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Cupcake pve destroyer gwf dps guide.

erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
edited September 2014 in The Militia Barracks
Updated as of 6/20/2014

This guide is built strictly for PvE. I'm writing this because i get asked alot by fellow GWFs whenever i pug MC or T2s.

The build is nothing new and its mainly focused in endgame dungeons(CN,MC,VT) and it may require some AD. This is not permanent as i will try to upgrade it from time to time

Half-Orc - The Master Race. I simply believe half-orc is the best race for dps pve gwf because of racial feats: +5% Crit Severity(its like an extra epic dancing blade) +2 STR +2 DEX(the only Ability scores you need to stack)

Other acceptable races are: Dwarves, Human and Halfling

Ability Scores:

Starting rolls are: 18STR/15CON/15DEX. Obviously max on STR, then put DEX/CON depending on how much armpen youre missing, I've put points to CON so I can get 24% armpen without sacrificing Power Stat.


I went Iron Vanguard for this module.

This is where the points go as a fresh 60, disregard if you have tons of power points to spend because of leveling beyond 60

Please don't ask me which one is better; Swordmaster or Iron Vanguard, I dont think even Nostradamus knows the answer to that.


I'm non human. Although I feel that Unstoppable Action is pretty lame because AP is very easy to fill with last hits from IBS, I've still put 4 points into it because I gotta spam those dailies yo! Don't fret about the HP loss from not taking 3/3 toughness, just chug potions like me and know what to and not to dodge.

1 point in Deep Gash, the fix/nerf (whatever you call it) has made it useless like Reaping Strike, I've put 1 point into it to help me get stacks faster when doing single target dps. (Destroyer's Purpose and Rampaging Madness)

4 points in Vicious Advantage, the other remaining feats in the destroyer tree can't compare with the dps increase this feat gives, also the 4% crit it gives will be very helpful since were not gonna slot Weapon Master anymore during trash clearing.


Typical dps boons

For the 2nd boon in dread ring, i took the lifesteal over regeneration, lifesteal is so much better for dps classes in PvE because we get more health back compared to regen by getting heals from EVERY damage we do (that includes our DOTs)

For the remaining Icewind Dale boons, I will be taking Rapid Thaw, Cool Resolve and Winter's Bounty
Post edited by erikiki1 on


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    erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Gear and Stats:


    Avatar of War 4/4 is the best set for GWFs

    Fomorian Fabled - has same damage with Fallen Dragon Set but it is better stats wise, more power and has 444 extra crit. Fomorian Fabled>Fallen Dragon

    Radiants(Power) on every offense slot, and Azure(Defense) on every defense slot(to get power bonus from Steely Defense: 20% power from defense).

    My Radiants are mostly R7s with some 8s, you can see how much power this build can bring.

    I always use Potion of Heroism and i have it up permanently whenever i dungeon, that way i hit 24% armpen. 16%(Stats) + 7%(CON) + 1%(Heroism), I cannot depend on the campfire buff because you can never be too sure if you'll die or not, you'll lose the campfire buff even if you have soulforge whereas the Potion of Heroism stays with you even if you die.

    Do not stack crit, you'll get enough points from the 4/4 Avatar of War and 2/2 weapon set.

    Currently wearing GWF Sigil, Lantern and HR Sigil as my artifacts. Im using GWF Sigil as my main, Lantern's effect is still better because its a team dps vs GWF Sigil's personal dps but I want to use the Sigil cause the effects look <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> :D:D

    If you have the 3 artifacts, you can leave the 2 secondary artifacts at level 99 because making them to 100 doesnt really benefit you at all, it only affects the cooldown from that point on.

    Armor Enchantment is lesser soulforge, it has saved me many times and has avoided the whole party wiping, upgrading it doesnt really make any change as you will have to use a potion anyway when it procs no matter what the rank of your soulforge is, but if you have nothing else to spend on then go ahead buy a perfect one.

    Weapon Enchantment is Perfect Vorpal, I believe this is the one of the best enchant for GWFs for overall dps output. I would rank Greater Plaguefire on the same level with P. Vorp right now because of the bugged stacking of plaguefire debuffs.

