the PvP that drives this game. It certainly is not the content, or lack thereof. Nor is it the "events" and definitely it is not the foundry which it should be.
  • osterdracheosterdrache Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Good analysis. But there is a problem: pvp BiS gear end game is not important to the devs.
    Also not hard and profitable pve endgame content.

    This is a casual game. And so is the balancing of classes. Look in the preview forums. Thousands of posts of actual feedback and still the devs are messing it up big time every module.

    This game is designed for people who play 2-3h a WEEK! Thats why u can reach lvl60 ultra casual. Thats why you can get with nearly no efforts into each campaign. Thats why te content is so blatantly easy. Thats why we still have two pvp maps after 17 months.

    Look how long it took to fix simple bugs as roar or HR set, dungeon exploits, broken enchantments and so on.
    Do you really expect well thought out balance for high endgame pvp from a game that has simple to fix bugs around for months and months?

    Your post has valid points, but the intention to even write it is naive. And I say this as something positve. You seem to still have hope that your feedback will change something. I have given up on the competitive side of this game. And playing as what is meant for: f2p casual "play 2 weeks and reach lvl60" game.
  • rotatorkufrotatorkuf Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Good analysis. But there is a problem: pvp BiS gear end game is not important to the devs.
    Also not hard and profitable pve endgame content.

    This is a casual game. And so is the balancing of classes. Look in the preview forums. Thousands of posts of actual feedback and still the devs are messing it up big time every module.

    This game is designed for people who play 2-3h a WEEK! Thats why u can reach lvl60 ultra casual. Thats why you can get with nearly no efforts into each campaign. Thats why te content is so blatantly easy. Thats why we still have two pvp maps after 17 months.

    Look how long it took to fix simple bugs as roar or HR set, dungeon exploits, broken enchantments and so on.
    Do you really expect well thought out balance for high endgame pvp from a game that has simple to fix bugs around for months and months?

    Your post has valid points, but the intention to even write it is naive. And I say this as something positve. You seem to still have hope that your feedback will change something. I have given up on the competitive side of this game. And playing as what is meant for: f2p casual "play 2 weeks and reach lvl60" game.

    as sad as it may be

    this dude is also spot on

    casual balance is casual
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    TR should get reworked and permastealth removed, while it may not be strong in BiS pvp its ffn annoying when you arent BiS geared

    no class should be able to attacks while invisibile, stealth > execute is ok, attacking from range while stealthed is not
    Paladin Master Race
  • mrhinkypunkmrhinkypunk Member Posts: 1,608 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Problem is the game is designed to have a constant progression. Best in slot is so over the top and there is so much crazy level stat stacking now but they want to keep having something more for someone to get. With every addition like this they do they also make the gap wider between 8k GS people who have just got to 60 and 19k+ GS people who seem 10x tankier and can hit 5x more DPS/burst damage. To get to this GS it'll take coming onto the game for 3 hours a day for 70 days+ and paying for a bunch of stuff such as mods unless you somehow find a way to get "rich" in AD.

    I'm interested in what the warlock can do when maxed however so far I'm finding I can beat a GWF probably the easiest out of all the classes as long as I can keep distance. Combat HR is pretty easy because other than boars it lacks any real holding in place CC, obvious problem when facing HR however is the DoT's end up healing him a lot of the time. CW will take me from 100-0% in seconds while I'm in some stun / root lock I can't do anything about, GF is annoying as a warlock unless you have a team mate with you. A good Gf wont let you get behind him and can get you on a stun lock pretty easy. I find the lack of dodge means I have to be finding LoS to use most of the time which isn't great as I have to go off cap. I don't feel warlock will ever be viable for bunkering a cap or staying in a long fight even with good gear. Being Temptation helps staying alive the most though not due to the damage reductions or life steal but because of the stamina recharge on hit which is the most useful feat IMHO. If you do manage to get away before a stun lock kills you and dots are left on you technically you can keep on sprinting as long as the dots stay on you allowing you to quicking sprint away to safety and/or to a health pot (hoping it's a working one).
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    "Ray of frost is currently the strongest at will in the game. It easily does more damage than some encounters, and it also has a stunning CC quality. This ability hits anywhere between 5-10k"

    Nah, this is not true.

    Storm Spell hit for a lot. RoF is low dps itself. CW DPS is FINE, it just needs to be moved from SS/Assailant procs to Shard to take skill into account. That is all.

    Also I don't appreciate the desire to FURTHER nerf the HR. Playing Combat is already not fun. Royal Guard is the only fun factor in there.

    Remove that and what will remain?
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    Sic, You do realise that Icy Rays is the Only Hard hitting Cw Encounter power right now right? You also neglest to state that you can dodge the damage component of Icy Rays but not the Root.

    Leave Icy rays alone. Assailing No longer hits as hard as it did, and is in a good place at the moment. Ray of Frost can crit for 5-10 damage yes, over the entirety of its channel. It does not tick for 5-10k on single ticks. That's just silly.

    Storm Spell is hitting much to hard and needs a re adjustment (Again), Brining i back down to where it was in Mod 3 I feel would be a great place to start and then balance it from there. Either increase proc chance, or Double its damage. Don't do both.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Got any evidence to back your dismissive claim? He post is accurate, fair, unbiased and represents a very large portion of the player base. It is the PvP that drives this game. It certainly is not the content, or lack thereof. Nor is it the "events" and definitely it is not the foundry which it should be.
    But he specifically excludes the majority of PvP in his opening post. He's only interested in talking about BiS premade play, which is a tiny proportion of all PvP in NW.

