i really love to see all this GWFS crying, now gwf is balanced, but i guess they did too much on CWS, but lets see if a GF+CW combo on pve would do better than CW+CW
cws have the biggest changes lol, it takes up half of the post
Feedback: GWF - Threatening Rush; For this At-will, please consider updating the targets location in real time (during the animation). On live, this ability can cause a GWF to use 50% sprint getting into range for this at-will followed by a slight delay in the application of damage. I find that this causes 50% stam loss, followed by a failed attempt to apply damage, followed by the depletion of stamina completely (180ms ping).
Feedback: GWF - Unstoppable; As discussed before this patch went live, GWF's gain mob-attention when using IBS and Threatening Rush (appears conal). This effectively means that the destroyer feat increasing the damage of IBS will now leave a lingering dmg based threat on the target after the initial hand-off has been made to the SentGWF/GF (PvE DPS).
I feel that with the increased dmg arc of GWF's they will consistently gain aggro from the 4th, 5th and 6th adds as the GF doesn't pull the aggro back. This will lead to GWF stacking and will (once again) exclude the GF.
It does look like a GWF will have to pay 78k AD to respec for PvP and back again and I think that the Unstoppable capstone (Sentinel Tree) is good for the game. However, no new details have been released regarding content (understandable).
If there is a new Arena / Battleground please take into account the increased mobility of the 18 PvP Campaign Achievements choice "Tactical Redeployment" in the design of the map. This will increase the survivability of the GWF as less players in the same area is effective damage reduction. I wouldn't mind moving out of range with Sprint and dragging 1-2 players away from their group as it would maintain the survivability lost in the Unstoppable nerf. Currently the main focus fire method is the certin way to deal with the GWF.
I mean... The LEAST you can do is increase the range at which players can see other stealthed players. You basically just handed this game over to TRs in PvP since no class can compete with them on a node now...
hexanna22Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 204Bounty Hunter
edited June 2014
CW Changes
I am part of a small group of end game CWS that did not quit pvping with the Tenacity change, and then MOd3 changes...Most sane CWs rolled HRs.
I adjusted my role to almost pure support, to debuff/brief stun from Icy Rays/Chill strike so others on my team could DPS the enemy better, but I also could still deal some dps myself.
Not only have you removed the debuff, but you made my casting times longer, it was already hard to cast Chill Strike against good enemies because of the animation....and my DPS..the EOTS change kills much of it. EOTS...Pretty overboard on this. 90 seconds makes it worthless.
I can only hope that you are making CW a more painful experience in pvp because you are releasing a new Warlock Class.
PVE-I stopped PVE 6 months ago, the dungeons lack creativity, just a million adds, and now it looks like you made dealing with these even worse...End game players wont have any problems, but when doing CN for the 1000th time, why not let people do it faster? You think people are going to bring other classes to dungeons with these changes? They will just bring even more CWs.
I think that with all the other changes, the change to Unstoppable was overboard as well. My prob in pvp wasnt GWFs unstoppable, it was their chain CC.
really idiot, gwf immortal my ***, you can't kill some gwf to easy because they have 40000+ hp, not because of unstoppable, it pop just 5 sec. and when it pop gwf do lower damage not higher. I'm sick with lazy players that just need to kill "good" gwf to easy by no skill, I said "good gwf" because you still can kill normal gwf to easy with many lazy selfish skill (ofc it pop to longer time than unstop, no need to say skill name srry) and in boss fighting, gwf use unstoppable in short time and traded with hard hit by boss, not by just press a button (not easy , right?) and yes this mean to many pots too. I will tell you one hard hit from boss can make gwf in unstoppable hp lower around half to easy , if you say unstoppable now resist 5 - 10% so you just cut it from gwf forever is to easier and good looking, not drama anymore, because it waste a button. and I will go play another game. not to harder, right?
It has nothing to do with their HP pool except for the fact that Higher HP pool = more regen. It was the regen and DR/Deflect that made them tough, not the HP pool.
Shuuu if you don't know what you're talking about please sir
CW wise (I am a fairly new CW) I followed the best builds out there, and agree that CONTROL wizards, should not be top DPS... Like... EVER... lol I agree that if you hit 1000 mobs for 10Damage, you'll get more damage than one 1000HP hit in 1 mob, but still it was riddiculous... Now, as for the actual changes... Longer casting times? LOL You serious? Control Wizards already have to stack Recovery and Life Steal to keep them alive and keep their powers rolling, to keep CONTROL, not damage, and you are making them take more time to use their powers? I mean... you try to set up a stun and you're dead before it finishes... I know it... I've been there...
