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Artifacts from Purple to Orange... way to costly!



  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Some do, others don't (Seals and GG, mainly). You can get an Artifact to level 99 for around 1.8kk AD. To max it out, you'll need another 500k, but that isn't necessary. It's actually quite reasonable to get an Artifact to level 99. On my GWF, I have BCRS at 100, Lantern at 99, and my Waters at 84. On Trace, the same three Artifacts are currently all in the low 90s. Not pricey if done right.

    Also, if you're fortunate enough to have your Artifacts crit when refining your Artifact, it cuts down the cost even more. My GWF's BCRS went from 83 to 96 in a lovely critical success. Trace has yet to have one crit.

    I only spend around 45 minutes to an hour each day working the AH.

    It's not reasonable Trace.

    There's a video of the new Module. There's gonna be new artifacts, and you will need the same AD commitment for them as well.

    And then others. And others.

    This is especially wrong will just get these things the 1st day by money, and you will need to PvP against them, while you will farm along the endless path.

    Basically -

    Free to Play = Always at disadvantage.

    Happy you farmed your orange Artifacts and it's done? No it's not, more farm incoming.

    The farm in this game is not cool like it was raiding for epics for example, with everybody at the same pace. Here some farm some don't.
  • godlysoul2godlysoul2 Member Posts: 661 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    sanesjka wrote: »
    I have read your guide Trace, and I think what there is here is a failure to understand the "amount " of AD we are talking about to take these artifacts to legendary.

    Combining all 28 of your ideas without farming still would not bring in the Sheer amount of AD for most of these people, and some of those "Strategies" you posted about require sitting at an AH vendor for hours playing the AH / Zen exchange game for little come up's here and there.

    Now don't get me wrong, I think Going Orange should be costly. It is legendary after all.

    But spending your few hours a day online doing nothing but swapping zen and playing the AH, well, I don't think alot of people would see that as a fun way to spend the evening.

    Edit: A Good number of your AD strats do require stepping into PvE content for farming or general play.

    If you have a decent amount of base AD to work with, once you have experience with AH merching it should be 50%+ of your income compared to PvE farming (unless you are a super geared farmer running guild farming playing many hours per day). You need only log on for short periods of time to check on/update whatever you are working with or to start working with something new. It is extremely profitable compared to PvE once you get it down. Then again, I did most of my marching pre-server merge when there was much more room for manipulation. I could see it being less profitable now.

    I do believe people greatly underestimate the moneymaking potential of it though.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    pers3phone wrote: »
    It's not reasonable Trace.

    There's a video of the new Module. There's gonna be new artifacts, and you will need the same AD commitment for them as well.

    And then others. And others.

    This is especially wrong will just get these things the 1st day by money, and you will need to PvP against them, while you will farm along the endless path.

    Basically -

    Free to Play = Always at disadvantage.

    Happy you farmed your orange Artifacts and it's done? No it's not, more farm incoming.

    The farm in this game is not cool like it was raiding for epics for example, with everybody at the same pace. Here some farm some don't.

    Easy, Tiger. Who said anything about getting these on Day 1? I'm 2/6 for my Artifacts to 100 or 99. But I'm not far off for the others. All are epic, three in the 90's and only one in the 80's.

    Let's say you take it slow (like me), and only get 1600 Glory per day (that's two matches for me most of the time). That's one BCRS about every two weeks. And that's not too shabby. I'm personally kicking myself for blowing so much Glory on Tenacity gear for Trace (I wish I spent it on skulls). But that's a mild setback because I'm not impatient.

    F2P have access to the same things paying players do... just slower. To be honest, I could easily max all my Artifacts if I wanted to bore into my trading capital, but I'm not going to do that.

    If you're in a hurry, pay. If you're more casual, take it piecemeal. I'm working on a HR now and I expect him to be "completed" in 4-5 months. If you want a toon done in two weeks, cough up the cash. Slow and steady, that's how I roll.

