Transfer this much Zen and you will get [free gift thingy].
Oh hey, yeah, I can afford that. It's a pretty good deal. Sold!
Transfer this much Zen and you'll be entered into a draw for [exclusive prize thingy].
Buy items x, y, z and you'll be entered into a draw for [exclusive prize thingy].
On sale this week for everyone, several different items up to x% off.
Oh hey, yeah, I'll have to think about if I want any of that stuff and make a point of buying it before the sale ends. Maybe I'll even stock up. Sold!
Random coupon for x% off one thing, expiring in an hour.
I don't know if I want to decide about that right now. I'm all wrapped up in playing and I don't even know if this thing is good for a single purchase or can be used multiple times within the hour or what. Oh forget it. I don't care.
Neverwinter's marketing is very much slewing towards impulsive purchases and away from considered ones, and that is extremely alienating towards consumers like me.
100% agree. They wont be getting a dime of my money with these gamble offers. Not even if they offer something I REALLY want, like a dragon mount.
The issue, as the OP states, isn't all these things.
It's this:
THIS is the real issue. Not all the other stuff people are thinking the issue is.
If the guy is feeling an "overwhelming sense of exclusion" because of a Zen market sale, then I wonder how badly he or she must feel when he or she is playing and all those players with their cats and 17k GS and crabs and Nightmare horses and whatnot be rollin by.
Everyone's always got something better, especially compared to a guy like me who's still ridin his 5 gold horse.
The entitlement mentality reigns again, as it does every time something that isn't easy, free, or cheap be comin' round. You get what you pay for, people, and in most cases, people here are paying NOTHING and are entitled to NOTHING. Even those who DO pay only receive what they pay for, which in 99.99% of the cases is exactly what happens. You pay for convenience, utility, and appearance. That's all you get with this game and if you game for free, you spend your time and energy.
It is not "work" as you're not being remunerated, nor was there ever any promise of such, nor should there be any expectation on anyone's part of any reward. A reward for playing a free game?! Where in the heck did this insane concept come from? If you find it cool, spend some dough and take your chances, but complaining about it makes absolutely no sense. It's not trickery or greed or underhanded and it's certainly not exploitative or a cash grab. It's an offer. If you don't like it, don't spend any money. If you do, then THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR SUPPORTING THIS FREE GAME I PLAY! I will give you big e-hugs if I meet you in game!
Honestly, let's try and keep some perspective here. There's absolutely no justification for feeling ripped off here. I'd suggest that anyone who does do some introspection.
Agree 1000% sorry you think it's unfair that PWE isn't giving everything away free to everyone that plays. It's a "bonus" to those that would be spending the money anyways of which PWE has many such promotions (like the "free" account wide archer companion for some that transfer 1000 ZEN in the next 7 days!) I usually do between $50 to $100 a month minimum anyway so all of these are all just "gravy" to me anyways. Thanks For the FREE stuff and the chance to win more is how I feel about it!
The thing is, though this particular promotion *feels* a bit exclusive (you have to be interested in obtaining Black Ice, for starters) - that's all fine. As long as they don't shift to this type of promotion as the exclusive paradigm.
I'm all for variety in "sale types" and "methods" - and that's all fair enough. I'm personally more or less indifferent regarding this particular promotion. I was just throwing-in with the OP that it does feel a bit exclusionary, but when you think about it: that is pretty much the very definition of "exclusive". LOL
I'm not upset at this.
I still wouldn't call it "exploitive" or a "cash grab".
I fully support the business Model right down to the lockbox paradigm.
I buy Zen market stuff all the time, have been a spender of Zen for going on five years now, that won't stop either. and as for the Polar Bear mount, it does't even really interest me to be truthful about it.
The issue, as the OP states, isn't all these things.
It's this:Suddenly, I just get this overwhelming sense of exclusion.
THIS is the real issue. Not all the other stuff people are thinking the issue is.
That is one of my issues. I'm sort of excluded from the entire expansion this time around. I don't meet the gear score or the faction. I don't get to see the new stuff. I'm okay with that somewhat, but I'm not going to start forking over cash when I don't get new stuff.
I don't like the exclusive mount, limited edition, through a raffle that can fail. I do think it's somewhat of a cash grab. I spend (and have spent) money on the game. When I spend money I expect to get something of value in return or I'm not funding. I don't expect stuff for free, but I'm not throwing my money after the wind either.