    Other weapon enchants that can bring decent amount of DPS: Lightning(Must be greater/perfect), Flaming.
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    erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Augment and Companion:


    Radiants and Empowered Runestone(Power) on every offense slot

    I chose Ioun Stone of Might over Ioun Stone of Allure because you can get more power from Might Stone:
    It has 3 Offense slot vs Allure's 2 Offense slot + 1 Defense slot,even if you put 3 Smiting Valiants(+243 Power +133 Defense) and have R10 Radiants, R10 Empowered + R10 Eldritch(Defense slot) on Allure, you'll still get more Power from the extra offense slot in Might. Might>Allure

    Dancing Blade(Epic) - crit severity is always good

    Sellsword(Epic) + 300 Power

    Rebel Mercenary(Epic) +165 Power and Armor Penetration

    Blink Dog - DPS boost, since its easy to get combat advantage.

    Fire Archon - is useless for trash clearing in my opinion because of how mobs die so fast (Thanks CWs). Only use in boss fights if you have a much better companion for trash clearing.

    Other companions that are viable or better depending on situation:
    Tomb Spider - very strong DoT, can make boss fights shorter(Dracolich, Valindra, etc.)
    Wild Hunt Rider(On Encounter Use 5% chance to increase damage by 10% for 5 seconds): Doesn't really proc that much on boss fights(less than 10 times during Dracolich fight - assuming you kill it in less than 5 minutes). MUST be upgraded to Epic to be useful.

    DO NOT get Galeb Duhr, it doesnt suit us since we are glass cannons, you want to stay at full health as much as possible, staying at around 30% HP just to get the damage boost isn't worth it with the risk of wiping.

    Encounters, Dailies, Class Features and playstyle:

    For trash clearing: Spinning Strike & Avalanche of Steel. (also used in Dracolich fight)
    For single boss fights: Crescendo

    Spinning Strike and Avalanche of Steel are both better than Slam in my opinion, since both of them can crit(can benefit from our vorpals and also procs bleeds). And Avalanche of Steel hits more than 5.

    Decision making is key here, on which daily to use, If the CWs casts singularity in the middle of the fight, Spinning Strike will be the better choice, but for initiation and big pulls Avalanche of Steel will be the best.

    When you use Spinning Strike, try to move around and hit as much enemies as possible to spread the Deep Gash damage

    If timed right, Avalanche of Steel can also clear a wave of Dracolich hands, and also used as a dodge and enjoy the temporary immunity if your potion/health stone is on cooldown. With the current amount of Life Steal stat i have, hitting 10+ mobs with this daily heals me back to almost full health(from 50% HP) then the bleeds will heal the remaining health to full HP.

    For those big pulls in CN and VT, it would be better to use Avalanche of Steel instead of Spinning Strike since it doesnt have a cap on how many targets it can hit and has a big target area specially when the adds are spread out in the area.

    Sure Strike & Wicked Strike all the way.
    I only use Threatening Rush on VT's last boss fight so I can get to caskets/Valindra faster.

    Class Features:
    For MC: Weapon Master & Destroyer
    For CN & VT trash clearing: Trample the Fallen/Weapon Master & Destroyer
    For boss fights: Weapon Master & Destroyer
    You may want to switch 1 Feature with Bravery during Valindra's Fight if youre having problems getting to caskets fast (facepalm)

    The best way to utilize Trample the Fallen is when you are running with 2 or more CWs (which is most of the time) or with multiple GWFs slotting CC encounters.

    For MC: IBS, Frontline Surge, Restoring Strike
    For CN & VT trash clearing: IBS, Not So Fast & Frontline Surge
    For Single-Target DPS(Valindra, Fulminorax, etc.): IBS, Frontline Surge, Restoring Strike.

    For Dracolich fight, if the party needs help with control, you can switch out Not So Fast with Roar

    If there are no CWs in party, I use Come and Get It, you'll lose dps but you'll make the run faster.

    When you use Come and Get It, try to use the bonus damage on IBS to get the most dps output.

    The best time to use Mighty Leap is when everything is gathered up in the singularity, or you can use it to get to distances faster when doing big pulls.

    Unstoppable when you can(try to make use of the +10%damage to encounters whenever possible), and always save IBS for last, if you have the Wild Hunt Rider, use the 2 other encounters first for a chance to proc the 'Wild Hunt' and Get 3 stacks of Onslaught(Avatar of War) and time your Rampaging Madness procs before using Dailies or IBS for bigger crits.

    If you have 0 stack of Onslaught(Avatar of War) and you hit 3 or more enemies with an encounter it will give you 3 stacks of onslaught, but you still have to hit with another encounter to receive the +1350 Power and Recovery Bonus, not sure if this is a bug or not.

    Always look for any adds that can be killed with IBS, doesn't matter if its a trash or elite mob.


    My Vids

    2 GWF Dracolich Kill

    I'm open to any questions and suggestions, please write in forums instead of contacting me in-game, I'm playing less this module.