    Also, consider this: I've been around since Beta and I've know people who've spent hundreds (and yes, thousands) on their characters. Are most of them still around? Nope. I don't mind playing for 1-3 hours a day. It's fun. I enjoy it. I'm not quite there, but I'm doing well and slowing bringing my characters to completion.
    godlysoul2 wrote: »
    If you have a decent amount of base AD to work with, once you have experience with AH merching it should be 50%+ of your income compared to PvE farming (unless you are a super geared farmer running guild farming playing many hours per day). You need only log on for short periods of time to check on/update whatever you are working with or to start working with something new. It is extremely profitable compared to PvE once you get it down. Then again, I did most of my marching pre-server merge when there was much more room for manipulation. I could see it being less profitable now.

    I do believe people greatly underestimate the moneymaking potential of it though.

    100% agreed.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • xmousepadxxmousepadx Member Posts: 381 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    pers3phone wrote: »
    It's not reasonable Trace.

    There's a video of the new Module. There's gonna be new artifacts, and you will need the same AD commitment for them as well.

    And then others. And others.

    This is especially wrong will just get these things the 1st day by money, and you will need to PvP against them, while you will farm along the endless path.

    Basically -

    Free to Play = Always at disadvantage.

    Happy you farmed your orange Artifacts and it's done? No it's not, more farm incoming.

    The farm in this game is not cool like it was raiding for epics for example, with everybody at the same pace. Here some farm some don't.

    This is completly wrong to be honest.
    I spent like 20 bucks during beta for my first mount and nothing after that, and now i have more ad than anyone could ever use.
    You just have to build a decent amount of ad, find ways/items to invest in and make more and more out of it.

    Also you can use your current refined artifacts to refine the new ones, which is very nice and saves a lots of ad, atleast for ppl that have 1-2 unused artifacts.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    xmousepadx wrote: »
    This is completly wrong to be honest.
    I spent like 20 bucks during beta for my first mount and nothing after that, and now i have more ad than anyone could ever use.
    You just have to build a decent amount of ad, find ways/items to invest in and make more and more out of it.

    Also you can use your current refined artifacts to refine the new ones, which is very nice and saves a lots of ad, atleast for ppl that have 1-2 unused artifacts.

    OK, I fully recognize this is possible. There are VERY few situations such as yours, where extended play combined with some lucky "investments" (AH sniping etc.) can lead to huge amounts of AD. I'm glad this is your case, but you gotta recognize you're in a very very small minority.

    Additionally, do you think gear in the game (by gear, I mean everything here, enchants, artifacts etc.) should come from wealth resulted from AH play and other manipulations, instead of legit gameplay?

    What's legit gameplay? Very simple to describe:

    Are you a PvPer? Then by playing PvP, you get gear (including everything here as above) corresponding to your skill/rating.

    Are you a PvEer? Then by paying the PvE content, you get gear that's as good as the content you have beaten. i.e., you kill dragon, you take its loot.

    What do we have in Neverwinter? Parallel systems such as refining.

    How it's supposed to be?

    - epic gear is fine. Some drop from dungeons, some you create through professions (borderline annoying already - drops for some frags need to be increased).
    - refining is not fine. Enchants should drop like epic gear. New, more difficult content needs to be created, where bosses drop R10s (yeah I'm serious). Basically, if you're skilled to kill the boss, and you win the roll, you have a r10.
    - artifact drops not OK. Increase around 3%, move them to the most difficult content, make them epic or legendary directly.


    - earn all gear through PvP. What we have now - semi OK. What we need? Gear based on ranking. You're in the top bracket? Great for you, now you have access to the greatest PvP gear.
    - PvP enchants. Earned fully through PvP.

    What advantages then for paying customers, since in this system everybody starts equal and progresses based on skill/time investment?

    NONE - but fluff. Cosmetics. Nothing that can give ANY sorts of combat advantages.
  • xmousepadxxmousepadx Member Posts: 381 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Well you can still get the best possible gear just by ''legit'' gameplay. Also there would be no use for currency if you get everything from simple gameplay.
    Im sure lots of ppl would like your idea but its a ''bad'' idea for a f2p game.