The game offers a lot for free which I appreciate, but they also have pretty spendy prices for items in the cash shop so it's not a cheap game to fully play. I do feel as though Cryptic/PWE is asking too much with this promotion and some of their prices. I like the model, but it needs a little perspective as it's gone a bit overboard in my opinion.
The Dusk Unicorn is probably the best looking Zen market mount there is
mmm, no. That would be an upgraded pig mount or upgraded ghost horse.
But on topic: Who gives a HAMSTER what the odds are? Its presented to us as a lottery and that's what it is.
You can't cry foul because you feel excluded from a lottery based on the chance to win, that's childish and asinine. Don't play. Don't play neverwinter for that matter, there's a lot of gambling involved and if you can't take it, leave.
If you know someone who gets a bear and it makes your heart bleed unfriend them, throw your pc away, and commit to a life of celibacy like a normal person.
Essence of Aggression member
Former 666th Devil Dogs Neverwinter Co-Commander
16.6k BiS TR Flosstradamus
15.8k BiS CW Veria Noying
17.8 BiS GWF Carnage Asada
Very sad, but painfully true. @OP: You've described what I've been feeling for the last few promotions, like the "buy from the Zen Market once a day for five days for a *chance* to win..." - sorry but purple-fire Phoeras or Nightmares aren't THAT special in any language or price-range. Lockboxes are bad enough, but at least those are persistent and they'll be around for a while. and at least the mounts and companions and other goodies that do show-up for the luckier few will eventually end-up on the Auction House. But these aren't even "transfer Zen into Neverwinter" promos, which I'm totally fine with.
These are actual "buy THIS item, whether you want it or not, for a *CHANCE* to win this super-special shiny". And this all *before* the actual odds are taken into account. This is artificial saturation control. It costs Cryptic NOTHING to flood the market with these things, but they are restricting distribution in order to inflate perceived "value" of the item.
Ummm, it's just a bunch of 1's and 0's inside a digital box that creates pixels - and there is no cost to anyone for duplicating and multiplying said pixels exponentially. Hence a totally false sense of value.
@OP: SPOT-ON WITH THIS. (And this from me: a five-year Cryptic fan - yeah, considering eating my own words now.)
Well look at that, I really didn't think you had it in you. I take back what I said about you the last time I choose to address you.
The armored polar bear look cool as heck... but the requirement and gambling chance gives NOPE sign.
ministerofchangeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2014
I do not like the way PWE and Cryptic are heading - Stupid random chance HAMSTER like this and the changes to the Coal Ward coming in the next patch - this game is quickly going in the crapper - and its a shame because its a good game - just managed badly by PWE
I anticipate that they may be testing their market to see what strategies will play out best with Neverwinter's player base. I expect them to rotate back through sales and buy for a promotional gift type structures in a month or two.
I don't like this promotion and won't be participating, and I think that is the only answer for my wallet. Each of you will have to decide what is best for your own.
@OP, sorry but your feeling of exclusion is a direct result of the whole "get a trophy for showing up" mentality that is destroying the world.
@ those feeling cheated: your not spending 3300+ zen on a chance at a new mount. Your spending 3300+ zen on four items plus a bunch of black ice, AND a chance at a free polar bear. And you can still sell those four items in the AH if you want.
@thoe complaining about prices... do some price comparison. On another game i play each mount is priced from $20-$100. That mount is good for only THAT toon. Their is no account wide anything, nor is there even an AH available.
@ "f2p not free to make... your darn tooting. Anyone who thinks otherwise, go make your game and be sure to link me to it when its ready to launch.
Click banner for the Dragon Dogs Family guild page.
I would feel better about these promotions if regular sales hadn't seemed to disappear. That's more exclusionary than just including ridiculously priced raffles. And people don't even get refined black ice, just raw.
Well look at that, I really didn't think you had it in you. I take back what I said about you the last time I choose to address you.
I might be a jerk, and highly opinionated. But I'm also not afraid to own-up to scenarios where I may have to reevaluate my position, and I will publicly eat my own words when the occasion calls for it. I am still a Cryptic fan, I have been for a long time. Is what they are offering fair? Yes it is. Do I support it? Yes, I do - as long as it doesn't become the only type of promotion (defacto-standard) they do from here (or soon™) on out.