    Credit to myself for being awesome. KKTHXBAI.

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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Nice PvE build and tips.
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    faekz0rfaekz0r Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Nice guide. 10/10. Would read again.
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    badeacelraubadeacelrau Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2014
    Have you tried Iron Vanguard pure DPS, what's your impression compared to your build?
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    erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Have you tried Iron Vanguard pure DPS, what's your impression compared to your build?

    Honestly, Ive only tried that path on test server, i didn't took it because i dont want to lose WMS(great debuff) and swordmasters have better single target dps

    But if any Iron Vanguard wanted to do a run with me to do comparisons, i'd be happy.
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    koalazebra1koalazebra1 Member Posts: 1,173 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    erikiki1 wrote: »
    Gear and Stats:


    I'm scared.
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    linkingirl86linkingirl86 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hhhii erikiki1,

    I really liked your guide, can I add it to mmominds.com????
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    inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    erikiki1 wrote: »
    Honestly, Ive only tried that path on test server, i didn't took it because i dont want to lose WMS(great debuff) and swordmasters have better single target dps

    But if any Iron Vanguard wanted to do a run with me to do comparisons, i'd be happy.
    I'm IV and i've run a few times with cupcake, he's on average 15-20% higher dmg than me at similar gear. sometimes we are closer in damage but generally he's higher. We would be consistently closer at the same power but SM > IV for dps.

    My IV build is not the same as that IV destroyer build, it's a hybrid build that includes sentinel, but it consistently outperforms that IV-Dest build at the same gear/power.

    Concerning dps, the choice between SM and IV is WMS/capstone vs Trample/FLS, something that the IV-dest build doesn't even use.
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    inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    comparing ACT parses of 3 VT runs we did earlier today.


    20% more dmg. He did 7,260,410 more damage than I did, of which 4,566,660 of that extra damage is from deep gash (cup has about 1.2k more power than me)

    If we had the same power and playstyle SM would still do just shy of 1mil more dmg than IV per VT run.
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    erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Thanks for the input Vic, and also for parsing my companions, made me realize too that wild hunt rider isn't for GWFs. I've always been in fast runs therefore less Wild Hunt procs(In 1 run i only had 5 procs for clearing VT; entrance to last campfire) I'm gonna change it to lightfoot thief as soon as I see one in the AH!

    hhhii erikiki1,

    I really liked your guide, can I add it to mmominds.com????

    Hey thanks, you may add it.
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    vill0228vill0228 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    nice guide. ive respecced today just to follow your build. i'm enjoying it atm even with an uncomplete gear.anyway, isnt stone of alure with 3 eldritch not good? ive seen some guide with 3 eldritch.
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    erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    vill0228 wrote: »
    nice guide. ive respecced today just to follow your build. i'm enjoying it atm even with an uncomplete gear.anyway, isnt stone of alure with 3 eldritch not good? ive seen some guide with 3 eldritch.

    Thanks, and glad youre enjoying it :).

    About Allure, I'm not saying its not good, but for maximing dps potential, an upgraded stone of might will give you more Power, thus more dps.

    Also, 3 eldritch isnt needed because you can easily get 24% armpen with: Boon, Lantern of Revelation, Berserker Ring of Cleaving, Excorcist Necklace of Blessing + Shirt and Pants. I didnt need to slot anymore armpen enchants(Dark/Eldritch) because the accesories gave me enough already. you can buy the "grand" versions if you can't afford the "ancient" versions of the accesories, theres not much difference in those.
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    vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    erikiki1 wrote: »
    5 points in Vicious Advantage, the other remaining feats in the destroyer tree can't compare with the dps increase this feat gives

    Sure? A gwf will rarely find himself included in a dungeon party, and as for solo pve and the combat advantage given by the companion, it is nil because Stones/cats won't give any. This only leaves the PUG skirmishes.
    English is not my first language.
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    eton3000eton3000 Banned Users Posts: 230 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    vortix44 wrote: »
    A gwf will rarely find himself included in a dungeon party.

    not sure if trolling or just outdated. GWFs are now wanted in dungeons, this ain't module 1 anymore, son. pretty sure a lot of people will agree with me
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    chantola21chantola21 Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    eton3000 wrote: »
    not sure if trolling or just outdated. GWFs are now wanted in dungeons, this ain't module 1 anymore, son. pretty sure a lot of people will agree with me

    i sure do. us GWF's can do incredible dps, and at times we can even tank it.
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    erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    vortix44 wrote: »
    Sure? A gwf will rarely find himself included in a dungeon party, and as for solo pve and the combat advantage given by the companion, it is nil because Stones/cats won't give any. This only leaves the PUG skirmishes.