    Edit: i would rly love ranking rewards for pvp, doesnt matter if its gear or cosmetic stuff, just something unique, cuz thats what the game is lacking atm.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    While I agree (and I would love) if Artifact drops were more common, little comes from pouting about it. So I decided to think differently. How can I up my Artifacts to 99 with as little AD as possible? 1.8kk AD isn't much. The biggest challenge for me is getting the Eye of Lathander. Trace has gotten it three times, Clovis, zero. BCRS are so easy to get.

    But here's why I don't mind...

    1) As someone mentioned, there's a reason it's called a Legendary Artifact. It only takes around 400k AD to get it to Epic. Easy-peasy. And getting three Artifacts to Purple is by no means unrealistic. Legendary takes a bit of creative thinking, time or cash.

    2) It gives me something to strive for (just like the idea of Rank 10s). I have no plans to get my Enchantments above Rank 9 (Trace is all 9s, Clovis just needs his three Utilities). I rarely PVP on Clovis anymore because A) He has all his Tenacity Gear and B) BCR Skulls won't help anymore b/c his Lantern and BCRS are maxed. I just do his Dread Ring Daily.

    You can either enjoy the ride, or complain about it. What joy is there in getting something so fast and easy? I'd rather earn it.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,624 Community Moderator
    edited March 2014
    tinead51 wrote: »
    How niave,we all have 20 hours a day to farm AD to the quantities required to boost artifacts...

    By the way,the earth isn't flat either :rolleyes:

    If you don't have time or money, you will not be one of the elite players on the server.

    Not everybody can be an Alpha.
    Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

    Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    @OP, that is the point of the legendary artifact. You have to work/pay a lot to obtain it
    Thank you for taking zero time to read the guide posted. It's 28 ways to earn AD without farming!

    He meant any sort of farming in general, not just dungeon crawling.

    TBH, while the guide is a good general overview, a lot it is basic ones like doing your dailies etc which OP is probably already knows. The good stuff requires a boatload of astral diamonds invested. There are some other ways not listed but again, it requires a boatload of astral diamonds.

    Doesn't really help OP since I don't think a basic instruction guide is his problem, wanting a top-tier item without working for it is.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    @OP, that is the point of the legendary artifact. You have to work/pay a lot to obtain it

    He meant any sort of farming in general, not just dungeon crawling.

    TBH, while the guide is a good general overview, a lot it is basic ones like doing your dailies etc which OP is probably already knows. The good stuff requires a boatload of astral diamonds invested. There are some other ways not listed but again, it requires a boatload of astral diamonds.

    Doesn't really help OP since I don't think a basic instruction guide is his problem, wanting a top-tier item without working for it is.

    This is from a post from my guide:
    chantola21 wrote: »
    And I have been able to turn 40,000 AD to 1.2 million AD from mainly working the trade chat, and also working the ZAX and opening iron strongbox's of enchantments. Once again, Thanks for all your help trace!

    40k AD to 1.2 million. Doesn't sound like much of a "boatload" to me. You don't need AD to make AD in this game. You really can start from nothing and work your way up to millions.

    It just takes thinking.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    40k AD to 1.2 million. Doesn't sound like much of a "boatload" to me.

    If OP did not have time to do a lot of dungeon crawling, I doubt he'd have time to spam trade chat for days to weeks
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If OP did not have time to do a lot of dungeon crawling, I doubt he'd have time to spam trade chat for days to weeks

    So silly that people think it takes days or weeks. I spend about 1/2 hour a day total doing Leadership Skills, and maybe another 45 minutes flipping or enchanting. I know for some people 1.25 hours to focus on cyber-wealth building is rounded up to 20 hours. They just use different math.

