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Let's talk AD sinks...



  • linoge63linoge63 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Guess what would happen if items that can only be found from chests and HE drops could be bought for a reasonable fee in AD from some basic shopkeeper.
    ....and if instead of only gold dropping from your hard work on the battlefields saving merchants and nature etc, ADs dropped too.

    Remove the AD demand that would make your grandmother who went thru the great depression cry on her knees and see what happens to 3rd party sites that sell the things that PLAYING the d amn game should easily provide.

    ...also...imagine the next time your subnificant other asks you to go to the store for some eggs, for the cake S/Hes making for you...you arrive but instead of being able to select and buy it, the manager takes your money and says...hello young wo/man you have a chance to receive for your money
    1) the eggs you actually WANT
    2) a pound of bacon
    3) 3 boxes of cereal
    4) a jug of juice
    you sign hoping that your 10 bucks didnt just leave you for a pound of bacon, or youll have to pay and run your chances again.

    well..isnt that what we do in the Zen store for a desired professions item? I want..this (but you only have a CHANCE to recv it < >....and maybe i dont want to pay a billion ADs in the AH house for it...(which is there because i cant get it anywhere else without guy smiley giving me something i dont want! and is at that AH price precisely because the game is designed to cause this "great depression" where a loaf of bread is 500 bucks.

    These exploiters only responded to a game that is designed to make doing whatever they did....VIABLE. If you can do what u need to do by buying from fellow crafters( but noooo, the purple items you spent 10 years leveling your profession to create is bind on pickup!!), obtaining it on the battlefield or chests, then AD hoarders would be irrelevant
  • jrfbrunetjrfbrunet Member Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    linoge63 wrote: »

    ...also...imagine the next time your significant other asks you to go to the store for some eggs, for the cake S/Hes making for you...you arrive but instead of being able to select and buy it, the manager takes your money and says...hello young wo/man you have a chance to receive for your money:
    1) the eggs you actually WANT
    2) a pound of bacon
    3) 3 boxes of cereal
    4) a jug of juice

    I fell for it too many times, and won't do it anymore. If I determine that I need an item (resource, asset, refining thingamajig, etc) then I will buy it off the AH.

    Cryptic's gambling system has forced me to use AD ONLY.

    I don't want a ton of AD to suddenly start appearing in everyone's bag - that would only inflate AH prices.

    I don't want AD sinks to start multiplying - that would only force more players to buy AD either at the cheapest price they can get it (which isn't through Cryptic), or from converting ZEN. Both those options make many players feel like the game is 'pay-to-win'.

    Convenience items like mounts, and cosmetic items like fashion garb or dyes are the only items that seem to consistently sustain the cash shops of various MMOs without alienating players.

    AD sinks can temporarily treat a symptom, but they only make the underlying disease worse in the long run.
    Where'd my blinky-blinky path go?
  • khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    jrfbrunet wrote: »
    I don't want AD sinks to start multiplying - that would only force more players to buy AD either at the cheapest price they can get it (which isn't through Cryptic), or from converting ZEN. Both those options make many players feel like the game is 'pay-to-win'.
    AD sinks can temporarily treat a symptom, but they only make the underlying disease worse in the long run.

    You don't seem to realize the value of AD sinks, nor what pay-to-win means. AD sinks keep AD valuable. instead of things costing millions of AD, they cost hundreds of thousands. If AD are more desirable, people will be more willing to sell their Zen for AD at a reasonable price, meaning F2P players have access to Zen again and the odds are fair again. There is no pay-to-win if you buy things with AD cause you can get AD in game. Pay-to-win is when you can only buy powerful items/gear with real money. If everyone playing the game has access to both AD and Zen there is no pay-to-win. So far the game has stayed away from pay-to-win territory, but we have started to take steps in that direction, unfortunately.
    Of course we need to get rid of the illicit gold sellers, but shifting the attention of the players a bit from Zen to AD would help stabilize the economy.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
  • refracted0dawnrefracted0dawn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 894 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    linoge63 wrote: »
    the manager takes your money and says...hello young wo/man you have a chance to receive for your money

    1) the eggs you actually WANT
    2) a pound of bacon
    3) 3 boxes of cereal
    4) a jug of juice

    you sign hoping that your 10 bucks didnt just leave you for a pound of bacon, or youll have to pay and run your chances again.

    Oh, LOL! That is EXACTLY what it is like! You buy a lottery ticket with a Guaranteed Win!, but there is a high chance that what you win is worth less than you paid for the ticket!

    62,500 AD for a 125 Zen Key, and you get a Jeweled Idol that gives you 40,000 AD! Unless you knew the exploit that they recently fixed, which I did not.

    Professions Packs are worse. I want some Grandmaster Weaponsmiths. I am willing to pay AD. I am even willing to pay Zen. But I have to buy a Key for a Locked Box that MIGHT give me an asset I want, which MIGHT be for the correct Profession.

    And I get a Green Artificer instead! For 62,500 AD when I could have bought half-a-dozen on the AH for less than 8,000 AD each.

    That is another massive drain on my AD - As well as 750,000 AD on upgrading my Companion, this week I spent more than 1 Million AD on Master and Grandmaster Professions Craftsmen etc etc. I check the AH regularly and sometimes people have posted some which are way underpriced compared to the others. I also put up 1.25 Million AD to get 2250 Zen for 20 Keys. I might cancel that order and go to the AH instead. But then, my AD will still be in-game in the hands of players, bots and/or exploiters.

    AD Sinks will never fix the broken economy. It WOULD make things more convenient for legit players and have an effect on the upper limit of AH Prices.

    But the only thing that will fix the problems of Neverwinter is effective coding with no exploits built in, and doing something about the professional Bots, Gold Farmers and AD Farmers.

    linoge63 wrote: »
    If you can do what u need to do by buying from fellow crafters (but noooo, the purple items you spent 10 years leveling your profession to create is bind on pickup!!)

    WOAH!! Since when? I bought Exquisite, Gemmed Shirts and Pants from the AH for my two Main Characters and I was going to make some when I have enough resources to have a good chance of the Tier 3 result.

    Since when have they been Bind on Pick Up from Professions?

  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    AD Sinks will never fix the broken economy. It WOULD make things more convenient for legit players and have an effect on the upper limit of AH Prices.

    But the only thing that will fix the problems of Neverwinter is effective coding with no exploits built in, and doing something about the professional Bots, Gold Farmers and AD Farmers.

    I completely agree with this
  • akichidakichid Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    One of the best uses for AD's IMO would be the opportunity to UNBIND a particular item in your inventory.

    There is a special smith in the Seven Sun's Market to extract things from epic items... for a price -

    Why not another kind of smithing service to remove the "Bound to Character" from items previously equipped, or just picked up as loot from chests or MOB drops?

    This would come in particularly handy on those occasions when my cleric completes a dungeon and opens the chest at the end to find a sword for a great weapons fighter that will be bound to my character when I pick it up.
  • lionmaruu0lionmaruu0 Member Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ad should be cheaper, if you take all the ways of make ad this game implodes, there is a gigantic amount of "exploited" ad, zen, items, assets, and thats what cryptic should be looking into (as I am sure they are in some way) so the honest player can get their ad and farm the way they want, there is no need to change anything but the ways exploiters are being verified and handled.
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