Also, PvP wise (tho I don't do much pvp with my CW), this makes every power useless, giving almost every player (except GWF) to just dodge away their powers, since their animations take so much time already... Especially daily powers... lol
Enfeeblement debuff only for the caster? Meh... what for? It doesn't help in PvE, its not helping that much on PvP either... You could have just nerfed the damage, or making it JUST the debuff, without the damage... whatever but not that...
I have a GWF and I agree with the Unstoppable change... I mean, on PvE, It took me getting to Lv41 to start thinking "well, I need to get away from that Red area, or I'll be dead", otherwise I'd just Unstoppable the hell out of it for no reason...
May be a very severe nerf to damage resist, but don't forget it already makes the GWF attack faster, and CC imunity... its NOT USELESS, so stop crying about it...
HR's new path looks like a buff. It isnt? It sure looks like it... Now you can be beast on Melee, Beast on Archer, or a beast on both... Every HR in the game will be changing to that Trapper tree... Just like they did with the Pathfinder Buggy Infinite Health Regen paragon... Also, I have an HR too, so I speak with experience: PvP wise, HRs that don't use that Regen bug (legit players who actually rely on skill, rather than bugs) are useless, as of right now, and it can get worse, cuz you'll just give them more stuff to exploit...
Also, what the hell was wrong with CA? Can you seriously tell me that the skill was bugged? wrong? doing more damage than it should? Too fast to trigger? LOL CA was a very reliable skill, 3 brief stuns over time, not too much damage, and it took some time to activate, so... It wasn't broken... So, now you're making it a second Binding Arrow... It just aplies to more targets... So, lol... just LOL.
As for the GF, I cannot speak, I do not play one, but just because Its not my playstyle... Tho I agree they are getting nerfed because of the GWFs, but threatening rush was being spammed anyways, on pvp, so It makes sente to give them charges, 3sec per charge would be fine, if that is the case... 9 secs per charge? too much, way too much (don't forget this is an at-will power)
Threat changes would be useless if you just nerfed the threat Split shot generates (It was kinda funny to see mobs chasing an HR rocking plaguefire when there was a tank in the party, then it just stopped being funny, became sad...) Same with damage-generated threat of CWs but you nerfed that already, so, again, threat changes would be useless... Block changes seem promissing, and Health buff is, too...
Roar fix? Clap Clap!
Sets obeying HD? Clap Clap! Don't forget the HR one!
Stuff working differently in PvP than it does in PvE? Oh God! Clap Clap Clap! ABOUT TIME! - Now start doing that again, on every prone, and you're golden. Prones work WAY too badly in PvP... It's just insanely stupid, cuz there's no counter.
Now give TRs the damage buff they need to be executioners again, so they don't have to rely on perma-noobness to be effective in battle... I mean, they are still an executioner class, aren't they?
I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings, this is just my oppinion, I've been playing this game for a LONG time, and I enjoy it a lot... but you need to think before you just nerf-hammer stuff...
No, GWFs are not balanced in that proposed patch, they become HAMSTER PVP-wise. Worse than what GFs are today.
I don't even play a GWF and your comment is just utter ignorance based on your frustrations competing with GWFs today. Yes, GWFs are stupid OP today, they are unfair and imbalanced. But that doesn't justify killing the class to this degree.
Not balanced according to what? PvP? So what. When will pvpers ever get it through their heads that you will never be able to balance it. There are too many uncontrollable variables in a person vs person system.
As for the changes I will say these few things. The increase in casting times for CW is completely unnecessary. It is going a bit too far in my opinion. The target cap reduction on Singularity is also a mistake. By capping you will promote stacking CW simply because one singularity will not be as effective and thus a second one becomes justified again. It does not promote diversity.
On that note, I still believe that removing stackable debuffs from the same source would be better than removing the rest of the party from benefitting from said rebuffs as you propose to do with ray of enfeeblement. It devalues the class to a party rather than devalues the stacking which was the problem to begin with.
I love the damage nerfs to the CW but would like to see a little more control duration love in exchange.
Bravo on the Unstoppable change as it will finally differentiate the paragons to damage or durability but not both. This has a collateral effect of boosting the GF stock as well since that god of damage can no longer tank as well. Cheers to that.