    Poverty is a mindset, and in this game, it's a choice. You've clearly made yours.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    While I agree (and I would love) if Artifact drops were more common, little comes from pouting about it. So I decided to think differently. How can I up my Artifacts to 99 with as little AD as possible? 1.8kk AD isn't much. The biggest challenge for me is getting the Eye of Lathander. Trace has gotten it three times, Clovis, zero. BCRS are so easy to get.

    But here's why I don't mind...

    1) As someone mentioned, there's a reason it's called a Legendary Artifact. It only takes around 400k AD to get it to Epic. Easy-peasy. And getting three Artifacts to Purple is by no means unrealistic. Legendary takes a bit of creative thinking, time or cash.

    2) It gives me something to strive for (just like the idea of Rank 10s). I have no plans to get my Enchantments above Rank 9 (Trace is all 9s, Clovis just needs his three Utilities). I rarely PVP on Clovis anymore because A) He has all his Tenacity Gear and B) BCR Skulls won't help anymore b/c his Lantern and BCRS are maxed. I just do his Dread Ring Daily.

    You can either enjoy the ride, or complain about it. What joy is there in getting something so fast and easy? I'd rather earn it.

    - not pouting, but voicing concerns and displease. If none doesn't speak up, nobody hears
    - some parts of the ride I enjoy, some I hate. This is a game there's no need for parts that are to be hated by many players. We already have enough carrot on stick.
    - the amount of farming for items and gear would be OK if everybody was on the same page, with no combat advantages based on anything but skill/time investment as I described before
    - this is a game, specifically an MMO. There's always new gear to farm. The current gear must be reasonably fast to obtain, as we will change it over time.
    - no need to be fast and easy at all; just fair to everybody. Fairness in MMos is not impossible.
    - also fairness in F2P is possible. I've given Path of Exile as an example many times, and giving it again. That game got it right. The stated they hate anything remotely related to P2W, and all the money could buy were unique fluff items. People were overjoyed to buy and supported, and still support PoE, including myself (never paid a dime here though), even as I didn't enjoy PoE half as I enjoy NWO.
  • lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Poverty is a mindset, and in this game, it's a choice. You've clearly made yours.

    As simple as this.
    ▄▀▄▀ Check out my blog for more information and cool videos: NWO-Battleground ▀▄▀▄
    Proud founder of the 'Primacy' alliance
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    So silly that people think it takes days or weeks. I spend about 1/2 hour a day total doing Leadership Skills, and maybe another 45 minutes flipping or enchanting. I know for some people 1.25 hours to focus on cyber-wealth building is rounded up to 20 hours. They just use different math.

    Poverty is a mindset, and in this game, it's a choice. You've clearly made yours.

    Like I said, the guide does not help OP since he wants to attain an elite item without working for it. But then again, I don't think any guide can help OP.

    By the way, if you forgot what "flipping" means, it means having a capital, buying low and selling high. I can do it, but I don't think OP is capable of doing it to a certain relevant extent (sure he can flip irrelevantly priced items) so another swing and a miss.

    Did you mean OP's clearly made his choice of being poor? If so yes he did. If you are referring to me, sadly you are mistaken.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Like I said, the guide does not help OP since he wants to attain an elite item without working for it. But then again, I don't think any guide can help OP.

    By the way, if you forgot what "flipping" means, it means having a capital, buying low and selling high. I can do it, but I don't think OP is capable of doing it to a certain relevant extent (sure he can flip irrelevantly priced items) so another swing and a miss.

    Gosh, if only there was some way to start with next to nothing, and make AD? If only someone wrote about that?! That way they could have some capital to start flipping! Can anyone help?!

    Method #10 Dude-I'm-Totally-Broke Method

    We all need to start somewhere. Let's say you're a new character with no coin and only a scrap of AD to your name. Where do you start? You start here.

    Pros: Anyone can do this once you hit level 11-16 or so. Repeatable.

    Cons: Very boring and offers slim returns (though a great ROI).

    1. Get your character to level 11-15 or so. Invoke, do a Daily Skirmish or PVP. Anything to get a scrap of AD. 2k-3k RAD should suffice.

