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Queue Griefing

mcmetal1mcmetal1 Member Posts: 63
edited January 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
I'm curious, has there been an official statement about the queue griefers? I'm talking about the folks that vote kick people out over and over before they even load, effectively keeping them from playing the game.

The way I see it, dungeon groups are not "private" closed groups, someone queues, they don't get to pick the group the queue puts them in. If you choose to queue for a dungeon, you should be abiding by the rules of the game, knowing the queue is going to add folks in (even if you "feel" like 3 or 4 manning it). Popping people out (especially repeatedly) without saying a word seems against the ToS to me and is effectively a DDoS attack.

It's just like getting onto a public bus and some nasty folks in the back open up the door and shove you out.

I go out of my way to report these folks, but haven't seen any official responses as to if they ban any of these griefers.
Post edited by mcmetal1 on


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    imsmithyimsmithy Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I suppose you could theoretically use
    ToS 10(n) wrote: »
    (n) Take any action that disrupts the Service or that negatively affects or may prohibit other users from enjoying the Website, the Games or any other aspect of the Service.
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    mcmetal1mcmetal1 Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2014
    imsmithy wrote: »
    I suppose you could theoretically use

    Yes, that is it exactly. I just hope they actively go after the folks that are abusing this.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2014
    . . .There won't be any public response on Bans, as that is against the Privacy Policy. Please just continue to report problem players. On the same notion, this isn't a topic suitable for the forums.
    zebular wrote: »
    Section III - Prohibited Topics/Posts

    . . . . Because of the nature of the way certain topics have unfolded in history past as well as the pertinents laid out by the Terms of Service and in-game EULA, there are several types of topics that are not open for discussion on our forums. They are, but not limited to, the following Rules.

    Rule 3.01 - No Posting of Exploit Details
    . . . . The forums are not the place to post Exploit Reports or name Exploiters or other bad behavior. (See Rules 1.03 & 2.05) To alert the Cryptic team of a cheater or an exploiter, press H key or the ? on the menu bar to contact a GM. Then press the BEHAVIOR button. You can also contact customer service out of game via Support, or E-Mail customerservice@perfectworld.com -- especially if you have screenshots or other details.

    . . . . After reporting your findings in game or via email, if you you feel it hasn't been addressed properly or in a reasonable time frame, you can contact our Community Managers, CMPinPointError or Sominator, or one of the Community Moderators via personal message. Naturally, if you think you've found a major exploit that needs the immediate attention of the Cryptic team, report it via E-Mail and PM a Community Moderator immediately.
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