Am I happy about this style of promotion? Absolutely not. But it *is* Cryptic's house, they say "take your shoes off or leave" I'll take my shoes off, thank you.
Just saw the new market event going on, as well as the rather nifty polar bear mount. "Hey, an armored polar bear, that's exactly what I've been wanting! Maybe if I save up and work really hard..." And then I see the conditions attached to it.
I agree with you post... and would most likely just have bought the bear for 30 bucks.
Pretty much nobody is comfortable with cash grab raffles like this, at least they made the mount look cool enough where all the rich people will buy-in just for a chance at the status-symbol mount.
It's like buying a Dyson, just cause it cost a lot, lol.
I spent 3 dollars at a slot machine this past weekend and won $20.00. If I am going to spend another $3 gambling for something, I'd go back to that slot machine.
Between the changes in marketing, and the planned changes to the trade bar coal wards, it may be time to back off this game. I didn't mind saving and spending on keys or other things, but it's getting too money grabby for me. I might be a little fish in a big pond, but there are a lot of us little fish, and we add up. If we stop playing/investing in the game, it dies. The bots sure aren't gonna sell to each other!
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited May 2014
1000 zen to upgrade a single enchant which will require a crapton more piles of 1000 zen. Weapon/armor enchants aren't some luxury item like fashion/companions. You pretty much need them for endgame content.
100x more ludicrous than a rename token costing more than a retraining/appearance token.
First, allow me to thank those that have replied here, both in agreement and disagreement. It's been useful knowledge to see the different perspectives on this matter as well as the general views on how things are being marketed.
Now, I do need to address a couple of misconceptions. First is the "free to play doesn't mean free to make" retort. I had touched lightly on this in my original post ("I know you need to pay the bills...") so please know that I do understand how this works. I am also familiar with the concept of value on digital objects.
Cracked wrote a great article titled, "5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying To Get You Addicted," which goes on to compare virtual goods to real diamonds. One sits there and looks pretty; the other sits there and looks pretty AND makes it easier to kill monsters. People are willing to pay "something" to get this item of value, and it is normal AND ACCEPTABLE for a game developer to try to turn that "something" into a financial gain to recover the costs of development, payroll, hardware, software, electricity and other utilities, etc. and create a nest egg to help kickstart the next project (or prevent bankruptcy should a project fail utterly).
I am not complaining because they are trying to get money out of me. My complaint is the methods that they employ to do so.
Second, "You're not paying anything to play this game." Untrue. Every single player has invested some very important things, even if they haven't paid a cent to support it: Time and Energy.
Think about the time you've spent in the game. You've been running quests, building up your character. You're expending time and energy in order to do two things here: improve your character's capabilities (so you are more effective in-game) and improve your skill and knowledge with the game itself. This second is why PvP is so popular—once you've mastered the skills for PvE, there's little more to learn; but against other players, you have more unpredictable tactics to have to counter and compensate for.
These may not be financial resources we're investing, but time and energy are no less important, and when we reach a point where we no longer receive a return on this investment, something in the mind switches off. Enjoyment plummets.
It is thus unfair to proclaim that someone who does not support the game financially should be dismissed, thinking they are not supporting the game at all.
Finally, an observation. Despite the varied responses, one thing I have not seen ANYone say here is this: "I am totally going to participate in this program. I am going to get these items and try for a polar bear mount."
Why is this? IS someone going to, and just chose not to chime in?
There were plenty of people who were in support of the scheme, but did not specifically claim they were going to participate. Indeed, a few even said they were in support but did NOT have plans to participate.
How much effective support does this method truly have, then?
As for my own feelings on the matter, ultimately I'm not going to let this bother me. If this slides by without me being able to get something I would love to have, but simply am unable or unwilling to buy into, so be it. But as someone who has had a strong interest in both game development and psychology over the last 20 years, I am able to recognize some of these underhanded tactics, and that resulted in that initial negative feeling. It was potent enough to make me put the question out for others to ponder.
This kind of feedback is not only important for players, either as a form of validation or to temper their perspective, but important for the marketing team (should they read this) so they can use something other than raw sales figures to determine the mood of a course of action.
Either way, this has been enlightening. So, thanks.