I don't like the guard conversion for GF's at all as the staple of the class was the ability to block attacks. You basically just turned it into a time based deflection which is worse in my opinion. I proposed making marked targets do less guard damage as a more balanced fix than this for both guard and buffing marks.
Speaking of which, the mark changes are too severe and completely devalue some skills such as Knights Challenge when used for aggro lockdown. It should increase threat but not make an immediate aggro change as proposed. That's a little much.
As for the HR... wow. The proper approach should have been to empower ranged single target damage whilst leaving area damages low. They are the ranged striker and should play as such.
I will jump on preview tonite and do some testing then post more feedback
CWs shouldn't be getting longer cooldowns and longer casting times. When PvPing and even in some dungeons is so painful to watch the already slow casting time in the live game. Because CWs have to wait longer to get their damage why can't they just have higher damageing attacks instead of the
Damage reductions / casting & cooldown increase
"66% reduced damage on shard slams" When shard is one of the most difficult and probably the longest duration to cast spell, leaving us completly vunerable to control attacks, and then not even getting a good damage return? This isn't madness, and this isn't sparta, but someone needs to be kicked into the endless pit for the idea that the lowest defence class, and in PvP the 2nd lowest damaging class, needs to have reduced damage and longer casting times. It's not the CWs fault that someone thought it would be a good idea to flood end game dungeons with more adds then in all the low level areas combined, and its not the CWs fault that the CW class was designed to fight a large amount of opponents at once. (10+) But then they added a cap on singularity from 15 to 8, making it even MORE neccicary to have even MORE CWs instead of other classes to get the designed outcome of finishing the dungeon in less then 10 hours.
debuffing RoE
CWs have to play support roles in PvP. There is no other option for them. When supporting melee players, it's ones job to make them easier to kill. What is the point of having a CW that can debuff, but then because of having Debuff attacks, it doesn't have high hitting attacks to take advantage of that debuff? I would love an explanation from whoever though of this bright idea. Whats the point of reducing someones damage resistance for yourself only if your a support class who needs someone else to take advantage of that debuff?
clueless updates to be honest, play end game content with end game players and see how the classes play, and how a majority of the butchering is going to be flamed until the day the game dies... which no offense to all parties but it seems closer and closer every day a new "update, bug fix, class balance" is released and or announced.
Polls need to be made to find out the real opinions of the player base instead of a few isolated tests from developers alone. Most of the player responses after testing the new updates on the preview shard will also be ignored aswell, or just not even noticed by developers
This, this is what you get when you leave a class(es) unchecked for close to a year. Everyone assumes that it is intended to be that way. And then, after nearly a year, now, now you propose changes and the world explodes.
Changes needed to happen, that much was obvious. It remains to be seen if they were too much or not.
HR's new path looks like a buff. It isnt? It sure looks like it... Now you can be beast on Melee, Beast on Archer, or a beast on both... Every HR in the game will be changing to that Trapper tree... Just like they did with the Pathfinder Buggy Infinite Health Regen paragon... Also, I have an HR too, so I speak with experience: PvP wise, HRs that don't use that Regen bug (legit players who actually rely on skill, rather than bugs) are useless, as of right now, and it can get worse, cuz you'll just give them more stuff to exploit...
Also, what the hell was wrong with CA? Can you seriously tell me that the skill was bugged? wrong? doing more damage than it should? Too fast to trigger? LOL CA was a very reliable skill, 3 brief stuns over time, not too much damage, and it took some time to activate, so... It wasn't broken... So, now you're making it a second Binding Arrow... It just aplies to more targets... So, lol... just LOL.
I can live with the CA nerf. It's pretty crazy CC the way it is right now. But yeah basically I'll just use binding arrow instead and have oak skin to use since they'll be basically the same.
I just tried out the trees on preview. Archery is majorly buffed. It's going to be the tree bar-none for PVE, and it looks like we'll finally do great damage in PVE with it.
And I don't know what regen bug you're talking about.
My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
iaccidentally47Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2014
I'm going to hold off on saying much until I have properly tested these changes and have some hard data to back it up, but at first glance this just looks awful. It seems like most of the changes are based on a knee jerk reaction to things people cried about with no real thought to how that affects balance. There are some I agree with (for example, roar being fixed, though that should already be live), but overall these changes seem like a massive step in the wrong direction. A lot of the previewed imbalance in pve is simply due to the fact that we ourgear and outskill the content, and that the overwhelming majority of the content is favorable to AoE classes (read: CW and GWF). The solution isn't to nerf things into the ground, it is to create harder content that we can't outgear so easily. So, for now I guess I will just wait, test, and see, but from just reading this, I for one am not liking what I see.
