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  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    morsitans wrote: »
    Hahahah srsly? When you look at neverwinter, in its current state, with the update history it has, you think "YUPZ, DAT'S A PVP GAME, YO."

    The entire purpose of the game, as far as you're aware, is to do as little PvE as possible, just enough to make you competitive in roflstomping nublets in the same game mode, in the same two maps, over and over again?


    The PvE is fun for like a few weeks. Then there's only mindnumbing farming, and the little fun that remains comes from playing with people you know and enjoy their company.


    Very hard content (raids), requiring very good communication, and with rewards to match the effort required.

    How hard should it be?

    I'd say wiping at the last boss in the raid for 1-2 weeks is OK.

    Now about PvP and roflstomping.

    I play the least roflstomp class in the game, the CW. Even a DC, considering proper PvP tanky spec is better IMO, they can hold point by themselves and frustrate a win out of most people.

    - same game mode? Such a shame :\ We are asking for MONTHS for improvements/additional game styles
    - same two maps? Such a shame! We are asking for MONTHS for more, and for foundry capabilities to make PvP maps

    And I don't like roflstomping anybody, although it happens. I even queue alone 90% of the time, just to avoid this stuff, or AFK if I'm not attacked when the game is over, instead of pursuing people at spawn to camp them. If you find me in full premade, it means I got tired of people running all homebase at start or whatever and just couldn't take any more. Also you can set up matches against other teams, if you didn't know :\
    pointsman wrote: »
    Now now, I have done a couple of dungeons with Persephone and she is a very good player. I think it's safe to say that she can beat any PVE content in the game. That is not warranted, morsitans.

    I'm not that good lol, I'm quite lazy as a player, but thanks. It's just that PvE is easy at one point, especially after clearing it hundreds of times. This includes Draco legit even before M2 and artifacts/great gear/boons/GS inflation.

    Also a guy IRL, only my tiefling is a she :P Didn't you know there aren't any women on the web :) (joking, there are a few, and even very good players).
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Oh, yeah I wasn't doubting ability, just motivation. (Sorry if that didn't come across, persephone)

    She's farming the hardest dungeons in the game and is BORED OF DOING SO, which suggests a pretty high level of skill. I'm just wondering why, and the implication seemed to be "for PvP", with the added suggestion that this is primarily a PvP game.

    ....which seems pretty unlikely to me, because PvP in this game just isn't implemented very well at all, and has clearly been near the bottom of the list of "things that need looking at" for an awfully long time.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    I guess it could come down to target audience. This is clearly a more casual game, for more casual players. I can play the rare hour or two a night (that I can convince my other half to put up with) for a few months and still actually see end game content and loot endgame items.

    This is very rarely possible in MMOs, and I quite like it.

    If you're a player willing to dedicate more time, and are possessed of a higher degree of twitchy skill, then it's entirely possible this isn't the game for you. All of persephone's complaints about PvE are entirely valid, for a player with good gear, probably a good guild, and most importantly, with a lot of time to dedicate to the game.

    For players with less time, everything works pretty well.

    (with the added corrollary that less time can be circumvented with 'more money', which means cryptic can target the totally freebie peeps with lots of time, and the time-poor peeps with lots of money, and everyone in-between. They're clever like that)
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    morsitans wrote: »
    Oh, yeah I wasn't doubting ability, just motivation. (Sorry if that didn't come across, persephone)

    She's farming the hardest dungeons in the game and is BORED OF DOING SO, which suggests a pretty high level of skill. I'm just wondering why, and the implication seemed to be "for PvP", with the added suggestion that this is primarily a PvP game.

    ....which seems pretty unlikely to me, because PvP in this game just isn't implemented very well at all, and has clearly been near the bottom of the list of "things that need looking at" for an awfully long time.

    Nah it's rather obvious it's a cashshop casual-ish mostly PvE F2P title. It's just the fact that at one point, only PvP remains, that's all.

    This is quite sad for me, as I am primarily a PvE player that also likes PvP, I am not a hardcore PvPer. The only other MMO I played extensively was WoW, and I was a hardcore raider, with realm-firsts in Sunwell Plateau, it might be significant for those remembering how hardcore that period was and what type of player was needed to achieve those first kills.

    My greatest accomplishments in PvP are the 2000 bracket or so in 2 vs 2, which is not a lot.
    morsitans wrote: »
    I can play the rare hour or two a night (that I can convince my other half to put up with) for a few months and still actually see end game content and loot endgame items.

    Honestly I think endgame items here are Rank 10s, Legendary artifacts and Perfect enchants.

    I doubt you can get those by just playing a few hours.

    As for the epic gear you can wear, that's not nearly endgame :( It's just something you get quite easily. I farmed my whole T2 set in 2 weeks time.
  • maxilockheartmaxilockheart Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2014
    pers3phone wrote: »
    - same two maps? Such a shame! We are asking for MONTHS for more, and for foundry capabilities to make PvP maps

    wow, i just imagined for a while how awesome it would be to create pvp maps in foundry, really cool :) but it makes me a sad panda now :(

    just imagine that... so many terrain possibilities... option to add 1(0?) to 3 cap nodes, with only 1 node, we could simulate death match a bit? maybe add flag spots for CTF, or a single flag and flag target for each team in their base, adjusting which action increase score (kills, flags, capture nodes)... sad panda even more now :(

    isn't there any official topic about pvp foundy? i would like to add a vote to it :D
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    isn't there any official topic about pvp foundy? i would like to add a vote to it :D

    ayroux is lobbying for foundry PvP for many weeks.

    Please support him if you agree: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?609791-Will-Foundry-PVP-Split-up-the-PvP-Community

    I think this is the last topic on the subject, but there were other topics as well.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    pers3phone wrote: »
    Honestly I think endgame items here are Rank 10s, Legendary artifacts and Perfect enchants.

    I doubt you can get those by just playing a few hours.

    As for the epic gear you can wear, that's not nearly endgame :( It's just something you get quite easily. I farmed my whole T2 set in 2 weeks time.

    Again, that's something you have the time/team/ability to do. Me? Not so much. Hell, I ran FH 50 or 60 times before I got my T2 MH boots, and that was after they changed it to let you choose. Without dungeon delves, I'd still be trying (and again, if you're playing a LOT, the chance of being online when a delve is happening is a lot higher than if you pop in for an hour or two).

    Point is, there are no better boots (ditto for other pieces except gloves, at least until you've reinforced them), hence they're by default endgame boots. There are no legendary armour pieces, and that's fine with me.

    (I'm leaving aside the fact that HP armour is actually far more useful)

    You seem to be complaining that legendary artifacts and R10s are far, far too hard to obtain, while simultaneously asking for harder dungeons awarding super-rare uber items. We already have super rare uber items, they're the ones you're complaining about taking too long to get. Just about the only thing that would happen if they introduced super-hard dungeons awarding legendary stuff is that inside of a week there would be a bunch of top-end guilds already wearing the stuff, farming the dungeons 24-7 and complaining that it was boring. The content is less of a problem than the power curve.
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