And sorry for the long read. I can be verbose.
mittensofdoomMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 247Arc User
one thing I have not seen ANYone say here is this: "I am totally going to participate in this program. I am going to get these items and try for a polar bear mount."
I participated.. just because I had the couple mil needed and I knew I could recoup most of what I spent.
I know I have a miniscule chance of winning. And I don't like this promotion. And yet...
If it was "participate in all 4 tiers and you get this bear", I would have considered it. Since it is just a chance, there is no chance I will take part. And as usual, PWE's marketing department has given me one more reason to consider no longer playing the game.
I used to be one of those big wallet suckers, luckily for me, all of these cash grabs have cured of that syndrome. This game has turned into a giant lottery and in my opinion has soured this game. Though, it is entertaining to see what the next money grab scheme turns out to be. This latest one takes the cake.
If this company wants anymore of my money, they will need to offer value for the Zen I spend not enter me into a lottery for a .0001% to win animated pixels. Don't they have lockboxes for that nonsense?
one thing I have not seen ANYone say here is this: "I am totally going to participate in this program. I am going to get these items and try for a polar bear mount."
I am 100% going to do this promotion I was going to get 2 out of the 4 items in the tier's anyways and the other 2 I can use at some point so why not - give me lots of free ice and a chance at special mount for something I was going to do anyways (more or less) why not! Count me in I usually do the promotions they have though if it's something I want or items I was going to use / buy anyways.
Suddenly, I just get this overwhelming sense of exclusion.
^ This describe the situation for the 99% of the F2P players who wan't that bear I think, or even if it's not the bear, but the fact to spent Millions of AD to have a miniscule percentage to win 'x' item.
Well, there is another version of the polar bear available in the Zen without the shiny armor...
And blue-ranked, meaning it'll cost to upgrade it. Still, at least that partially satisfies the "I can work towards this" mentality, and partially mitigates the negative feelings. I still feel a little as though my chain's been jerked around, though, so I'm not going to be in any great big hurry to sink resources into this, as I would be doing so for 5 to 6 characters. That's a lot of Astrals to burn up.
Second, "You're not paying anything to play this game." Untrue. Every single player has invested some very important things, even if they haven't paid a cent to support it: Time and Energy.
Hmm, is there a game that requires 0 time or energy to "play"? Doesn't sound like it would be much fun.
Sorry, this premise is just plain obtuse.
ikuruyoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 132Bounty Hunter
Hmm, is there a game that requires 0 time or energy to "play"? Doesn't sound like it would be much fun.
Sorry, this premise is just plain obtuse.
You'll note I used the term "invest" not "pay." Whether it's in something for fun or something more serious, like work, no one likes to have the time and energy they have invested into something undermined. It's insulting to the participant, and degrades the experience. It creates a niggling resentment in the mind that never truly goes away and can taint future experiences with that activity.
Also, being dismissive by calling something "obtuse" isn't very constructive.
mmm, no. That would be an upgraded pig mount or upgraded ghost horse.
But on topic: Who gives a HAMSTER what the odds are? Its presented to us as a lottery and that's what it is.
You can't cry foul because you feel excluded from a lottery based on the chance to win, that's childish and asinine. Don't play. Don't play neverwinter for that matter, there's a lot of gambling involved and if you can't take it, leave.
If you know someone who gets a bear and it makes your heart bleed unfriend them, throw your pc away, and commit to a life of celibacy like a normal person.
Neither one of you has a clue! The Stormraider Clydesdale is the coolest mount on the Zen Store followed by the Leopard of Chult. As for the topic, do it, don't do it............My bigger concern is that people that are financially supporting this game may end up getting persecuted by other players, kind of ironic if you think about it.
100% agree. They wont be getting a dime of my money with these gamble offers. Not even if they offer something I REALLY want, like a dragon mount.
If the guy is feeling an "overwhelming sense of exclusion" because of a Zen market sale, then I wonder how badly he or she must feel when he or she is playing and all those players with their cats and 17k GS and crabs and Nightmare horses and whatnot be rollin by.
Everyone's always got something better, especially compared to a guy like me who's still ridin his 5 gold horse.