Miss Anthropy - 15.7k CW | Miss Andrist - 19k GWF | DC (14.5k) | TR (14.5k) | HR(14k) | GF(15.5k)
Lowbies: DC (level 31) | HR (level 16)
You can almost always find me in the legit channel. Happy Adventuring!
GWF guide: click me
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
edited June 2014
This is an enormous list of changes.
To help evaluate the changes, it would be most helpful if the development team could summarize the philosophy driving the changes... spell out exactly what you wish to accomplish with the changes.
Are you moving CW from more damage to more control? Are you doing something in particular with the GF-similar-to-but-in-all-ways-inferior-to-a-GWF issue?
It's actually a mix of both, the dungeon design and the class design.
Regarding GWF, a single class shouldn't have the best offense, the best defense, the best gap closers, the best CC resistance, it's simply too much.
And for CWs they're supposed to be glass cannons, but I see many CWs going in frontline like they were Tanks facing entire enemy groups because they know that with one rotation they'll recover more than 100% of their life, they're supposed to stay on the back, protected by the rest of the team.
Like it or not, both CWs and GWF need a heavy nerf for PVE, all the classes need to have a fair chance at contributing to a team, and not just stack 2 classes.
And about dungeon design, I doubt they'll change the dungeons already made, but let's hope the new ones will be different.
And about the devs intentions, I think one of them is preventing GWFs/CWs groups from facerolling entire dungeons in a few minutes. To have other classes to be actually needed, and yeah, possibly making dungeons actually take longer to complete.
To help evaluate the changes, it would be most helpful if the development team could summarize the philosophy driving the changes... spell out exactly what you wish to accomplish with the changes.
Are you moving CW from more damage to more control? Are you doing something in particular with the GF-similar-to-but-in-all-ways-inferior-to-a-GWF issue?
Their ideas are listed in the individual class change threads in the preview section.
hexanna22Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 204Bounty Hunter
edited June 2014
And Also, you will have to rethink the way that you do these Event Skirmishes...
I have been carrying undergeared lvl 60 people with crazy group comps thru the event for 2 days now on CW...With these changes, I am not sure it will go as smoothly, and I will start to just do it with guildies and friends. WE all want the Gold bonus for instance...
I am not sure why it matters who does the most DPS in a dungeon, as long as you get it done. I can tell you first hand that being top DPS has never increased drops for me, in fact it is always the pug that dies 10 times and get lost that gets the 500K piece of loot.
the paingiver chart is only useful because it shows the current disbalance on classes, and of course because people like to compete against each other.
I'm a bit worried about the "if you don't do things the way we want to, then the game will die" attitude I'm seeing in some people though, makes me wonder about the general game population's age.
I just realized threatening rush is an at will, you guys had a gapcloser as an at will all this time? I always assumed it was an encounter. the only gapclosers we have have are encounters with long cooldowns (14 and 16 secs) and our ONLY prone is a daily, and we're the class with one of the slowest ap gain.
So I don't think 9 secs for a gap closer is too much.
Why is it that when I read through this, the things that catch my attention is HR increase powers, lower cooldowns. HR's are already overpowered and now you are going to make them unstoppable while you nurf the hell out of the other classes. Very bad move
Impossible to catch - Now properly works. You are actually IMPOSSIBLE to catch! Roar can no longer go through this because that would make it possible to catch. Also being proned at the same time as casting Impossible to catch will no longer COMPLETELY WASTE THE SKILL and put it on cooldown. This has been an issue since beta - enjoy
Roar isn't going to go through ITC anymore. Also, FLS and Takedown are now stuns, so you won't have to worry so much about wasting ITC and can actually break out of the CC now.
I like the changes personally, overall CW in PVE will be brought down to support the group more than just nuking everything in 1 rotation if the mobs are lucky to survive a full rotation and will let the actual DPS classes do the nuking.
If CWs cant be an "actual DPS" class then bring us an "actual dps" mage or ranged class instead!
Like a warlock or sorcerer!