    I did stated that this is an endgame guide
    And I'm sorry if you feel that way about GWFs, but i get to grind CN daily.
    erikiki1 wrote: »
    its mainly focused in endgame dungeons(CN,MC,VT)
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    dizzystormdizzystorm Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Fellow GWF here, I play with Cupcake a bit and have to say his item build utilizes really good min/max potential and is definitely one of the best destroyer guides in the current state of GWF. Although it is a "squishy" guide I can testify that if you play it correctly like Cupcake, you don't really need a DC to heal you for any dungeon (We did no DC CN a lot of times)
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    hersheysbonerhersheysboner Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I just bought allure for my gwf, I havent equipped it yet, after reading what you said about might it made me think, should i re-sell it and go for might stone?
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    unicornreaperunicornreaper Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    best build EU
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    xixinessxixiness Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This build is nuts, just pug'ed SP with him and he dropped 30 mil dmg absolutely insane.
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    erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    Thanks for the feedback and praises, appreciated it!
    I just bought allure for my gwf, I havent equipped it yet, after reading what you said about might it made me think, should i re-sell it and go for might stone?

    If you're saving AD then it would be better to stick with allure for now since the Might stone requires a bigger investment (+Upgrade cost of 500k AD) to be the better augment (have to upgrade to unlock the ring slot) but if you have the AD to burn then go for it :P

    Also some minor updates:
    -Slightly adjusted for easier read
    -Added Spinning Strike to gameplay
    -Changed Powers distribution to get 3 points into Spinning Strike
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    nino982nino982 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I play with human so please can somebody or erikiki1 tell me where to put points in "Feats"?

    All other is great but I don't know what to do with "feats" and I will copy/paste this great build to my GWF. :p

    TNX ;)
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    stakashastakasha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hello. How did you get armor penetration? without Disciple of War, without red stone (300 art + 250 boons + ???)
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    erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    nino982 wrote: »
    I play with human so please can somebody or erikiki1 tell me where to put points in "Feats"?

    All other is great but I don't know what to do with "feats" and I will copy/paste this great build to my GWF. :p

    TNX ;)

    you can put the 3 extra feats in: 1 point weapon mastery and the remaining 2 on whatever you feel like putting into, i'd personally put it in armor specialization but if you want to be able to spam dailies a little bit faster put those in unstoppable action
    stakasha wrote: »
    Hello. How did you get armor penetration? without Disciple of War, without red stone (300 art + 250 boons + ???)

    Hi, sorry if i didnt quite understand your question well,
    i get armpen from my:
    accesories(rings/neck) = 770
    boon = 250
    shirt and pants give 92 points each
    artifact (mine is still level 77) = 234
    stone of might (at epic level 30) = 153
    total of 1591 = 16.4%
    then i get the remaining from my CON (17) = 7% armpen
    then i use potion of heroism to get +1 CON = 1% armpen
    total of 24.4%

    you can see im a little bit over by .4% and i'll try to switch out my pants/shirt with the other pants/shirt that gives recovery when i max my lantern
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    stakashastakasha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    erikiki1 wrote: »
    accesories(rings/neck) = 770

    Thanks for your answer
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    erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    stakasha wrote: »
    Thanks for your answer

    youre welcome :) , don't forget that includes the rings on my Ioun Stone.
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    paserantpaserant Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I just started new GWF, because my olds race didnt fit me and my ablity were not spent well :D was IV destroyer, tho i was doing most dps t1-t2

    i will see how this build doing, 30lvl atm

    thanks for build
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    linkingirl86linkingirl86 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    erikiki1 wrote: »
    Hey thanks, you may add it.

    Thanks, I already added it to mmominds. See if you like it
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    erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Updated again, some stuffs changed recently:
    -Re-specced to get 3/3 points in mighty leap
    -Now using Mighty Leap and Come and Get It depending on the party set-up
    was amazed with the dodge/mobility utility and the uncapped ability Mighty Leap gives I've began using it

    -Switched out Wild Hunt Rider for an Epic Sellsword, the RNG of the Wild Hunt Rider is just bad that you actually will do more DPS with an Epic Sellsword(+300 power)
    Still looking for the Lightfoot Thief to eventually put down the Archon during clearing

    -And added some random video, I'll try to add more in the future but here is one for now:
    5 GWF Dracolich kill
    Hope you guys enjoy the video :)
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