Agree 1000% sorry you think it's unfair that PWE isn't giving everything away free to everyone that plays. It's a "bonus" to those that would be spending the money anyways of which PWE has many such promotions (like the "free" account wide archer companion for some that transfer 1000 ZEN in the next 7 days!) I usually do between $50 to $100 a month minimum anyway so all of these are all just "gravy" to me anyways. Thanks For the FREE stuff and the chance to win more
I'm all for variety in "sale types" and "methods" - and that's all fair enough. I'm personally more or less indifferent regarding this particular promotion. I was just throwing-in with the OP that it does feel a bit exclusionary, but when you think about it: that is pretty much the very definition of "exclusive". LOL
I don't like the exclusive mount, limited edition, through a raffle that can fail. I do think it's somewhat of a cash grab. I spend (and have spent) money on the game. When I spend money I expect to get something of value in return or I'm not funding. I don't expect stuff for free, but I'm not throwing my money after the wind either.
The game offers a lot for free which I appreciate, but they also have pretty spendy prices for items in the cash shop so it's not a cheap game to fully play. I do feel as though Cryptic/PWE is asking too much with this promotion and some of their prices. I like the model, but it needs a little perspective as it's gone a bit overboard in my opinion.
mmm, no. That would be an upgraded pig mount or upgraded ghost horse.
But on topic: Who gives a HAMSTER what the odds are? Its presented to us as a lottery and that's what it is.
You can't cry foul because you feel excluded from a lottery based on the chance to win, that's childish and asinine. Don't play. Don't play neverwinter for that matter, there's a lot of gambling involved and if you can't take it, leave.
If you know someone who gets a bear and it makes your heart bleed unfriend them, throw your pc away, and commit to a life of celibacy like a normal person.
Former 666th Devil Dogs Neverwinter Co-Commander
16.6k BiS TR Flosstradamus
15.8k BiS CW Veria Noying
17.8 BiS GWF Carnage Asada
Well look at that, I really didn't think you had it in you. I take back what I said about you the last time I choose to address you.
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I don't like this promotion and won't be participating, and I think that is the only answer for my wallet. Each of you will have to decide what is best for your own. - Cryptic Studios Review
@ those feeling cheated: your not spending 3300+ zen on a chance at a new mount. Your spending 3300+ zen on four items plus a bunch of black ice, AND a chance at a free polar bear. And you can still sell those four items in the AH if you want.
@thoe complaining about prices... do some price comparison. On another game i play each mount is priced from $20-$100. That mount is good for only THAT toon. Their is no account wide anything, nor is there even an AH available.
@ "f2p not free to make... your darn tooting. Anyone who thinks otherwise, go make your game and be sure to link me to it when its ready to launch.
Click banner for the Dragon Dogs Family guild page.
Let's keep politics out of this please.
I might be a jerk, and highly opinionated. But I'm also not afraid to own-up to scenarios where I may have to reevaluate my position, and I will publicly eat my own words when the occasion calls for it. I am still a Cryptic fan, I have been for a long time. Is what they are offering fair? Yes it is. Do I support it? Yes, I do - as long as it doesn't become the only type of promotion (defacto-standard) they do from here (or soon™) on out.
Am I happy about this style of promotion? Absolutely not. But it *is* Cryptic's house, they say "take your shoes off or leave" I'll take my shoes off, thank you.
I agree with you post... and would most likely just have bought the bear for 30 bucks.
It's like buying a Dyson, just cause it cost a lot, lol.
100x more ludicrous than a rename token costing more than a retraining/appearance token.
Now, I do need to address a couple of misconceptions. First is the "free to play doesn't mean free to make" retort. I had touched lightly on this in my original post ("I know you need to pay the bills...") so please know that I do understand how this works. I am also familiar with the concept of value on digital objects.
Cracked wrote a great article titled, "5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying To Get You Addicted," which goes on to compare virtual goods to real diamonds. One sits there and looks pretty; the other sits there and looks pretty AND makes it easier to kill monsters. People are willing to pay "something" to get this item of value, and it is normal AND ACCEPTABLE for a game developer to try to turn that "something" into a financial gain to recover the costs of development, payroll, hardware, software, electricity and other utilities, etc. and create a nest egg to help kickstart the next project (or prevent bankruptcy should a project fail utterly).
I am not complaining because they are trying to get money out of me. My complaint is the methods that they employ to do so.
Second, "You're not paying anything to play this game." Untrue. Every single player has invested some very important things, even if they haven't paid a cent to support it: Time and Energy.