Unstoppable is geting nerfed unless you Spec Sentinel. In order to keep your DR, you have to completely change your spec. I dont think forcing me to change my playstyle and build style is not a nerf,, i think it's a nerf and a way to make me pay for more respecs.
katbozejziemiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 856Arc User
edited June 2014
I wonder how you're supposed to stay in melee range to actually deal damage without damage resistance.
4. Unstoppable is not getting nerfed to those who cried about it. Sentinal's Aegis feat brings your Damage resistance right back up to where it was. You just have to spend 5 points in it now. Which means you got to lose something..maybe that Roar cooldown feat is a good place to start.
Sentinel's Aegis is the final feat in the sentinel tree.
We implore you, to fix HR you have to do something with the 20 % bonus healing, Natures Blessing Feat and remove the 4 set piece bonus from the HR gear that allows healing being HP based percentage.
Nature's Blessing doesn't exist in this patch and the set-bonus is getting nerfed to oblivion.
What it seems is happening here is the guy's are geting Nerf happy. That...dosent make sense to me. The HR can be tweaked, and it would be just fine, and the GWF's just need -tweaked-. I'm still the guy rooting against this, but thinking a 20-40, or 15-30 nerf for Unstoppable would be fine.
They need to work with that they allready have, not reduce their building materials.
cws have the biggest changes lol, it takes up half of the post
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
Feedback: GWF - Unstoppable; As discussed before this patch went live, GWF's gain mob-attention when using IBS and Threatening Rush (appears conal). This effectively means that the destroyer feat increasing the damage of IBS will now leave a lingering dmg based threat on the target after the initial hand-off has been made to the SentGWF/GF (PvE DPS).
I feel that with the increased dmg arc of GWF's they will consistently gain aggro from the 4th, 5th and 6th adds as the GF doesn't pull the aggro back. This will lead to GWF stacking and will (once again) exclude the GF.
It does look like a GWF will have to pay 78k AD to respec for PvP and back again and I think that the Unstoppable capstone (Sentinel Tree) is good for the game. However, no new details have been released regarding content (understandable).
If there is a new Arena / Battleground please take into account the increased mobility of the 18 PvP Campaign Achievements choice "Tactical Redeployment" in the design of the map. This will increase the survivability of the GWF as less players in the same area is effective damage reduction. I wouldn't mind moving out of range with Sprint and dragging 1-2 players away from their group as it would maintain the survivability lost in the Unstoppable nerf. Currently the main focus fire method is the certin way to deal with the GWF.
I mean... The LEAST you can do is increase the range at which players can see other stealthed players. You basically just handed this game over to TRs in PvP since no class can compete with them on a node now...
I am part of a small group of end game CWS that did not quit pvping with the Tenacity change, and then MOd3 changes...Most sane CWs rolled HRs.
I adjusted my role to almost pure support, to debuff/brief stun from Icy Rays/Chill strike so others on my team could DPS the enemy better, but I also could still deal some dps myself.
Not only have you removed the debuff, but you made my casting times longer, it was already hard to cast Chill Strike against good enemies because of the animation....and my DPS..the EOTS change kills much of it. EOTS...Pretty overboard on this. 90 seconds makes it worthless.
I can only hope that you are making CW a more painful experience in pvp because you are releasing a new Warlock Class.
PVE-I stopped PVE 6 months ago, the dungeons lack creativity, just a million adds, and now it looks like you made dealing with these even worse...End game players wont have any problems, but when doing CN for the 1000th time, why not let people do it faster? You think people are going to bring other classes to dungeons with these changes? They will just bring even more CWs.
I think that with all the other changes, the change to Unstoppable was overboard as well. My prob in pvp wasnt GWFs unstoppable, it was their chain CC.
It has nothing to do with their HP pool except for the fact that Higher HP pool = more regen. It was the regen and DR/Deflect that made them tough, not the HP pool.
Shuuu if you don't know what you're talking about please sir
CW wise (I am a fairly new CW) I followed the best builds out there, and agree that CONTROL wizards, should not be top DPS... Like... EVER... lol I agree that if you hit 1000 mobs for 10Damage, you'll get more damage than one 1000HP hit in 1 mob, but still it was riddiculous... Now, as for the actual changes... Longer casting times? LOL You serious? Control Wizards already have to stack Recovery and Life Steal to keep them alive and keep their powers rolling, to keep CONTROL, not damage, and you are making them take more time to use their powers? I mean... you try to set up a stun and you're dead before it finishes... I know it... I've been there...
