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Akar Kessell? Really ?

seraphlordseraphlord Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4
edited April 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
There is something thats been bothering me behind the lore of the new module three. For those who read the Crystal Shard its known that Akar Kessell was a nobody, less then a nobody a failed and dumb apprentice, apprentice only because a wizard Morkai the red was kind enough to take him out of a good heart,and in the end receiving a dagger stab in return for his kindness.
By the greatest of all casualities Akar Kessell Became powerful, only and only because he found the most powerful evil artifact of creation, such artifact known as Crenshinibon not only gave kessell the powers of a wizard and more but it also led its action being itself a sentinent entity. It Guided kessell in every step of its campaign. And such campaign mostly failed out of kessells own stupidity. So now their telling me Kessell is back, cool. How is it that a bumbling apprentice. which most powerful effect he has ever had a from a fire dart spell was a "burnt finger nail" and was impressed by doing so much ( Quote from the Crystal Shard,) has come back more powerful then ever? To not spoiler the series i will say it's impossible for him to have retrieved Crenshinibon, so it really leaves me perplexed how a bumbling apprentice of a dead wizard could terrorize ten towns. If anyone could clearup my confusion it would be appreciated, Unless of course we can kill him by jumping in front of him saying "Boo!" and letting him die of an heart attack :p
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    dardovedardove Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Module 3 is a follow-up to the recent pen and paper adventure Legacy of the Crystal Shard. Don't want to spoil it for you though. :)
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    unholydragonkingunholydragonking Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I can't wait for this next module, for many reasons... Who here remembers the moment of Crenshinibon 's destruction? The lead up from Jarlaxle had me Rofling xD
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    obsiddiaobsiddia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,025 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    At least we're not fighting a zombie dragon full-o-mind-flayer lich ghosts!
    er, something. Been awhile.
    Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited April 2014
    obsiddia wrote: »
    Or was that mind-flayers... mind-flayer liches?

    . . . They're called Alhoon (Illithilich) and are outcast by the Elder Brains for they don't like necromancy. There are also vampire illithids but they are mostly feral and semi-intelligent. Normal illithids hate their undread brethren with a passion.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited April 2014
    While Kessell was a bumbling fool, that is true, the Crystal Shard did more than work through Kessell.

    So while you are right Kessell is only powerful due to his contact with the shard that is not to say all of the power was lost upon his loss of the shard. Look at the existence of Black Ice, for instance. The power of the shard, even a century and more later, was able to pollute the land.

    But, never-the-less my ramblings are more or less observations based on the events displayed both in the Salvatore Series and in Neverwinter. A more direct source would no doubt be supplied in the Legacy of the Crystal Shard campaign that Dardove was kind enough to link.
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