Think about the time you've spent in the game. You've been running quests, building up your character. You're expending time and energy in order to do two things here: improve your character's capabilities (so you are more effective in-game) and improve your skill and knowledge with the game itself. This second is why PvP is so popular—once you've mastered the skills for PvE, there's little more to learn; but against other players, you have more unpredictable tactics to have to counter and compensate for.
These may not be financial resources we're investing, but time and energy are no less important, and when we reach a point where we no longer receive a return on this investment, something in the mind switches off. Enjoyment plummets.
It is thus unfair to proclaim that someone who does not support the game financially should be dismissed, thinking they are not supporting the game at all.
Finally, an observation. Despite the varied responses, one thing I have not seen ANYone say here is this: "I am totally going to participate in this program. I am going to get these items and try for a polar bear mount."
Why is this? IS someone going to, and just chose not to chime in?
There were plenty of people who were in support of the scheme, but did not specifically claim they were going to participate. Indeed, a few even said they were in support but did NOT have plans to participate.
How much effective support does this method truly have, then?
As for my own feelings on the matter, ultimately I'm not going to let this bother me. If this slides by without me being able to get something I would love to have, but simply am unable or unwilling to buy into, so be it. But as someone who has had a strong interest in both game development and psychology over the last 20 years, I am able to recognize some of these underhanded tactics, and that resulted in that initial negative feeling. It was potent enough to make me put the question out for others to ponder.
This kind of feedback is not only important for players, either as a form of validation or to temper their perspective, but important for the marketing team (should they read this) so they can use something other than raw sales figures to determine the mood of a course of action.
Either way, this has been enlightening. So, thanks.
And sorry for the long read.
I participated.. just because I had the couple mil needed and I knew I could recoup most of what I spent.
I know I have a miniscule chance of winning. And I don't like this promotion. And yet...
I want the bear =/
Oh.. And I haven't got my free ice yet..
I used to be one of those big wallet suckers, luckily for me, all of these cash grabs have cured of that syndrome. This game has turned into a giant lottery and in my opinion has soured this game. Though, it is entertaining to see what the next money grab scheme turns out to be. This latest one takes the cake.
If this company wants anymore of my money, they will need to offer value for the Zen I spend not enter me into a lottery for a .0001% to win animated pixels. Don't they have lockboxes for that nonsense?
I am 100% going to do this promotion I was going to get 2 out of the 4 items in the tier's anyways and the other 2 I can use at some point so why not - give me lots of free ice and a chance at special mount for something I was going to do anyways (more or less) why not! Count me in I usually do the promotions they have though if it's something I want or items I was going to use / buy anyways.
^ This describe the situation for the 99% of the F2P players who wan't that bear I think, or even if it's not the bear, but the fact to spent Millions of AD to have a miniscule percentage to win 'x' item.
Items that are on sale line up directly with qualifying items for their lotto promo.
Hope participants didn't pounce on buying their fashion clothes or leopard mounts yesterday, I guess.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
And blue-ranked, meaning it'll cost to upgrade it. Still, at least that partially satisfies the "I can work towards this" mentality, and partially mitigates the negative feelings. I still feel a little as though my chain's been jerked around, though, so I'm not going to be in any great big hurry to sink resources into this, as I would be doing so for 5 to 6 characters. That's a lot of Astrals to burn up.
Hmm, is there a game that requires 0 time or energy to "play"? Doesn't sound like it would be much fun.
Sorry, this premise is just plain obtuse.
Yea was just going to post about this. There are items from the 1st, 3rd and 4th teirs on sale for 20-25% off.
Just have to pair full price for an items from tier 2, but I was going to pick up a shared bank expansion at some point anyways.
You'll note I used the term "invest" not "pay." Whether it's in something for fun or something more serious, like work, no one likes to have the time and energy they have invested into something undermined. It's insulting to the participant, and degrades the experience. It creates a niggling resentment in the mind that never truly goes away and can taint future experiences with that activity.
Also, being dismissive by calling something "obtuse" isn't very constructive.
Neither one of you has a clue! The Stormraider Clydesdale is the coolest mount on the Zen Store followed by the Leopard of Chult. As for the topic, do it, don't do it............My bigger concern is that people that are financially supporting this game may end up getting persecuted by other players, kind of ironic if you think about it.