    2. Refine it and buy out the cheapest potions you can find in the AH with minimal AD. Normally Lesser Potions of Healing work well for this. They sell for 2-3 AD a piece. Buy lots and sell them to a vendor for silver until you have 7.5 gold (this will cost you around 2k-3k AD).

    3. Now, scroll back up to Method #2 and review it. Congratulations, you have no reason to be broke ever again. This method will actually net you over 50% ROI if the prices are in your favor. A shame it only nets you 2k-3k AD.

    Method #2 Gold to AD

    Pros: Easy AD with a quick turnaround time. Minimal time required.

    Cons: Extra gold required. Undercutting is common.

    So, got a few alts leveling Leadership? Do you have extra gold lying around? Did you know that stacks Potions of Major (99) healing sell for around 6k AD each? I have multiple characters with over 200 gold on them. 7.5 gold (99 potions) will get you 6,000 AD. 20 gold will get you 14,000 AD by selling stacks of Major Healing Kits (99 kits).

    That makes the Healing Kits slightly more profitable, and they sell much quicker. 75 gold is a bit costly for 60k AD, but hey, it's not RAD, and if you have the extra coin lying around, why not put it to good use?
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    As simple as this.

    Yeah, I'm going to stop posting in here. Cryptic gives us this great game in my favorite setting (Faerun) with everything for free if you can learn to think differently.

    You can lead a horse to water...
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Oh man doing daily quests!

    See that OP? You do learn somthing!

    Do daily quests OP and you can get rich!

    Now stop whining about not having a legendary artifact
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    40k AD to 1.2 million. Doesn't sound like much of a "boatload" to me. You don't need AD to make AD in this game. You really can start from nothing and work your way up to millions.

    When I started out, I had the usual AD from skirmishes (and I sure the heck didn't know how to milk that for all it was worth) and dailies, and very quickly found that I didn't have time to actually do the dailies while also managing to not outlevel zone quests, and etc. I was also doing Leadership, but not with anything like the efficiency I do now. I was doing other crafting as well, mostly making things that would be bought by other people doing crafting. I would only make things that looked like I had a decent chance of selling for a few thousand AD each, so I was not only levelling up professions, but I was making some AD while I did so. Gateway helped a lot for me to stay on top of that.

    This somehow turned into 100-200k AD on a couple of characters. I was already used to poking around on the AH researching prices for purposes of deciding what items to craft (that I could make while I levelled up with 0 investment in tools), but I started looking at other things. And I saw two phoeras posted for 60k each when the next highest ones were 80k each. Lots of people had phoeras. Lots of people wanted phoeras, right? Nervously, I bought one and then switched to my other character and bought the other, and when I was able to log into the game and claim my purchases, I posted them on the AH at 80k each. They sold within a few hours. I had flipped my first phoeras.

    My one character made his first million AD while he was still somewhere in his 40s. I have now spent many millions of AD (cats! second artifacts! weapon enchantments!) outfitting a small stable of characters who all do Leadership but for whom I do also desire some level of viability. I got a few good tips that I leveraged like crazy, made a few mistakes along the way, and had to abandon all kinds of things that used to work as the game grew and changed. In my case, making AD has been facilitated by flexibility and recognizing good times to buy and sell different things. Key sale? Buy lockbox drops. Lillend? Watch the price of profession assets. Event with fashion items? Make and sell dyepacks.

    You don't have to predict every opportunity to take advantage of the ones you do predict, but being able to anticipate does matter.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If OP did not have time to do a lot of dungeon crawling, I doubt he'd have time to spam trade chat for days to weeks

    I hardly ever say a word in trade chat, though I keep an eye on it in case somebody offers something I want at a price I'm willing to pay (like I had a phoera left and somebody was offering to make an equivalent trade for one consisting mostly of coalescent wards - we were both happy). I don't bother using it to flog normal goods because I make a point of selling items people want at prices I know they're willing to pay. Stuff like that sells itself.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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