Also, PvP wise (tho I don't do much pvp with my CW), this makes every power useless, giving almost every player (except GWF) to just dodge away their powers, since their animations take so much time already... Especially daily powers... lol
Enfeeblement debuff only for the caster? Meh... what for? It doesn't help in PvE, its not helping that much on PvP either... You could have just nerfed the damage, or making it JUST the debuff, without the damage... whatever but not that...
I have a GWF and I agree with the Unstoppable change... I mean, on PvE, It took me getting to Lv41 to start thinking "well, I need to get away from that Red area, or I'll be dead", otherwise I'd just Unstoppable the hell out of it for no reason...
May be a very severe nerf to damage resist, but don't forget it already makes the GWF attack faster, and CC imunity... its NOT USELESS, so stop crying about it...
HR's new path looks like a buff. It isnt? It sure looks like it... Now you can be beast on Melee, Beast on Archer, or a beast on both... Every HR in the game will be changing to that Trapper tree... Just like they did with the Pathfinder Buggy Infinite Health Regen paragon...
Also, what the hell was wrong with CA? Can you seriously tell me that the skill was bugged? wrong? doing more damage than it should? Too fast to trigger? LOL CA was a very reliable skill, 3 brief stuns over time, not too much damage, and it took some time to activate, so... It wasn't broken... So, now you're making it a second Binding Arrow... It just aplies to more targets... So, lol... just LOL.
As for the GF, I cannot speak, I do not play one, but just because Its not my playstyle... Tho I agree they are getting nerfed because of the GWFs, but threatening rush was being spammed anyways, on pvp, so It makes sente to give them charges, 3sec per charge would be fine, if that is the case... 9 secs per charge? too much, way too much (don't forget this is an at-will power)
Threat changes would be useless if you just nerfed the threat Split shot generates (It was kinda funny to see mobs chasing an HR rocking plaguefire when there was a tank in the party, then it just stopped being funny, became sad...) Same with damage-generated threat of CWs but you nerfed that already, so, again, threat changes would be useless... Block changes seem promissing, and Health buff is, too...
Roar fix? Clap Clap!
Sets obeying HD? Clap Clap! Don't forget the HR one!
Stuff working differently in PvP than it does in PvE? Oh God! Clap Clap Clap! ABOUT TIME! - Now start doing that again, on every prone, and you're golden. Prones work WAY too badly in PvP... It's just insanely stupid, cuz there's no counter.
Now give TRs the damage buff they need to be executioners again, so they don't have to rely on perma-noobness to be effective in battle... I mean, they are still an executioner class, aren't they?
I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings, this is just my oppinion, I've been playing this game for a LONG time, and I enjoy it a lot... but you need to think before you just nerf-hammer stuff...
Not balanced according to what? PvP? So what. When will pvpers ever get it through their heads that you will never be able to balance it. There are too many uncontrollable variables in a person vs person system.
As for the changes I will say these few things. The increase in casting times for CW is completely unnecessary. It is going a bit too far in my opinion. The target cap reduction on Singularity is also a mistake. By capping you will promote stacking CW simply because one singularity will not be as effective and thus a second one becomes justified again. It does not promote diversity.
On that note, I still believe that removing stackable debuffs from the same source would be better than removing the rest of the party from benefitting from said rebuffs as you propose to do with ray of enfeeblement. It devalues the class to a party rather than devalues the stacking which was the problem to begin with.
I love the damage nerfs to the CW but would like to see a little more control duration love in exchange.
Bravo on the Unstoppable change as it will finally differentiate the paragons to damage or durability but not both. This has a collateral effect of boosting the GF stock as well since that god of damage can no longer tank as well. Cheers to that.
I don't like the guard conversion for GF's at all as the staple of the class was the ability to block attacks. You basically just turned it into a time based deflection which is worse in my opinion. I proposed making marked targets do less guard damage as a more balanced fix than this for both guard and buffing marks.
Speaking of which, the mark changes are too severe and completely devalue some skills such as Knights Challenge when used for aggro lockdown. It should increase threat but not make an immediate aggro change as proposed. That's a little much.
As for the HR... wow. The proper approach should have been to empower ranged single target damage whilst leaving area damages low. They are the ranged striker and should play as such.
