Why an item made in professions (eg. detailed plate pants) is worth less than the resources I have to use to make it? Would it really hurt economy that I would get some gold from doing professions?
For me it's one of the most absurd and annoying things in the game. What annoys you guys? (dont say perma stealth rogues

and yes most annoying things in game award goes to the perma stealth rogues
this thread will be allowed as long as the feedback is constructive and not an all out rant on in-game gripes. if you're going to discuss something that annoys you, what can be done to fix it? and let's make sure to not personalize these annoying issues as well.
do not reply to this mod note. send me a PM instead to discuss it.
Also, I think the percentages for success when crafting should be adjusted. I have been trying to break into the purple slotted gear market, and as stated, the cost of the dragon eggs combined with the rate of failure (i tend to get the opposite of what the percentage chance indicates with the failure rate where i get 1 out of 3 slotted) with 5 purples for crafting (the person and the tools all purple) so even after investing millions of ad into creating the tools to make the gear, I think I would have been better off never buying a single profession tool and simply buying the Shirts and pants off the ah. It should not be this way. Perhaps if they raised the % on the tools so the total chance increased or, i think they should add a crafting % to the professionals, so a green blue or purple crafters increase the chance of success. Perhaps an synergy bonus so that if i have all purples i get a bonus, like the t1 and t2 sets... 2 needles gives me a higher chance than one of each...
and i worry the new black ice gear will make all of this for naught.
A Plate Helm +2 requires 4 steel plates and 2 residium. In order to get 4 steel plates I need 8 pieces of Charcoal costing 2 silver 40 copper. And a vendor will buy the Plate Helm +2 for 2 Silver 61 copper. Really? 21 copper for spending time opening every node I find in the hope to get the two residium, killing countless foes in the hope they drop residium and all I get is 21 copper? Selling the two residium gives me 2 silver. Why would I craft?
they don't care if you craft or not. It is only there so they can say they have crafting in the game. Leadership keeps people from complaining, as it gives gold and RAD.
As for item prices, I find they're market driven. Gotta take the successes with the failures. Either that, or buy out every copy of a specific item in AH, relist, and raise prices by a factor of 10 or so.
One other thing that annoys me is not being able to queue for Epic Dungeons with a party size of my choice.
Enforce rainbow parties in PvP ---- 10v10 PvP ----
There actually is a mobile version of the forums. It's called PW Community Forums Hub, by AQ. Whether it's better than just using the browser is debatable. For me it tends to load faster than the forums in the browser and the layout is better for a smaller screen. The app doesn't support images, screen rotation, or replies though.
NOTE! This app is not an "official" app. It is not developed by PWE or Cryptic.
I began as a Weaponsmith, thankfully I saw early on the time consumed and need for materials. I mean there were days I'd be in game for 90 minutes before leaving "my profession". I switched to "Leadership" after reading a "Forum" post.
Never realized I liked the color purple so much, never been happier.
Like Billy says, "AD is the root of evil and you know the rest, but its way ahead of what's second best"
"Every Attack Can Become a Defense"
"Any Defense Can Be Made An Attack"
Lethalla L 60 "Stealth" TR
You Don't Hear the One With Your Name On It
Gear at each given level has a certain amount of stat points. Allow items crafted by players to have their stats chosen by said players. They could have a small amount of variability in the exact final figures for said stats, and using better tools could provide a few extra bonus stat points. This would be great as certain classes' random drops tend to prefer some stats over others - player-made gear could ignore these preferences.
Also - please add a "collect all" button to the gateway, for those of us that have many alts.
Player-crafted gear could also have a few other bonuses - like being able to choose the type of enchantment slot - like maybe we could make boots w/ a defense slot instead of a utility slot...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
2) Other than Alchemy and Leadership the other trade skills seems kinda useless since you can buy items allot cheap/faster on the auction house.
3) Epic items. I tried making my epic gemmed pants and yikes it takes you so many thousands of diamonds to get the things that improve quality or speed to combine then and then its a change it wont give you the best Tier you want. Thats after weeks and weeks to get the tradeskill level 20 so you can do the stupid combine and then have to wait for the rare tradeskill event you need for the combine just to have it fail the combine and give you a crappier version of what u want.
4) Leveling Weaponsmithing and Artificing are supper easy and you can just do the mass gathering materials over and over until level 20 if you want... But Alchemy is a pain to level you combine and hope for the knowledge to level it up.. Leadership is the slowest and more time consuming than any other tradeskill there it is. Getting leadership 20 takes me about double the time as say Weaponsmithing.
5)Mismatch tradeskills. Why does the Artificing level 14 material combine "Deep Wilderness Gathering 800exp" take 6 hours but the Weaponsmithing "Deep Wilderness Gathering 800exp" takes 8 hours? I guess weaponsmithers are a bit slower.