    And in any case the majority of players are either mostly or exclusively PvE. So he's actually only addressing a tiny percentage of a minority of players. It's irrelevant to the majority of players in the game, PvE OR PvP.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    I do agree here, but it also seems Cryptic just lacks manpower. At least compared to other developers. But emphasis on casual play absolutely is a big truth.

    PVE endgame players are still stuck with CN in some way and PVP is still a two-map Domination although they tried to shake it up with GG and IWD (failed).
    I think the next module just has to introduce new (any) raid content and after that we might be talking about new PVP additions. So at worst we're a good seven months away from significant changes to PVP.
  • mxtimemxtime Member Posts: 316 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    if every class was perfectly balanced cw would come out on top coz they had insane ad capability income compared to the rest

    thats all i have to say
  • hefisdohefisdo Member Posts: 709 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    dersidius wrote: »
    However, end game cws average 50k HP

    Um... uhh...
    (´・ ω ・`)
  • catalinr94catalinr94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 41
    edited August 2014
    mugiwarac wrote: »
    let me get this straight:
    you suck and cannot beat a hr 1v1, so they need nerf? sure. :rolleyes: learn to play. because other trs can.
    you suck and cannot beat a cw 1v1, so they need nerf? sure. :rolleyes: learn to play. because other trs can.
    any decent tr will clear a gwf.

    it is also hard to take someone seriously who is responsible for caturday, every single duping exploit that went public, the ability score exploit, most of the supply for ad gold sellers, and who got pissed at the fact that cryptic started banning gold buyers and posted the resonator exploit instruction all over pe zone chat to get back at cryptic. (and whose main acc hasnt been banned since july 2013!!! gg cryptic!)

    and whos in a guild where every single member exploits the leaderboard (and is still far away from page 1 because they suck).

    never a truer word has been spoken. nothing to add. everyone playing end-game neverwinter knows sicarius. if cryptic just had one 'inside' person in the end-game community in game, they could shut down most of the gold seller businesses.
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Can pretty much agree with op on many things.

    CWs SS DPS on ray of frost is just dumb. Shield buff plus cc buff plus the more responsive teleport with also severe reaction would be enough to have mod 3 CW strong in pvp. No need to buff the damage. Also, 5-10k passive procs on rof... come on how can be fun. A auto aim at-will laser beam doing all the damage through an overbuffed feat?

    Other classes idk. Gwf is balanced and fun to play now. Would love to see the intimidation sentinels i've read about at work.
  • nerkinanerkina Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    pando83 wrote: »
    Can pretty much agree with op on many things.

    CWs SS DPS on ray of frost is just dumb. Shield buff plus cc buff plus the more responsive teleport with also severe reaction would be enough to have mod 3 CW strong in pvp. No need to buff the damage. Also, 5-10k passive procs on rof... come on how can be fun. A auto aim at-will laser beam doing all the damage through an overbuffed feat?

    Other classes idk. Gwf is balanced and fun to play now. Would love to see the intimidation sentinels i've read about at work.

    Wizards did need a dps boost, every class pretty much ate wizards for lunch except DC, a more responsive teleport, really? So we can run away and still do <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> all for dmg while GWF's and HR's just walk right over us.

    That being said, if they toned the dmg down a tad it would be okay. I think people need to realize wizards aren't going to fall over when they sneeze anymore while toss peebles back.
  • manhandl3rmanhandl3r Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Attack the messenger much?

    On topic: good post with lots of good suggestions. I think there may be some incorrect info, but the general message is spot on. I hope more players like xtraordinary91 contribute. Devs may not listen, but this is the least we can do.
  • berzergeraberzergera Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    manhandl3r wrote: »
    Attack the messenger much?

    On topic: good post with lots of good suggestions. I think there may be some incorrect info, but the general message is spot on. I hope more players like xtraordinary91 contribute. Devs may not listen, but this is the least we can do.

    sic himself taking a break from selling AD and pretending to be someone else on the forum
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    manhandl3r wrote: »
    Attack the messenger much?

    Join Date: Aug 2014 much?

    The classy common PVP player in full motion.
  • koalazebra1koalazebra1 Member Posts: 1,173 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    loboguild wrote: »
    Join Date: Aug 2014 much?

    The classy common PVP player in full motion.


    also this post is the epitome of irony.... one of the biggest exploiter giving the community an advice.
    give me a break
  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I could give a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> about who exploited what and how much, TBH. The all-BiS 18k+GS crowd has pretty much leveraged themselves into a niche wherein they are alone. They are in the Twilight Zone of PVP.

    The percentage of devs who will read this well thought-out OP and take it to heart: a full zero percent.

    I'm sorry guys, but you are too good at this. Maybe you played your *** off for over a year, maybe you bought your way in or cheated -- who cares? The point is that you are 1% of 1% of 1% of the playerbase, and that is how much pull you realistically have. If you need proof of this, just look back over the history of this game, and what actually happened with balance and so on.

    The changes that have occurred over the past year have made no sense to you all in many places because the devs weren't catering to you. They were catering to new players or the bulk of their casuals -- not to you.

    Think about it. Why in the world would the devs ignore their most elite and overgeared players in favor of appealing to the non-elite masses? It's almost like this is a business trying to make a metric assload of money or something. :)
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