I will jump on preview tonite and do some testing then post more feedback
Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
Damage reductions / casting & cooldown increase
"66% reduced damage on shard slams" When shard is one of the most difficult and probably the longest duration to cast spell, leaving us completly vunerable to control attacks, and then not even getting a good damage return? This isn't madness, and this isn't sparta, but someone needs to be kicked into the endless pit for the idea that the lowest defence class, and in PvP the 2nd lowest damaging class, needs to have reduced damage and longer casting times. It's not the CWs fault that someone thought it would be a good idea to flood end game dungeons with more adds then in all the low level areas combined, and its not the CWs fault that the CW class was designed to fight a large amount of opponents at once. (10+) But then they added a cap on singularity from 15 to 8, making it even MORE neccicary to have even MORE CWs instead of other classes to get the designed outcome of finishing the dungeon in less then 10 hours.
debuffing RoE
CWs have to play support roles in PvP. There is no other option for them. When supporting melee players, it's ones job to make them easier to kill. What is the point of having a CW that can debuff, but then because of having Debuff attacks, it doesn't have high hitting attacks to take advantage of that debuff? I would love an explanation from whoever though of this bright idea. Whats the point of reducing someones damage resistance for yourself only if your a support class who needs someone else to take advantage of that debuff?
clueless updates to be honest, play end game content with end game players and see how the classes play, and how a majority of the butchering is going to be flamed until the day the game dies... which no offense to all parties but it seems closer and closer every day a new "update, bug fix, class balance" is released and or announced.
Polls need to be made to find out the real opinions of the player base instead of a few isolated tests from developers alone. Most of the player responses after testing the new updates on the preview shard will also be ignored aswell, or just not even noticed by developers
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
Changes needed to happen, that much was obvious. It remains to be seen if they were too much or not.
I can live with the CA nerf. It's pretty crazy CC the way it is right now. But yeah basically I'll just use binding arrow instead and have oak skin to use since they'll be basically the same.
I just tried out the trees on preview. Archery is majorly buffed. It's going to be the tree bar-none for PVE, and it looks like we'll finally do great damage in PVE with it.
And I don't know what regen bug you're talking about.
Lowbies: DC (level 31) | HR (level 16)
You can almost always find me in the legit channel. Happy Adventuring!
GWF guide: click me
To help evaluate the changes, it would be most helpful if the development team could summarize the philosophy driving the changes... spell out exactly what you wish to accomplish with the changes.
Are you moving CW from more damage to more control? Are you doing something in particular with the GF-similar-to-but-in-all-ways-inferior-to-a-GWF issue?
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
Regarding GWF, a single class shouldn't have the best offense, the best defense, the best gap closers, the best CC resistance, it's simply too much.
And for CWs they're supposed to be glass cannons, but I see many CWs going in frontline like they were Tanks facing entire enemy groups because they know that with one rotation they'll recover more than 100% of their life, they're supposed to stay on the back, protected by the rest of the team.
Like it or not, both CWs and GWF need a heavy nerf for PVE, all the classes need to have a fair chance at contributing to a team, and not just stack 2 classes.
And about dungeon design, I doubt they'll change the dungeons already made, but let's hope the new ones will be different.
And about the devs intentions, I think one of them is preventing GWFs/CWs groups from facerolling entire dungeons in a few minutes. To have other classes to be actually needed, and yeah, possibly making dungeons actually take longer to complete.
Their ideas are listed in the individual class change threads in the preview section.
I have been carrying undergeared lvl 60 people with crazy group comps thru the event for 2 days now on CW...With these changes, I am not sure it will go as smoothly, and I will start to just do it with guildies and friends. WE all want the Gold bonus for instance...
I am not sure why it matters who does the most DPS in a dungeon, as long as you get it done. I can tell you first hand that being top DPS has never increased drops for me, in fact it is always the pug that dies 10 times and get lost that gets the 500K piece of loot.
I'm a bit worried about the "if you don't do things the way we want to, then the game will die" attitude I'm seeing in some people though, makes me wonder about the general game population's age.
So I don't think 9 secs for a gap closer is too much.
Roar isn't going to go through ITC anymore. Also, FLS and Takedown are now stuns, so you won't have to worry so much about wasting ITC and can actually break out of the CC now.
If CWs cant be an "actual DPS" class then bring us an "actual dps" mage or ranged class instead!
Like a warlock or sorcerer!
Sentinel's Aegis is the final feat in the sentinel tree.
Nature's Blessing doesn't exist in this patch and the set-bonus is getting nerfed to oblivion.
They need to work with that they allready have, not reduce their building materials.
That statement is fundementally flawed.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min