6) Titles: At level 5 you get "Apprentice Tradeskill", level 10 you get "Jouneyman Tradeskill", level 15 you get "umm Nothing better luck next time maybe Expert Tradeskill would be nice" and lastly at level 20 you get "Master Tradeskill"
Other things I would love to see:
1)More Mailboxes FFS. Your on the other side of helms hold and you bought yourself something nice out of the auction house. Now you have to kill your way all the way back to the gate run to lag central of the game get your item and kill your way back to where you left off. No epic mount makes it more exciting if anything sneezes on you you get knocked off you mount.
2)Invocation on the gateway. Im mainly after those Sharandar Spark boxes since you need so many of those sparks.
3)Player housing omg this game has the foundry and with that technology I think they could use it to help make player housing. Im coming from Everquest 2 but Sonys makes an insane amount of money selling HAMSTER for your house in the SC (Zen) marketplace. Players love customizing stuff and what better way than your own house or guild hall. Also Star trek Online has guild halls and guild progression projects.
4)Upgrading mounts. Why does it cost 3 million diamonds to upgrade a mount from rank1 to rank3? They should be 1million if not lower the beetles are selling for 500k and they are epics.
Responses to your points in teal.
2. How is alchemy useful?
3. Just buy them at the auction house. Investing in tools to make them for yourself is a very bad idea. Simple solution to that.
4. That is the point. I wish more professions were like leadership. It is too easy to level professions considering they have zero plans to increase the cap this year
5. Parity should be enforced but it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things
6. Eh not gonna complain about this one. Being too picky for my taste
*though a "jack-of-all-trades" title would be sweet
1)I was talking about say on the train to work or on a vacation away from home. I can send out my tradeskillers, check out the market and stuff but if I'm gone even 1 day I loose all the celestial coins for the week.
2)You run out of gold? I'd say most people level 60 who don't trade 1000 gold for 10 keys do not have that problem.
2) I guess but I have multiple accounts and some of them I just use tradeskills like alchemy on a level 30 character so I can make potions for groups during the DD event to help make things go smoother. Im excited about the new update though I hope the account bank atleast gives you a few free slots. My account mail has been overflowing for weeks because of storage manly enchantments lol.
The post said "Professions & What Annoys You The Most In The Game?" and well these are things that annoy ME lol they are all just IMO of course.
doughnuts must have the middle removed in order to cook evenly.
Like a "Jelly Filled"!!
"Every Attack Can Become a Defense"
"Any Defense Can Be Made An Attack"
Lethalla L 60 "Stealth" TR
You Don't Hear the One With Your Name On It
Was just replying to your points because I thought they were interesting and some of it I agree with
Daily Guardian of Faith
Daily Hammer of Fate (maybe?)
YEs, pretty limited... but do go saying no interrupt when there is
Clearly, the chinese farmers spamming all the possible chats and channels. In game PM, Zonz chat, LFG chat, ingame mail, they are everywhere. Ofc you can remove Zone, LFG, Tell, Say from all your channels but this turns a MMO into a solo game vs the computer. Plus, your ingame mail still gets spammed '"Hey friend:" you all know this one)
I would like to see an account-wide profession with more limited slots. Extra toons would contribute to either the rare events available, and/or assist in the blue items (for example, the DC would assist in blessing equipment to higher levels, unlock blue and purple events as regular items, once they also level to an appropriate tier). This would encourage more toons (much like Sword Coast did for companions), while speeding up profession time vs play time. It could use the new account-wide slots for gaining items (I also spend time mailing items around), and would make more efficient use of professions - I do not convert my greens to blues or purples so I can use them across multiple accounts - with one account, I am more likely to tier them up...
Might is not always right - the powerful sometimes forget that.
The Small BandThink of it as something like a sidequest, a filler, or if you want a specific example, swordcoast adventures.
You don't have to do any profession. You might want to get weaponsmithing if you are a melee to 20, but thats if you want 10 points increase in damage to your weapon.
I like them being tough to get to max level. Gives you something to strive for if you choose to do so.
If you hate professions, don't do them. They are not an integral part of the game. The ones that might be are easy to get to level 20.
Sunburst is one of the worst abilities to solo PvE with. And daily is a daily that isn't always up, Guardian of Faith is the worst daily to use for damage and I don't have Hammer of Fate because it's in another paragon path. Why do even make such a stupid comments.
Not really the worst.. it's got good AoE, good divine power generation, good AP generation, great low cooldown, mid dmg.. and can be packed with TONS of feats (Repurpose soul, righteous rage of tempus, annointed holy symbol, rising hope, etc)... With its interrupt & knockback capabilities (which you can use to push enemies off the ledge too), i wouldnt say that sunburst's the "Worst" for PvE... in fact, it's got the best utility of all..
No, my comment isnt stupid.. you just dont know how to utilize Sunburst yet.
And i was just commenting on your neglect that says that clerics have no interrupt powers, when in fact, we do... So, next time choose your words wisely